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SIANO 02-23-09

Today this is my last visit in Obrero health center, me and my group are
assign to record the patient and get the blood pressure of the patient, it’s easy
for me because at first they teach us how to get the proper way the blood

I learned a lot of things in health center, to be responsible as a student

nurse, collecting data of the patient, cooperating to my team, provides
participants with clear and relevant information, concentration by improving
communication and interact to other people, Helping people to deal more
effectively with their problems and objective, by helping them develop,
strengthen and maintain qualities of participation, self direction and cooperation
and we should learned cope with a different situations.
I feel happy and sad...Happy because this the first time I experienced and
get a exposure in other situation at the health center, I learned more knowledge in
being a student nurse and the last we did in the health center we bring a pack
lunch for all of us.. We eat together with the stuff and we bonding together by
taking a picture…but it’s still a sad moment for me because I’m miss all at the
health center

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