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(19:00:42) Willie: Kinkyclawz enters the channel.

(19:02:32) Kinkyclawz: Evening Willie! *hugz* Have you made any more forays into the world of the
forum? Ahh, well, no rest for the wicked. *begins tidying after last week and re-bubblewrapping the walls,
floors and ceiling*
(19:13:44) Willie: Degnne logs into the Chat.
(19:19:04) Degnne: Hello KC
(19:19:15) Degnne: Hello Willie
(19:21:03) Kinkyclawz: HELLO!
(19:21:23) Kinkyclawz: Sorry, Deg, I was noseying on twitter.
(19:21:28) Kinkyclawz: Hee, how'er you hun?!
(19:22:13) Degnne: Good. How are you?
(19:23:00) Kinkyclawz: Aye, none too bad now hun. Last day on shift so woohoo, 4 dyas off!
(19:23:46) Degnne: Hooray
(19:24:03) Kinkyclawz: Hee, thankyou!
(19:24:22) Kinkyclawz: and Hooray for not one but TWO wonderful doses of We Are Monsters! *hugz*
those are ace!!
(19:24:24) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(19:24:40) Kinkyclawz: Poor George and Mitchell in slash-fics. Poor boys!
(19:24:41) Kinkyclawz: lmoa
(19:24:53) Degnne: haha thanks
(19:25:02) Kinkyclawz: Was that about the time the estate agent came back around?
(19:25:28) Degnne: Lol yes!
(19:25:34) Degnne: oh man I forgot all about her
(19:28:13) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, seeing her peering through the window at the time would be so funny! lmao
(19:28:17) Kinkyclawz: Hehe.
(19:29:07) Kinkyclawz: And Aww, poor Seth's note to Herrick. lmao
(19:29:28) Kinkyclawz: Seth abuse is a good hobby, it seems.
(19:29:30) Kinkyclawz: *****
(19:30:08) Degnne: yes it is
(19:31:57) Kinkyclawz: Where do you get your ideas?
(19:32:16) Kinkyclawz: PFFT! that sounds such a stupid question, sorry!
(19:32:18) Kinkyclawz: ><
(19:33:04) Willie: keepmakingtea logs into the Chat.
(19:33:11) Kinkyclawz: Just meant, do they justpop into your head.
(19:33:14) Kinkyclawz: Hello JD!
(19:33:14) keepmakingtea: Why so ><?
(19:33:18) Kinkyclawz: How goes it?
(19:33:20) Degnne: usually
(19:33:24) keepmakingtea: Good, good...
(19:33:24) Kinkyclawz: LOL I asked a daft question.
(19:33:25) Degnne: Hello JD
(19:33:34) Kinkyclawz: YAY! Good to hear!
(19:33:38) keepmakingtea: Hi, how ya doing KC and Deg?
(19:33:48) Kinkyclawz: DEg: Aha! Same as with me.
(19:33:51) Degnne: sometimes I try to think of something with a particular character
(19:34:13) Degnne: good, how are you?
(19:34:40) keepmakingtea: I'm okay. I just put a working C64 game on my website.
(19:34:45) Kinkyclawz: not bad thanks, JD! Got 4 days off now so yay
(19:34:59) Kinkyclawz: A working C64 game?! *blinks* How?!
(19:35:14) keepmakingtea: With black magic!
(19:35:16) Kinkyclawz: Hee, and which one?! *is excited*
(19:35:22) keepmakingtea: And a teaspoon of nutmeg.
(19:35:35) keepmakingtea: ANd Java...
(19:35:57) keepmakingtea: It's US Gold's "Return to Oz."
(19:36:21) keepmakingtea:
(19:36:40) Kinkyclawz writes down black magic, nutmeg, teaspoon and java... wonders why mixing
coffee, nutmeg and Black magic chocolates makes Commodore64 games work
(19:37:01) Kinkyclawz: OOOH,loving the piccie!! Where's that a screencap/pic from?
(19:37:24) keepmakingtea:
(19:37:29) Kinkyclawz: Thats for the US version, right?
(19:37:35) keepmakingtea: Yeah.
(19:37:42) Kinkyclawz: LOL Sorry, I thought you'd screencapped it from a TV ad or something.
(19:37:49) keepmakingtea: Something about it makes me want to say "No... No..."
(19:37:50) Kinkyclawz: I like the style!
(19:38:08) Kinkyclawz: But...?
(19:38:16) keepmakingtea: It looks too comical.
(19:38:53) keepmakingtea: Unless that's what they're going for.
(19:39:03) Willie: Fang enters the channel.
(19:39:10) Fang: Hi
(19:39:13) Kinkyclawz: That might well be their approach. In what way does it look comical?
(19:39:18) Degnne: Hello Fang
(19:39:18) Kinkyclawz: HEY! Hi Doctor!
(19:39:20) Kinkyclawz: How goe sit?
(19:39:21) keepmakingtea: In which case, I'll keep on with Aidan, Lenora, Russell, and Sinead, thank you!
(19:39:25) Fang: Using my deductive powers I'm guessing the topic is the USA remake
(19:39:25) Kinkyclawz: or how goes it?
(19:39:34) Kinkyclawz: Yeah!
(19:39:47) keepmakingtea: The Doctor is the bomb-diggity shiznit!
(19:39:57) keepmakingtea:
(19:40:00) Kinkyclawz: Doctor, you're turning into Sherlock Holmes too?!
(19:40:19) keepmakingtea: KC! WHo do you think trained Sherlock Holmes?
(19:40:29) Fang: well I did meat that Conan Doyle chap once, nice guy
(19:40:42) Kinkyclawz: Tsk. *hangs head in shame* Sorry JD.
(19:40:46) Kinkyclawz: You meat-ed him?
(19:40:48) keepmakingtea:
(19:40:53) keepmakingtea: Um...
(19:41:38) Kinkyclawz: Friendly chap, was he?
(19:42:06) Willie: Eileen enters the channel.
(19:42:25) Fang: yeah, gets mad if you miss the Arthur though
(19:42:28) Kinkyclawz: HEEY! We're all heare early this week!Hallo Eileen! wie gehts, schatz?!
(19:42:38) Fang: Hey Eileen, see if you can guess what we're talking about
(19:42:46) Kinkyclawz: Oh, so you just peed him off again, Dcotor?
(19:42:59) Kinkyclawz: Or would have were he still alive today.
(19:43:01) Eileen: Hey there!!!
(19:43:12) Eileen: No idea about the topic
(19:43:16) keepmakingtea: I started Christmas shopping.
(19:43:16) Degnne: Hello Eileen
(19:43:20) Eileen: Hey Fang, Deg and JD!
(19:43:21) Kinkyclawz: Psst, Deg? you ok, you went quiet after my dumb question....
(19:43:29) Kinkyclawz: Oh tehre you are! phew!
(19:43:49) Kinkyclawz: JD: Already?! Good lad!
(19:43:52) Eileen: I will not be able to stay as long as last Sunday though
(19:44:06) Fang: I know it's only a teaser trailer but that doesn't do anything to stop me thinking that
they're going to miss the whole point of the show
(19:44:14) Eileen: i'm birthday shopping
(19:44:15) Eileen: lol
(19:44:20) Fang: uh-oh, only 53 minutes?
(19:44:20) Kinkyclawz: Aww, were you tired for Monday?
(19:44:32) Fang: 1 hr, 27 mins?
(19:44:45) Kinkyclawz: 53mins? Trailer... now i'm sure I've missed something here.
(19:44:59) Kinkyclawz: *****
(19:45:04) Eileen: what are you talking about?
(19:45:09) Fang: Christmas shopping in September? but you're a man
(19:45:11) Eileen: was there really a topic today?
(19:45:12) Eileen: wow
(19:45:18) Fang: how long Eileen will stay
(19:45:28) Fang: she said she can't stay as long
(19:45:30) keepmakingtea: Doctor, I am a man with a budget.
(19:45:45) Eileen: 1h and 15 i guess
(19:46:00) keepmakingtea: If I start early, I won't go broke in December and freeze to death.
(19:46:19) Eileen: lol @ JD
(19:46:24) Fang: I knew you'd have a precise time in mind Eileen
(19:46:40) Kinkyclawz: Eileen: There IS a topic! We're discussing the US remake fo BH. :d
(19:46:46) Fang: hmm, I have to admit that's a solid plan
(19:46:53) keepmakingtea moves that we give Eileen a group hug now.
(19:47:23) Fang: well I haven't got my wallet today so why not
(19:47:25) Kinkyclawz secodns that vote and sidles over to drag Fang and Deg into Jd's and Eileen's
group hug
(19:47:37) Fang: *joins hug*
(19:48:13) Eileen: *joins hug*
(19:48:36) keepmakingtea: Degnne, get in here!
(19:48:44) Fang: I'm not sure you had a choice to join the hug Eileen
(19:48:46) Eileen: I have to be at a certain place in the morning thats why i cannot stay long
(19:49:11) Degnne joins hug
(19:49:13) Fang: hmm that's interesting wording, it makes it sound like you're making a drop
(19:49:23) Eileen: I wish i could have taken a day off
(19:49:25) Eileen: grrrrrrr
(19:49:39) Eileen: lol Fang
(19:49:48) Eileen: I wont tell you then
(19:49:49) Kinkyclawz: Aww, but maybe it'll be wroth elaving the madhouse a little earlier, huh?
(19:50:02) Eileen: lol nope it wont
(19:50:19) Eileen: but I will have to turn off my phone lol
(19:50:34) Kinkyclawz Imagines Eileen in a long tan coloured trenchcoat, opening one side of the coat
and having loads of stolen watches hanging from the lining
(19:51:02) Kinkyclawz: Aww, shame that. *carries on group hugging for logner than is necessary* Just
passing along Tovey hugz.
(19:51:11) Eileen: ok *wiggles out of the hug*
(19:51:18) keepmakingtea: Eileen works on the black market?
(19:51:27) keepmakingtea: Does she sell bootleg chihuahuas?
(19:51:31) Eileen: enough squeezing
(19:51:36) Kinkyclawz: LMAO
(19:51:43) Kinkyclawz: Has everyone had a pice of a Tovey hug?
(19:51:47) Kinkyclawz: ^^
(19:51:59) Kinkyclawz: piece also
(19:52:04) Eileen: *catches her breath*
(19:52:07) keepmakingtea lets go of the hug.
(19:52:17) Kinkyclawz: *lets go*
(19:52:39) keepmakingtea: That leaves Fang and Degnne hugging...
(19:52:57) Eileen: *checkes the wallet she found in someones pocket
(19:53:02) Eileen: hmmmmm... lets see
(19:53:24) Kinkyclawz: LOL
(19:53:40) Kinkyclawz: Eileen, you're learnign your lessons in pickpocketing well,suesse!
(19:54:03) Eileen: *grins* It's easy when you know the moves
(19:54:06) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, BRB gang! *scarpers*
(19:54:11) Eileen: thanks for teaching!
(19:54:20) Eileen: hb!!!
(19:54:34) Fang: *leaves hug a little late*
(19:55:02) Fang: stealing wallets, selling stolen/bootleg goods... whatever next
(19:55:33) keepmakingtea: This must be Ebil Eileen!
(19:55:50) Kinkyclawz: Back! And you're welcome Eileen! Heehee. KC#
(19:56:04) Eileen: WB!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(19:56:10) Fang: oh dear, she used to be such a good girl
(19:56:15) Kinkyclawz: Thankyou!!!!
(19:56:16) Eileen: *keeps herself from starting another hug*
(19:56:32) Eileen: how things change, Fang
(19:56:58) Kinkyclawz whistles innocently so as not to be blamed for the corruption of eileen
(19:57:12) Kinkyclawz pats Eileen on the head proudly
(19:57:25) Eileen: *secretly winks at KC*
(19:57:53) Kinkyclawz: *secretly winks back*
(19:58:03) Kinkyclawz: Oh dear, that eye infection is back, Eileen. Isn;t that uynfortunate?
(19:58:08) Kinkyclawz: unfortunate also.
(19:58:13) Fang: *still trying to work out how you sell bootleg chihuahuas, are they tiny mongrels with a
chihuahuas mask on, robots, stuffed toys, it makes no sense*
(19:58:46) Degnne: They're chihuahuas wearing tiny boots
(19:58:46) Fang: I knew that winking business was code for something, now I know, now I know (I said it
twice for emphasis)
(19:58:48) Kinkyclawz: Silly Fang, they're chuhuahua's with boots on their legs.
(19:59:09) Kinkyclawz: and I# can't spell chihuahua's without typoing, there's a surprise!
(19:59:11) Fang: lol Deg, ooh beaten by two seconds KC
(19:59:16) keepmakingtea: They are cats with short tails and no fur.
(20:00:00) Kinkyclawz: lmao, DEG! Great minds think alike. You poor devil!
(20:00:08) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(20:00:13) Eileen: rofl
(20:00:55) Eileen: i would be a bad bootleg chishuahua seller if I would reveal the secret
(20:00:55) Fang: those poor cats, they're going to hate being on a lead and eating cat food
(20:01:16) Kinkyclawz: Aren't they just.
