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«2) United States Patent Chen (54) CIPHER TYPE ANTI-THEFT SYSTEM FOR CARS USING IN-CAR WIRING TO "TRANSMIT THE CIPHER (75) Ioveotor: Tse-Hsing Chen, Taipei Shien (TW) (73). Assignee: Shu-Chen Lu, Taipei Shien (TW) (©) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35, US.C. 15440) by 0 days. 21) Appl. Nos 09/396,889 (22) Filed: Sep. 16, 1999 GI) Inc HOIM 11/08 (2) US.CL 340/310.01, 180 287; 307/105 Gs) MO/310001, 425 $340)825.60; 180/287; 307/108 (56) References Cited US. PATENT DOCUMENTS 4932498 A+ 61990 Chander 180.287 S528 A * 6/199 Maas 34031001 5552642 A * 911996 Dovghery ct sevon. 190/287 Spun A * 71007 Hodes Siwsndo1 7620B1 US 6,337,620 BL "US006: (10) Patent No.: (45) Date of Patent: Jan, 8, 2002 5077663 A+ Q1997 Samane sores eho AS "a0 Mable a 1087 * cited by examiner Primary Examiner—Iobn A. Tweel (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Dougherty & Troxell on ABSTRACT A cipher type antsthett system for cars using an in-car wiring 10 ansmit a cipher mainly includes an encoder transmitter and at Teast one decoder cutoff relay. The encoder/iransmiter generates a cipher and converts the ciphor from digits to analog signals or loading onto the iar wiring. The at least one decoder eut-of elay may be installed at any point on any power supply circuit needed 10 start the car. When the at least one decoder cut-off relay receives & cortect cipher, it can decode the cipher and make the power supply cireut to allow fart of the car, The encoer/ransmiter and the decoder cutoff relay can be installed in the ear without producing additional (or direct) Wiring and are therefore not easily ound from outside, The encoder ransmiter may be an independent and portable unit associated with certain in-car equipment, such asa cigarette lighter, and uses the cigarette lighter holder, for example, as an interface to receive and teansmit the cipher 4 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets Rae Ras, TCC RAL RAO osci| IMCL sci uz. 8inc Ne loura~ INA Ss GNI ours INB US 6,337,620 BL Sheet 1 of 7 Jan. 8, 2002 US. Patent laaayaoea vay song Vata hold \h oO 410 ataesiq wonyusy Avjaa yaypos jnduy . ~~ Jyo-yno Oo o— € aigesiq dung jong, ae : I np B H+! 5 ~—_ = = oF : |jeee Aejaa Q argesiq aaavig es ORY ° Gee punos3 40 SY AcreoL ped fay US 6,337,620 BL Sheet 2 of 7 Jan. 8, 2002 US. Patent 2°Ola4 Axaq eg : I soqyymsuea f, AgT+ y Aapooug TS apps gyo-na s9p002(1 yno = Awpaa yo-una | -S s9p099¢1 3nd aqqesiq dung jang 40 wopyuay aqqusiq 493105

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