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Originally published April 27 2010

Big Brother to track your medication compliance with electronic

transmitters in pills
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

(NaturalNews) Now that the U.S. government has achieved its monopoly
over health care, new technologies are in the works that will allow the
government to remotely monitor and track whether ordinary citizens are
complying with taking medications prescribed by conventional doctors.
One new technology described at the U.S. Senate Committee on Aging
allows "pills to be electronically outfitted with transmitters" which would
track the patient's compliance with medications and broadcast that
information back to government health care enforcers who check for
"compliance and efficacy."

"Emerging technologies allow pills to be electronically outfitted with

transmitters to communicate with the user's wristwatch that shows that
the pill has been consumed," said University of Virginia professor Robin
Felder at the committee meeting. "Broadband connectivity of these
devices would allow the electronic medical record to be updated with
regard to medication compliance and efficacy."

This would allow government health operators, for example, to know

whether you've taken all your prescribed psychiatric medications. If you
veer from the course of pharmaceuticals prescribed by your doctor,
health care enforcement agents could be dispatched to your door to
make sure you start taking your pills.

Parents who currently attempt to protect their children from toxic

medical therapies such as chemotherapy could be closely monitored by
government medical enforcement agents. If you try to flush dangerous
pharmaceuticals down the toilet instead of actually taking them, the lack
of an electronic tracking signal will let your health care observers know
you didn't really take the pills.
Get ready for E-Care
It's all part of a new push called E-Care which involves a number of
medical devices that monitor you in your home and report back to
government authorities. A blood pressure monitoring device, for
example, could report your blood pressure to your government-
approved doctor. A blood sugar monitoring device could determine if
you've eaten too much sugar and order you to take more diabetes pills
to try to compensate.

Big Government, you see, doesn't just want to monopolize health care;
it wants to monitor your compliance with it. If you depart from their
system of pharmaceuticals, you may be found unfit as a parent, for
example. Or possibly just declared insane (which gets you drugged with
psych meds).
Big Brother snooping in on your diet
One of the ultimate goals of this remote monitoring technology is to
install a blood monitoring chip in your arm that would sample and run
diagnostic tests on your blood every few minutes. While this could be
used in a positive way to detect early signs of cancer or liver problems,
for example, it could also be used to snoop on the dietary habits of
everyday citizens.

If you take too much vitamin C, for example -- beyond what is allowed
by CODEX -- it could trigger a monitored alert that causes government-
run medical operatives to force their way into your home and confiscate
your "non-compliant" vitamins.

If your vitamin D levels rise high enough to actually prevent cancer, they
could have you arrested for "spending too much time in the sun" and
thrown into a hospital with no windows to, as they claim, "Protect you
from skin cancer."

These are some of the very practical realities that could theoretically
emerge in the dystopian medicalized society that seems to be getting
closer with each passing day.
We're monitoring you for your own good
This isn't science fiction: It's modern medical fact. As CNSNews reports,
"...Areas of interest include medicines that can tell a doctor if they have
been taken on time [and] wireless monitoring of nutritional

Of course, as with all privacy-invading monitoring devices, government

will argue that monitoring you is "for your own good." You can expect
an RFID chip to be implanted in your arm, too, containing your entire
medical history. So every time you pass near an RFID reader at a
government-controlled facility (airports, schools, interstate toll booths,
etc.), your entire medical history can be scanned and assessed for a
variety of metrics.

Combined with the blood analysis chip implants, this would give health
enforcement authorities a way to find and arrest "dangerous" people --
such as people who aren't taking enough antidepressants, for example.
Or people who show signs of consuming herbal medicines. All these
people could be tracked down, arrested and then forced to consume
medications before they are released back into the public.
TIA for your body
The program is basically Total Information Awareness at the
personal biology level. Big Brother wants to monitor your biochemistry,
you see, to make sure you remain compliant with its pharmaceutical and
junk foods agenda.

It's not enough for the government to monitor your phone calls, scan
your emails and watch you sunbathing on your back porch with spy
satellites; now they want to snoop into your bloodstream and
monitor what you've been eating, drinking or swallowing.

"This device here connects to other devices that measure a patient's

blood pressure and glucose [sugar] levels." said U.S. Senator Ron
Wyden. "It wirelessly uploads this data to an electronic medical health
record that is monitored by a health care professional." (A government-
mandated health care enforcer, in other words.)

With this technology, they could even monitor your moods by tracking
fluctuations of hormone levels. They will know when you're happy, when
you're angry, when you're having sex, when you're sleeping. All this
information will be at the fingertips of government health care enforcers
who are, of course, working to further the Big Pharma agenda of
medicating everyone from cradle to grave.
Remote administration of medications
But it gets even worse. Part of this E-Care technology involves the
remote administration of medications directly into your
bloodstream. A supply of medication chemicals can be worn on your
body (like a wristband, for example), and when it receives a remote
command from your health care enforcers, it can inject another dose of
some chemical into your bloodstream.

These chemicals could be anything -- antidepressants, tranquilizers,

antipsychotics, statin drugs, chemotherapy drugs and so on. So now
you've got remote government medical operatives who can essentially
control your biochemistry as if you were a robot in a Big
Government reality game.

If they are about to come to your house and take away your children
because you refused to give them vaccines, for example, they could first
remotely inject you with tranquilizers so that you will be "calm, docile
and compliant" upon their arrival.

This now puts the government in control of your mind through the
remote administration of mind-altering chemicals.

"What we're talking about, folks, is using a device like this one," said
Senator Wyden during the committee meeting. "It attaches to the
patient's skin and is loaded with drugs that are administered in the exact
way that the doctor prescribes -- wirelessly."

Except it's not really the way the doctor prescribes; it's the way the
government prescribes. Because now Big Government is running health
care and telling doctors exactly what to do. So government is
determining what chemicals get administered to you, and before long
they'll be able to administer those chemicals wirelessly.
Did you get your happy chemicals today?
At the click of a mouse, in other words, Big Government could mass
medicate the entire nation. Imagine the entire population being
dosed with "happy chemicals" in the days before an important vote. Or
imagine the population being medicated with "anger hormones"
following some staged false-flag attack, all designed to create outrage
so that the politicians can sweep in with yet more "solutions" that
destroy civil liberties.

This may be what's coming, which is why establishing a government

health care monopoly was so important in the first place. Without the
government monopoly and the IRS penalties for non-compliance, there
would be no way to force everybody into participating in such a system.
But now, health care run by Big Government has opened the door for us
all to be chipped, monitored and medicated without our knowledge and
against our will.

It's a brave new world after all, it seems. Maybe the drug-dispensing
implants will start administering soma to us all.

