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Weekly of the S&P had a nice bounce, 50week SMA coming into play.

S&P Daily, 100day SMA coming into play, expect slow week, slight downside tendency.
Expected selling occurred. Now time for the buying to resume short term?
Dollar pulled back. Perhaps shows some strength this week.
"Nature never appeals to intelligence until habit and instinct are useless. There is no intelligence where
there is no change and no need of change.“ –HG Wells, The Time Machine
 Make Money with Roubini Sentiment Indicator
 Roubini on TV lately, bottom graph is his TV appearances

 Extending the Bush Tax Cuts may be prudent (no kidding?)

 Despite formal combat end, US joins Baghdad battle, nice lie Obummer
 Comparisons between now and the 30’s, a must read

US$ vs. SPY
Yes, most investors are stupid.
Yes, please sell me bonds at wicked low yields.
Equities, nah. No thanks.
*Picture is sourced from ZH. Source

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