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BOUNCE N BURST: Pass all 20 levels

BOOGER GETS AN A: Get all the check marks [GAME IS RETIRED]

CANDY BASH 1: Finish all 30 Levels

CANDY BASH 2: Dropped from the sky at random, No definite level correlation
(perhaps higher chances at higher levels)

CASH COW 1: Clear a large amount of one color-- Must have extactly 100 points to
get this, if the number that pops up after a bit drop is like "12" that is really
"112" and you had too many. Approx 20-40 or so blocks is the magic number, it
becomes less as you go up in level because blocks are worth more points.

GOOBER'S LAB: Getting a special combo consisting of the 5 atom bonus

atom....(Meaning 5 atoms immediately followed by a 4 atom using the glowing
leftover atom from the 5 atom group) No definite level correlation (perhaps higher
chances at higher levels)

GO GO GOOGLES: Randomly if you spell GOOGLES (level requirement: ? ? ? )

SKATER KAT: Finish all 16 levels [ GAME IS RETIRING SOON]

OPERATION GUMBALL: Randomly at the end of the level completion ..... No definite
level correlation (Can be gotten at level one, perhaps higher chances at higher

POLAR PLUNGE: Finish the course, This gets you to about (____) KC and (___) points
at the end, so you know how close you are!

WACKY ZINGOZ: Hit over 600 Feet [Trophy retired]

ZACKY'S QUEST: Finish all 20 Levels

ZINGOZ BOUNCE: Randomly after bouncing 100 times (score of 700 or more)

ZINGOZ POP: Complete through level 30 on the "Normal" setting [Gold Trophy]
Also, Silver trophy for clearing 40+ balls [Retired]

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