Sources for this story include:

US Senate Special Committee on Aging

CNS News
French Bread Spiked with LSD in CIA Experiment
A 50-year mystery over the 'cursed bread' of Pont-Saint-Esprit, which left residents
suffering hallucinations, has been solved after a writer discovered the US had spiked
the bread with LSD as part of an experiment.

By Henry Samuel in Paris 

March 12, 2010 "The Telegraph" March 11, 2010 -- In 1951, a quiet,
picturesque village in southern France was suddenly and mysteriously
struck down with mass insanity and hallucinations. At least five people
died, dozens were interned in asylums and hundreds afflicted.

For decades it was assumed that the local bread had been unwittingly
poisoned with a psychedelic mould. Now, however, an American
investigative journalist has uncovered evidence suggesting the CIA
peppered local food with the hallucinogenic drug LSD as part of a mind
control experiment at the height of the Cold War.

The mystery of Le Pain Maudit (Cursed Bread) still haunts the

inhabitants of Pont-Saint-Esprit, in the Gard, southeast France.

On August 16, 1951, the inhabitants were suddenly racked with frightful

hallucinations of terrifying beasts and fire.

One man tried to drown himself, screaming that his belly was being
eaten by snakes. An 11-year-old tried to strangle his grandmother.
Another man shouted: "I am a plane", before jumping out of a second-
floor window, breaking his legs. He then got up and carried on for 50
yards. Another saw his heart escaping through his feet and begged a
doctor to put it back. Many were taken to the local asylum in strait

Time magazine wrote at the time: "Among the stricken, delirium rose:
patients thrashed wildly on their beds, screaming that red flowers were
blossoming from their bodies, that their heads had turned to molten

Eventually, it was determined that the best-known local baker had

unwittingly contaminated his flour with ergot, a hallucinogenic mould
that infects rye grain. Another theory was the bread had been poisoned
with organic mercury.

However, H P Albarelli Jr., an investigative journalist, claims the

outbreak resulted from a covert experiment directed by the CIA and the
US Army's top-secret Special Operations Division (SOD) at Fort Detrick,

The scientists who produced both alternative explanations, he writes,

worked for the Swiss-based Sandoz Pharmaceutical Company, which
was then secretly supplying both the Army and CIA with LSD.

Mr Albarelli came across CIA documents while investigating the

suspicious suicide of Frank Olson, a biochemist working for the SOD who
fell from a 13th floor window two years after the Cursed Bread incident.
One note transcribes a conversation between a CIA agent and a Sandoz
official who mentions the "secret of Pont-Saint-Esprit" and explains that
it was not "at all" caused by mould but by diethylamide, the D in LSD.

While compiling his book, A Terrible Mistake: The Murder of Frank Olson
and the CIA's Secret Cold War Experiments, Mr Albarelli spoke to former
colleagues of Mr Olson, two of whom told him that the Pont-Saint-Esprit
incident was part of a mind control experiment run by the CIA and US

After the Korean War the Americans launched a vast research

programme into the mental manipulation of prisoners and enemy troops.

Scientists at Fort Detrick told him that agents had sprayed LSD into the
air and also contaminated "local foot products".

Mr Albarelli said the real "smoking gun" was a White House document
sent to members of the Rockefeller Commission formed in 1975 to
investigate CIA abuses. It contained the names of a number of French
nationals who had been secretly employed by the CIA and made direct
reference to the "Pont St. Esprit incident." In its quest to research LSD
as an offensive weapon, Mr Albarelli claims, the US army also drugged
over 5,700 unwitting American servicemen between 1953 and 1965.

None of his sources would indicate whether the French secret services
were aware of the alleged operation. According to US news reports,
French intelligence chiefs have demanded the CIA explain itself following
the book's revelations. French intelligence officially denies this.

Locals in Pont-Saint-Esprit still want to know why they were hit by such
apocalyptic scenes. "At the time people brought up the theory of an
experiment aimed at controlling a popular revolt," said Charles Granjoh,

"I almost kicked the bucket," he told the weekly French magazine Les
Inrockuptibles. "I'd like to know why."

© Copyright of Telegraph Media Group Limited 2010 printable article

Originally published February 27 2010

Doritos ads represent sick, demented nature of junk food

companies and their products
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

(NaturalNews) Junk food advertising has reached a new low with the
recent Doritos "Crash the Super Bowl" ads which portray Doritos
consumers as violent murderers who will kill fellow human beings to get
a bag of Doritos.

One Doritos ad portrays a man backing out of a parking lot when his car
strikes an innocent person who drops a bag of Doritos and falls to the
ground behind the car. Rather than trying to help the innocent victim,
this man throws his car into reverse and drives over the victim, killing
him with the vehicle and stealing the bag of Doritos.

The message? Doritos are so valuable that it's okay to kill people just to
score a bag. (

A second Doritos ad shows two loser-looking gym bums being attacked

by an insane junk food ninja who uses Doritos chips as throwing stars to
murder the guy who stole his bag of Doritos. The message here? Doritos
are so valuable that it's okay to kill others to defend your snack.

A third Doritos ad shows one elderly man attacking a young man with a
stun gun in order to buy the last bag of Doritos from a vending machine
( Same gratuitous violence.
Same message: Committing violent acts against others is perfectly
acceptable when you're pursuing a bag of Doritos.

Yet another Doritos ad shows two grown men smacking each other in
the face to decide which loser has to go buy more Doritos. The loser
ends up with a black eye after being punched so hard he flies through
the air and lands on a coffee table, shattering it. Gee, why not just use
the women in this role and make it a wife-beating commercial?

A common theme: Violence against innocent people

What's the common theme of all these Doritos television commercials?

Acts of senseless violence committed against fellow human

Doritos marketing executives apparently think these commercials

showing gratuitous acts of violence and murder are going to help them
sell more Doritos. Maybe they've been eating too much of their own
product and their brain function has been suppressed by all the MSG
found in Doritos... because these ads aren't funny, they're sick!

"Demented" might be a better term. It's hard to see the humor when
there's so much realistic violence in the way. And yet somehow Frito-Lay
executives gave these ads the big thumbs up. Let's use violence to sell
junk foods!

It sort of makes sense, actually: Junk food consumption is

correlated with violent crime. Virtually all the criminals in prison
across the country are nutritionally imbalanced due to their consumption
of processed junk foods and their lack of sufficient nutritional
supplementation. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if a study revealed that
fried snack foods like Doritos are a favorite food among violent
criminals. These are, after all, the kind of people depicted in some
Doritos advertisements.

In my view, the violent Doritos commercials accurately reflect the

senseless, violent behavior that typifies people (younger males, mostly)
who consume large quantities of processed junk foods, sugary soft
drinks and gimmicky "sports drinks." These are the people who end up
being put on antidepressants and other psychotropic drugs, after which
they sometimes end up in a school shooting rampage.

