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May be I am just not content with the way things seem to appear!

I like to know why things are the way they are.

Like who is my boss is boss?

Who is the boss of my boss’s boss? How did he get to being the boss? The more answers I seek the
more questions just keeping poping up?

I would like for my mind to be clear most times but it just keeps questioning everything…

Is there anyone out there who knows how to just put ones mind to Emeegency stop and just so it can be
there for the moment as is. To enjoy it and not wonder what is the composition of this and that, what
makes it the shape it is and blah blah blah…. But again, its human nature to know…. However, are there
measures to check just how much is enough…..

Why cant the human mind just be satisfied with what is at hand….?

I wonder.


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