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12 February 2009

Install Mac OSX Part I

Setelah mengerti tentang basic commands yang ada di Mac OSX, tidak ada salahnya langsung
mencoba untuk menginstall Mac OSX. Memang pada tahap instalasi kita akan banyak menemui
kesulitan, namun nantinya dapat kita cari solusinya di situs-situs yang telah disebutkan.

Minimum Requirement for OSX

Proc Intel/AMD (SSE3 Recommended)
RAM 512Mb

Hardware yang digunakan dalam tutorial ini

Prosesor Core 2 Quad Q6600
Motherboard Biostar TPower i45 (Chipset Intel P45)
Memory 2x2Gb DDR2 PC6400

Distro yang digunakan

iDeneb v1.3 10.5.5 (Intel/AMD)

Prosesor Q6600 sudah memiliki SSSE3 instruction set (Core 2 Series) dan Motherboard Chipset
Intel P45 merupakan syarat vanila yang sudah dipenuhi. Sehingga install Mac OSX nantinya
dapat menggunakan kernel default (mach_kernel) dari Apple. Oleh karena itu, pada saat install
tidak perlu memilih hacked kernel sudah langsung bisa jalan. Detailnya dapat dilihat pada
gambar proses installasi nanti

Sebelum menginstall OSX, sebaiknya check device dan vendor id hardware yang digunakan.
Device dan vendor id dapat dilihat melalui DEVICE MANAGER dalam Windows XP bila tidak
menggunakan software seperti Sisoftsandra atau Everest.

Klik Start
Klik kanan My Computer, klik Properties
Pilih Tab Hardware, Klik Device Manager
Misal ingin melihat VGA, maka Klik 2x Display Adapter
Radeon X1300XT, kemudian klik Properties

Klik tab Details, di bagian bawah tertera angka-angka seperti berikut :

Ini menunjukkan bahwa VGA yang digunakan memiliki vendor id 1002 & device id 7142. Mac
OSX membaca device & vendor id berkebalikan dengan Windows. X1300XT akan terbaca
menjadi 71421002 dan berlaku untuk semua hardware. Ini nantinya sangat berguna untuk install
driver di Mac OSX. Ada kalanya pada saat install Mac, apabila tidak memilih driver vga, maka
tidak bisa booting karena muncul blank screen saja.

Catat semua hardware yang dimiliki dan siap untuk install mac OSX

Enough for The Chit Chat ..

Start Your Engine & May God be with You!!

1. SET BIOS Setting

Set HDD menjadi AHCI

Biasanya apabila tidak diset AHCI, nantinya akan muncul pesan Still Waiting For Root Device.
Jika motherboard belum suport SATA, maka mainkan setting Enhanced atau Compatible untuk
bisa booting.

2. SET BIOS booting ke DVD ROM

3. Muncul darwin bootloader

4. Tekan F8, lalu ketik -v

Jika DVD tidak bisa boot dengan pesan Ebios Read Error artinya media DVD tidak terbaca, coba
burn ulang dengan kecepatan burn 4x menggunakan DVD±R berkualitas contohnya

5. Tunggu proses booting, akan muncul layar pemilihan bahasa seperti ini
6. Pilih bahasa dan klik next (panah bawah kanan)
7. Welcome Screen

Perhatikan menu atas, klik Utilities > Disk Utility

8. Format partisi

Pilih Partisi di sebelah kiri

Klik tab Erase di sebelah kanan, Format Mac OS Extended (Journaled)

9. Tunggu sampai selesai, tutup Diskutility

10. Lanjutkan proses sampai muncul layar pemilihan drive partisi

Pilih partisi yang akan diinstall Mac OSX

11. Klik tombol Customize pada jendela Install Summary

12. Pilih driver dan patch yang sesuai dengan sistem kita


# Kernel
apabila sistem non-vanilla pilih salah satu kernel
rekomendasi : 9.4.0 StageXNU

# ACPI fix
apabila memilih salah satu kernel harus memilih ini
jika tidak akan kernel panic nantinya

pilih ini jika setelah install booting berhenti dan muncul pesan
"using .... buffers headers and .... cluster IO buffer headers"
# CPUS=1 fix