(20:01:26) Kinkyclawz: true, true.
(20:01:37) Eileen: poor things
(20:01:41) Eileen: ok okaaaaaaaaaaay
(20:01:49) Eileen: I'll change to rats!
(20:01:59) Kinkyclawz: shaved rats?
(20:02:04) Eileen: yes
(20:02:11) Eileen: of course!
(20:02:13) Kinkyclawz: Call them chihuahua's, no-one will know the difference. lol
(20:02:30) Kinkyclawz:
(20:03:33) Eileen: GOOD IDEA!!!!!!!!!!
(20:04:04) Eileen: *hugs KC almost suffocating the rest of the chihuahua cats in her jacket pocket
(20:04:05) Eileen: oops
(20:04:10) Kinkyclawz: Cats hate eating catfood, Fang? (was slow there, huh?) Since when?
(20:04:46) Kinkyclawz: *hugz Eileen, feeds an oxygen mask into Eileen's black market coat to keep the
chihuahua-rats from suffocating*
(20:05:39) Fang: of course they grew up eating dog food so won't be used to cat food (yep I think I
covered that well)
(20:05:43) Kinkyclawz: *releases Eileen from the hug so the poor lil animals won't suffocate*
(20:05:49) Eileen: Your so considerate, KC *pets one chihuahua cat but almost gets her finger bitten off
(20:05:51) Eileen: owwwwwww!
(20:06:00) keepmakingtea:
(20:06:04) Kinkyclawz: Yes, you did a very good job there Fang. Don't think Deg will ahve noticed and
made notes.
(20:06:05) Fang: wiat they'll be having dog food so that don't work either
(20:06:24) Fang: oh leave me alone I'm tired...
(20:06:34) Kinkyclawz: Yikes! Watch those chihuahua-cat-rats. Dangerous beasties!
(20:06:39) Eileen: *grins at Fang*
(20:06:48) keepmakingtea: The Doctor is tired? Oh, crap. And here we are expecting Daleks and
(20:06:50) Eileen: yes they are KC
(20:06:59) Kinkyclawz: AWW! so cute JD! Are tehy chihuahuas
(20:07:06) Eileen: very dangerous!
(20:07:07) keepmakingtea: Yes, purebreds.
(20:07:11) Kinkyclawz: ?
(20:07:27) Kinkyclawz: Aww, beautiful. didn;'t know they came in balck.
(20:07:46) Kinkyclawz gives Eileen a plaster, a band aid, for her bitten finger
(20:08:09) Fang: you like rats Eileen? interesting...
(20:08:10) Kinkyclawz: Awww, poor Doctor! *hugz a tired Fang*
(20:09:10) Eileen: thanks KC
(20:09:23) Eileen: not really Fang, so that will keep me from petting them
(20:09:37) Kinkyclawz: Now, if you begin to mutate into a chihuahua-cat-rat, Eileen, do let us know. We'll
ahve to stock up on cat food, ok?
(20:09:44) Kinkyclawz: ^^
(20:09:51) Eileen: ok!
(20:09:52) Eileen: lol
(20:10:04) Eileen: *hands a cup of coffee to Fang*
(20:10:36) keepmakingtea: I found a box!
(20:10:41) keepmakingtea: Guess what's inside!
(20:10:47) keepmakingtea:
(20:10:47) Kinkyclawz: A box?! ooh, what kind of box?!
(20:10:48) Eileen: wah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(20:10:51) Eileen: *hides*
(20:10:59) Kinkyclawz: KITTY!!!
(20:10:59) Degnne: a parallel universe?
(20:11:07) Kinkyclawz: Pre-shave chihuahua kitty!
(20:11:20) Eileen: *feels a kitty hit her face* AHHHHHHHHHH!!!
(20:11:20) keepmakingtea: An unending supply of cats!
(20:11:33) Kinkyclawz: They all have four white socks.
(20:11:40) Eileen: and another one
(20:11:43) Eileen: gahh
(20:11:45) Eileen: get them off me
(20:11:59) Kinkyclawz: OH no!! Eileen, they're goign for the chihuahua-cat-rats!
(20:12:03) Eileen: I promise I wont use you for illegal selling again!!!
(20:12:06) Eileen: I promise!
(20:12:10) Kinkyclawz: Get your coat off quickly.
(20:12:22) Kinkyclawz: ******
Channel: Style: Language:
(19:00:42) Willie: Kinkyclawz enters the channel.
(19:02:32) Kinkyclawz: Evening Willie! *hugz* Have you made any more forays into the world of the
forum? Ahh, well, no rest for the wicked. *begins tidying after last week and re-bubblewrapping the walls,
floors and ceiling*
(19:13:44) Willie: Degnne logs into the Chat.
(19:19:04) Degnne: Hello KC
(19:19:15) Degnne: Hello Willie
(19:21:03) Kinkyclawz: HELLO!
(19:21:23) Kinkyclawz: Sorry, Deg, I was noseying on twitter.
(19:21:28) Kinkyclawz: Hee, how'er you hun?!
(19:22:13) Degnne: Good. How are you?
(19:23:00) Kinkyclawz: Aye, none too bad now hun. Last day on shift so woohoo, 4 dyas off!
(19:23:46) Degnne: Hooray
(19:24:03) Kinkyclawz: Hee, thankyou!
(19:24:22) Kinkyclawz: and Hooray for not one but TWO wonderful doses of We Are Monsters! *hugz*
those are ace!!
(19:24:24) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(19:24:40) Kinkyclawz: Poor George and Mitchell in slash-fics. Poor boys!
(19:24:41) Kinkyclawz: lmoa
(19:24:53) Degnne: haha thanks
(19:25:02) Kinkyclawz: Was that about the time the estate agent came back around?
(19:25:28) Degnne: Lol yes!
(19:25:34) Degnne: oh man I forgot all about her
(19:28:13) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, seeing her peering through the window at the time would be so funny! lmao
(19:28:17) Kinkyclawz: Hehe.
(19:29:07) Kinkyclawz: And Aww, poor Seth's note to Herrick. lmao
(19:29:28) Kinkyclawz: Seth abuse is a good hobby, it seems.
(19:29:30) Kinkyclawz: *****
(19:30:08) Degnne: yes it is
(19:31:57) Kinkyclawz: Where do you get your ideas?
(19:32:16) Kinkyclawz: PFFT! that sounds such a stupid question, sorry!
(19:32:18) Kinkyclawz: ><
(19:33:04) Willie: keepmakingtea logs into the Chat.
(19:33:11) Kinkyclawz: Just meant, do they justpop into your head.
(19:33:14) Kinkyclawz: Hello JD!
(19:33:14) keepmakingtea: Why so ><?
(19:33:18) Kinkyclawz: How goes it?
(19:33:20) Degnne: usually
(19:33:24) keepmakingtea: Good, good...
(19:33:24) Kinkyclawz: LOL I asked a daft question.
(19:33:25) Degnne: Hello JD
(19:33:34) Kinkyclawz: YAY! Good to hear!
(19:33:38) keepmakingtea: Hi, how ya doing KC and Deg?
(19:33:48) Kinkyclawz: DEg: Aha! Same as with me.
(19:33:51) Degnne: sometimes I try to think of something with a particular character
(19:34:13) Degnne: good, how are you?
(19:34:40) keepmakingtea: I'm okay. I just put a working C64 game on my website.
(19:34:45) Kinkyclawz: not bad thanks, JD! Got 4 days off now so yay
(19:34:59) Kinkyclawz: A working C64 game?! *blinks* How?!
(19:35:14) keepmakingtea: With black magic!
(19:35:16) Kinkyclawz: Hee, and which one?! *is excited*
(19:35:22) keepmakingtea: And a teaspoon of nutmeg.
(19:35:35) keepmakingtea: ANd Java...
(19:35:57) keepmakingtea: It's US Gold's "Return to Oz."
(19:36:21) keepmakingtea:
(19:36:40) Kinkyclawz writes down black magic, nutmeg, teaspoon and java... wonders why mixing
coffee, nutmeg and Black magic chocolates makes Commodore64 games work
(19:37:01) Kinkyclawz: OOOH,loving the piccie!! Where's that a screencap/pic from?
(19:37:24) keepmakingtea:
(19:37:29) Kinkyclawz: Thats for the US version, right?
(19:37:35) keepmakingtea: Yeah.
(19:37:42) Kinkyclawz: LOL Sorry, I thought you'd screencapped it from a TV ad or something.
(19:37:49) keepmakingtea: Something about it makes me want to say "No... No..."
(19:37:50) Kinkyclawz: I like the style!
(19:38:08) Kinkyclawz: But...?
(19:38:16) keepmakingtea: It looks too comical.
(19:38:53) keepmakingtea: Unless that's what they're going for.
(19:39:03) Willie: Fang enters the channel.
(19:39:10) Fang: Hi
(19:39:13) Kinkyclawz: That might well be their approach. In what way does it look comical?
(19:39:18) Degnne: Hello Fang
(19:39:18) Kinkyclawz: HEY! Hi Doctor!
(19:39:20) Kinkyclawz: How goe sit?
(19:39:21) keepmakingtea: In which case, I'll keep on with Aidan, Lenora, Russell, and Sinead, thank you!
(19:39:25) Fang: Using my deductive powers I'm guessing the topic is the USA remake
(19:39:25) Kinkyclawz: or how goes it?
(19:39:34) Kinkyclawz: Yeah!
(19:39:47) keepmakingtea: The Doctor is the bomb-diggity shiznit!
(19:39:57) keepmakingtea:
(19:40:00) Kinkyclawz: Doctor, you're turning into Sherlock Holmes too?!
(19:40:19) keepmakingtea: KC! WHo do you think trained Sherlock Holmes?
(19:40:29) Fang: well I did meat that Conan Doyle chap once, nice guy
(19:40:42) Kinkyclawz: Tsk. *hangs head in shame* Sorry JD.
(19:40:46) Kinkyclawz: You meat-ed him?
(19:40:48) keepmakingtea:
(19:40:53) keepmakingtea: Um...
(19:41:38) Kinkyclawz: Friendly chap, was he?
(19:42:06) Willie: Eileen enters the channel.
(19:42:25) Fang: yeah, gets mad if you miss the Arthur though
(19:42:28) Kinkyclawz: HEEY! We're all heare early this week!Hallo Eileen! wie gehts, schatz?!
(19:42:38) Fang: Hey Eileen, see if you can guess what we're talking about
(19:42:46) Kinkyclawz: Oh, so you just peed him off again, Dcotor?
(19:42:59) Kinkyclawz: Or would have were he still alive today.
(19:43:01) Eileen: Hey there!!!
(19:43:12) Eileen: No idea about the topic
(19:43:16) keepmakingtea: I started Christmas shopping.
(19:43:16) Degnne: Hello Eileen
(19:43:20) Eileen: Hey Fang, Deg and JD!
(19:43:21) Kinkyclawz: Psst, Deg? you ok, you went quiet after my dumb question....
(19:43:29) Kinkyclawz: Oh tehre you are! phew!
(19:43:49) Kinkyclawz: JD: Already?! Good lad!
(19:43:52) Eileen: I will not be able to stay as long as last Sunday though
(19:44:06) Fang: I know it's only a teaser trailer but that doesn't do anything to stop me thinking that
they're going to miss the whole point of the show
(19:44:14) Eileen: i'm birthday shopping
(19:44:15) Eileen: lol
(19:44:20) Fang: uh-oh, only 53 minutes?
(19:44:20) Kinkyclawz: Aww, were you tired for Monday?
(19:44:32) Fang: 1 hr, 27 mins?
(19:44:45) Kinkyclawz: 53mins? Trailer... now i'm sure I've missed something here.
(19:44:59) Kinkyclawz: *****
(19:45:04) Eileen: what are you talking about?
(19:45:09) Fang: Christmas shopping in September? but you're a man
(19:45:11) Eileen: was there really a topic today?
(19:45:12) Eileen: wow
(19:45:18) Fang: how long Eileen will stay
(19:45:28) Fang: she said she can't stay as long
(19:45:30) keepmakingtea: Doctor, I am a man with a budget.
(19:45:45) Eileen: 1h and 15 i guess
(19:46:00) keepmakingtea: If I start early, I won't go broke in December and freeze to death.
(19:46:19) Eileen: lol @ JD
(19:46:24) Fang: I knew you'd have a precise time in mind Eileen
(19:46:40) Kinkyclawz: Eileen: There IS a topic! We're discussing the US remake fo BH. :d
(19:46:46) Fang: hmm, I have to admit that's a solid plan
(19:46:53) keepmakingtea moves that we give Eileen a group hug now.
(19:47:23) Fang: well I haven't got my wallet today so why not
(19:47:25) Kinkyclawz secodns that vote and sidles over to drag Fang and Deg into Jd's and Eileen's
group hug
(19:47:37) Fang: *joins hug*
(19:48:13) Eileen: *joins hug*
(19:48:36) keepmakingtea: Degnne, get in here!
