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WAITRESS SIDES INT, DINER - BARSTOW A WAITRESS, late 208, frizzy hair and hot pink Lipstick, ‘arrives at their table. A little lipstick ie left on the Corner of her tooth as she smacks her gum casually. She directs her attention to Jayden. She bats her eyes flirtatiously at him. Jayden’s eyes stay on Arielle. WATTRESS can 1 start you both off with a couple of cokes? ‘The waitress stares at Arielle with her eyebrow raised. WAITRESS (CONT’D) Maybe a glass of milk? Arielle looks at the waitress and aniles politely through her teeth. ARIELLE z’m ellergie to things with expiration dates. I'll just have anctter bowl, not a glass, of ice chips. and alemon. Sliced. Please. ‘The waitress looks at Jayden next. Jayden shrugs. ARIELLE (CONT’D) He'll have his coffee. Black. WAITRESS (to Jayden, with a smirk) sugar? ARIELLE He'll never need it, but I711 take ‘The waitress leaves two menus on the table and walks away with an eye roll.

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