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Level of involvement is an individual’s intensity of interest in a product and the importance he or she

places on a product. Consumers go through a problem-solving process. The 4 types of Problem-Solving


1. Routine Response – buying that requires very little search and decision effort; it is used for
products that are low priced and bought frequently. Examples include soft drinks, snack foods,
milk, etc.

2. Limited Decision – Buyers use when they purchase products occasionally or need information
about unfamiliar brands in a familiar product category; it requires a moderate amount of time
for information gathering and deliberation. Examples include Clothes—know product class but
not the brand.

3. Extensive Decision – employed when unfamiliar, expensive, or infrequently bought products

(such as homes, automobiles and furniture) are purchased; buyers used many criteria to
evaluate brands and spend more time searching for information and deciding on the purchase.

4. Impulse Buying – unplanned buying behavior involving powerful urge to buying something
immediately. A lot of impulse decisions are made at the checkout area and can be on items
such as candy, sodas, batteries, film, etc.

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