It might make a good Doritos commercial, actually: A kid grows up on

junk food and diet soda laced with aspartame. He's drugged up on
Ritalin and Prozac. One day he brings a semiautomatic rifle to school,
barges into a classroom and opens fire on his classmates, shooting and
screaming, "I WANT MY F*@!KING DORITOS!"

Hilarious, huh? Some people think so. The Frito-Lay executives

apparently think this kind of violence is appropriate for mainstream
television. This is the kind of imagery they're using to try to convince
people to buy their products! How sick is that?

Ow, My Balls!

If you've ever seen the movie Idiocracy, you may remember the popular
TV show being watched by the dumbed-down, brain-numbed junk food
consumers who inhabit the world depicted in the film. That show was
called, "Ow, My Balls!" and it consisted of random acts of violence
against the testicles of the show host who is seen being kicked in the
balls, falling on his balls, being hit in the balls by a wrecking crane and
other similar acts. (

This show is the single most popular broadcast in the world of Idiocracy.
When this parody movie first came out, it seemed impossible to imagine
a world full of people who were so stupid that they just sit around
watching some guy get kicked in the balls over and over again... but
guess what? Idiocracy has become reality! Doritos has achieved the
distinction of being the first mainstream consumer product company to
produce a series of advertisements that are intellectually equivalent to
"Ow, My Balls!"

Doritos contain MSG

Doritos are, of course, a processed junk food made with mosodium

glutamate -- a taste-enhancing chemical that experts like Dr. Russell
Blaylock link to obesity, food addictions, headaches and neurological
damage. MSG is an excitotoxin that's used along with huge amounts of
processed salt to enhance the flavor of dead foods like Doritos.

Read more about the dangers of MSG here:

Being a fried snack food, Doritos also contain acrylamides -- toxic

substances formed when carbohydrates are cooked a high
temperatures. Acrylamides are linked to cancer and other serious
diseases. (

One study shows that eating acrylamides increases the risk of kidney
cancer by 59 percent (

PepsiCo, the parent company that makes Doritos, claims that its product
isn't made with genetically modified corn, but tests conducted by
GreenPeace proved that Doritos sold in India actually did contain GM
corn varieties MON 863 and NK 603

So eating a bag of Doritos involves not only the ingestion of MSG and
cancer-causing acrylamides; it may also expose you to genetically
modified corn that has been scientifically linked to internal organ
damage. (See books by Jeffrey Smith for loads of research on that...)

So now all the violence actually starts to make sense: People who eat
Doritos might be brain damaged from the chemicals in the product.
And because they're brain damaged, they have lost the higher brain
functions of critical thinking or expressing human compassion. They are
operating from their lower "reptilian" brain stem functions which
respond to two things: Sex and violence.

No wonder the Doritos ads are focused on sex and violence.

Bread and Circuses

The Art of Corporate Mind Control

5 Minute Video

Television is the most powerful weapon of psychological warfare in history and

yet it is a member of the family in most households. The programming that we
are constantly assaulted with conditions us to a particular worldview. This fake
reality changes our behavior making us less active and more compliant with
society's shortcomings.

Since television is controlled by a small handful of powerful corporations,

viewers will never witness informing, truthful news and entertainment. As
political and corporate power unite at an ever increasing rate, being informed is
more important than ever.

People need to seek out independent and alternative unbiased sources on the
internet for their information or we will continue to be manipulated by the
corporate controlled media.

Most of humanity is in an absolute hypnotic trance that they're put in
from cradle to grave by constant repetition of a fake reality and when
we wake up from this we will not be subservient. 

Jordan Maxwell: The bottom line is that the government is getting

what they ordered. They do not want your children to be educated.
They do not want you to think too much. That is why our country and
our world has become so proliferated with entertainments, mass media,
television shows, amusement parks, drugs, alcohol, and every kind of
entertainment to keep the human mind entertained so that you don't
get in the way of important people by doing too much thinking. You
better wake up and understand that there are people who are guiding
your life and you don't even know it. 

Steven Jacobson: Television is the most powerful weapon of

psychological warfare in history. The programming that we are
constantly assaulted by throughout our lives conditions us. It programs
us to a particular worldview. Now, we may consider it normal because
we were born into this system of lies and deception. And because we
were born into this situation and our parents were born into it and have
suffered from it, we don't know any better. 

Aldous Huxley: What I may call the messages of Brave New World,
but it is possible to make people contented with their servitude. I think
this can be done. I think it has been done in the past. I think it could be
done even more effectively now because you can provide them with
bread and circuses and you can provide them with endless amounts of
distractions and propaganda. 

George Carlin: But there's a reason, there's a reason. There's a reason

for this. There's a reason education sucks and its the same reason it will
never ever ever be fixed. Its never gonna get any better, don't look for
it. Be happy with what you got, because the owners of this country don't
want that. They don't want a population of citizens capable of critical
thinking. They don't want well informed, well educated people capable
of critical thinking. They're not interested in that. 

Howard Beale: We know things are bad, worse than bad. They're
crazy. Its like everything everywhere is going crazy so we don't go out
anymore. We sit in the house and slowly the world were living in is
getting smaller and all we say is please at least leave us alone in our
living rooms. Let me have my toaster and my TV and my steel belted
radios and I wont say anything, just leave us alone. Well I'm not going
to leave you alone. I want you to get mad! I want you to get up now. I
want all of you to get up out of your chairs. I want you to get up right
now and go to the window, open it and stick your head out and yell, I'm
as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore! You've got to
say, Im a human being God damn it, my life has value!


The rise of UNESCO's global education program

Steps toward Global Mind Control 

Chronology of the National Education Association (NEA)

The Pilgrims, the Bible, hardships & persecution

Chronology of Conquests in the Name of Allah

C. S. Lewis Chronology

Outside link:
The removal of [America's] official and permanent history... from the
 Three references to "EUGENICS" are highlighted

Steps toward Global Mind Control

under the banner of "Mental Health" and
See also Chronology of Global Education
The Power Elite behind the New World Order
Chronology Index