(19:48:44) Fang: I'm not sure you had a choice to join the hug Eileen
(19:48:46) Eileen: I have to be at a certain place in the morning thats why i cannot stay long
(19:49:11) Degnne joins hug
(19:49:13) Fang: hmm that's interesting wording, it makes it sound like you're making a drop
(19:49:23) Eileen: I wish i could have taken a day off
(19:49:25) Eileen: grrrrrrr
(19:49:39) Eileen: lol Fang
(19:49:48) Eileen: I wont tell you then
(19:49:49) Kinkyclawz: Aww, but maybe it'll be wroth elaving the madhouse a little earlier, huh?
(19:50:02) Eileen: lol nope it wont
(19:50:19) Eileen: but I will have to turn off my phone lol
(19:50:34) Kinkyclawz Imagines Eileen in a long tan coloured trenchcoat, opening one side of the coat
and having loads of stolen watches hanging from the lining
(19:51:02) Kinkyclawz: Aww, shame that. *carries on group hugging for logner than is necessary* Just
passing along Tovey hugz.
(19:51:11) Eileen: ok *wiggles out of the hug*
(19:51:18) keepmakingtea: Eileen works on the black market?
(19:51:27) keepmakingtea: Does she sell bootleg chihuahuas?
(19:51:31) Eileen: enough squeezing
(19:51:36) Kinkyclawz: LMAO
(19:51:43) Kinkyclawz: Has everyone had a pice of a Tovey hug?
(19:51:47) Kinkyclawz: ^^
(19:51:59) Kinkyclawz: piece also
(19:52:04) Eileen: *catches her breath*
(19:52:07) keepmakingtea lets go of the hug.
(19:52:17) Kinkyclawz: *lets go*
(19:52:39) keepmakingtea: That leaves Fang and Degnne hugging...
(19:52:57) Eileen: *checkes the wallet she found in someones pocket
(19:53:02) Eileen: hmmmmm... lets see
(19:53:24) Kinkyclawz: LOL
(19:53:40) Kinkyclawz: Eileen, you're learnign your lessons in pickpocketing well,suesse!
(19:54:03) Eileen: *grins* It's easy when you know the moves
(19:54:06) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, BRB gang! *scarpers*
(19:54:11) Eileen: thanks for teaching!
(19:54:20) Eileen: hb!!!
(19:54:34) Fang: *leaves hug a little late*
(19:55:02) Fang: stealing wallets, selling stolen/bootleg goods... whatever next
(19:55:33) keepmakingtea: This must be Ebil Eileen!
(19:55:50) Kinkyclawz: Back! And you're welcome Eileen! Heehee. KC#
(19:56:04) Eileen: WB!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(19:56:10) Fang: oh dear, she used to be such a good girl
(19:56:15) Kinkyclawz: Thankyou!!!!
(19:56:16) Eileen: *keeps herself from starting another hug*
(19:56:32) Eileen: how things change, Fang
(19:56:58) Kinkyclawz whistles innocently so as not to be blamed for the corruption of eileen
(19:57:12) Kinkyclawz pats Eileen on the head proudly
(19:57:25) Eileen: *secretly winks at KC*
(19:57:53) Kinkyclawz: *secretly winks back*
(19:58:03) Kinkyclawz: Oh dear, that eye infection is back, Eileen. Isn;t that uynfortunate?
(19:58:08) Kinkyclawz: unfortunate also.
(19:58:13) Fang: *still trying to work out how you sell bootleg chihuahuas, are they tiny mongrels with a
chihuahuas mask on, robots, stuffed toys, it makes no sense*
(19:58:46) Degnne: They're chihuahuas wearing tiny boots
(19:58:46) Fang: I knew that winking business was code for something, now I know, now I know (I said it
twice for emphasis)
(19:58:48) Kinkyclawz: Silly Fang, they're chuhuahua's with boots on their legs.
(19:59:09) Kinkyclawz: and I# can't spell chihuahua's without typoing, there's a surprise!
(19:59:11) Fang: lol Deg, ooh beaten by two seconds KC
(19:59:16) keepmakingtea: They are cats with short tails and no fur.
(20:00:00) Kinkyclawz: lmao, DEG! Great minds think alike. You poor devil!
(20:00:08) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(20:00:13) Eileen: rofl
(20:00:55) Eileen: i would be a bad bootleg chishuahua seller if I would reveal the secret
(20:00:55) Fang: those poor cats, they're going to hate being on a lead and eating cat food
(20:01:16) Kinkyclawz: Aren't they just.
(20:01:26) Kinkyclawz: true, true.
(20:01:37) Eileen: poor things
(20:01:41) Eileen: ok okaaaaaaaaaaay
(20:01:49) Eileen: I'll change to rats!
(20:01:59) Kinkyclawz: shaved rats?
(20:02:04) Eileen: yes
(20:02:11) Eileen: of course!
(20:02:13) Kinkyclawz: Call them chihuahua's, no-one will know the difference. lol
(20:02:30) Kinkyclawz:
(20:03:33) Eileen: GOOD IDEA!!!!!!!!!!
(20:04:04) Eileen: *hugs KC almost suffocating the rest of the chihuahua cats in her jacket pocket
(20:04:05) Eileen: oops
(20:04:10) Kinkyclawz: Cats hate eating catfood, Fang? (was slow there, huh?) Since when?
(20:04:46) Kinkyclawz: *hugz Eileen, feeds an oxygen mask into Eileen's black market coat to keep the
chihuahua-rats from suffocating*
(20:05:39) Fang: of course they grew up eating dog food so won't be used to cat food (yep I think I
covered that well)
(20:05:43) Kinkyclawz: *releases Eileen from the hug so the poor lil animals won't suffocate*
(20:05:49) Eileen: Your so considerate, KC *pets one chihuahua cat but almost gets her finger bitten off
(20:05:51) Eileen: owwwwwww!
(20:06:00) keepmakingtea:
(20:06:04) Kinkyclawz: Yes, you did a very good job there Fang. Don't think Deg will ahve noticed and
made notes.
(20:06:05) Fang: wiat they'll be having dog food so that don't work either
(20:06:24) Fang: oh leave me alone I'm tired...
(20:06:34) Kinkyclawz: Yikes! Watch those chihuahua-cat-rats. Dangerous beasties!
(20:06:39) Eileen: *grins at Fang*
(20:06:48) keepmakingtea: The Doctor is tired? Oh, crap. And here we are expecting Daleks and
(20:06:50) Eileen: yes they are KC
(20:06:59) Kinkyclawz: AWW! so cute JD! Are tehy chihuahuas
(20:07:06) Eileen: very dangerous!
(20:07:07) keepmakingtea: Yes, purebreds.
(20:07:11) Kinkyclawz: ?
(20:07:27) Kinkyclawz: Aww, beautiful. didn;'t know they came in balck.
(20:07:46) Kinkyclawz gives Eileen a plaster, a band aid, for her bitten finger
(20:08:09) Fang: you like rats Eileen? interesting...
(20:08:10) Kinkyclawz: Awww, poor Doctor! *hugz a tired Fang*
(20:09:10) Eileen: thanks KC
(20:09:23) Eileen: not really Fang, so that will keep me from petting them
(20:09:37) Kinkyclawz: Now, if you begin to mutate into a chihuahua-cat-rat, Eileen, do let us know. We'll
ahve to stock up on cat food, ok?
(20:09:44) Kinkyclawz: ^^
(20:09:51) Eileen: ok!
(20:09:52) Eileen: lol
(20:10:04) Eileen: *hands a cup of coffee to Fang*
(20:10:36) keepmakingtea: I found a box!
(20:10:41) keepmakingtea: Guess what's inside!
(20:10:47) keepmakingtea:
(20:10:47) Kinkyclawz: A box?! ooh, what kind of box?!
(20:10:48) Eileen: wah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(20:10:51) Eileen: *hides*
(20:10:59) Kinkyclawz: KITTY!!!
(20:10:59) Degnne: a parallel universe?
(20:11:07) Kinkyclawz: Pre-shave chihuahua kitty!
(20:11:20) Eileen: *feels a kitty hit her face* AHHHHHHHHHH!!!
(20:11:20) keepmakingtea: An unending supply of cats!
(20:11:33) Kinkyclawz: They all have four white socks.
(20:11:40) Eileen: and another one
(20:11:43) Eileen: gahh
(20:11:45) Eileen: get them off me
(20:11:59) Kinkyclawz: OH no!! Eileen, they're goign for the chihuahua-cat-rats!
(20:12:03) Eileen: I promise I wont use you for illegal selling again!!!
(20:12:06) Eileen: I promise!
(20:12:10) Kinkyclawz: Get your coat off quickly.
(20:12:22) Kinkyclawz: ******
(20:12:23) Eileen: yes they want to free them and get revenge
(20:12:30) Eileen: *quickly undresses*
(20:12:39) Eileen: *her coat*
(20:13:20) Fang: lol, Deg beat JD to the futurama reference
(20:13:29) Fang: thanks for the coffee Eileen
(20:13:36) Kinkyclawz: Really?
(20:13:39) Kinkyclawz: Where?
(20:13:46) keepmakingtea: That was a Futurama reference?
(20:13:53) Eileen: *mumbles under the pile of cats* Yow melcom...
(20:13:57) Kinkyclawz: The Parallel universe?
(20:14:20) Degnne: yes
(20:14:31) Kinkyclawz: YAY!
(20:14:37) Kinkyclawz: lmao @ Eileen.
(20:14:47) Kinkyclawz: *removes a few cats so we can see eileen again*
(20:14:49) Eileen: maaaww ... *tries to cheer*
(20:15:05) Kinkyclawz: Good on ya Deg!
(20:15:41) Kinkyclawz: Not many beat JD to obscure-ish references.
(20:15:47) Kinkyclawz: Right JD? *nudges*
(20:15:52) Eileen: *looks through the gap in the pile and gasps* Thanks KC!
(20:16:13) Eileen: *gives a thumbs up for Deg*
(20:16:23) keepmakingtea: Well, I don't watch Futurama.
(20:16:41) Kinkyclawz: *removes a cat that is clinging to Eileen's thumbs-up arm*
(20:16:45) Kinkyclawz:
(20:16:58) Kinkyclawz: Ahh, that could be a good reason, my Twusband. *hugz JD*
(20:16:58) Eileen: *waving in JD's direction* We still love you, JD!!! ahh! *vanishes again*
(20:17:08) Kinkyclawz: Bet you'll watch now, huh? Maybe i should too...
(20:17:15) keepmakingtea: Eileen can go invisible?
(20:17:20) Kinkyclawz: 'cause I didn't get the reference either.
(20:17:54) Kinkyclawz: She must be able to... though having all those cats clinging to her kinda make her
(20:18:00) Eileen: *mumbles on* Undr a poil offf chaats yeshhh
(20:18:03) Kinkyclawz: Damn!
(20:18:10) keepmakingtea: YES!
(20:18:23) Kinkyclawz: WE left the window open last week, the tiopic just disappeared out of it. Tsk!
(20:18:29) Fang: pictures of Eileen working
(20:18:39) Kinkyclawz: Ooh la la!
(20:18:44) keepmakingtea: Looking good, Eileen!
(20:18:52) Kinkyclawz: Eileen, i love your work uniform, much better than mione!
(20:18:54) Kinkyclawz: mine
(20:19:04) Kinkyclawz: *****
(20:19:20) Eileen: lol I appreciate it, KC
(20:19:25) Eileen: lol
(20:19:30) Fang: she sells the dog/rat/cat in trenchcoats too
(20:19:44) Eileen: that was me 20 years ago(20:19:50) Eileen: uh no then i was almost 8
(20:19:58) Eileen: it was me 10 years ago
(20:20:00) Kinkyclawz: *****
(20:20:04) Eileen: or not
(20:20:21) Eileen: aaaaahhhh there he is!
(20:20:22) keepmakingtea: That's a cute cat! You must be very talented, Eileen!
(20:20:29) keepmakingtea: It doesn't even look unhappy!
(20:20:39) Fang: i love fedoras, I may take the tardis back to the 40s and act like I'm Humphrey Bogart
(20:20:40) Eileen: what is this little one doing there? modeling?
(20:20:52) Fang: of all the chat rooms in all the word...
(20:21:08) Eileen: tsk, I obviously am not enough for this little buggar
(20:21:48) Kinkyclawz: ****
(20:21:59) Eileen: lol
(20:22:09) Eileen: aaaaaah one star is missing!
(20:22:16) Eileen: *sounds the alarm*
(20:22:26) Kinkyclawz: I added it on post production! *
(20:22:35) keepmakingtea: Uh-oh...
(20:22:50) Fang: the stars are falling!
(20:22:57) Eileen: damn it!
(20:23:03) Kinkyclawz: LOL @ The Doctor and Eileen.
(20:23:08) Eileen: *shoves away the cat to see better
(20:23:09) Kinkyclawz: Ohh, cool duo name!
(20:23:19) keepmakingtea: I picked a BAD ZXS Java emulator...