pilih ini apabila mengalami looping restart terus menerus

pada saat booting setelah selesai install


AppleSMBIOS Mac Pro untuk desktop

AppleSMBIOS Mac Book untuk notebook

# Powermanagement

pilih ini untuk battery management laptop

Berdasar hardware yang digunakan dalam tutorial ini, maka pilihan sbb:
# Kernel tidak dipilih karena vanilla
# ACPI-fix
# CPUS=1 fix
# Apple SMBIOS Mac Pro untuk desktop
# LAN (RTL8111C) support OOB (Out Of The Box) tanpa instal driver
# Chipset (ICH10R) juga support OOB tanpa install driver
# VGA X1300-X1550 tidak dipilih karena ternyata tidak cocok
# Audio (ALC888s) tidak ada dalam pilihan

Setelah selesai semuanya, klik done untuk melanjutkan proses install

13. Muncul layar pengecekan DVD, skip saja

14. Tunggu sampai selesai, kemudian restart

==End Note==

Proses install umumnya tidak bisa sekali jalan. Seringkali apabila kita salah memilih driver dan
patch di kolom Customize akan menyebabkan gagal booting. Cari konfigurasi dan pilihan yang

Setelah restart, akan boot masuk ke dalam Mac OSX. Isi semua data yang dibutuhkan sampai
masuk ke desktop. Sangat indah bukan tampilan Leopard ini....


A. Install Driver

Setelah berhasil install Mac OSX, saatnya install driver yang dibutuhkan. Berdasar hardware
yang digunakan dalam tutorial ini, maka driver yang belum ada adalah :
1. audio (ALC888s) --> menggunakan ALC888.kext
2. vga (ATI X1300XT) --> menggunakan Natit.kext
Letakkan keduanya misal di desktop

Install driver dengan perintah sbb:

Buka terminal,
sudo -s
cp -R /Users/XXX/Desktop/ALC888.kext /System/Library/Extensions
cp -R /Users/XXX/Desktop/Natit.kext /System/Library/Extensions
chmod -R 755 /System/Library/Extensions/ALC888.kext
chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/Extensions/ALC888.kext
chmod -R 755 /System/Library/Extensions/Natit.kext
chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/Extensions/Natit.kext
rm -rf /System/Library/Extensions.mkext

* cp merupakan perintah untuk menduplikat driver ke dalam /System/Library/Extensions

* chmod merupakan perintah untuk repair permissions driver
* chown merupakan perintah untuk repair owner driver
* rm merupakan perintah untuk menghapus Extensions.mkext
* reboot merupakan perintah untuk restart sistem sehingga sistem dapat me-rebuild
Extensions.mkext dengan adanya driver baru

B. Check Hardware

Setelah masuk kembali ke dalam Mac OSX check hardware di System Profiler

Tekan logo Apple di bagian kiri atas, Klik About this mac

Klik more info

C. Extra Patching

Pada saat proses install dipilih CPUS=1 fix

A : Apa artinya?
Q : Sistem hanya menggunakan 1 core saja

A : Mengapa harus memilih ini?

Q : Apabila tidak, maka terjadi looping restart, tidak bisa boot ke Mac OSX

A : Mengapa terjadi looping restart?

Q : Ini berhubungan dengan dsdt BIOS motherboard
Q : Erat istilahnya dengan bad bios for Mac OSX

A : Apakah artinya tidak bisa menggunakan semua core yang ada?

Q : Bisa. Sayang khan multi core hanya jalan sebagai single

A : Bagaimana solusinya?
Q : Sabar ya. Dijelaskan di bawah ini.

Solusi :

I. Download custom BIOS motherboard

BIOS motherboard dimodikasi tabel dsdt-nya sehingga lebih "user friendly" bagi Mac OSX

Warning: Hanya untuk advanced user!!

Bagi yang tidak berpengalaman tentang bagaimana cara flash maupun restore BIOS sebaiknya
jangan melakukan langkah ini. Karena apabila terjadi kesalahan pada saat flash BIOS dan tidak
dapat merestorenya kembali dapat mengakibatkan motherboard mati. Klaim garansi tidak
berlaku untuk kasus ini.