1909. Five years after his release from a primitive "insane asylum,"
Clifford Beers, formed the U.S. National Committee for Mental
Hygiene" and called for a network of mental hygiene societies
throughout the world."1
1910. The Eugenics Record Office in Cold Spring Harbor in New York
was funded by the Carnegie Institute, and would receive funding
from the Rockefeller Foundation three years later. "The Rockefeller
Foundation also will fund Nazi Dr. Ernst Rudin's eugenics research at the
Kaiser Wilhelm Brain Research Institute in Berlin. [See 1932]" [Dr.
Dennis L.Cuddy]
1916. In Democracy and Education, John Dewy wrote, "There is always
the danger that increased personal independence will decrease the
social capacity of an individual. In making him more self-reliant, it
may make him more self-sufficient.... It often makes an individual so
insensitive in his relations to others as to develop an illusion of being
really able to stand and act alone -- an unnamed form of insanity
which is responsible for a large part of the remedial suffering of the
world."2, Cuddy page 13.
1918. In The Science of Power, Benjamin Kidd wrote, "The main cause
of those deep diving differences which separate peoples and
nationalities and classes from each other and which prevent or stultify
collective effort in all its most powerful forms... could all be swept
away if civilization put before itself the will to impose on the young
the ideal of subordination to the common aims of organized
humanity... So to impose it has become the chief end of
education in the future. ... Give us the Young and we will create a
new mind and new earth in a single generation."
    Kidd goes onto quote Masonic Carbonari leader Guiseppe Mazzini
(1805-1872): "Your task is to form the universal family....
Education, this is the great word which sums up our whole doctrine.
[From Mazzini's On the Duties of Man].  According to Dennis Cuddy,
Kidd emphasizes Mazzini message that "education is addressed through
emotion to the moral faculties in the young and instruction to the
intellectual (faculties)." "Power centres in emotion." 2 Cuddy, page 14
1919. With funding from the Commonwealth Fund and the
Rockefeller Foundation, Clifford Beers "formed the predecessor of
WFMH [World Federation for Mental Health], the International
Committee for Mental Hygiene (ICMH). Other supporters were
Clarence Hincks, M.D., of the Canadian Medical Association, Adolph
Meyer, M.D. of Johns Hopkins Hospital; and psychologist William
James of Harvard.  William James, John Dewey and other socialist
visionaries spread the philosophy of pragmatism, which denies Biblical
truth, sees truth as relative, and tests its validity by its practical and
measurable effects.
    Note: Remember, almost every public step in this social revolution
won public sympathy and acceptance by focusing on a real crisis. But in
the hands of socialist change agents, the nice-sounding "solution"
became a stepping stone to an ever expanding web of control. 1
1920. Tavistock Institute of Medical Psychology (TIMP) pioneered
research into psychological warfare under the direction of Brigadier-
General John Rawlings Rees.1 Here, the British Army Bureau of
Psychological Warfare would study the effects of severe stress and
shellshock on British soldiers and research the human "breaking point"
in order to learn how conflict and psychological shock could be used to
manipulate and manage large human populations. 3?
1920s. The eugenics movement (quest for racial purity) spread
through Western nations.
1925. The Rockefeller Foundation funded the Kaiser Wilhelm
Institute for Psychiatry in Munick, directed by Dr. Ernst Rudin.
Additional funding was provided by the Harrimans, Warburg and the
British Crown. It continued to sponsor the Institute and its Nazi leader
throughout the devastating holocaust of World Ward II. 4?
1925. A  Rockefeller Foundation's grant gives birth to the
International Bureau of Education.2 Cuddy 15
1930.  The ICMH’s First International Congress on Mental
Hygiene, held in Washington, D.C., founded the International
Committee for Mental Hygiene. The Congress drew more than 4,000
1932. Rockefeller Foundation president Max Mason tells trustees
that "The Social Sciences will concern themselves with the
rationalization of social control... the control of human
behavior." 2 Cuddy 18
1932. Dr. Ernst Rudin, the Nazi director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute
for Psychiatry (funded by "Rockefeller) was appointed president of the
global Eugenics Federation.
1934 (February). A Rockefeller "progress report" (by one of the
division heads) asks, "Can we develop so sound and extensive a
genetics that we can hope to breed, in the future, superior men?" 2
Cuddy, 18.
1930-33. Hitler came to power and delegated Rudin to direct the
Racial Hygiene Society, which called for sterilization or death of
people considered "racially impure." The Rockefeller Foundation
funded an anthropological survey of the eugenically correct population
by Nazi eugenicists Rudin and others. 4?
1933. British Columbia's Sexual Sterilization Act of 1933. In the
1970s, former health minister Dennis Cocke helped strike down that law.
He said, "Many people thought, like I did, that it was disgusting that
somehow or another a profession could deem a person other than a
human being."5
1937. The ICMH’s Second International Congress on Mental
Hygiene. 1
1937. "In Wadenberg, Germany, a court has taken parents away from
their children because they refused to teach them Nazi ideology. The
parents are pacifists, members of a Christian sect called International
Bible Researchers. The court accused them of creating an environment
where the children would grow up 'enemies of the state.' The children
were delivered into the state's care. The judge delivered a lengthy
statement reading in part, 'The law as a racial and national instrument
entrusts German parents with the education of their children
only under certain conditions, namely, that they educate them in
the fashion that the nation and state expect.'" (Clifton Daniel, Ed.,
Chronicle of the 20th Century, cites a news article published Nov. 29,
1939. Rockefeller Foundation helps launch the School-Health
Coordinating Service.2 Cuddy 22
1940s. "Otmar Verschuer and his assistant Dr. Joseph Mengele
together wrote reports for special courts, which enforced Rudin's racial
purity law against the illegal cohabitation of Aryans and non-Aryans. In
the early 1940s, a large factory was built "at Auschwitz... to utilize the
Standard Oil IG Farbin patents with concentration camp slave labor to
make gasoline from coal.  The SS guarded the Jewish and other inmates
and selected for killing those who were unfit for IG Farbin slave labor....
Standard Oil and German President Emil Heilfeck testified after
the war at the Nuremberg Trial that Standard Oil funds helped
pay for the SS guards at Auschwitz.  The Rockefeller Foundation
defends its record by claiming that its funding of Nazi Germany
programs during World War II was limited to psychiatric research."  4
1941 (fall): "The resurgence of an international mental hygiene
movement [eugenics] was foreshadowed by the Canadian army’s
creation... of the Directorate of Personnel Selection, led by psychiatrist
George Brock Chisholm, M.D. In that role he became a friend and
confidant of American psychiatrist Harry Stack Sullivan, M.D., then
a consultant to the U.S. Selective Service. Both were concerned
with how to select a civilian army and what public mental health
resources would be necessary after the war. 1  Origins of the World Federation
for Mental Health
1943: The Rockefeller Foundation helped fund the Allen Memorial
Institute at McGill University in Montreal. Working with the Canadian
military and the Office of Strategic Services (The OSS became the CIA
in 1947), Dr. Cameron conducted torturous experiments on human
guinea pigs in order to perfect the various mind control techniques.
These brainwashing tactics included coercive interrogation,
psychosurgery, drugs, hypnosis and "between 30 to 60
electroshocks over a short period" along with powerful tranquilizers to
control anxiety. Cameron's justification: his patients, "like prisoners of
Communists, tended to resist and had to be broken down." This is
described in the 1989 book, Journey Into Madness: The True Story of Secret CIA
Mind Control and Medical Abuse
1943. Joseph Mengele appointed medical commandant of the Auschwitz concentration
1945. Harry Stack Sullivan Major, US Army, founder of the journal Psychiatry, thought his
viewpoints on interpersonal relations could contribute to avoiding future conflicts between
nations and the risk of war. In collaboration with Dr. Brock Chisholm, a Canadian
psychiatrist and later director of the World Health Organization, he put these ideas to
practice. Thus was born the World Federation for Mental Health.... Of Sullivan the person,
some information is fact, some is anecdotal, some is rumor. That he was homosexual is
widely suspected; that he was improvident with money is fact (he borrowed from colleagues
and declared bankruptcy twice in the 1930's); that he was loose with the truth at times,
especially during his early years, is speculated." 7
1945. Immediately after the bombing of Hiroshima..., Dr. Sullivan
invited Chisholm, then director of medical services for the Canadian
army, to lecture at the William Alanson White Foundation. In two
addresses, titled 'The Psychiatry of Enduring Peace and Social Progress,'
he articulated his view of psychiatry and psychology as the disciplines
that could make it possible for human beings to abandon war and
become 'citizens of the world.' He and Sullivan were already thinking
in terms of 'a psychiatry of peoples.'" 1 Origins of the World Federation for
Mental Health
1946. The United States joined UNESCO. According to Charlotte
Iserbyt, "this legislation was accompanied by President Harry Truman's
remarkable statement: 'Education must establish the moral unity
of mankind.' Truman's recommendation was bolstered by General
Brock Chisholm, a... friend of Soviet agent Alger Hiss. Chisholm...
presented a paper entitled The Psychiatry of Enduring Peace and
Social Progress  Iserbyt
    Ponder Chisholm's words:
 "The responsibility for charting the necessary changes in human
behavior rests clearly on the sciences working in that field.
Psychologists, psychiatrists, sociologists, economists, and politicians
must face this responsibility....
     "Can we identify the reasons why we fight wars...? Many of them are
easy to list --prejudice, isolationism, the ability to emotionally and
uncritically to believe unreasonable things....
     "The only psychological force capable of producing these perversions
is morality, the concept of right and wrong...   For many generations we
have bowed our necks to the yoke of the conviction of sin. We have
swallowed all manner of poisonous certainties fed us by our parents,
our Sunday and day school teachers.... 
      " has long been generally accepted that parents have perfect
right to impose any points of view, any lies or fears, superstitions,
prejudices, hates, or faith on their defenseless children. It is, however,
only recently that it has become a matter of certain knowledge that
these things cause neuroses, behavior disorders, emotional disabilities,
and failure to develop to a state of emotional maturity which fits one to
be a citizen of a democracy....
       "Surely the training of children in home and schools should be of at
least as great public concern as their vaccination for their own
protection.... Individuals who have emotional disabilities of their own,
guilts, fears, inferiorities, are certain to project their hates on to others...
They are a very real menace... Whatever the cost, we must learn to live
in friendliness and peace with... all the people in the world...."
       "There is something to be said... for gently putting aside the
mistaken old ways of our elders if that is possible. If it cannot be done
gently, it may have to be done roughly or even violently....
     "Can such a program of re-education... be charted?" 8
1946. Dr. Sullivan, US psychiatrist and army major, published the
above message by Brock Chisholm in his journal, Psychiatry:
    "Alger Hiss, a Communist spy and the publisher of International
Conciliation published the same paper by his friend, Dr. Chisholm, in his
own journal. Hiss, then president of the Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace, wrote the Preface to Chisholm's paper. Iserbyt

