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Durga isn’t just another god but an be thought of as part of the das-avatars.

Mahishasuran was arrogant and as he saw shiva swaropa in male form , he arrogantly felt that no
woman can beat him ever. Then the trlekshawar {brahma+vishnu+shiva} came in the form of durga. As
and when she dropped a stone, it created such a threatening vibrations, that mahishasura trembled in
his own throne. That is the very peetam on which durga stands .She stands against all arrogance and
thtz why, a visit to her sanidhi can dissolve many fears one might have.

Ravana was arrogant of dhanush , so arrogant that he felt a simple human could come no where near
him with a dhanush. As soon as he heard of the fall of valli , he moved up the very seat and when he
heard it was but someone with a dhanush, he felt the very fear that killed his arrogance.

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