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WT, DINER - BARSTOW ARIELLE Z never caught the bug, 1 guess. Maybe whon you decide to go back to school. Arielle’s facial expression turns from serious to jovial. ARIELLE (CONT’D) Bey, I know it's Landscapes that inspire you, but it would actually bbe pretty neat to sketch cone of the! people here. Emotions ‘rapped pening these people's faces; it makes you want. to break fon through. This old woman earlier She was just eating scrambled eggs by herself. rt took her alnost. evo hours to fully finish the plate. t wondered if her husband had passed tind maybe it was thelr lietle tradition to at breakfast here every Sunday. Tt was the oddest thing: she was apeakins out loud, but there was no one thers Listening. (pauses) maybe this place isn’t 20 bad despite it’s flaws. Arielle looke at the ceiling. ARIELLE (CONT'D) This building was made very poorly though. Jayden leans forvard toward the table. come back With me. Wo reaction. ed That's another thing T goticed when Twas walking azound before you got in. It's all made of plaster bere, which i8 fine, but there's no base fo real structure. I've only really Ulved in brick hosses. When t get Ry architecture Liesnser t'1l only Gdeign the sturdiest of buildings’ (ions) ARIELLE (CONT'D) z don't care if they're not protty. Tney've got to be strong. Acielle looks out the window at the tree again. Jayden boldly Mathes for her hand: He places his hand on her wrist. ARIELLE (CONT'D) 2 Like to model my designs after Exeon, They've got strangeh. There aren't that many. around here though. 1 wouldn't wane to Live wehout shade. Arielle aniles to herself, but takes no notice to Jayden. ARIELLE (COND) nen 1 was a Kid, sy nom couldn't gee ne out of ene creas. All T Santed to do waa clinb for the sky. aroEN bie started with a tree, you know. Arielle laughs, @ Little too artificially. Anam 1 think that my mother was afraid Enat ahe\was going to lose Ser iknaa'gan. can you even feel me right now, Stleliee"Eecause eh Jayden sotions toward their hands interlocked. Arielle looks ‘e’nim blankly. Jayden lets their hands drop to the table. He signs. nvoaw (cowr’D) ‘trees and buildings and ceiling ‘Those things are not there for you, they aren'e going to Listen co you when you need its Arielle furrows her eyebrows. (angrily) 111 acknowledge it. We started With acteee. We met under a tree. That's where ve ate grilled cheese Sandwiches and drank frozen emonade: Thac’s where you first Kissed ne. Hot even on the Lips, but on che forehead. shared’ Something with you under the trees. fierwere young. You think Geterentiy berore you decide to ‘grow older™ You gave up. You got old and gave ARIELLE come on. take a minute to look around, Jay. gavoen Your hair ig just a little longer. And you wear dresses now. Arielle looks away. A beat passes ARIELLE That's the part about Vegas that scares me. Ts there anything original there? Or wae it all anufactured to look the sane? Your art changed it all around for me. Tt really did at the tine. You painted places I just-- T just wish Tcould dive right ineo. I thought about staying. for you and both of Us. I really asa, gneoes It happens this wey all. the tine. We slip up and fall back together. ARIELLE Falling. Together. (peueant im thinking about transferring to another state. i'll still get my degree of course, I just need to be inspired. T'want'to be somewhere Lush and’ green. r can't take anymore plastic and cement. Z want to be soteshere that covers the walls and ceilings with trees.

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