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A nice bloody day

The crash of a wave, the cry of a gull

those are the sounds you hear.

Then the clash of steel with a flash of a descending

sword and the cry of men fill the air

There on a blue sunny day and on white

washed sand fought two armies for

the control of the precious land.

For hours they battle neither giving

ground or quarter to the standing or fallen foe.

Close to dusk the fighting and screaming of men dies out;

through the night moans and cries for help filled the air

When the sun rises with a blood red light,

All you hear is the crash of the waves tinged

red, the cry of hungry gulls landing

on the blood red sand

To feast on the dead for all have died

None have survived the night

To claim the land they had fought for

A peaceful day has begun


Rodrigo Rubio

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