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My ref Your ref Date: Contact Direct cial Fox E Mail ABA Cambridgeshire MG/pubjl0g/0621 County Council 6 Apri 2010 Insurance Section 01223 699116 01223 717865 Finance, Property & Performance Corporate Director: Nick Dawe Audit & Risk Management Box No: RES 1415 Shire Hall Site Castle Hil cambridge (B3 0AP ~ Dear Mr Thorpe Public Liability Clai Incident date: 3° March 2010 | acknowledge receipt of your letter in respect of a claim for damage to your car as a result of a pothole on Puddock Road, Warboys. I would advise that in order to reach a decision on liability for the damage to your car we need to make further enquiries regarding the Council's policies for the management of the road in question. ‘At present we are experiencing high volumes of claims due to the prolonged spell of bad weather experienced this winter, as a result we are not able to deal with each claim immediately upon receipt, however we do endeavour to respond to your claim within 30 days. Yours si Mark Greenall Insurance & Risk Manager The information you provided will be held and used by Cambridgeshire County Council in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act for the purposes of administration of insurance claims. We will never sell or transfer your details fo third parties for marketing purposes. However, we may share this information with other third party organisations in order to process this claim. Cambridgeshire County Council is under @ duly to protect the public funds it administers. We may use the information you have provided on this form forthe prevention and detection of fraud. We may also share this information with other bodies responsible for auaiing or administering public funds for these purposes. For further information regarding the prevention and detection of fraud, see bite./ him or contact Richard Wood (Principal Auditor) on 01223 699131 (for National Fraud Initiative queries only) who can provide you with hard copies ofthe information available on the website Cambridgeshire PUB/JLO9/0621 County Council 19 May 2010 Steve Woolley (01223) 699116 (01223) 717865 ‘ Finance, Property and Performance Corporate Director: Nick Dawe ‘Audit & Risk Management Box RES 1415 Shire Hall Casto Hil = : Cambridge Dear Mr Thorpe cea 0aP | write further to a letter dated 6" April 2010 in relation to damage caused to your vehicle. | can now confirm that our enquiries are complete and would like to take this opportunity to respond to you in full Under the terms of the Highways Act, Cambridgeshire County Council has a statutory duty to maintain and repair the Highway to a reasonable standard. The Highways Act also provides the Council with a statutory defence to claims where it can establish that it has acted reasonably in discharging this duty. The actual presence of a defect in the carriageway does not automatically make the Council legally liable for any damage that is incurred. In order to assist us in discharging these duties we have implemented a robust inspection regime that has been implemented across the County. The inspection regime takes into account best practice guidance issued to Highways Authorities. All Highways for which the Council is, responsible are inspected at a frequency dependant upon their classification, location, volume and nature of traffic that uses any given road. In relation to your claim, Puddock Road, Warboys, is inspected quarterly. The last inspection that was carried out to your incident was 9" December 2009. | am advised that during this inspection there were no defects noted in the carriageway that were considered for emergency attention. We first received reports of defects forming throughout Puddock Road on 1% March 2010. Following these reports | am advised that orders were raised for the defects to be repaired within a practical and reasonable timescale and these were all carried out and completed by 10" March 2010. Whilst itis regrettable that you have suffered damage | am of the opinion that Cambridgeshire County Council has in place a system of inspection that has been adhered to and reasonable action has been taken as soon as we were notified of the existence of any defects in the carriageway and liability for your loss is denied. Any future correspondence should be sent in writing to the above address, Yours Sincerely, Steve Woolley Insurance Claims Handler Audit & Risk Management O means {3° mm oer

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