1946 or 1947. (Both dates have been cited) Tavistock Institute of

Human Relations is formed as an independent not-for-profit
organization -- with a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation, which
"was interested in seeing if the kind of social psychiatry that had been
developed during World War II could be relevant for the civilian society."
    It would own the journal Human Relations. "Canadian-born
psychologist and social analyst Elliott Jacques.... was the man who first
identified the midlife crisis... Jaques was... a founder member of the
Tavistock Institute." 9,12212,934548,00.html
1947. Articles of Association for the World Federation for Mental
Health were written. Rees (Tavistock) had already established
preparatory groups in many countries. US participants included
members of the Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry (GAP) led by
recent Brigadier General William Menninger. They were sensitive to
the new organization’s definition of purpose: "To promote among all
peoples and nations the highest possible level of mental
its broadest biological, medical, educational, and social aspects."1
     The official  WFMH website website describes its vision: "a world in
which mental health is a priority for all people. Public policies and
programs reflect the crucial importance of mental health in the lives of
individuals, families and communities, and in the political and economic
stability of the world."
1948 (July/August) "Canadian social psychologist Otto Klineberg, M.D.,
Ph.D. and others... were joined by Chisholm, social scientists such as
Margaret Mead (the federation’s second U.S. president) an
international commission convened at Sullivan’s suggestion. It
produced the new federation’s founding document, Mental Health and
World Citizenship." 1
1948. (August 21) The Third International Congress of Mental
Hygiene met in London. Here, the International Committee for Mental
Hygiene is replaced by the World Federation for Mental Health
(WFMH).  It would "enjoy consultative relationship with several UN
agencies and... national groups."10  Its founding document,
Mental Health and World Citizenship, was adopted. It stated,
“Principles of mental health cannot be successfully furthered in any
society unless there is progressive acceptance of the concept of
world citizenship." The ultimate goal of mental health is to help
people "live with their fellows in one world." See also " The UN Plan for Your
Mental Health"
1948. The World Health Organization is founded with Brock
Chisholm as its first Director-General.
1948. "Professors B. F. Skinner and Alfred C. Kinsey published their
books, Walden Two and Sexual Behavior in the Human Male,
respectively. Skinner's novel, Walden Two, recommended - amongst
other radical things - that 'children be reared by the state, to be
trained from birth to demonstrate only desirable characteristics
and behavior.'
      "Kinsey, as a taxonomic scientist, wrested human sexuality
from the constraints of love and marriage in order to advance the
grand scheme to move America and the world toward the
eugenic future envisioned by the elite scientists of the 'New
      "In 1953 Professor Skinner published Science and Human Behavior
in which he said, "Operant conditioning shapes behavior as a
sculptor shapes a lump of clay.'...
      "Kinsey and Bloom, as scientists, were involved in the breaking
down of man (taxonomizing) into units of behavior which Skinner, as a
behaviorist, could identify, measure and change. This breaking down
or 'deconstructing of Man' was intended to separate man from his God-
given, freedom-providing identity. This opened the door to the study of
methods to control man and society." Iserbyt
1948. The National Institutes of Mental Health was founded under
the leadership of Psychiatrist, Dr. Robert Felix. Dr Felix "was also the
Director of a Lexington, Kentucky drug addiction center, which carried
out LSD experiments on African American inmates who were drug
addicted. The experiments involved LSD and a variety of other
hallucinogens, marijuana and poisons."4 Null?
1950. (September): "God's plan in America" by C. William Smith is
published in the Masonic magazine, New Age, includes this
statement: "Great God our King has chosen the great American
Public Schools to pave the way for the new race, the new region
and the new civilization that is taking place in America. Any mother,
father or guardian who is responsible for the taking away of the freedom
of mind, freedom of will or freedom of spirit is the lowest criminal on
earth, because they take away from that child the God-given right to
become a part of God's great plan in America for the dawn of the
new Age of the world."2 Cuddy, 26
1953.  Bertrand Russell, The Impact of Science on Society:
"...the subject which will be of most importance politically is Mass
Psychology.... The populace will not be allowed to know how its
convictions were generated. When the technique has been perfected,
every government that has been in charge of education for a generation
will be able to control its subjects securely without the need of
armies or policemen. As yet there is only one country which has
succeeded in creating this politician’s paradise.”11
1955. "Congress passed the Mental Health Study Act mandating the
appointment of a commission to make recommendations for combating
the scourge of mental illness in the United States.  It is impossible to
exaggerate the enthusiasm with which psychiatrists created this
legislation. Their euphoria was justified.  In effect the act ratified the
recasting of the very nature of the American government
changing its primary duty from protecting and promoting
personal liberty and property to protecting and promoting the
mental health of citizens and the community as a whole."4 Nul ?
1959. (March): An article by Dr. James D. Carter, "Why stand ye here
idle?," published in the Masonic magazine, New Age, stated that
"Masonic philosophy" which brought about "a new order" became a
reality by "the establishment of the public school system, financed by
the State, for the combined purpose of technological and sociological
education of the mass of humanity, beginning at an early age in
childhood."2Cuddy 33
1960. Dr. Lewis Alesen, former surgeon and president of California
Medical Association: "The proponents of the mental health
program have been quick to elaborate a series of legislative
proposals.... This is the age-old subterfuge of the collectivist,
whose only solution for any problem, be it economic, social or political,
is the passage of another law, the imposition of another tax, and the
establishment of another bureau." 12
1963. Community Mental Health Centers Program established
1977. Futures We Are In by Fred Emery, a senior staff member at the
Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, is published. According to
Dr. Dennis Cuddy, Emery had "developed a theory of 'social turbulence'
which indicates that faced with a series of crises, many individuals
will attempt to reduce the tension by adaptation and eventually
psychological retreat. This can lead to social disintegration."
       "In an earlier book, "Children of Change," Emery showed how
television effects children. Since children tend to absorb rather than
analyze information, "conscious functioning is impaired" and they
become indifferent -- "more like 'sheep' than 'people'." He wrote, "In
other words, television can be seen partly as a technological
analogue of the hypnotist." Writing in Human Relations (August
1959), he said, "The psychological after-effects of television are
of considerable interest to the would-be social engineer."2 Cuddy
1979. Supported by the Rockefeller Foundation, the National
Institute of Education and the U.S. Department of Education,
Schooling for  A Global Age is published. In the Preface, John Goodlad
wrote: "Enlightened social engineering is required to face situations
that demand global action now. Education is a long-term solution....
Parents and the general public must be reached also... Otherwise,
children and youth enrolled in globally oriented programs may find
themselves in conflict with values assumed in the home. And then the
educational institution frequently comes under scrutiny and must pull
back."2 Cuddy 65.
1987. Among the notable members of the Study Commission on
Global Education were (then) Governor Bill Clinton, AFT president
Albert Shanker, Professor John Goodlad, CFAT (Carnegie
Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching) president Ernest Boyer,
