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I have been writing articles for almost a year and a half now. It has become such a habit that it feels like
something is wrong when I don't write an article for a day or two. In fact, I can now write and submit an article
on one of my niche topics in about thirty minutes or so. But why do I continue to write more articles. You
would think that there would be a point where you could just stop writing. Here are the reasons why I continue
to write more articles, and probably will for years to come.

• Every time I write a new article, I present my information in a slightly different way. Someone who is
reading may get an insight that they could not before by reading any of my previous articles.
• Each article is a powerful sales agent that never sleeps. It carries my message and my contact
information around the planet, and never gets tired.
• Writing articles makes all of my other writing much better. I write eBooks and also post to several
different blogs. The more I write the easier and more fun it becomes.
• I estimate that about ninety percent of all of my new prospects and clients come from the people who
read my articles. I now make a very good living, and my articles are responsible for that.
• Writing gives me both visibility and credibility on the internet. People now know who I am and what I do
what seeing my name attached to so many articles.

I encourage you to learn how to write articles that will build your business. You will be glad you did as you
see your business grow.

And now I invite you to join me for free weekly teleseminars that will teach you how to write, market, and sell
your articles and ebook to increase your visibility, credibility and passive income by visiting and also to learn the technology needed to run an online
business. By : Connie Ragen Green Article Source:

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