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Working Title/Warp Films Research

Working Title are a British Film Production company, based in London. They produce feature films
and tv productions.

Warp Films are the sister company of Warp Records based Sheffield. They receive funding from
NESTA (National Endowment for Science Technology and the Arts) and were founded in 1999 they
have only 14 full-time staff.

Working Title is a conglomerate company, as the parent company is Universal Studios, who provide
funding. Warp Films is a conglomerate company aswell, as it has the sister company ‘Warp Records’.

Working Title is a conglomerate of Universal, so because they are the biggest film producing
company, they can afford to fund their subsidiary Working Title in return for a stake in the profits.
Whereas with Warp films are a considerably smaller company who are only funded by NESTA (who
are funded by the National Lottery)

Working Title Warp Films

About a Boy Four Lions
Hot Fuzz Rubber Johnny
Shaun of the Dead This is England
Ali G indahouse Grow Your Own
Bean Scummy Man
Dead Man Walking My Wrongs 8245–8249 & 117
Nanny McPhee Dead Man's Shoes

Working Title: Hot Fuzz - £8 Million, made £80.5 Million

Warp Films: This is England - £1.5 Million, Made £5.17 Million

Hollywood Blockbuster: Pirates of the Caribbean – budget £145 Million

Working Title get their funding from NBC Universal, and are allowed to produce a film on a
maximum budget of $25 Million. Whereas, Warp Films get their funding from NESTA (National
Endowment for Science Technology and the Arts, who get their, £250 Million funding from the
National Lottery to fund their research) Recently Warp Films were rewarded with a £3 Million grant
by the Film Council to manage the Low Budget Film Scheme.

Generally high octane action films with special effects will need a larger budget, as all of the
production costs increase. Therefore, with a low budget in the regions of £1.5 Million, the genres are
restricted to mainly drama and comedy, with basic editing – as this requires simply good acting to
make a good film, which is cheaper.

The main appeal of Dramas and comedies is that it features stereotyping, and typical British sarcastic
comedy, which the British audience can relate to.

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