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A Teenage Life

A long time ago, a child was born with nothing on his mind. A child
who gently sleeps in her mother’s arm, and always cries when gets hungry.
This child grew up to become a great kid. This kid grew up to be me.

Since childhood, I was the happy-go-lucky kid. I really never bothered

everything but only play with my friends. I was so gleeful, cheerful, and
always think positively. I love my friends, and they do love me. But my
entire life changed when I entered this critical stage in life where everything
should be systematic. A new chapter in life where everything calls for
desperate measures. Everyone, we’re now leaving Kiddieville, so fasten your
seatbelts, and away we go the TeenTown!

Teenage life is a chapter of our life where we teens should be

meticulous in everything we do. In here, our body grows older, and we can’t
imagine the things growing in our skins as we go through this stage in life.
Have you imagined it? That as we go through this stage, everything
changes…physically, mentally, socially, and most of all, emotionally.

As we go through life, we meet changes. Changes that will make our

character stand above all. What you do now will lay the foundation for your
state in the future. For a short period of our adolescence, we must try to
make this the exciting, enjoyable, and memorable times in our life.

As a teenager, we are in that enviable stage where everything is

positioned to go our way. We are young, full of energy, we feel like we are
invincible, totally carefree and becoming free and more independent.
We will also have a thousand and one questions as we enter this new
stage of life. This is the time when we actually need the guidance and
support of our parents and older people.

We are social creatures and the need for companionship is most

pronounced among teenagers. The company we keep will have a great effect
in our teenage life. Choosing the right circle of friends will save us a lot of
troubles, heartaches and possibly a life of deep regret. Enjoy the company of
different kinds of people and develop important social skills.

It is very rare to find young people who set clear definitions and limits
on their personal behavior. Whether it is drugs, crime, premarital sex,
pornography, alcohol, smoking etc., many young people just seem to go
along with the crowd. They easily give in to peer pressure

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