(20:23:20) Kinkyclawz: *pets the cat, hands get lacerated*
(20:23:34) keepmakingtea: The next companion's name should be Eileen.
(20:23:41) keepmakingtea: Or maybe Debbie...
(20:24:02) Kinkyclawz: Noooo, not Debbie. They turn evil, those comanions. *giggles evilly*
(20:24:15) keepmakingtea: OOOH! Even better!
(20:24:18) Fang: is that Spectrum related JD?
(20:24:34) Eileen: companion's name?
(20:24:38) Kinkyclawz: Commodore64, JD?
(20:24:44) Kinkyclawz: yeah!
(20:24:49) Fang: if you haven't guessed from the various pic codes my first name is Dan
(20:25:13) Eileen: *hands a band-aid to KC*
(20:25:26) Eileen: Hope that is enough to fix your flailed hand ma dear
(20:25:29) keepmakingtea: Yes, that is Spectrum.
(20:25:36) keepmakingtea: The Doctor's real name is Dan?
(20:25:39) Kinkyclawz: Aww, thankyou Eileen.
(20:25:48) keepmakingtea: I thought it was Dahk Torr.
(20:26:00) Fang: it's Doctor Who again Eileen, you're cue to sit in your corner (is that the right Cue?)
(20:26:17) Kinkyclawz: Dan The Dock-torrrr!
(20:26:22) Fang: that River knows
(20:26:22) Kinkyclawz: Love it!
(20:26:39) Kinkyclawz: Does River Song sing sings on the river?
(20:26:46) Kinkyclawz: or sing songs?
(20:26:52) Kinkyclawz: or song sings...
(20:26:54) Kinkyclawz: *explodes*
(20:26:57) Fang: yeah she sings moon river
(20:27:06) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(20:27:16) Fang: it's about Werewolves not being able to cross water
(20:27:18) Fang: I think
(20:27:51) Fang: and i said what about breakfast at tiffany's
(20:27:57) Kinkyclawz: *snortlaugh* *unexplodes quietly*
(20:28:11) Kinkyclawz: She said I think I rememebr the film Fang.
(20:28:14) Kinkyclawz: Doctor.
(20:28:45) keepmakingtea:
(20:28:48) Eileen: *finally fights her way out of the pile*
(20:29:01) Fang: and as I recall I think we both kinda liked it
(20:29:30) Eileen: phew!
(20:29:44) Eileen: I have no idea what you all are talking about
(20:29:45) Eileen: lol
(20:29:47) Fang: hello again Eileen
(20:30:25) keepmakingtea: OKAY...
(20:30:27) keepmakingtea: SO...
(20:30:50) keepmakingtea:
(20:31:21) Eileen: Hey!!! *histerically waves in Fang's direction*
(20:31:35) Eileen: when will the USBH start?
(20:31:45) Fang: in honour of JD's emulator we should call our chat host jet set Willie, especially now he
walks amongst us
(20:31:49) Eileen: besides "soon"
(20:31:51) Fang: and posts on the forum
(20:32:18) keepmakingtea: It says it will begin next year,
(20:32:36) Fang: it's obviously a low budget show, they couldn't afford to repaint that door
(20:32:37) Kinkyclawz: He does indeed post on the foruma nd walk with us giants of the forum world.
(20:32:46) Kinkyclawz: lmao @ Fang!
(20:33:08) keepmakingtea: A CG door, too!
(20:33:14) Kinkyclawz: Sorry, trying to catch up.
(20:33:28) Fang: well that's one thing we got (there caught up the end of the song for you KC)
(20:33:35) Kinkyclawz: Ugh, those CG doors are bloomin' hard to paint
(20:33:41) Kinkyclawz: Sorry Fang...
(20:33:43) Eileen: who is?
(20:33:51) Fang: most things are hard to draw in paint
(20:34:11) Kinkyclawz: (and thankyou Fang!)
(20:34:15) Fang: who is? er? er I mean what are you aksing
(20:34:29) Eileen: what or who is walking among us
(20:34:31) Kinkyclawz: Sorry Eileen, what were you asking "who is?" about?
(20:34:42) Eileen: *nervously glances around room*
(20:34:42) Kinkyclawz: Willie, the ChatGhost is posting on the forum!
(20:34:47) Kinkyclawz: Scary thought, innit?
(20:34:56) Kinkyclawz: He must have followed one of us out one week...
(20:35:04) Kinkyclawz: And sicne I'm usually the last one out...
(20:35:05) Kinkyclawz: oops.
(20:35:10) Fang: and there's a spectrum game called jet set willy so I combined the two
(20:35:16) Kinkyclawz: must've left the door open.
(20:35:26) Kinkyclawz: Chat Pack Willie?
(20:35:44) Fang: if you didn't leave that pile in the room you could glance around easier Eileen
(20:36:05) Eileen: oh!
(20:36:36) Eileen: sorry! grr
(20:36:43) Eileen: no idea where to put all the cats
(20:36:43) Kinkyclawz: *picks up a stray chihuahua-cat-rat and touches it to the Insanity Tree to see what
(20:36:49) Eileen: JD already took away the box
(20:36:55) keepmakingtea: Jet Set Willie the Chat Ghost.
(20:37:02) Kinkyclawz: Oh, that means no MORE cats.
(20:37:04) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(20:37:20) Eileen: nope
(20:37:21) Kinkyclawz: Since we're all knee deep in cats anyway, thos is not a bad thing.
(20:37:23) keepmakingtea: Suddenly, the chihuahua cat rat turns into a real chihuahua!
(20:37:26) Fang: hang on they used capitals in the title of being human, ie Being Human, what's up with
that? do they think that American audience get confused it their shows aren't capitalised correctly
(20:37:33) Eileen: I think the glars I gave JD was enough
(20:37:54) keepmakingtea: Yes! I want being human.
(20:38:07) Eileen: lol
(20:38:20) Eileen: be glad they didnt use: BEING HUMAN
(20:38:23) keepmakingtea: Oh!
(20:38:28) Eileen: damn they did
(20:38:29) Degnne: Also, that G is clearly a capital G despite being tiny. Was a lower case g not good
(20:38:30) Eileen: gaaaaaaaaaah
(20:38:38) keepmakingtea: And how many of us have seen Him and Her?
(20:38:51) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, Insanity Tree makes chihuahua-cat-rats into real chihuahuas. interesting.
Hmm, is the capiltalisation importnatn somehow, do you think?
(20:38:56) Kinkyclawz: YES! Three episodes!
(20:38:57) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(20:39:02) Fang: oh yeah Deg, how Weird
(20:39:05) Kinkyclawz: *bouncebounce*
(20:39:23) Fang: er the capital G is weird not you Deg
(20:39:25) Eileen: not me didnt see it
(20:39:27) Kinkyclawz: Deg: You're right! Hadn't noticed that!
(20:39:36) Fang: no not yet
(20:39:49) Kinkyclawz: Sorry, meant to say saw three episodes.
(20:40:09) Degnne: seen the first episode
(20:40:13) Fang: they didn't dot the i either! what the hell is going on?
(20:40:31) keepmakingtea: You're talking about a show for SyFy.
(20:40:32) Eileen: lol
(20:40:40) Eileen: *calms down Deg and Fang*
(20:40:45) keepmakingtea: It used to be the SciFi Channel, now it's SyFy.
(20:40:54) keepmakingtea: SyFyllis.
(20:40:54) Eileen: lol
(20:41:00) Degnne: Capitals and lowercases living together. What has the world come to?
(20:41:01) Fang: good point JD, lol
(20:41:23) Kinkyclawz: They can't even spell Sci-Fi so it seems spelling, punctuation, UPPER and lower
case letters are irrelevant, huh?
(20:41:47) Fang: of course we never make typos...
(20:41:52) Kinkyclawz: Oooh, does the capital G refer to our original series' George?
(20:42:00) keepmakingtea: At least the BBC knows to properly capitalize, except when they want to look
(20:42:06) Kinkyclawz: Typos, what are those Fang? LOL
(20:42:45) Fang: a capital g, an undotted i and two misplace ys share an alphabet on syfy
(20:42:55) Eileen: lol @ KC
(20:43:26) Kinkyclawz:
(20:43:27) Eileen: *dissolves into lols*
(20:43:54) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, *watches Eileen dissolve*
(20:44:13) keepmakingtea: It won't let me see the pic...
(20:44:19) Kinkyclawz: Happy, Eileen?
(20:44:22) Eileen: me neither
(20:44:23) Kinkyclawz: Needs a password?
(Private conversation)
(20:44:45) Fang: uh-oh *uses screwdriver to put Eileen back together* I hope she doesn't end up as a
face in a paving slab, that would be annoying and her trench coar wouldn't fit
(20:45:04) Kinkyclawz: It... it could be taken out a bit maybe. doctor...
(20:45:12) Kinkyclawz: Doctor, sorry.
(20:45:27) Kinkyclawz: Maybe,.
(20:45:35) keepmakingtea: You trust us four, right, KC?
(20:45:59) keepmakingtea: Those are super fucking cute teddies, btw.
(20:46:02) Kinkyclawz: Yep, trust you with my password
(20:46:12) Kinkyclawz: Hope Russell and Sarah liked them.,
(20:46:30) Degnne uploads photos of mayonnaise jars to KC's photobucket
(20:46:46) Kinkyclawz: That was from the Bafta promo for Him & Her on Tuesday. Aww, a nightmare
travelling there and back but was ace!
(20:46:59) Kinkyclawz: Ohhh, don't rememebr taking those mayonnaise jar pics.
(20:47:19) Kinkyclawz: Oops, did I just give FULL access to ym account. EEK!
(20:47:30) Kinkyclawz: Don't delete anything, folks.
(20:47:32) Fang: adds some party rings to KC's account
(20:47:38) Kinkyclawz: I trust you.
(20:47:45) Kinkyclawz: ooh, when did I photograph party rings?
(20:47:49) Kinkyclawz: *is confused*
(20:47:52) Eileen: yay!!! she trust us *shouts from the puddle*
(20:47:52) Fang: yep, you now have many food based pics coming your way
(20:48:05) Kinkyclawz: *pats eileen's... puddle*
(20:48:21) Kinkyclawz: I apparently do, Fang. making me hungry!
(20:48:33) keepmakingtea: OH...
(20:48:34) Fang: wait a minute what's this album of photos take outside Russel Tovey's house?
(20:48:51) Eileen: Fang, would you think "lol"s are a good material to build an Eileen?
(20:49:11) Kinkyclawz: Shhhhhh.
(20:49:17) Kinkyclawz: S'a secret...
(20:49:27) keepmakingtea: ... Do you have spy cameras in Russell's ho... THAT'S HIS PARTNER?
(20:49:33) Fang: how come him and her got merchandise so quick?
(20:49:37) Kinkyclawz: *smiles at eileen* Aww, an Eileen made of lol's is good!
(20:49:52) keepmakingtea:
(20:49:53) Kinkyclawz: I made them myself, Fang! *is proud*
(20:49:58) Fang: yeah I find that lols mixed with rofls works well Eileen
(20:50:08) Kinkyclawz: not the teddies... or the T-shirts, but made the designs.
(20:50:27) Fang: oh... they're obviously good then, had me fooled
(20:50:43) Kinkyclawz: Thankyou!
(20:50:46) Kinkyclawz: Want one?
(20:50:51) Kinkyclawz: I can order a batch!
(20:50:52) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(20:51:07) Kinkyclawz: Obviously without the "To Russell/Sarah Love @kinkyclawz" message"
(20:51:37) Fang: I'm more tired than I thought, I'm moaning about typos and confusing teddys
(20:51:43) Willie: Cieria enters the channel.
(20:51:55) keepmakingtea: Hi, C!
(20:51:56) Kinkyclawz: Aww, poor Doctor! *hugz*
(20:51:58) Kinkyclawz: HEEY!
(20:51:59) Kinkyclawz: Hiya C!
(20:51:59) Fang: damn it what a line for C to come in on, hi C
(20:52:02) Eileen: Hello Cieria!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(20:52:04) Kinkyclawz: How goes it m'dear?
(20:52:06) Degnne: Hello Cieria
(20:52:14) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(20:52:18) Cieria: Hey, I'm good thanks. How are you all?
(20:52:31) Kinkyclawz: Not bad thanks.
(20:52:38) Eileen: im good, a puddle but good!
(20:52:40) Eileen: thanks
(20:52:54) Fang: tired but you probably got that
(20:53:15) Kinkyclawz: Yeah, Eileen sort of... melted under a pile of chihuahua-cat-rats.
(20:53:20) Cieria: Sorry if I'm slow to reply tonight. My tv broke so I'm downstairs watching the other one
and it's a bit more awkward to type down here.
(20:53:21) Kinkyclawz: I think.
(20:53:28) Fang: guess what we have not one but two bh related topics, plus some off topic nonsense
(20:53:34) Kinkyclawz: Ohh, ouch! not good when typing is awkward.
