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Clases de inglés.


Subjects and verb “to be”

A. Fill in the blanks with the correct form: 1. John (is) a

teacher. 2. I ___ a student. 3. We ___students. 4. This ___
a yellow book. 5. I ___not a teacher. 6. They____ not
good students. 7. The marker ___black. 8. This ______a
yellow pencil. 9. Mr. Smith ____a teacher. 10.
This_____a good book. 11. John ____from Cuba.

B. Change to negative form: 1. John is a good student. 2.

William and Mary are good students. 3. This book is
yellow. 4. This is a pencil. 5. You are from Cuba. 6. My
friend is from Venezuela. 7. Mr. Williams is a teacher. 8.
This is a yellow pencil. 9. They are good students. 10.
This is a good pen.

C. Change to question form: l. This is a good pencil. 2.

John is a teacher. 3. Mary is a student. 4. Mary is a good
student. 5. Mr. Smith is a good teacher. 6. John is from
Cuba. 7. This is a yellow book. 8. We are good students.
9. John and Mary are friends. 10. They are good friends.

D. Choose the correct form: 1. John (am, is) a student. 2.

Mr. Smith (is, are) a teacher. 3. He (is, are) a good
teacher. 4. This (is, are) a new book. 5. John and Mary (is,
are) friends. 6. They (is, are) good friends. 7. Mary and I
(am, are) friends. 8. We (am, are) good friends. 9. This (is,
are) a piece of chalk. 10. The piece of paper (is, are)



My name is Luis Mendoza. I am a student. I am from

Mexico. I am fifteen years old. My friend Roberto is in my
class. He is from Venezuela. He is a good student. He is
also fifteen years old.
My teacher is Mr. Smith. He is a very good teacher. He is
from New York City. He is about thirty years old.

1. What is your name?

2. Are you a student or a teacher?
3. Is Luis a student or a teacher?
4. Is Luis from Mexico or from Venezuela?
5. How old is Luis?
6. .How old are you?
7. Is Roberto from Mexico or from Venezuela?
8. How old is Roberto?
9. Is Roberto á good student or a bad student?
10. Are you a good student or a bad student?
11. Is Mr. Smith a teacher or a student?
12. Is he a good teacher or a bad teacher?
13. About how old is Mr. Smith?
14. Is your pencil red or yellow?
15. What color is your pen?
16. Is your pencil long or short?
17. Is your book large or small?
18. What color is your book?

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