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1. Use only Indonesian.

2. To clarify the meaning of a certain word, type: Maaf, apa arti “_______”? (the
word in question)
3. To correct a misspelled word, or a wrong expression, type: Maksudnya
“________” (corrected word/expression).
4. It’s OK to keep asking questions about words you are not clear about—that’s
part of the flow of the conversation.
5. Length of each chat: 20 minutes. You will chat once a week.
6. Copy: Please save and copy the chat, and post it on scribd for grade.
7. Suggested topics of conversation:
- Chat 1: Introduction of each other (hometown, family, study, hobby).
Practice on family vocabulary.
- Chat 2: Talk about your hometown (population, what most people do for
a living, how long you live(d) there, whether you still have family
members or relatives there [if so, who are they, how old they are, what
they do). Practice on extended family vocabulary and description.
- Chat 3: Talk about life as students (whether you live in a dorm,
apartment, or a house; what you do for meals (whether you cook, eat at
cafetarias, or get take-outs); how many students you share the place with;
places where you study; the dress code on campus; how you get to and
from campus (whether you walk, ride a bike, drive, or take a bus).
- Chat 4: Talk about tuition, textbooks, cost of living, whether or not you
should work while studying, etc.
- Chat 5: Talk about classes (what you take and why, how many credits you
have to complete for your degree, whether you will have to write a thesis
later or not, how many days of school break you have in a semester, what
you do during the break).
- Chat 6: Talk about holidays. What are important holidays for you and
your family? Describe what your family members do on these holidays.
8. I will share some more topics later.
9. If you like, you could chat in English after you finish chatting in Indonesian.
For the English chat, you don’t need to send me the script.

I hope you have a good chat with each other!

Salam hangat,

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