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Calculation of Critical Temperature Tc in High

Temperature Superconductivity
Using Grand Canonical Ensemble

Liang-You Zheng, Ying-Nan Chiu*, and Shan T. Lai†

Center for Molecular Dynamics and Energy Transfer,

Department of Chemistry, the Catholic University of America, Washington, DC, 20064

* Also Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei,

Taiwan, R.O.C.
† Vitreous State Laboratory, The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC
20064, USA, E-mail:


In this paper we use the grand canonical ensemble to calculate the Tc of

superconductivity for the compound Yba2Cu3O7 under one dimensional Cu-O chain
model. The results are consistent with experiments.

1. Introduction

In the previous paper [1], we have proposed two sites small bipolaron model
in one-dimension Cu-O chain for the compound YBa2Cu3O7 to obtain a
diagonalized Hamiltonian.

H$ = ∑ [ E
( k ) − ∆k] C
$k ( o+
C$ + C$ C$ ) + ∑ E (a$ a$



q q
+ ).

E 0
( k ) = −2 t 0 cos( 2πka ) , ( 1.1 )

B k ,q
∆ k
q hω q
, ( 1.2 )


(i 2πqa) ,
B = 2γ cos( 2πka ) ( 1.3 )
k ,q
2 NM ω q

E q
= hω q . ( 1.4 )

Now, we rewrite the form of Hamiltonian as follows

 1
H$ = ∑ E n$ + ∑ E  n$
k k
q q
+  ,
( 1.5 )

E k
= E 0
( k ) − ∆k , (1.6)
o+ o e+ e + +
n$ = n$ + n$ = C$ C$ + C$ C$ = B$ B n$ = a$ a$
o e
k k k k k k k k k
, q q q
. (1.7)

2. Calculation of Tc
We will make a calculation of Tc starting from Eq.(1.5) for compound
Yba2Cu3O7. The strategy is that we regard superconducting system as a
system consisting of boson particle gas. They obey the boson statistical law
within grand canonical ensemble. Firstly, we calculate the grand partition
function Z g according to the definition of grand partition function

  
Z = Tr exp − β  ˆ − µ ˆ  , ( 2.1 )
  H N 

H$ the Hamiltonian of boson particle gas i.e. the Eq. (1.5)

N$ the operator of total number of particle of system

µ the chemical potential

β= .
k B

Secondly, we calculate the thermodynamics potential Ω

Ω = − k B T ln Z g , ( 2.2 )

and then according to the definition we can calculate the total number of
N =− , (2.3)
and the Helmholtz free energy is as follows

F = Ω + µN . (2.4)

Using the stability condition of superconducting system

∂ ∆k ∆k
δF = δ =0, (2.5)

we obtain the equation of satisfaction of relationship between

superconducting energy gap and temperature. From this we can calculate the Tc.

In the occupation representation, the state vector of boson particle
system is

{n } = {n }, {n } = {n } {n }
k q k q

= n n k1 k2
........... nki ....... nq1 n q2
........ nqi ....... (2.5)

According to the definition of grand partition function

 
−β  H$ −µ N$ 
Z g = Tr e  

=∑ {n } exp− β  H$ − µ N$   {n } , (2.6)

{n }
in occupation representation, the operators of above equation can be replaced
by their eigenvalues. So we have the Zg [2]

∑ {n } ( ) {n }
   1 
Zg = exp − β  ∑ E k nk + ∑ E q  nq +  − µ +
nk nq  
 2
{n }   k q 

 
∑ {n } exp − β  ∑ ( E ) n   {n }

= k k
−µ k k
{n } k
 k 

∑ {n } {n }
   1  
× exp − β  ∑ E q  nq +   
  q  2   
{n }
q q

[ (E )n ] n
∞ ∞ ∞
= ∑ n k1
exp − β k1
−µ k1 k1
× ∑ ......... ∑ ...........×
n k 1= 0 nk 2 n ki

∞ ∞ ∞
  1 
×∑ n exp − β E q1  nq1 +   nq1 × ∑ ........× ∑ ..........
  2 
nq 1 nq 2 = 0 nqi = 0

1 1
= Πk
1 − exp − β (ε k − ∆k [ )] Π q
1 − exp − β ( E ), q

where ε k
= E 0
(k) − µ .

If we use the following relation

∑ exp[− β (ε − ∆k )nki ]

n =0

[ ] [ ] [ ]

= exp − β (ε ki − ∆k )× 0 + exp − β (ε ki − ∆ki )× 1 + exp − β (ε ki − ∆ki )× 2 + ......