Dapat didownload di sini

II. Patch dsdt menggunakan script

Bagi yang tidak ingin melakukan flash bios ada cara alternatif yang dapat digunakan. Yaitu patch
tabel dsdt menggunakan script.
Download script di sini

Extract misal di desktop

Double klik DSDT PATCHER
Ketik enter, akan muncul beberapa file di folder DSDT PATCHER

Edit file dsdt_fixed.txt; dsdt.dsl; hpet_fixed.txt & rtc_fixed.txt

Buka menggunakan Applications > Textedit
Cari line prosesor, delete semua alias menjadi seperti berikut
Kembali ke terminal, ketik enter
Tunggu sampai selesai, hingga seperti ini
Muncul file dsdt.aml di folder DSDT PATCHER

Drag & drop dsdt.aml ke direktori root

Langkah selanjutnya adalah modifikasi bootloader yang sudah ada. Check di direktori root
apakah sudah ada file 'boot'.
Download bootloader baru di sini , extract di desktop lalu copy ke root via terminal

Open terminal,
sudo -s
cp -R /Users/xxx/Desktop/boot /

Bootloader baru sudah sukses terinstall. Untuk mengecheck-nya restart dan lihat bootloader.
Tampak seperti ini

Fungsi penggantian bootloader adalah untuk dapat me-load file dsdt.aml hasil patching
sebelumnya. Default bootloader distro iDeneb v1.3 10.5.5 adalah menggunakan chameleon.
Sedangkan bootloader baru yang digunakan adalah PC EFI 9. Chameleon tidak mempunyai fitur
load dsdt.aml, diperbarui dan disempurnakan oleh PC EFI 9.

Chameleon merupakan darwin bootloader Mac OSX yang telah dimodifikasi oleh hacker Zef &
chameleon team. PC EFI 9 merupakan bootloader yang dimodifikasi oleh hacker Netkas. PC EFI
9 memiliki fitur yang sama dengan chameleon dengan tambahan support dsdt.aml

Info lebih detail dapat dilihat di sini dan sini.

Distro Leopard yang direlease setelah iDeneb v1.3 10.5.5 sudah menggunakan bootloader PC
EFI 9 dan pada saat install sudah ada pilihan DSDT Patcher di kolom Customize. Sehingga tidak
perlu melakukan dsdt patching lagi. Distro tersebut antara lain : XXX 10.5.5, iPC 10.5.6 dan
iDeneb v1.4 10.5.6.

Apabila menggunakan distro sebelum iDeneb v1.3 10.5.5 maka bootloader yang digunakan
adalah PC EFI 8 (dari Netkas). Untuk install PC EFI 9 dapat download di sini. Install dengan
double klik saja. Bootloader sudah dalam bentuk installer package.

open terminal,
sudo -s
nano /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/

Cari bagian Kernel Flags

Edit cpus=1 -f menjadi -v saja

Parameter booting (kernel flag) yang diketikkan pada halaman darwin bootloader mengacu di
file ini. Pada saat install, memilih CPUS=1 fix. Ini mengedit menjadi
cpus=1 -f di bagian Kernel Flags. Karena sudah melakukan dsdt patching maka parameter
cpus=1 tidak diperlukan lagi. Apabila ingin selalu boot dengan verbose mode isikan -v pada
bagian Kernel Flags sehingga tidak perlu mengetik -v setiap kali boot. Mudah bukan untuk

Congratulations Mates

You already have final rock solid stable system now

Welcome to Mac OSX!!

Mac OSx86 Leopard 10.5.5 for Intel SSE2/SSE3

Built by OSX86.Tьrk team

File Name : iATKOS_5i.iso

MD5       : 7219c67e9d770cab0d9e54dcd275cf4e
ISO Size  : 2.63 GB (2,831,122,432 bytes)
RAR Size  : 2.22 GB (2,387,489,044 bytes)

The Readme

Welcome to iATKOS v5i Installation..

The oscar goes to Apple and OSX86 community..
Thanks to Netkas and the chameleon team for the bootloader..
Thanks to fassl, superhai and mackerintel for their dsdt work..
Special thanks to pere and fassl for their supports on this work of mine..
And zapf2000, thank you buddy, for all of your supports :) cheers to people..
For my brother eskurza..



    1- This DVD is designed for Intel architectures.

Minimum requirements: Intel SSE2 CPU, 512MB RAM, 10GB free space on target
partition, OpenGL VGA card.
Recommended: Intel Core CPU, 1GB RAM, 15GB free space on target partition, nVidia
6xxx or newer - ATI X1300 or newer - Intel GMA950 or X3100 VGA card.
    2- This DVD includes Apple's Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.5 (9F33) installation.