(20:54:12) Cieria: We actually have topics? Seriously? Have I slipped through to a parallel universe or
(20:54:18) Kinkyclawz: indeed, lots and lots of nonsense inbetween topics. You know, the usual
(20:54:32) Fang: yes, JD bought it along in a box
(20:54:35) Kinkyclawz: There we go with the parallel universe again! Deg, C! you two are in synch!
(20:54:48) Fang: the parallel universe that is not the topics
(20:55:03) Kinkyclawz: nope, just a helpful addition to the madness.
(20:55:13) Fang: .3 seconds that time KC, you'll get in first soon
(20:55:16) Eileen: it? IT?????
(20:55:22) Cieria: We'll it's the natural response to finding out that we have a topic!!! Let alone two!
(20:55:46) Kinkyclawz: Tsk!
(20:56:24) Eileen: heh
(20:56:37) Kinkyclawz: *pats C on the head* Tehre there, its okay. Its a shock, I know... we left the window
open though. just so they can escape if needs be. Rest assured.
(20:57:13) Kinkyclawz: Eileen, I think the prarallel universe (IT) came along with the neverending supply
of cats (TEHM) hun.
(20:57:28) Eileen: ah I see!
(20:57:29) Eileen: lol
(20:57:34) Eileen: ah there I go again
(20:57:55) Kinkyclawz: Hehe.
(20:58:04) Fang: the topics are R.Tovey's new show and the American BeInG @Human)
(20:58:05) Kinkyclawz: A review of the Bafta night too, folks.
(20:58:17) Kinkyclawz: Well not quite finished.
(20:58:29) Kinkyclawz: A full and edited version is going on the forum possibly tomorrow.
(20:58:50) Kinkyclawz: SyFy's version of BH... still not seen the vid for that.
(20:59:48) Cieria: brb gotta fight with the printer.
(21:00:00) Kinkyclawz: *looks around for the parallel universe that just swallowed everyone up*
(21:00:07) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, good luck and HB C!
(21:00:11) Kinkyclawz: HBC?
(21:00:14) Fang: I expect Eileen sells dodgy printers
(21:00:14) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(21:00:20) keepmakingtea: Maybe it was really a crack in time and space.
(21:00:28) Kinkyclawz: They're a bit bog for her coat though.
(21:00:30) Kinkyclawz: Oh, was it?
(21:00:37) Kinkyclawz: not a parallel universe?
(21:00:41) Kinkyclawz: How bizarre.
(21:01:04) Kinkyclawz: *****
(21:01:32) Eileen: nah not in my inventory
(21:01:33) Eileen: sorry
(21:01:40) Fang: how bizzare, another song by KC
(21:01:45) Eileen: my coat has a weight limit after all
(21:02:30) Eileen: oh god!
(21:02:37) Eileen: i have 15 tabs open
(21:02:58) keepmakingtea: I thought your pockets were dimensionally transcendental.
(21:03:42) Fang: taking tabs of who knows what, selling bootleg goods, what's happened to you Eileen?
(21:04:30) Eileen: i dont take tabs, Fang
(21:04:32) Eileen: I open them
(21:04:36) Cieria: The computer won
(21:04:47) Kinkyclawz: *****
(21:04:56) Fang: open them and then sell them? that's even worse!
(21:05:18) Fang: aw, are you leaving us Cieria?
(21:05:20) Kinkyclawz: LOL
(21:05:25) Eileen: no dimensions involved JD
(21:05:31) Kinkyclawz: Another bizarre song by me? whats that one Doctor?
(21:05:41) Kinkyclawz: Aww, not good! WB though C!
(21:05:41) Cieria: Nope. Just have to give up on my printing until tomorrow
(21:06:31) Eileen: computer won what?
(21:06:32) Fang:
(21:06:36) Kinkyclawz: Eileen, you ahve been corrupted, suesse! Welcome to the club! *hugz* *winks*
(21:06:39) Cieria: The fight Eileen
(21:06:40) Eileen: ah i see
(21:06:51) Eileen: thanks KC!
(21:07:02) Eileen: But I wont reveal my corrupters
(21:07:25) Fang: yeah that's understandable EIleen, that's the 2nd rule of the club
(21:07:28) Kinkyclawz: Nope, we won't let her reveal our identities... DOH!
(21:08:33) Eileen: *feels the muzzle of a gun at her back* Nope I wont! *tries to hide the shiver in her
(21:09:00) Kinkyclawz: *frowns* *peers around behind Eileen* Um, Eileen... Its not a gun.
(21:09:04) Fang: oh you sound cold Eileen, do you want to wear my jacket?
(21:09:05) Kinkyclawz: *giggleS*
(21:09:31) Eileen: uhhh what is it then?
(21:09:50) Eileen: *sounds slightly panicky*
(21:10:20) Eileen: nah thanks Fang, I wont exchange my bootleg coat with you
(21:10:25) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, the Vampire Bush found my Prodding Stick and was, um, prodding you in
the back with the thicker end... LOL
(21:10:25) Eileen: yours
(21:11:05) Eileen: phew!
(21:11:11) Eileen: thanks for clearing that up
(21:11:24) Eileen: *glares at her vampire bush*
(21:11:26) Fang: phew, I thought I would get teh blame for that
(21:11:49) Kinkyclawz: HEHE, I won't tell if you don't, Fang. *winks*
(21:11:57) Kinkyclawz: LMAO @ Eileen.
(21:12:02) Fang: JD and Deg seem to have gone to that other dimension
(21:12:06) Kinkyclawz: Cieria, as you can tell, we're just as mad as usual.
(21:12:15) Kinkyclawz: I think they have taken C with them.
(21:12:24) Eileen: oh
(21:12:28) Fang: well she has a printer based excuse
(21:12:38) Eileen: but i will have to leave now
(21:12:40) Fang: thanks for not telling KC
(21:12:49) Fang: not another one!
(21:12:52) Kinkyclawz: You're welcome, Fang.
(21:13:00) Eileen: *eyes Fang suspiciouly*
(21:13:18) keepmakingtea is quietly observed the wild chat packers in their unnatural habitat.
(21:13:26) Fang: I hope that your ___ goes well tomorrow
(21:13:50) Kinkyclawz: Oh dear, that parallel dimension has done its work
(21:14:00) Fang: oh no not JD/Deg
(21:14:03) Kinkyclawz: *winks at eileen so she won't suspect a thing*
(21:14:21) Fang: i almost went a whole week without a suspicous look
(21:14:24) Kinkyclawz: Aw, have a great tiem tomorrow with that thing you're not looking forward to
suesse! *hugz*
(21:14:35) keepmakingtea: What's with that slash?
(21:14:44) Kinkyclawz: I've not had a slash!
(21:14:48) keepmakingtea:
(21:14:53) Kinkyclawz: that was spilled water.
(21:15:08) Kinkyclawz: Oh, right. Ahem. ignore my last comment.
(21:15:26) Kinkyclawz: Oh, another pic in chat. *saves progress*
(21:15:28) Kinkyclawz: *****
(21:15:43) Fang: nice cartoon JD
(21:15:57) Eileen: its not such a pleasant thing
(21:15:59) keepmakingtea: It's Degnne's.
(21:16:02) Eileen: but it has to be done
(21:16:24) Fang: phew JD and Deg are back to normal (well JD is anyway)
(21:16:36) Fang: Deg is still missing
(21:16:51) Eileen: 1 I love it
(21:16:51) Kinkyclawz: Deg's artwork is awesome! And We Are Monsters is back to twice a week again!
(21:16:55) Eileen: lol
(21:17:04) Kinkyclawz: *****
(21:17:07) keepmakingtea: I don't know about Degnne. He's pretty quiet. He could be a serial killer... Or a
(21:17:10) Eileen: the same happens to Sam and Dean and Castiel of SPN all the time
(21:17:16) Degnne returns
(21:17:18) Fang: please don't mention people having a slash when Eileen is already looking at me with
(21:17:24) Degnne: Sorry, there was free cake in the other universe
(21:17:25) Eileen: DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(21:17:35) Degnne: But it's all gone now
(21:17:39) keepmakingtea: Free cake is good.
(21:17:44) Kinkyclawz: YAY the gang is back... nearly. Cieria?
(21:17:59) Kinkyclawz: Free cake? Aww, didya bring some back with you?
(21:18:04) Fang: what kind of cake, upload it to KC's photobucket so we can all see it
(21:18:12) Kinkyclawz: the cats are getting hungry. *looks worried as she's knee deep n 'em*
(21:18:25) Kinkyclawz: Yeah, upload please!
(21:18:27) Degnne: cake can't survive the jump between universes
(21:18:29) Eileen: ok!!!
(21:18:32) Eileen: gtg now!!!
(21:18:35) Kinkyclawz: AWWW
(21:18:36) Eileen: Good night all!!!
(21:18:43) Degnne: night Eileen
(21:18:47) Eileen: And dont forget to feed the cats!
(21:18:51) Kinkyclawz: *hugz Eileen* Gute nacht suesse! Viel gluck!
(21:18:52) keepmakingtea: Peace!
(21:18:56) Kinkyclawz: We won't!
(21:18:59) Fang: goodnight Eileen
(21:19:13) Kinkyclawz: And AWW! Cake won't join us here? Then should we all troop over tehre and find
the free cake ebfore it runs out?
(21:19:20) Cieria: Night eileen
(21:19:30) Eileen: Heh so lokking forward to tomorrow!
(21:19:31) Eileen: lol
(21:19:33) Eileen: bye!!!
(21:19:52) Kinkyclawz: Take your black market tenchcoat ansd all will be well, Eil;een!
(21:20:00) Degnne: Are you saying we should invade the parallel universe and conquer it in the name of
(21:20:00) Kinkyclawz: Cieria? Where are you sweetie?
(21:20:13) Cieria: I'm still here.
(21:20:18) Kinkyclawz: Well, now you mention it, Deg... yeah!
(21:20:19) Eileen: i love sept 13
(21:20:20) Eileen: lol
(21:20:23) Kinkyclawz: YAY, *clings to Cieria*
(21:20:24) Eileen: okay i grg
(21:20:26) Eileen: gtg
(21:20:29) Eileen: bye !!!
(21:20:36) Kinkyclawz: You do? Hmm... annual event?
(21:20:42) Fang: we could have launched the invasion butyou said it's all gone now Deg, or is there a
hidden stash?
(21:20:45) Kinkyclawz: bye bye sweetie!
(21:20:50) Fang: goodnight again
(21:20:55) Kinkyclawz: Stash or slash?
(21:21:22) Degnne: cake/pie fan fiction
(21:21:23) Fang: we can speculate what Eileen is doing now... and if it's an annual thing
(21:21:53) Degnne: all the free cake is gone
(21:21:57) Kinkyclawz: indded, we are free to do so, and yay! Sounds like my arena of writing!
(21:21:59) Degnne: we can take all the not-free cake
(21:22:08) Kinkyclawz: Aww... nuts! no more free not-free cake?
(21:22:34) keepmakingtea: Cake/Pie?
(21:22:41) keepmakingtea: What a sweet combination!
(21:22:45) Kinkyclawz: did I just get confused there? I think i did...
(21:22:50) Kinkyclawz: pie/cake
(21:22:53) Kinkyclawz: ?
(21:23:01) Degnne: lol
(21:23:45) Fang: steak and kidney pie isn't that sweet JD
(21:23:56) Kinkyclawz: But with jam?
(21:24:08) Fang: we can't steal Deg, we're not Eileen
(21:24:13) Kinkyclawz: um, jelly for our American brethren, of course.
(21:24:32) keepmakingtea: Hey, some might like it...
(21:24:34) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, speak for yourself, Fang. *wriggles her pocket picking digits*
(21:24:53) Willie: Eileen has been logged out (Timeout).
(21:25:08) Fang: right she's gone, time to speculate
(21:25:09) Kinkyclawz: Bye bye Eileen! She still hasn;t masters that log out button has she, bless her.
(21:25:43) Fang: I think she's performing as a stilt walker in a parade
(21:25:59) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, might explain why she's nto lookng forward to it.
(21:26:24) Fang: she is looking forward to it
(21:26:36) Kinkyclawz: is she?
(21:26:49) Kinkyclawz: Am I confused yet again? *flutters eyelashes*
(21:26:58) Fang: (21:19:30) Eileen: Heh so lokking forward to tomorrow!
(21:27:12) Kinkyclawz: Methinks theres a note of sarcasm there.
(21:27:45) Kinkyclawz: perhaps.
(21:28:38) Fang: hmm most confusing, maybe I'm too tired to detect sarcasm
(21:29:01) Kinkyclawz: Oh no! your sarcasm radar is on the blink?! Oh this is terrible!
(21:29:10) Kinkyclawz: *moves teh sea of cats out of the way*
(21:29:25) Kinkyclawz: Maybe your sonic screwdriver will help?
(21:29:28) Degnne: is that "sardar"?
(21:29:35) Fang: I'm had a bad cough all week so haven't selpt much
(21:29:38) Kinkyclawz: YEAH!
(21:29:42) Fang: or slept
(21:29:49) Cieria: Hee!
(21:30:02) Kinkyclawz: Aww, poor love! You must be coming down with something, hun.
