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Math 7

Name:___________________ IG:______

Division Word Problems

1) Ernest has 2655 pencils and his mom tells him that he needs to
store them in boxes. If each box holds 15 pencils, how many boxes
will Ernest need to store his pencils?

2) Daniel is inviting 39 friends to his birthday party. His mom got

carried away and baked 2418 cookies. How many cookies will each
person at the party get?

3) Heather is putting her summer vacation photos in an online photo

album. She took 3465 photos and each album only holds 45 pictures.
How many photo albums will she need to create?
Math 7
Name:___________________ IG:______

4) Ms. Chisholm’s literacy class raised $224 dollars for the Terry Fox
fundraiser. Ms. Chisholm matched every dollar her class brought in
and all 28 students brought in an equal amount. How much did each
student donate?

5) The school is planning a field trip to Drumheller for the whole

school. There are 782 students and 34 seats on each school bus.
How many buses are needed to take the trip?

6) The library is selling 3528 books that it no longer has the space for.
Homer has been asked to box up the book for the sale and each box
holds 98 books. How many boxes does Homer need to box up the

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