    3- Make sure that the md5 checksum of your iATKOS iso image matches the one posted
on our website. Otherwise you may have a faulty DVD image. Use quality media/burner
and burn slowly.

- This OSX86 installation DVD release supports both GPT and MBR partitioned harddrives.

- The major improvement on this 5i release is updating your running system using software
updater just like real Macs. This is possible for Intel based chipsets. Please read the information
about preparing an upgradable system below.

- Main system is fully stock! That means it can't run on x86 hardware without selecting none of
x86 patches. At least you need to choose one of the decrypters.


1- Run Disk Utility via Utilities menu and erase the target partition for clean install. Do
partitioning if you need to.

a- You can choose MBR (Master Boot Record) or GPT (Guid Partition Table) via partitioning
options. If you want to change your existing partition table type, note that all your existing data
on disk will be gone.
b- For Windows fellows that has not tested this amazing system yet and that does not want to
loose their windows software, porn and virus&trojan archive on D:\, should use Parted Magic
Live CD for preparing an active primary target partition and after that, just erase it via diskutil.
Jump to Step 2.

2- Select the destination for installation.

3- Click Customize*** and select what you need.

4- Click Install.

Install time is about 20 minutes.

*** Customize section is the most important part of the installation for you to make OS X
work on your hardware.


- iATKOS Main system: If you want to install the osx86 main system, you need to select this.
- Bootloader: You have 2 choices. You must select one of them for booting your osx86 system.
PC_EFI V9 is an "all in one" bootloader and has many options. The most important ones are
DSDT override, external kexts and the 64bit mode (snow leo only). DSDT override will be
needed for the upcoming updates, otherwise osx86 systems will have kernel panic due to new
RTC driver. "External kexts" option allows users to use external location for their special drivers
(/Extra/Extensions), this will protect them from the updates. iATKOS v5i installation has all the
needed scripts and packages for you to prepare an upgradable system and update like real Macs,
but you need to read the information about preparing an upgradable system below.
The other choice is Chameleon v1.0.11. This is compatible for most systems, users whom want
to have a normal old-style osx86 system may choose this bootloader.
- Decrypters: You must select one of the decrypters for your x86 hardware.
- SMBIOS: You need to select one of the enablers or classic x86 SMBIOS drivers. Enablers
allow your system to run on stock SMBIOS driver and this is also a must for upgradable systems.
x86 patched SMBIOS' are for normal old style osx86 systems.
- Kernel: You can choose 9.5.0 voodoo, 9.5.0 fassl kernel or old 9.2.0 toh kernel which is
compatible for most.
For upgradable systems, the custom kernel you selected will be protected after applying the
update, which means you will be running on new System.kext + your old 9.x.0 custom kernel
which is not right. System must run on System.kext that belongs to your kernel version. So, you
will need to replace new System.kext with your old System.kext, otherwise you will not able to
use none of USB devices. You can find your custom kernel's System.kext under /Library/Temp.
New updated one is in /System/Library/Extensions folder. Do not forget to repair the disk
permissions using Disk Utility.
If you want to switch to stock kernel when running upgradable system, then you need to edit file under /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration. You need to change
the value ''custom'' to ''mach_kernel'' and reboot. Don't forget to use the same System.kext
version with your running kernel. For normal iATKOS osx86 systems you need to check
/Library/Backups folder for the stock kernel and replace it with the existing kernel on your root.
- ACPI: Main system includes stock ACPI driver.  You can choose modified ACPI for
shutdown/reboot problems and also you can select OHR driver for such issues. You can choose
x86 modified ACPI driver for PS2 mouse/keyboard and also PS2 driver can sure manage that but
it is not a good choice for upgradable systems. You may need to select APIC driver for some
- Disabler: This driver disables some problematic drivers, you may not need this for PC_EFI V9
systems but this can still be usefull for most systems.
- Remove PowerManagement: This removes the most problematic driver. You do not need it if
you select Disabler or if you are on PC_EFI V9 bootloader.
- PS/2: Driver for PS/2 keyboard/mouse. You will need to modify the Info.plist of
ACPIPS2Nub.kext for the update's ACPI version before applying main system update, otherwise
your ps2 mouse/keboard will not work. For upgradable systems, I advice you to use x86 ACPI
driver instead of this.
- OHR: Driver for freeze issues on shutdown/reboot. Modified ACPI driver can be an alternative
for this.
- Drivers: Additional drivers for your setup. Read the descriptions.

