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Using the light Spectrum analysis as a similitude, we can use the workings of the imagination to
conceive of the universe as comprised of the ‘materialisation’ of ‘multiple un - materialised existence
or order’. Within this region of ‘materialisation’ or existence, we create disorder. Disorder does not
exist in the un-materialised existence anymore than it did in the infrared and ultra violet light spectra’s.
Further, if we accept that the known existence is similar to the visible spectrum / white light region, we
can imagine opening up ‘existence’ into different spectra’s. Diffracting existence into ‘Spectra’s of
Materialisation’, similar to the diffraction of light into its Spectra. The light Spectra showed us how
‘white light’ is produced, it proves that different ordered and invisible lights / spectra’s can combine to
create visible light. Each spectra is itself a ‘light’, an existence, an ‘order’, but still this information
does not give us the knowledge as to why it exists!
So what would our ‘Spectra of materialisation’ tell us about our existence? Would we be able to see /
understand how different Spectra’s combine to produce a ‘Spectrum of materialisation’, within which,
matter is perceived and existence experienced. In addition, would this information give us the
knowledge as to why the Existence is! Using the white light analogy, the answer is No!
I propose that Existence is beyond the reach of mere materialistic perception; it also requires a Creative
altruism to evolve its Realisation!
The examination of our ‘Spectrum of Materialisation’ called ‘The Universe’ is what is used in science
in attempting to manipulate matter and explain existence. By measuring matter, we are able to combine
it and ‘fabricate’ new existence. The techniques and information which we learn are then used in an
attempt to explain why existence is. This approach to the understanding of existence can be called
Mechanistic. The understanding gained from this approach / method is similar to the understanding
gained about the ‘visible light region’ if only one of the Spectra which comprise the spectrum is known
and measured. And that will be nothing at all!

spec... as in to ‘see’ Ra = ultimate representation of God in this world.

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