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_______________ I have four or more siblings.

_______________ I was born outside Minnesota.

_______________ English is my favorite class.

_______________ My major is undecided.

_______________ I’m a huge Vikings fan.

_______________ I love reality TV.

_______________ I played a sport in high school.

_______________ I’m registered to vote.

_______________ I’m a first-year student.

_______________ I have a part-time job.

_______________ I know how to change the oil in a car.

_______________ English is my least favorite class.

_______________ I hate chocolate.

_______________ I’m a morning person.

_______________ I’m a night person.

_______________ I live in one of the Gage towers.

_______________ I know someone who’s seen a ghost.

_______________ I play a musical instrument or sing.

_______________ I speak two or more languages.

_______________ I volunteered this summer.

_______________ I’m a vegetarian or vegan.

_______________ I enjoy reading for fun.

_______________ I have a bike on campus.

_______________ I have read all the Harry Potter books.

_______________ I have seen all the Godfather movies.

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