and Frank Newman, president of the Education Commission of the
States. Together, they prepared a report titled The United States
Prepares for Its Future: Global Perspectives in Education . The
Rockefeller, Ford and Exxon Foundations helped fund this report. In
the Foreword, New Ager Harlan Cleveland, author of The Third Try at
World Order, wrote:
"A dozen years ago... teaching and learning 'in global perspective' was
still exotic doctrine, threatening the orthodoxies of those who still
thought of American citizenship as an amalgam of American history,
American geography, American lifestyles and American ideas.... It now
seems almost conventional to speak of American citizenship in the
same breath with international interdependence and the
planetary environment."13
1998 : Surgeon-General David Satcher, speaking at the National
Healthy People Consortium: "We have a clear blueprint in place. ...
Currently, 47 states are actively involved in Healthy People 2000 and
'Healthy City and Healthy Community' initiatives are being pursued
throughout the country. Hundreds of national organizations have
reviewed the Year 2000 objectives and have adopted them as their own.
    "No priority yet has generated as much interest and enthusiasm as
this one on mental health..."
    "...our efforts will be focused on maintaining a system of global
health surveillance," he continued. "Healthy People 2010 is the
United States' contribution to the World Health Organization's
call to the nations of the world to renew their commitment to health
for all." 14
1999. (No date on page) "Nations for Mental Health: 
"Governments will be assisted to formulate, implement,
monitor and evaluate mental health policies...." These “policies
should enable all individuals whose mental health is disturbed or whose
psychological balance may be compromised to obtain services adapted
to their needs, and to promote the optimal development of the
mental health of the population."15
2001  World Mental Health: "...the World Health Organization has
proclaimed that World Health Day, April 7, will be a day of advocacy
dedicated to mental health issues."16
2001 (July 22-27). World Congress for Mental Health convened
together with the 26th Conference of the World Federation for
Mental Health in Vancouver, July 22-27. Pirkko Lahti was appointed
the Secretary General/CEO of the WFMH  & manager of the Secretariat
(until Preston Garrison would be appointed in September 2002).
     Allan Rock, Canada's Minister of Health, said, "...the World Health
Organization has devoted both World Health Day 2001 and its Annual
Report to mental health....There's the immeasurable toll of social
exclusion, creating barriers and limiting us all....
     " of the recurring themes in our approach to mental health is a
commitment to the principles of population health – to looking at
the broad range of factors to nurture healthy citizens. Mental
health, in particular, is multi-faceted, its determinants so diverse and its
promotion so dependent on variables beyond the traditional health care
system, that dialogue across disciplines is essential. ...And sometimes
the greatest obstacles before us are the attitudes we face.
Education is key to changing those attitudes. But so too is a full
appreciation of the factors that contribute to mental health." 17
2001. (September) Secretary General Pirkko Lahti, speaking at the
WFMH conference in Beirut, says, "...mental health is not only
psychiatry; it includes also economic, social, psychological, medical and
environmental elements....The World Federation for Mental Health,
where I act as president at the moment, is represented in about 130
countries. We have nine regions, each of them having a vice
president or a regional president. The World Federation for Mental
Health works in co-operation with the United Nations, the World Health
Organization WHO, Unesco and the labour organization ILO." 18
2002 (April 29): President George W. Bush added his support to this
massive network by signing an Executive Order titled, "President's New
Freedom Commission on Mental Health."  It established a
commission which bound the Departments of Health and Human
Services, Education and Labor together in a common quest for "the
desired outcomes of mental health care, which are to attain each
individual's maximum level of employment, self-care, interpersonal
relationships, and community participation."19 See Legalizing Mind Control
2002 (March 1) France Passes Controversial Anti-Cult Law:
"Passing a controversial anti-cult law, France embarked on what some
feared was a trend to restrict and oversee religious movements. And
several other European governments may follow suit."
2002 (October 21) The Bible as 'hate literature'? "A prison sentence for
quoting the Bible in Canada? Holy Scriptures treated as 'hate literature'?'
...Canadians advance bill that chills speech about homosexuality."
2002 (10 October) World Mental Health Day. Focus on the
"identification, treatment and prevention of emotional and behavioral
disorders in children and adolescents."
     The goal of the World Health Organization (WHO) is the
“attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health”.
     Health as defined in WHO’s constitution is “a state of complete
physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence
of disease and infirmity”. As the premier specialized agency of the
United Nations for health, WHO promotes technical cooperation for
health among nations, implements programs to control and eradicate
disease and strives to improve the quality of human life." World Mental
Health Day 2002 - What you can do
2003 (March): From the Chief Executive, New Zealand : "... the Foundation
hosted Michael Murray, CEO of the Clifford Beers Foundation and Editor
of the International Journal of Mental Health Promotion. Michael
was the keynote speaker at our one-day forum on Mentally Healthy
Workplaces in Auckland, NZ. He has been involved in workplace health
programmes in Canada and the UK and offered valuable information on
this important mental health promotion setting.... Organised by the
World Federation for Mental Health, the Clifford Beers
Foundation, the Carter Center and the Mental Health Foundation,
this will be the first time the conference has been held in Oceania." 20
2003 (June 10): "Sweden Moves to Criminalize Opposition to Homosexuality." "The
Swedish government is moving toward prohibiting Christians from
voicing biblical positions on issues.... The Swedish Parliament has moved
to within one step of changing the nation’s constitution to ban speech or
materials opposing homosexuality and any other alternate lifestyles. If
the amendment becomes reality, violators could be subject to prison
2003 (June 12-14) WFMH Collaborating Center -- The Society for
Prevention Research -- holds annual meeting. in Wash. DC.
2003 (August 8) U.N. group in 'showdown with religion': ""Buoyed by growing
political acceptance of homosexuals worldwide, a United Nations group
promoting 'gay' and lesbian rights met in New York to sharpen a multi-
pronged strategy that includes a 'showdown with religion.' The meeting
was sponsored by the U.N. Gay, Lesbian or Bisexual Employees, known
as UNGLOBE, a group officially recognized by the worldwide body in
1996..... At a forum Monday, attended briefly by U.N. Secretary General
Kofi Annan, panel members singled out Roman Catholics and
evangelical Protestants as opponents.... Princeton University
professor Anthony Appiah, wondered whether or not religion
should be limited, as it poses a 'challenge' to the homosexual
2004 (May 26 – 28, 2004 Quebec City): 12th Annual Meeting “Crossing
Borders: Linking Prevention Science, Policy and Practice” Ray Peters,
one of SPR's Canadian members, is chair of the 2004 Conference
Program Planning Committee. Mentioned in WFMH, 1st Quarter 2003.
     Mission: "The Society for Prevention Research is an
international organization focused upon the advancement of science-
based prevention programs and policies through empirical
research. The membership of the organization includes scientists,
practitioners, advocates, administrators, and policy makers who are
concerned with the prevention of social, physical and mental health
problems and the promotion of health, safety, and well-being."
2003. The Latino Behavioral Health Institute: "The Latino Behavioral Health
Institute (LBHI) is pleased to announce it's 2003 Ninth Annual
Conference - 'Promoting Effective Behavioral Health Care for
Latinos', to be held on September 23 - 25 at the Universal City Hilton
and Towers, Universal City, California."

