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[ Natasha ]
[ Nicholas ]
[ Wei Wen ]
[ Wesley ]
[ Who Are We ? ]
• Natasha • Nicholas
> Strengths > Strengths
- Presents loudly - Does thorough
and clearly research

> Weaknesses
> Weaknesses
- Gets out of control
when laughing - Cannot present
[ Who Are We? ]
• Wei Wen • Wesley
> Strengths > Strengths
- Presents - Can compile and
confidently and organize information
clearly well

> Weaknesses > Weaknesses

- Long winded at - VERY long winded
times ALWAYS
[ Our Philosophy ]

[ Every problem has a solution ]

This reflects our belief that we can overcome any

problem, even if the solution is zany and ridiculous. It
means that we should not give up no matter what
problems we face, but solve it instead.
[ Our Symbol ]

Our symbol depicts a green four-point star pointing in the four

cardinal directions with a five-point star as its crown jewel.
The four-point star shows that we are looking for different
solutions to different problems and the five-point star shows
that we are united despite these differences.
[ Our Invention ]
• Our group is inventing a…


* Screen Fades To Black *

* Credits Roll *
* Music Plays *
* Audience Applauds *

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