(21:30:05) keepmakingtea: Keep the sonic screwdriver put away, DOc... We all know you love to whip it
out, but time and place...
(21:30:17) Fang: I may have to but the new screwdriver with a sardar attachment
(21:30:22) Kinkyclawz: LMFAO
(21:30:28) Fang: buy even, damn typos
(21:30:39) Kinkyclawz: you can but it too if you need to.
(21:31:04) Fang: aww but JD, Eileen didn't notice, I was behind her, only KC saw (I hope)
(21:31:33) Kinkyclawz: Toldya i'd keep the secret...
(21:31:41) Kinkyclawz: oh dear, does Eielen read the chatlogs?
(21:31:54) Kinkyclawz: Or eileen, does she read them too?
(21:32:48) keepmakingtea:
(21:33:09) Fang: well there's always editing hey KC? I'm sure you'll cut the password bit out... (hopes she
doesn't just change the password)
(21:33:17) Kinkyclawz: Huh? Who? What? *averts eyes*
(21:33:33) Fang: oh no! look I was young and needed the money
(21:33:53) keepmakingtea: It's Matt Smith helping his girlfriend with a wardrobe malfunction.
(21:33:55) Kinkyclawz: Yuppers, though changign the password... nah! I like pics of mayonnaise, cakes
and other foodstuffs, jjst not in the Russell Tovbvey section unless he's slathereed in them, ok?
(21:34:01) Kinkyclawz: It is?
(21:34:08) keepmakingtea: Yep.
(21:34:28) Cieria: JD, are you trying to make me sad
(21:34:31) Kinkyclawz: OMG how can I not spell Tovey?! *faints*
(21:34:48) keepmakingtea: BEcause you were distracted by Matt Smith.
(21:34:55) Kinkyclawz: I wouldn't have known that was Matt...
(21:35:21) Kinkyclawz: Of course, this is your 11th incarnation, isn;t it Doctor. Who said the Docotr never
gets the girl?
(21:35:37) Kinkyclawz: Aww, C! *hugz* Poor love, don't look. we don't liek sadness here.
(21:35:38) Fang: after all that time spent practising your signature with Tovey as your last name
(21:35:49) Kinkyclawz: Crop the image, C, or put your head on the GF's shoulders? lmao
(21:36:06) Cieria: It's okay KC. It's gone up the page now. I can't see it anymore
(21:36:11) Kinkyclawz: *hangs head in shame* I know Fang. I know. Damn my traitorous fingers.
(21:36:23) Kinkyclawz: There we go, my incessent waffling helped for once. lmao
(21:36:36) Kinkyclawz: incessant? which is the correct spelling?
(21:36:48) Kinkyclawz: ant loks right.
(21:36:50) Fang: waffles!
(21:36:51) Kinkyclawz: look laos
(21:36:53) Kinkyclawz: laos
(21:36:54) Kinkyclawz: gawd
(21:37:45) Cieria: Oh dear. I think you're forgetting your english and falling completely back to typoese
(21:37:46) Fang: my new screwdriver
(21:37:52) Kinkyclawz: yay for waffles!
(21:38:05) Kinkyclawz: I am, C! *holds out her hand *SAVE ME!
(21:38:12) Degnne: Is that Wii controller?
(21:38:18) Cieria clings to KC
(21:38:20) Kinkyclawz: Oh, very nice!! it has a red tip?
(21:38:31) Kinkyclawz: Forget I said that! *blushes*
(21:38:47) Kinkyclawz: *clings to Cieria*
(21:38:50) Degnne is a caveman
(21:38:56) Cieria: That Sonic remote makes me very sad I won't have much access to a wii over the next
few years
(21:39:02) Fang: yes it's to go with the new Dr Who games coming out
(21:39:20) Fang: there's going to be a sonic screwdriver stylus too
(21:39:27) Fang: I think they're UK only though
(21:39:36) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, wondered why you were sporting a lovely sabre-toohed tiger skin loincloth,
Deg. Very fetching m'dear.
(21:40:04) keepmakingtea: I think I'd like to get the sonic stylus.
(21:40:39) Kinkyclawz: I'm Wii-less. Is that bad?
(21:40:40) Degnne: Thank you. Me pretty.
(21:41:06) Kinkyclawz: Welcome!
(21:41:14) Cieria: No KC. Like I said I'm going to be wii-less soon too. And technically the one I have now
belongs to my mother xD
(21:41:42) Fang:
(21:41:44) keepmakingtea: Audrey has a Wii, but she'd never let me use a Sonic Screwdriver Wii mote,
even if UK ones are compatible, or we get a US release.
(21:41:55) keepmakingtea: There we go!
(21:42:02) Fang: you're mother plays the Wii? or is that justa technicality
(21:42:19) Cieria: Yeah she does. She does the fitness programs stuff.
(21:42:21) Kinkyclawz: Ohh, sorry, missed that bit C. Aww, unfair.
(21:42:41) Fang: oh right, my mum won't play anything
(21:42:45) Cieria: If it was my wii then I'd be taking it with me when I move out xD
(21:42:51) Fang: my Nan will play wii sports though
(21:43:07) Kinkyclawz: Mine either, even if we had one. Mum's thoroughly technophobic, bless her.
(21:43:10) Fang: and my grandad will play Tetris and Duck Hunt
(21:43:31) Kinkyclawz: You're moving?Q Oh to college, of course! *hugz* Sorry, brain went daft again for
a minute.
(21:43:50) Cieria: When we first got the wii, we all played on it in turns in the evening. But we drifted away
from it later on.
(21:43:54) Cieria: Yeah to Uni KC
(21:44:01) Fang: yes, just a minute
(21:44:09) Kinkyclawz: Yeah, new toys lose their appeal quite quickly, don; they?
(21:44:20) Kinkyclawz: SOrry, sorry, uni! See brainfart again.
(21:44:34) Fang: well maybe you can sneak it out without anybody realising?
(21:44:39) Cieria: Well we played on it for a month or so. But then dad went back to milton keynes and my
brother went back to Lancaster
(21:44:48) Cieria: lol fang. I don't think that would work
(21:44:55) Kinkyclawz: Ahh, and it tailed off from there.
(21:45:01) Cieria: Though it would make me very popular with my roommates...
(21:45:08) Kinkyclawz: Draft Eileen in to hide it on her trenchcoat?
(21:45:55) Kinkyclawz: Can you not ask her if you can take it or has that already been done?
(21:46:07) Fang: oh did all Dr Who fans know about the concert being shown on TV?
(21:46:32) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, didn't know about it until the day, watched it, It was very good!
(21:46:38) keepmakingtea: I knew it was, and I'm not even in the UK.
(21:47:00) Kinkyclawz: lol You're who-dar is better than mine. JD!
(21:47:25) keepmakingtea: Yes. My Who-Dar consists of having Blogtor Who in my RSS feeds.
(21:47:30) Cieria: KC, well she's using it for her exersize regime and I don't really use it that often. I mean
other than the Doctor Who game, I probably won't go near it. So really there's no point taking it. Other
than the formentioned popularity of course
(21:47:33) Kinkyclawz: Your not you're! ><
(21:47:43) Kinkyclawz: Indeed.
(21:47:54) Kinkyclawz: HEHE, I have a Sega Megadrive you can borrow...
(21:48:06) Fang: that doesn't usually stop you though JD
(21:48:10) Cieria: lol
(21:48:12) Kinkyclawz: might not be helpful in popularity stakes though. lao
(21:48:18) Kinkyclawz: Ahh, that works, JD!
(21:48:25) Kinkyclawz: Or a Saturn.
(21:48:38) keepmakingtea: Nope. Nothing ever stops me.
(21:48:42) Kinkyclawz: A Sega Saturn, i hasten to add, not randomlay naming planets.
(21:49:02) keepmakingtea: I'm considering moving to the moon so I don't have to pay attention to your
earthly constraints.
(21:49:16) Degnne: Are you the Juggernaut, JD?
(21:49:29) Kinkyclawz: Awww, but My Twusband, I like my Earthyl Constraqints...
(21:49:44) Kinkyclawz: lmao @ Deg!
(21:50:22) keepmakingtea: Ah, don't worry, KC...
(21:50:31) keepmakingtea: The cost of moving to the moon is too high.
(21:50:39) Kinkyclawz: glad you could read that DJ!
(21:50:46) Kinkyclawz: Sky high by alla ccounts.
(21:50:51) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(21:51:04) Fang: I cpucould pop up to the moon for you if you want?
(21:51:18) Kinkyclawz: ARROOOOOOOOOO!
(21:51:52) keepmakingtea: Well, I might have to think it over.
(21:52:34) keepmakingtea: My wife needs her Tovey fix now and then.
(21:52:39) keepmakingtea: *twife
(21:52:58) Kinkyclawz: I do, my Twusband, I do. bnut need my Tuwsband fix too. *hugz*
(21:53:00) Fang: right time for bed I thinks
(21:53:11) Cieria: KC, are you watching the repeat of Him and Her by any chance?
(21:53:16) Kinkyclawz: Aww, you did well to keep awake thios long hun.
(21:53:32) Kinkyclawz: not got the chance, sadly, C! Dad's watching soemthing else. am Tired too.
(21:54:01) Cieria: Ah don't worry. I was just hoping that someone would tell me when it's finished so I can
turn over after it's ended.
(21:54:05) Kinkyclawz: But will rewatch the one I recorded for sure!
(21:54:34) Kinkyclawz: aww, gimme a sec... you have 7 more minutes.
(21:54:39) Fang: goodnight all
(21:54:46) Degnne: Night Fang
(21:54:47) Kinkyclawz: 6 more minutes, eeven.
(21:54:59) Cieria: I'm sorry KC, but I'm never going to watch that episode again. I'll watch the rest of the
series if I don't forget about it. But I won't be watching that episode again
(21:55:19) Kinkyclawz: the content put you off?
(21:55:29) Kinkyclawz: Goodnight and sweet dreams Fang!
(21:55:34) Kinkyclawz: Hope you feel better soon hunny.
(21:55:41) Willie: Fang logs out of the Chat.
(21:55:50) Cieria: It was just the bit where they killed the spider. I know it was probably only plastic but it
left me shaking for the rest of the night.
(21:56:10) Kinkyclawz: BRB folks, pitstop and brew! Won't be long.
It was only plastic. looked real but was fake.
(21:56:32) Kinkyclawz: Close your eyes when they get neaer that bit hun?
(21:56:46) Cieria: Yeah. I know. I mean they're not allowed to really kill anything. But it frightened me.
(21:56:57) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, Ep 2 is my fave so far. All I'll say is you'll nbever look at hand cream the
same way again. lmao
(21:57:02) Cieria: Yeah I could... I just I'll know it's coming and that'll make me feel crap
(21:57:10) Kinkyclawz: *hugz* Its ok, hun. its ok.
(21:57:17) Kinkyclawz: Okay then, don't watch it.
(21:57:28) Kinkyclawz: And really BRB folks, getting desperate. 2 ticks!
(21:57:48) Cieria: Like I said, I'll watch the rest of the series. Or the next couple at least if I forget to
iplayer it after that.
(21:59:42) Kinkyclawz: lol
(21:59:46) Kinkyclawz: back
(21:59:49) Kinkyclawz: and fair enough
(21:59:59) Cieria:
(22:00:15) Kinkyclawz: Psst, C, I think Deg and Jd have been sucked back into that Parallel world with the
free non-cake...
(22:00:36) Cieria: Oh dear We should put out cake here too to entice them back
(22:00:36) keepmakingtea: I'm watching you...
(22:01:01) Kinkyclawz: Ep 3 is a plodder but good nonehteless.
(22:01:14) Kinkyclawz: WE should Cieria... got any?
(22:01:34) Cieria: Nope sorry. I've got a recipe to make one in five minutes though.
(22:01:36) keepmakingtea: Was one of the first three the one with Steve's birthday?
(22:01:40) Kinkyclawz: Would feed them some of my own cooking but we don't want to kill the boys, do
(22:01:48) Kinkyclawz: Yeah, The Birthday is ep 2
(22:02:01) Kinkyclawz: The Fancy Dress (I think thats the title) is ep 3
(22:02:22) Kinkyclawz: Oh that one you make in a mug, C? Looks yummy!
(22:02:28) keepmakingtea: Tomorrow, then!
(22:02:28) Kinkyclawz: Tempt the lads back, right guys?
(22:02:31) Kinkyclawz: Cake?!
(22:02:41) Kinkyclawz: Yeah, tomorrow JD!
(22:02:49) Cieria: Yeah that's the one. It can be great if you stir it enough.
(22:02:49) keepmakingtea: Anyone heard anything about Alex Price recently?
(22:02:51) Kinkyclawz: God is it nearly a week since I met him already?!
(22:03:02) Kinkyclawz: JD: Sorry, no, not recently.
(22:03:02) keepmakingtea: Met him again...
(22:03:12) Kinkyclawz: yep
(22:03:16) Kinkyclawz: met him again, sorry.
(22:03:20) Kinkyclawz:
(22:03:53) keepmakingtea: Nothing new there...