Endnotes: Sources followed by (?) still need verification

1.Origins of the World Federation for Mental Health and Clifford Beers: The Origins of
Modern Mental Health Policy at
2. Dennis Laurence Cuddy,Ph.D., Chronology of Education with Quotable
Quotes (Pro Family Forum, Highland City, FL 33846, 1994); page 13.
3.Byron Weeks Tavistock - The Best Kept Secret In America at Since we know little about Dr.
Weeks, we include this bio from NewsMax: "Dr. Weeks is no alarmist. He
has been practicing medicine for five decades and has had a
distinguished military career that includes holding several senior medical
military posts, including serving as hospital commander at several NATO
hospitals.Most importantly, he has over two decades of experience with
biological and chemical warfare. He doesn't rush to conclusions, nor
does he "sugar-coat" his remarks. He simply tells it like it is." "A bio-
warfare expert tells," Special Alert for NewsMax Readers, October 29, 2001.
4.Gary Null
6. This reference and its corresponding items have been deleted, since
they could not be verified.
CIA & Dr. Cameron. For more information, go to and do a search on this long
page for the name, Cameron.
7. Harry Stack Sullivan Major, United States Army
 Charlotte Iserbyt, "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America (Ravenna
OH: Conscience Press, 1999), pages 18, 42.
8.G. Brock Chisholm, "The Re-Establishment of Peacetime Society,"
Psychiatry, February 1946.,12212,934548,00.html
10. Brittanica-15-172
11. Bertrand Russell, The Impact of Science on Society (New York:
Simon & Schuster, 1953); page 30.) Cited by Lewis Albert Alesen,
Mental Robots (Caldwell, ID: Caxton Printers, 1960); page 26.
12. Lewis Albert Alesen, Mental Robots (Caldwell, ID: Caxton Printers,
1960); page 23.
13. The United States Prepares for Its Future: Global Perspectives in
Education, Report of the Study Commission on Global Education," 1987.
The report is financed by the Rockefeller, Ford and Exxon Foundations.
Cuddy, 80.
14. David Satcher, MD, National Healthy People Consortium Meeting,
November 12, 1998.
15. .Found at the "Nations for Mental Health" website at (link now obsolete). We have a copy of
the page and will provide more details about this program in Part 3 of
this series.
16. World Mental Health
17. 26th Congress of the World Federation for Mental Health - World Assembly for Mental
18. Future challenges for Mental Health
19. Executive Order (April 29, 2002) at .
20. Dr Mason Durie, British Medical Journal, March 2003.
To: IAHF List
Subject: Bush Family Eugenics Agenda Documented -- Followup to British Medical Journal
Article: Bush Plans to Screen Entire US Population for Mental Illness
Date: 3 Jul 2004 18:11:05 -0000

IAHF List: In writing this, I want to make clear that IAHF does not engage in partisan
politics. I am neither a Republican or a Democrat having zero respect for either party.

