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19 July 2003

Mrs Janice Kelly

Faringdon Road
OX13 5BH

Dear Mrs Kelly

I am writing on behalf of the BBC to express our deepest sympathy for the tragic
death of your husband . All of us have been greatly shocked at the sad news
We had the greatest respect for Dr Kelly and the outstanding work he had done
in Iraq and elsewhere over many years .

Clearly the question of whether or not he was the source for Andrew Gilligan's
reporting has been the subject of enormous, perhaps unreasonable, public
attention .

Consequently we intend later today to confirm that he was the source for both
Andrew Gil(igan's reaort on the Today Programme and Susan Watts' report on
Newsnigh : in the hope that by removing any doubt we will reduce some of the
public questions surrounding his death . I enclose a copy of the statement we
propose to release but which out of courtesy I wanted you to see first .

Since May 29th we have attempted only to protect your husband f-om being
identified as the source of this report . We greatly regret that we were unable to
do more to ease the pressures upon him

With deep condolences,

Yours sincerely


Enc .

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