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Untitled Duration : 1'16"

cheers - are u comIng up via traffic?

fair enough - will dele=e infamous

Thanks Andrew,

in the absence of Dave Treanor i just wonder whether

"infamous" is a bit strong .

Perhaps you could also knock off a version 7::ha-- could be

used on R2/5 Live after the .story has been broken on Today,

inserting "one senior British official has now told BBC

News" for "has now told us"

Paul Deal

exz ~9956

<A senior official involved in tYZe preparation of the

British Government dossier on Iraq's weapons of mass

destruction has told =his programme that the doc-,:ment was

Prinzed :06/08/2003 07 :35 by John Comvay Page 1

,Z .
13gC~ ~.~ ~ 2.~ ~
Untitled Duratiori : I'll"

The dossier, published in Sep=ember last year, was launched

in the Commons by the ?rime Minister himself . it recei ved

saturation coverage . In the preface, Mr 31air stated

explicitly _hat some o= Saddam's weapons of mass

destruction could be ready within 45 minutes of an order to

use them . One senior British official has now told us that

the original version of _he dossier produced by the

intelligence services added little :o what was already

publicly known . But one week aefcre publication, said this

official, the dossier was "transformed" on Downing Street's

orders . The now infamous "45 minute" assertion was one of

several claims added - against the wishes of the

intelligence agencies, who said it was from a s-ngle source

which they didn't necessarily believe . The official told

the BBC that most people in --intelligence were unhappy with

the dossier, because it did not reflect the considered view

they were putting forward .

Prin ::ed :D5 ;08/2003 1C :17 by john Conway page 2

t3~3 ~-~ L+4 0,:_11

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