1 1
= 1 + x + x + x +............ =
2 3
[ ( )]

1 − x 1 − exp − β
ε k ∆k

from Eqs. (2.2), (2.3), (2.4), (2.7) we obtain

µβ exp{− β (ε k − ∆k )} = exp{− β (ε k − ∆ k )} − 1 . (2.8)

This is the equation of relationship between superconducting energy gap and


When T=Tc, we request ∆ k

= 0 ,Therefore, we have

µ β exp{− β ε } = exp{− β ε } − 1
c c
k k
c c c

This is the transcendental equation. Here β =

, ε
= E (k) − µ
k T B c
k 0

Tc is critical temperature of superconductivity, kB is Boltzmann constant. Solving

Eq. (2.9) we obtain

T = (2.10)
k B

According to mean field theory [3], if we take t0=0.25eV , then µ = 0.00833eV [4]
we can obtain
T c = 96.6K ( 2.11 )

This theoretical result is agreement with experiment.

After considering the modification of with temperature, from Eq. (2.10) we have

k T = 3.31 h n

B c ∗∗
3 (2.12)

where m is the mass of bipolaron ( boson ), and n is the concentration of
bipolaron ( boson ). Eq. (2.11) is agreement with the result of statistical physics [5].

From Esq. (2.10) for 2-Dimensional Cu – O plan we obtain

k T =π h n
B c ∗∗ S
, (2.13)
where the n S
is the density of plane bipolaron [6] .

To test the correctness of Eq.( 2.10 ), we directly solve Eq. ( 2.9 ) by using
Newton’s iterative method and taking BASIC language of computer program[7].
The result is the same as Eq. ( 2.11 ).


This work is supported in part by NL Chemical Technology Inc. and Theoretical

Research Fund and in part by Chiu Feng-Chia Research Fund.

Appendix A:

Here, we calculate the Fermi energy EF for the compound Yba2Cu3O7.

According to V. Z. Kresin and S. A. Wolf [8]

p F
= 2πhnab ( A.1 )

( i.e. Eq.(9) in Kresin’s book )

Here p F
is Fermi momentum of electron, h is Planck constant, a is
the interlayer distance, b is the distance between neighboring chain ( within one
layer ), n is the usual volume concentration of electron.

h = 1.054 × 10 − 27 erg.sec.
n = 5 × 10 21 cm

 11671
. 
b = 3.817 A = 3.817 × 10 − 8 cm a=  × 2 = 38903
0 0

 6 
. A

We obtain p = 4.91 × 10−20 g .cm / sec ( A.2 )


Since E =2 F
∗ , ( A.3 )

= 9.1 × 10−28 g
and m is effective mass of electron , m = 100 me , me

Substituting them into Eq. (A3), we obtain

E F = 0.00833eV ( A.4 )
That is chemical potential µ =0.00833eV in formula ( 2.10 ).

Appendix B: Use Newton’s iterative method to solve Eq. ( 2.9 )

We rewrite Eq.( 2.9 ) as follows

bx e = e − 1
ax ax
( B.1 )

f ( x ) = 1 + ( bx − 1) e
We define ( B.2 )

The first derivative f ′( x ) = (b + a (bx − 1))e ax ( B.3 )

= −h = −
f (x )
x n +1 x n x n
f ′( x )
( B.4 )

The BASIC computer program is as follows

10 READ b, a, x 0
20 FOR n=0 TO 5

(1 + (b ∗ x(n ) − 1)) ∗ ea∗x (n )

30 h=
((b + a ∗ (b ∗ x(n ) − 1))) ∗ ea∗x (n )

40 x( 0) = 120

50 x( n + 1) = x( n) − h
60 NEXT n
70 DATA 0.00833, 0.99167, 120

80 PRINT n, h, x ( n ) ,
x( n)

 1 
  ∗1.6 E − 12
 x ( n) 
90 T c = 1.38 E − 16
100 PRINT T c

110 END


[1] Liang-You Zheng, Ying-Nan Chiu, Xing-Cai Xiao, P. Palting, Shan T. Lai,
Journal of Molecular Structure( Theochem) 572(2001)1-4.
[2] Alexander L. Fetter, John Dirk Walecka, “Quantum Theory of Many-Particle
System “, McGraw-Hill Book Company 1971.
[3] Andrei E. Ruckenstein et al. Phys.Rev. B Vol.36, No.1 ( 1 July , 1987 )857.
[4] Appendix A
[5] L.E.Reichl, “ A Modern Course in Statistical Physics “, Chapter 9.4
University of Texas Press , 1980.
[6] V.M.Loktev, Low Temp. Phys. 22(1)(1996)1.
[7] Appendix B
[8] Edited by V.Z. Kresin and S.A. Wolf, “ Novel Superconductivity “ P.289
Plenum Press. New York and London, 1987.

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