(22:04:32) Kinkyclawz: lol I'm hardly as accomplished as most, mind you, lmao
(22:05:03) keepmakingtea: What is this?
(22:05:21) keepmakingtea: It's called "Hattie" and our favorite vampire is in it.
(22:05:55) Kinkyclawz: What, Seth? Herrick? LMAO
(22:06:05) Kinkyclawz: Of course, we know!
(22:06:28) keepmakingtea: Think M to the I to the T to the C to the H to E to the double L!
(22:06:34) Kinkyclawz: Aidan's in it. its the life stort of Hattie Jacques, the wonderful lady who was part of
the Carry on team.
(22:07:12) Kinkyclawz: Ruth jones too. she'll be amazing!
(22:08:02) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, you needed pompoms there JD!
(22:08:03) keepmakingtea: Ruth Jones of G&S?
(22:08:11) Kinkyclawz: *roots around for PomPoms.
(22:08:18) Kinkyclawz: Yep, the very same lady.
(22:08:43) Kinkyclawz: She plays Hattie. A wonderful lady playing a wonderful lady.
(22:08:50) Kinkyclawz: Looking forward to it.
(22:10:29) Kinkyclawz: As you can tell... lmao
(22:11:01) keepmakingtea: Heheh, yeah.
(22:11:18) Kinkyclawz: YAY!
(22:11:24) Kinkyclawz: I'm not obvious, of course.
(22:11:50) keepmakingtea: Wait...
(22:11:56) keepmakingtea: What's this?
(22:12:09) keepmakingtea:
(22:12:32) Kinkyclawz: ooh, its getting a series?
(22:12:47) Kinkyclawz: Oh of course, heard that a while back now. Brain is not working.
(22:13:11) Willie: abi enters the channel.
(22:13:14) abi: ello
(22:13:19) abi: flying visit as usual
(22:13:45) Cieria: Hey abi
(22:13:53) Kinkyclawz: ABI! Allo tere m'dear! *hugz*
(22:13:57) abi: ello
(22:13:58) Kinkyclawz: How goes it?
(22:14:07) Kinkyclawz: oh dear, typos ahoy AGAIN!
(22:14:25) abi: all good, tired but good, and its just gonna get worse this week haha!
(22:14:55) keepmakingtea: Gonna have to go. I have a transcript I need to finish.
(22:15:02) Kinkyclawz: Oh heck.
(22:15:14) keepmakingtea: Oh, and podcast recording again tonight for me.
(22:15:24) keepmakingtea: Me and Sam talking about silent movies.
(22:15:34) abi: sounds interesting
(22:15:34) Kinkyclawz: Aww, thought you did that already hun. *hugz* Have a good time and get loads of
work done, my Twusband!
(22:15:46) Degnne: Bye JD
(22:15:46) Kinkyclawz: LMAO The irony! Talking about Silent movies! lmao
(22:15:52) keepmakingtea: Later! *Hugz all!*
(22:15:53) abi: bye JD
(22:15:56) Willie: keepmakingtea logs out of the Chat.
(22:16:07) Kinkyclawz: Goodnight JD! Take care hun!
(22:16:25) Kinkyclawz: *hugz JD*
(22:17:03) Kinkyclawz: So, our happy little band of Chatter-ers, where were we?
(22:17:13) Willie: abi leaves the channel.
(22:17:15) Willie: abi enters the channel.
(22:17:30) Kinkyclawz: HB WB Abi! lol
(22:17:36) Kinkyclawz: Wow, that WAS a flying visit!
(22:17:43) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(22:17:47) abi: haha no im back!
(22:17:53) abi: i pressed back on my browser
(22:17:54) abi: oops
(22:18:15) Kinkyclawz: lmao Easy done!
(22:19:12) abi: if you're as daft as me yes
(22:19:14) abi:
(22:20:40) Kinkyclawz: lmao Aww, I'll take it as a compliment!
(22:21:02) abi:
(22:21:06) abi: hows everyone?
(22:21:34) Kinkyclawz: Not bad, ta. just finished my shift so off for 4 days now.
(22:21:39) abi: nice
(22:22:22) Kinkyclawz: *wrestles the Prodding stick from the clutches of the Vampire Bush and prods Deg
and C*
(22:22:30) Kinkyclawz: *grinz*
(22:22:35) abi:
(22:22:46) Degnne: ow
(22:23:02) Cieria: Ouch!
(22:23:09) Kinkyclawz: Sorry, was that too harda prod?
(22:23:23) Kinkyclawz: Sorry gang. 8pokes out bottom lip*
(22:23:28) abi:
(22:24:04) Kinkyclawz: But at least you were brought back from the parallel Universe where they ahd free
(22:24:14) abi: ???
(22:24:17) abi: i want cake!
(22:25:34) Kinkyclawz: Is there still free cake? Oh wait, Cup cake, Cieria?
(22:25:43) Kinkyclawz: Was there one?
(22:25:59) Cieria: Sorry KC. There's not There was a bit of pie but we ate it. Sorry
(22:26:06) Cieria: There might be something new there now though...
(22:26:27) abi:
(22:27:17) Kinkyclawz: I hope so, before our Abi begins gnawing on one of us out of desperation
(22:27:25) abi:
(22:27:29) abi: you know me too well KC!
(22:27:35) Kinkyclawz: Hehe.
(22:28:16) Kinkyclawz: *hugz*
(22:29:12) abi:
(22:29:20) abi: thanku for everything this last week, been a big help
(22:30:37) Kinkyclawz: Aww, I'm glad.
(22:31:08) Kinkyclawz: And if you need me this coming week to, don't hesitate, ok? *hugz*
(22:31:16) abi: thanku hun!
(22:31:19) Kinkyclawz: ooh, we tailed off pretty fast didn't we folks?
(22:31:27) abi: ok, i better head off to bed and get some sleep gonna be a manic week to say the least
(22:31:48) Kinkyclawz: Indeed. Take care and travel safely, sweetheart, ok? *hugz*
(22:31:57) Kinkyclawz: Hope it all goes well.
(22:32:08) Kinkyclawz: C, Deg, you still here too my dears?
(22:32:20) abi: will do, right my lovelies toodleoo!
(22:32:26) Degnne: bye abi
(22:32:29) Cieria: Yep I'm still here.
(22:32:30) abi:
(22:32:31) Kinkyclawz: toodleoo!! And sweet dreams!
(22:32:35) Cieria: Bye Abi
(22:32:45) Kinkyclawz: Yay, you LIIIIVE! Mwahahahahaaaaaaa!
(22:34:52) Kinkyclawz: So, do we want to continue folks?
(22:35:50) Kinkyclawz: we seem to have petered off to nothing.
(22:36:10) Cieria: Sorry KC. I got a bit distracted
(22:36:21) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, no worries.
(22:36:28) Kinkyclawz: i think H&H has finished now. lmao
(22:37:04) Cieria: lol Just a little while xD
(22:37:15) Kinkyclawz: Just seen an ad for it, thats how come I remembered.
(22:37:20) Willie: abi has been logged out (Timeout).
(22:37:41) Kinkyclawz: LMAO
(22:37:56) Kinkyclawz: Hey, at least I finally remembered.
(22:39:40) Cieria: lol yeah
(22:40:09) Kinkyclawz: ^^
(22:40:56) Kinkyclawz: just looking at TV guide for BBC Three - midnight, Gavin & Stacey, 12.30, Ideal,
1.00am Him&Her. LMAO What a line up on a night I'm too tired to stay up. lmao
(22:41:24) Cieria: I might stay up for a little while. I'm not tired yet
(22:41:51) Kinkyclawz: DEg, you staying hun?
(22:42:04) Kinkyclawz: You and your saber-toothed tiger skin loincloth?
(22:43:25) Degnne: I think I'm going to head out
(22:43:33) Degnne: good night, ladies
(22:43:43) Cieria: Awww. Night night Deg. Sleep tight
(22:43:49) Kinkyclawz: Goodnight, good sir Ugg!
(22:44:01) Willie: Degnne logs out of the Chat.
(22:44:03) Kinkyclawz: Yeah, sleep tight and sweet dreams hunny.
(22:44:17) Kinkyclawz: just me and thee, C!
(22:44:23) Kinkyclawz: Hee, could make a poem of that.
(22:44:38) Kinkyclawz: Dya wanna stick around or have you otehr stuff to do?
(22:44:39) Cieria: lol
(22:44:51) Cieria: I don't mind. I can multitask
(22:45:55) Kinkyclawz: heh, I struggle to do but I'll try. I had a ficlet (is that the term for a mini fanfic?) idea
at work so wanna note it down.
(22:46:29) Cieria: Yeah ficlet or flash fiction. Maybe drabble if it's under 100 words
(22:46:50) Kinkyclawz: Hmm, dunno how short it will be but suspect not less than 100 words.
(22:47:03) Kinkyclawz: Flash fiction, is that not a specific kind?
(22:47:07) Cieria: lol no. I guessed it wouldn't be a drabble.
(22:47:13) Kinkyclawz: nto heard of it before, thats all.
(22:47:22) Kinkyclawz: LMAO you know me too well. To damned verbose.
(22:47:29) Kinkyclawz: well, loquacious?
(22:47:59) Cieria: Well flash fiction tends to be under 1000 words. But it can be used as a term for a short
fic that's not got chapters
(22:48:10) Kinkyclawz: Aha.
(22:48:22) Kinkyclawz: And ficlet is liek a generalised term?
(22:48:30) Cieria: Yeah can be
(22:48:49) Cieria: I mean there's no official terms for any of it. People'll know what you mean when you
say ficlet
(22:48:50) Kinkyclawz: Cool. So this probably will be Falsh but toherwise, ficlet.
(22:48:57) Willie: RangerCM enters the channel.
(22:48:59) Cieria: Yeah probably
(22:49:01) Kinkyclawz: gonna be a heartbreaker, too, if I get the tone right.
(22:49:04) Cieria: Ranger!! Hey!
(22:49:09) RangerCM: Someone is here!
(22:49:12) Kinkyclawz: RANGER! *hugz* Hi hun, howsya?
(22:49:13) RangerCM: Yeah!!
(22:49:15) Kinkyclawz: Yes!
(22:49:22) RangerCM: Back at ya
(22:49:23) Kinkyclawz: Brefly
(22:49:26) Kinkyclawz: briefly
(22:49:30) RangerCM: lol
(22:49:51) Kinkyclawz: How goes it hun?
(22:51:05) RangerCM: Very well. Been busy busy busy. Kids haven't started school, but sports started a
couple of weeks ago. 4 hours of swim practice a day for daughter and 2 hours of cross country practice a
day for sun.
(22:51:16) RangerCM: son
(22:51:18) RangerCM: lol
(22:51:55) Kinkyclawz: Wow, so active!
(22:51:55) RangerCM: Home school starts tomorrow for two youngest and college classes start next
week for daughter.
(22:52:43) Kinkyclawz: so back to teh grind again, eh?
(22:52:49) RangerCM: yep
(22:53:30) RangerCM: hope to get one last 3 day backpacking trip in next weekend before the weather
gets serious.
(22:53:57) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, the weather is goign to get serious? In what way, sweetie?
(22:54:34) RangerCM: wet and cold. I don't like camping when it gets too wet and cold <hehe>
(22:55:00) RangerCM: No desire to camp in the snow either.....brrrrrr.
(22:55:40) RangerCM: What have you two been up to?
(22:55:56) Kinkyclawz: Yikes, don't blame you at all for that hun.
(22:56:19) Cieria: I've just been getting ready to move to uni in under two weeks
(22:57:01) RangerCM: How far will you need to move?
(22:57:21) Cieria: Not that far. Just an hour or so away. Maybe an hour and a half
(22:57:47) RangerCM: Touch down Seahawks!! Ooops. sorry. boys watching the game and it's getting
(22:58:20) RangerCM: Not too bad, but still a pain to pack up everything and set it all back up again.
(22:58:59) Kinkyclawz: LOL YAY Seahwaks?

Superstressful, that is' isn't it? *hugz C* How are you set now? Nearly there? (Didn't wanna ask in full
crowd, answers get missed)

Where to begin? Been studying for 2 courses, setting up my own business (well making the preparations
for it anyway), writing, visiting London to meet Russell again.
(22:59:00) Cieria: Well yeah. And I've had to find a house and I've still gonna have to get some of the stuff
I'm going to need.
(22:59:18) Kinkyclawz: Yikes, whats left to get, C?
(22:59:36) Cieria: Yeah KC. I've just got to go to ikea and gets some stuff. Oh and get a printer and some
knew pajamas. Oh and trainers for when the weather gets wet.
(23:00:08) Kinkyclawz: IKEA?! Nooooo! What would Mitchell think? lmao
(23:00:17) RangerCM: What courses are you taking, KC?