*********Preparing an Upgradable System**********

A profile is given below, first four items are musts for upgradable systems, the rest are for
additional setups. Read carefully. Intel chipsets have more chance for success.
- Main System
- PC EFI V9 Bootloader
- One of the Decrypters
- One of the SMBIOS Enablers
- It is better to use the stock kernel. If any custom kernel is selected then you will need to replace
the System.kext with the one in /Library/Temp after applying the update.
- For PS2 mouse/keyboard it is better to select x86 ACPI driver instead of PS2 driver.
- Speedstepping support may be problematic for upgradable systems without Disabler. But you
can use it safely with Disabler.
- GMA950-a will fail after update, GMA950-b or efi string should be selected for such systems.


iATKOS 5i has no integrated procedure for multibooting but preparing a multiboot GPT or MBR
system with this release is easy.

Here is a ''How To'' for GPT and MBR triple boot including Mac-Win-Linux.

- MBR (Master Boot Record) triple boot -

- Change your partition table type to MBR (msdos type) and create 3 primary partitions by
using Parted Magic Live CD or iATKOS Disk Utility. HFS+ format for OS X target, Fat32
for the others.
(Note: %99.99999 of the PC harddrives already have MBR partition map scheme (msdos type)
which you can change it to GPT via Parted Magic CD or iATKOS Disk Utility if you like to.)

- Add boot flag to Vista or Linux target and install the OS' in any order you like. For linux,
do not install bootloader to MBR, install it to linux root. If you want linux to take the boot
control then you need to install its bootloader to MBR.

- Boot iATKOS 5i DVD and install OS X to its target as usual.

- You may need to repair Vista. Add boot flag to Vista partition, boot Vista DVD, select repair,
add boot flag to OS X partition, thats all.

Now you have triple boot on MBR.

Note: Adding boot flag to MBR partitions: Boot Parted Magic Live CD, right click to partition,
select flags and click to boot.

- GPT (Guid Partition Table) triple boot -

- Change your partition table type to GPT (Guid Partition Table) and create 3 partitions
by using iATKOS Disk Utility. HFS+ format for OS X target, Fat32 (msdos) for the others.

- Boot Windows Media and install it to its Fat32 target partition.

(Note: Vista might not detect the hybrid partition table as XP does :) If so it will refuse to install
the OS on the target. The trick is just try to format the other partition and then select your real
target again for installation, you will see that it will success this time. No need to worry, it will
not erase any data that time, because it cannot even detect the MBR part of the hybrid but this
trick solves it.)

- Boot Linux media and install the OS. If you want OS X to take the control of booting then
install Linux bootloader to Linux root. If you want Linux to take the control then install it to
MBR (actually the MBR of msdos part of the hybrid partition table) and you will need to change
the install order also. The one which will take the boot control should be the last one to be
(Note: Some live linux cd stuff (knoppix, kanotix, parsix, etc.) has built-in installer applications
and they use gparted for partitioning and formatting targets. At this point, formatting target to
linux fs via Gparted is not a good choice because it may break the hybrid partition table, use unix
fdisk just for changing the target partition type from ''c0'' to ''83'' which is linux partition type,
then you can continue installation.)

- Boot iATKOS 5i DVD and install OS X as usual.

Now you have triple boot on GPT, thats all.

Known Issues:

- This dvd may not include all the necessary drivers required by your setup. Additional steps may
be needed to be taken by the user to setup and use such components.

Unsuccessful Installation and Related Symptoms:

- System freezes at grey screen by booting from DVD.

--> You probably have an unsupported chipset.

*965 or newer chipset ASUS or MSI motherboard/laptop
*many VIA, SIS, ATI chipset motherboards
~ start with cpus=1 -v
~ Play with BIOS settings, turn off 1 core
~ There are modified BIOS' for Intel 965 and newer ASUS/MSI motherboards


For additional Help and instructions, here is the website and irc channel.

IRC: #uphuck.DVD #osx86.turk #iATKOS


Good luck, if you enjoy your Mac OS X86 Leopard System, buy a real Mac ;)

Brought to you by OSX86.Tьrk team

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