I can't help but note that Senator Kerry is also a member of Skull and Bones, which makes
him as much a part of the globalists eugenics agenda as "W" is.

My purpose in writing this is NOT to disempower anyone with depressing information. My

purpose is to EMPOWER you with the TRUTH so that we can all take action to THWART
these detailed ruling elite plans to cull our numbers.

My purpose for discussing the eugenics agenda is that the CODEX plan to ban consumer
access to dietary supplements is a big PART of that plan. To monkeywrench it, we MUST
support the ANH lawsuit to overturn the EU Food Supplement Directive. Donations to ANH
can be made via and you can connect the dots to
understand the health freedom situation via


In my last email (archived at:
I gave you information about a recent British Medical Journal article which documents that
President GW Bush will be announcing a plan in July to screen the entire US population for
mental illness.

The article documents Bush's close connections with Eli Lilly and other pharmaceutical
companies, but the situation is even worse than I realized.

Someone on the IAHF distribution list sent me the following URL Chapter -III- Race
Hygiene: Three Bush Family Alliances
from the unauthorized biography of George Bush at which I encourage you all to
examine closely because the information it contains is shocking and undeniably true-

It proves that GW Bush's plan to screen the whole US population for mental illness is only
the MOST RECENT in a long string of EUGENICS actions perpetrated by the Bush family
since GW's grandfather, Senator Prescott Bush (also Skull and Bones just like "W" and his
father before him) was fined for violating the trading with the enemy act during WW2.

It documents the connections between the Rockefellers, Standard Oil, Farishes,Drapers,

Harrimans, Grays and Bushes- showing the Bush/ IG Farben connection. It tracks the global
Eugenics movement, showing how the movement was able to install its racist population
control agenda as official US Government Policy being carried out via USAID (US Agency for
International Development) which US taxpayers are currently giving millions of dollars which
are being used to fund STERILIZATION programs all over the third world.

It documents that all of Bush's personal wealth is managed in a blind trust run by William
Stamps Farrish III, grandson of William Stamps Farrish.

On March 25, 1942, U.S. Assistant Attorney General Thurman Arnold announced that
William Stamps Farish (grandfather of the President's money manager) had pled "no
contest" to charges of criminal conspiracy with the Nazis. Farish was the principal manager
of a worldwide cartel between Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey and the I.G. Farben concern.
The merged enterprise had opened the Auschwitz slave labor camp on June 14, 1940, to
produce artificial rubber and gasoline from coal. The Hitler government supplied political
opponents and Jews as the slaves, who were worked to near death and then murdered.

It documents that Prescott Bush (GW's grandfather) was via his involvement with Brown
Brothers Harriman directly involved with the funding of IG Farben, the Pharma Cartel
comprised of Hoechst, Bayer, and BASF which fueled Hitler's rise to power, ran the
concentration camps, and produced a lot of the munitions and other supplies used by the
Nazi war machine during WW2.

At the Harrimans' 1932 New York Eugenics Congress, Ernst Rudin was unanimously elected
president of the International Federation of Eugenics Societies. This was recognition of
Rudin as founder of the German Society for Race Hygiene, with his co-founder, Eugenics
Federation vice president Alfred Ploautz.

As depression-maddened financiers schemed in Berlin and New York, Rudin was now official
leader of the world eugenics movement. Components of his movement included groups with
overlapping leadership, dedicated to:

sterilization of mental patients (" mental hygiene societies ");

execution of the insane, criminals and the terminally ill (" euthanasia societies "); and
eugenical race-purification by prevention of births to parents from " inferior " blood stocks ("
birth control societies ").

Before the Auschwitz death camp became a household word, these British-American-
European groups called openly for the elimination of the " unfit " by means including force
and violence.

It documents that George Herbert Walker Bush (GWs father) was the US Ambassador to the
UN in 1970 when the policies of USAID were infused with the UN's, and of course the UN
administers the Codex Alimentarius Commission which is attempting to ban consumer access
to high potency vitamins and other supplements.....


1) Forward this email to everyone you know, and encourage them to sign on to the IAHF
email distribution list via
2) Make a donation to IAHF via paypal at or by check to
IAHF 556 Boundary Bay Rd., Point Roberts WA 98281 USA

3) Make a donation to the Alliance for Natural Health via their website

4) To fully connect the dots on the health freedom issue and to grasp how the Pharma
Cartel is manipulating all the vitamin trade associations world wide thus keeping them in the
dark about the global importance of the ANH lawsuit, see and please forward this to
others too.

5) GET ACTIVE in spreading the word about this!! I encourage ALL of you to participate in
the IAHF Community Bulletin Board at where you can exchange ideas,
information, and provide encouragement to your fellow health freedom fighters WORLD
WIDE!! None of us are alone in this battle, and we all must stick together! Please, make the
rounds of the health food stores in your area and help to WAKE UP their owners! If you
want to do a conference call with me and the owners of any of these stores, please call me
at 800-333-2553 N.America and I'll set up the conference call.

Be aware that word IS SPREADING!!! See the CODEX RED ALERT on the website of
prominent alternative physician Serafina Corsello, MD at

I just got a very good email from G.Edward Griffin, author of "The Creature from Jekyll
Island" (About the Federal Reserve), World Without Cancer (about the suppression of
laetrile) and others. Griffin wants to get involved with this issue and he does a lot of public
speaking. That will help. He grasps that this is the best issue to spur more people to oppose
the UN and WTO. More and more people are grasping this with each passing day!!

If you feel depressed by this email, please DON'T BE! We are going to WIN this battle!
Thank you for helping. Please forward this to everyone you know...

For Health Freedom,

John C. Hammell, President
International Advocates for Health Freedom
556 Boundary Bay Road
Point Roberts, WA 98281-8702 USA
800-333-2553 N.America
360-945-0352 World

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