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Manmohan Singh sets Cabinet meetings

record in 2005
New Delhi | January 12, 2006 6:08:48 PM IST

The Union Cabinet headed by Prime Minister

Dr. Manmohan Singh has set an unprecedented pace in decision-making at the

highest level.

As many as 832 cases were considered in 136 meetings of the Cabinet and its
Committees during 2005, which exceeds the business transacted in any of Cabinet
meetings of the past ten years.

It is significant that during 2005, the Cabinet met 61 times, i.e., at an average of more
than once a week, to consider 503 cases. The Cabinet Committee on Economic
Affairs (CCEA) too, was very active in 2005. It met 38 times to consider 203 cases,
and was able to expeditiously finalise matters, including many cases with significant
developmental implications.

The year 2005 set a record both in respect of the number of meetings as well as the
total number of cases considered. Apart from the Cabinet and CCEA meetings, the
Cabinet Committee on Security met 23 times and considered 107 cases; the Cabinet
Committee on Political Affairs met 11 times and considered 15 cases; and the Cabinet
Committee on WTO met 3 times and considered 4 cases.

Cabinet/Cabinet Committee decisions are often facilitated in a number of cases by

prior examination of the intricate issues by Group of Ministers. Since May, 2004, 63
GoMs have been constituted. The GoMs have finalized their recommendations in
respect of 30 proposals, some of which have also been approved by the
Cabinet/Cabinet Committees. 24 other GoMs have met more than once to firm up
their recommendations. 7 GoMs are standing in nature and two GoMs have been
constituted to consider the amendments to the Bills already introduced in the

The Cabinet/Cabinet Committees on Economic Affairs and WTO took legislative and
policy related decisions on a wide range of issues. (ANI)

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