(23:00:21) RangerCM: LOL
(23:00:24) Kinkyclawz: Wow, lots to get though
(23:00:35) Cieria: I know!! But I'm a student!!! I have to get cheap flat pack furniture. He'd understand I'm
(23:02:45) Kinkyclawz: One through work is a NQV in Team Leading (the government is subsidising
qualifications earned while working. no homework or exams, they said, so we've had homework and I
have an exam on Friday. Liars!) and the other is one I'm paying for for myself in using Dreamweaver and
Flash. My plan is to set up my own buiness building website for people who can't or don;'t ahve the time
to make & maintain their own.
(23:03:04) Kinkyclawz: Hmm, okay, perhaps he will this once, Cieria, but don';t make a havbit of it. lmao
(23:03:10) Kinkyclawz: or a habit.
(23:03:20) Kinkyclawz: see typos haven't improved since I last saw you Ranger! lmao
(23:03:23) Cieria: Don't worry I won't.
(23:03:24) Kinkyclawz: BRB gals, pitstop!
(23:04:16) RangerCM: What classes will you be taking this term, C?
(23:04:41) Cieria: Creative writing. I haven't picked my minor yet
(23:05:00) Kinkyclawz: back
(23:05:19) Kinkyclawz: What options are there to minor in hun?
(23:05:37) Kinkyclawz: With the creative writing, you'll do swimmingly.
(23:05:40) Cieria: Dunno yet. There's gonna be a subject fair in the first week when we can pick
(23:05:56) Kinkyclawz: awesome!
(23:06:09) Kinkyclawz: Does it have to relate to your major course or can it be anything?
(23:06:17) Cieria: I think it can be anything.
(23:06:30) Kinkyclawz: yayness!
(23:06:33) RangerCM: Very nice. I have so much respect for those who can write well. Always have to get
help from others with that when teaching my kids.
(23:06:59) Kinkyclawz: C is very very good!
(23:07:16) Cieria: ^_^
(23:07:33) RangerCM: So, KC, I will HAVE to pick your brain with Dreamweaver ideas. There are so
many things I'd like to do on the website I administer, but I can't figure out how to do it! Very frustrating.
(23:07:54) Kinkyclawz: When I know stuff, I'll let you know and you can pick away sweetie!
(23:08:24) Kinkyclawz: Got stuck on unti 8, nothing was sinking in, so i've started again fromt eh
beginnign and am going painfully slowly through it to MAKE it sink in.
(23:08:35) Kinkyclawz: and cannot type now.
(23:08:40) Kinkyclawz: as usual
(23:11:05) Kinkyclawz listens to crickets chirruping
(23:11:08) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(23:11:15) RangerCM: lol
(23:12:25) Kinkyclawz: Well, when you have time, Ranger, there are a few chapters of BTWT on the
forum for you to read, I think. Not sure what the last one was that you saw, though.
(23:12:43) Kinkyclawz: I'm writing ch18 now.
(23:14:54) RangerCM: I think I have two to catch up on, but I'm not sure. Once once the kids get settled
into school, I"ll have a bit more time to read and such while I make myself available if they have
(23:15:36) RangerCM: Touch down!!! WHooo Hoooo!
(23:15:49) RangerCM: We are KILIING the 49ers
(23:15:49) Kinkyclawz: I know that you had LOADS to do keepign the kids amused over their holiadys
from school.
(23:16:03) RangerCM: lol
(23:16:43) Kinkyclawz: Yay for the Seahawks!
(23:16:49) Kinkyclawz: :D
(23:19:58) RangerCM: So, one of the classes my daughter will be taking, is German. This will be the first
time she's taking a class that I can't help her with at all.
(23:20:25) Kinkyclawz: Oh dear! Erm, yu could always ask Eileen if you get stuck.
(23:20:41) RangerCM: Don't even know enough to go over flash cards with her! LOL
(23:20:51) RangerCM: Good idea!!
(23:21:05) Cieria: Or you could write stuff down and use a cheat sheet xD
(23:21:07) Kinkyclawz: Aww, bless you! I'm amazied by how many subjects you CAN help your childrenw
ith though!
(23:21:11) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(23:21:14) Kinkyclawz: also a thought!
(23:21:55) RangerCM: That would be fun for her to get to the point where she could try to chat with her in
(23:22:16) RangerCM: Oh, I'm all about taking notes for cheat sheets! LOL
(23:22:16) Kinkyclawz: Oh yeah! now THAT would help her learn it faster than anything.
(23:22:25) Kinkyclawz: Cheat sheets?
(23:22:36) Kinkyclawz: What are those ladies?
(23:22:58) Cieria: A sheet of paper with the answers on
(23:23:10) Kinkyclawz: so not like notes?
(23:23:18) Kinkyclawz: shorter than those, I gues.s
(23:23:35) Cieria: Yeah.
(23:23:39) RangerCM: Like a one page study sheet of the most important points.
(23:24:00) Kinkyclawz: Ahh... oh heck., not possible for either of my courses then.
(23:24:01) Kinkyclawz:
(23:24:07) Kinkyclawz: :s even
(23:24:11) RangerCM: LOL
(23:25:55) RangerCM: Daughter is done with her chores and we're going to head out for some
Mom/daughter bonding (ie, shopping and a latte) See you both later.
(23:26:13) Cieria: Bye bye then Rangr
(23:26:18) Kinkyclawz: Have lists of step by step guides to the most important bits.
(23:26:34) Kinkyclawz: Aww, goodnight Ranger! Brilliant to see you tonight! *hugz*
(23:26:48) Kinkyclawz: Have a safe trip and enjoy your mother/daughter lattes!
(23:27:04) RangerCM: Thanks Night, ladies.
(23:27:14) Kinkyclawz:
(23:31:12) Kinkyclawz: Sweet dreams when you go to bed too, Ranger.
(23:31:37) Willie: RangerCM has been logged out (Timeout).
(23:32:32) Kinkyclawz: Me and thee again, C!
(23:32:44) Cieria: Yep.
(23:32:56) Kinkyclawz: Hehe!
(23:37:12) Cieria: Oh dear. The puppy's woken up and wants to play >_<
(23:38:08) Kinkyclawz: Ohhh heck not good at this tiem of night.
(23:38:12) Kinkyclawz:
(23:38:38) Cieria: Well it'll be okay if the other dog wants to play. Then they can just play together
(23:38:55) Kinkyclawz: If the toher doesn't, you're the number one target, huh?
(23:39:11) Cieria: lol yeah. Or she might settle down and play on her own
(23:39:27) Cieria: Or sit and watch tv. Sometimes she does that too.
(23:39:29) Kinkyclawz: Find her own amusement, you can hope huh?
(23:39:36) Kinkyclawz: Really? lol Awesome!
(23:40:04) Cieria: Well she does it quite a lot. She rolls on her back and holds the toy in her paws whilst
snapping at it with her mouth.
(23:40:24) Cieria: Yeah she gets attracted by the tv sometimes. The movements or like just now she
heard a dog bark on it.
(23:40:26) Kinkyclawz: Lucky rarely shows any interest in TV, though Blackie & Snowy the cats, they
watch sometimes.
(23:40:37) Cieria: The other dog wathes tv too but less often
(23:41:16) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, yeah, toys help. Lucky has a new one we bought fromt eh carboot, and just
carries him about all over.
(23:41:39) Cieria: Yeah toys are good. Hera has lots of toys
(23:42:07) Kinkyclawz:
(23:43:02) Kinkyclawz: Sounds cool.
(23:43:09) Cieria: Yep
(23:43:20) Kinkyclawz: What sorts of toys are they?
(23:43:38) Cieria: Oh all sorts. Ball. Rope toys. Squeeky. YOu name it she's got it xD
(23:43:54) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, bet she's a riot then! lmao
(23:44:15) Cieria: She can be. Litrally bounces off the walls sometimes
(23:44:25) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(23:44:34) Kinkyclawz: does she have cuddlies too?
(23:45:00) Cieria: Oh no. None of those. The other dog would rip them to shreds within five seconds.
(23:45:23) Kinkyclawz: Hehe. Lucky has those... they're his "special" freinds, if you get my drift.
(23:45:34) Cieria: lol
(23:45:54) Kinkyclawz: He has ropes and balls, loves the balls, not much interested in ropes.,
(23:46:09) Kinkyclawz: and how could that sentence be misconstrued?!
(23:46:21) Kinkyclawz: ><
(23:46:26) Cieria: lol! Hera's obsessed with Frisbees
(23:46:47) Kinkyclawz: Oh cool! I like frisbees too.
(23:47:19) Kinkyclawz: Ahem, but I don't chase them then hold them in my mouth, of course.
(23:47:19) Cieria: They're cool. And give hera one and she'll carry it around in her mouth for the rest of
time xD
(23:47:31) Kinkyclawz: Bless her!
(23:47:49) Cieria: She's gorgeous. I'm gonna miss her when I go away
(23:48:22) Kinkyclawz: Aww, I bet you will. *hugz*
(23:48:43) Cieria: I mean I'll miss Bil too. But Hera's just my baby.
(23:48:48) Kinkyclawz: But she'll be there when you get to come home and visit in holidays etc.
(23:49:04) Cieria: She will. And she'll be very excited to see me
(23:49:09) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, there's always one who is your baby, isn't there. Blackie's mine.
(23:49:20) Kinkyclawz: Aww, I bet!
(23:49:27) Kinkyclawz: She'll be more hyper than usual
(23:49:38) Kinkyclawz: brb, getting a brew.
(23:49:43) Cieria: hb
(23:53:25) Kinkyclawz: back
(23:53:36) Cieria: wb
(23:53:51) Kinkyclawz: thankyou. :d
(23:54:08) Kinkyclawz: I return with a cup of QT and a doughnut with sprinkles., lmao
(23:54:12) Kinkyclawz: sprinkles also
(23:54:28) Kinkyclawz: *offers you a doughnut*
(23:54:58) Cieria: Ooh doughnut!!!
(23:55:02) Cieria: Thankyou
(23:55:13) Kinkyclawz: You're welcome.
(23:55:25) Kinkyclawz: *yawn* not gonan be long out of bed to be honest.
(23:55:30) Kinkyclawz: S'been a long day. lmao
(23:55:33) Cieria: Yeah me neither tbh xD
(23:55:49) Kinkyclawz: Have you been sleepign any betteR?
(23:56:22) Cieria: Lately yeah. But I had the puppy in my room last night and she woke me up at 4:30 and
then again at 8.
(23:56:44) Kinkyclawz: Ahh, so it buggers up your sleep routine.
(23:57:37) Kinkyclawz: i've learned to sleep on buses to stop me being ill... no good if you're only goign a
few stops, mind you.
(23:57:45) Cieria: lol yeah.
(23:57:50) Kinkyclawz: sorry, tenuous link there. lmao
(23:57:54) Cieria: Oh btw I'm over my phobia of buses!!
(23:58:14) Kinkyclawz: you are?! How did you manage that so fast?
(23:58:25) Kinkyclawz: Well done!
(23:58:35) Kinkyclawz: Did you force yourself to go on a bus?
(23:59:10) Cieria: Well this sudden uni place has forced me to confront a lot of things. I mean obviously I'll
still be a bit more anxious on them. And I probably still won't be able to go on them when they're crowded.
But I'm a lot better.
(23:59:26) Kinkyclawz: *hugz* Brilliant!
(23:59:30) Kinkyclawz: Good on ya!
(23:59:48) Kinkyclawz: It all takes time.
(23:59:52) Cieria: It's good since I have to get two buses to get to uni xD
(00:00:50) Kinkyclawz: Its a good thing to get over your phobia. Aww, proud of you!
(00:00:59) Cieria:
(00:01:04) Kinkyclawz: Sorry, meant its a good WAY to get over it
(00:01:17) Cieria: lol
(00:02:08) Kinkyclawz: oh dear, typos are getting worse.
(00:02:23) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(00:02:31) Kinkyclawz: coming from the brain though now.
(00:02:37) Cieria: Lol could be a hint that it's time for bed xD
(00:02:56) Kinkyclawz: lmao might well be a hiut from my brain, s'been a long few days
(00:03:03) Cieria: *hugs*
(00:03:17) Kinkyclawz: Soooo, I think we should call it a night then. *hugz back* Goodngiht and sleep
tight hunny.
(00:03:50) Kinkyclawz: And good luck with getting prepared for uni if I don't manage to catch you
(00:03:53) Cieria: *hugs* night night. Sleep well xx
(00:04:11) Kinkyclawz: Will do, you too (so no letting Hera sleep with you ok? )
(00:04:14) Cieria: I'll talk to you next sunday. That's before I go.
(00:04:32) Cieria: lol I have to. I'm alone tonight so I need her as my safety blanket. xD
(00:05:44) Kinkyclawz: Aww, good that we see you beforehand-I'm guessing you're nto available while at
uni? Aww, and she'll make a good Safety blanket, methinks.
(00:05:49) Kinkyclawz: Goodnight hunny.
(00:06:13) Cieria: I might be still coming online during uni. I dunno how busy I'll be yet.
(00:06:30) Kinkyclawz: Indeed. sorta wish I was doing creative writing now.
(00:06:49) Cieria: Night night then hun
(00:07:30) Kinkyclawz: Night night hunny! *hugz* Seeya next week!

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