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Book Report #1

Due date: September 28, 2010

Students will write a formal paper using MLA format, (please see page 41 of your agenda book
for help on proper format), and explain the Elements of Fiction within their free-read book.
This book report will be graded on both formatting and content. Proper formatting will be
looked at when the paper is turned in, if it is not correct, students will be asked to redo their
paper until formatting is correct. This is an important skill to master for high school.

Apply the information you have learned about the Elements of Fiction to your free read novel.
The following elements must be included in your paper; please be sure that you are not simply
giving a summary of the book! In the first paragraph, the introductory paragraph, be sure to
include the title of your novel and the author.

1. Plot (paragraph two) -Use an Elements of Fiction Chart to organize the 6 plot points
within your novel. Explain each one and how it is used within your novel.
Exposition Rising Action Falling Action
Initiating Event Climax Resolution

2. Setting (paragraph three)- Where and when does this novel take place? How is the
setting important to the story? What effect does the setting have on the different
characters in your novel?

3. Characters (paragraph four)- Describe the main character, or characters; what do they
look like, what is their personality like, what kind of person (character) are they?
Explain briefly how the author of your novel relates these things to you, the reader.
4. Theme (paragraph five)- What is the lesson learned in your novel? What lesson or
moral is the author trying to teach you? How was the author able to convey this moral
to you? Did a character learn a lesson, teach another character a lesson, or learn this
moral through life experience? Give a brief explanation of this process.
5. Conclusion (paragraph six)

This book report should be a minimum of 1 page, and a maximum of 1 ½ pages typed. The
general rule of thumb is two hand written pages for each typed page. Please refer to the MLA
Guidelines page in your agenda book, page 41, for specific details about formatting. If you have
any questions, please see me at any time! Keep the following in mind when typing your paper:

Size 12 font
Times New Roman
Double Spaced
Black Ink

Take notes as you are reading and, as always, be sure not to wait until the last minute to begin
this project. I will be glad to edit any paper the week of September 20th, and I am always
available if there are any questions about this project.

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