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A Needless Part

Last night while I was sleeping

There was an invasion in my head
A monster wanted to move inside
As I laid quietly in my bed.

He had packed his bags with trinkets

And brought all his doodads too
He pushed aside some faded dreams
Piling all my ideas and hopes askew.

The monster strolled through my memories

He picked and poked over my brain
As he walked the alleyways of my thoughts
And laughed while completing his campaign.

He wanted to play his favorite game

Of chasing me up and down a familiar street
I ran across yards and over back fences
Trying to hide so that we never may meet.

His face is not ever seen by me

It’s always covered or turned or fake
His clothes have no special appeal
Features to be forgotten when I wake.

Each night I feel him in my mind

Ready to jump needlessly into my dreams
He waits behind my eyes until he senses calm
Then is the time to hear my screams.

They say you need to face your fears

To overcome them and bid adieu
But how do you beat a nameless foe
Who has become a part of you?


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