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‫ קּ‬Casus Unifesto ‫קּ‬

Casus – Latin for an event, occasion, combination of circumstances, a case, an act of God.

America is a nation of destiny. From our inception, we have struggled to elevate ourselves

and the World. Our world is like a living organism while America itself is a cause to save that

organism. Many great men have died for the American cause and, sadly, many continue to

sacrifice today. We are just now beginning to realize that the future our Founding Fathers

envisioned is finally coming closer to becoming a reality. America’s soldiers fight the battle at

hand in the faith that they are risking their lives to preserve their way of life. The protectors of

all they hold dear to their hearts. This is true. However, if we look deeper into the purpose of

such chivalry, we find a larger plan. An American plan ordained by our creator. We see that this

is our coming of age. It is critical for the people of Earth to see America, not as a dominator, but

rather a just liberator.

Many great truths are being revealed now. These revelations have been confirmed by our

creator in his special ways. Sometimes one’s duty to their country must be fulfilled in ways he

or she can barely understand. If you are bold and wish for a peaceful resolve, then these duties

will be presented, and you cannot fail. George Washington must’ve felt this sentiment. Finding

your purpose in the greater plan can hardly be explained. This is one reason I have struggled to

write of my experiences. We are now beginning to see in this glorious enlightenment that many

of the things we value very much are truly worthless. While many things once thought to be of

little value are being recognized as having immense value. Some have called this phenomenon

we’ve experienced living in a World “upside down.” However, once we find why we are here,
all these current trappings will probably become less dominant in our culture. We should not

feel foolish, because to the elders we are going through changes as a civilization like the

formative years one goes through in utero. We are experiencing phenomenon that we have never

known or contemplated in such an inclusive way. Many have asked why we wander through our

lives endlessly searching, questioning. I believe that this is normal prior to the coming of age of

an advanced civilization. Now is the time, we must pick ourselves up. We must choose to

continue forward on the correct path because we truly feel in our hearts that this is what we want.

For some, continuing forward on the path is not even an option for they have never taken the first

step or opened their eyes to realize their own potential. If we are to “graduate” into becoming a

global society, it can only be done with the united resolve of our entire existence. We must

realize that conflict is created by misunderstanding, and when we find our true purpose, peace

will come.

Knowledge is the light that guides us on our path. We can set our course for tomorrow,

today, by designing a better and more plentiful existence for ourselves. We must start by seeing

that our World and all it contains are unique designs of our creator. You may think that this is

very biblical. The bible is true. However, in order to move forward we must begin to see these

truths with scientific eyes. The beauty we behold is by design, and all of creation is beautiful.

Mankind, however, has been given the gift of free will in order to make of our planet what he or

she desires. It is in this desire that we find our ultimate destruction or salvation. Our free will to

make our existence as we see fit is our greatest gift, for it is a gift that can someday lift us into

the heavens to experience a freedom greater than can currently be imagined. Let us be bold in

moving towards this goal.

Today, more than ever, we stand at a crossroads. Here is not our destination, but our decision

as to whether we will fearlessly stand united and choose the path of peace. We must speak loudly

and proclaim with a unified voice that we will use the discoveries and innovations of science to

free mankind from those iniquitous chains we call poverty, hunger, and disease. America has

been charged with this duty, and now it is time for us to lead the World towards the truth. This is

why we must now use our communication culture to unite behind these ideals, the ideals that

have been suppressed and placed on a shelf to use someday. America, that someday is finally

here. This is why I feel we should forgive the men who have been blamed in the past for

keeping these discoveries to themselves. For now, it is clear that this has been a plan, a

beautifully written epic with no end. We must realize these truths now, and continue on into the

sunrise, not ride off into the sunset.

The path of the righteous man begins with one step. This step is the re-evaluation of the

World as we know it. Our heavily commoditized, materially extravagant existence is not wrong

but simply unsustainable. Our revaluation will come naturally as truth makes its way to the

forefront. We can no longer teach our children incomplete truths. Discoveries, such as the true

nature of gravity, must be seen as they truly are. Newtonian physics must be enhanced in that we

must no longer rely simply on scientific rationalism to define all of creation as a supposed

mechanism with clock-like regularity. We must see that existence is rather defined simply,

elegantly and indivisibly as “The Will of God.” Modern medicine must become more proactive,

ensuring that the most progressive cure can be found. We must no longer complacently treat our

disorders but eliminate them from the face of the Earth. In order to survive, we must be open-

minded and allow the voices of the most prolific scientists to ring true. Mankind can and must
save itself. If we can take one step towards this goal, our creator could take a step towards us,

and truth would win the day, the last and everlasting day of our Lord’s return.

Truth is a controversial word, maybe the most controversial word. We must begin to trust in

the truths which can be scientifically proven, and reminisce over the faithful truths we once held

so close when we were young. The oligarchical global elite might have a mercantilistic

monopoly on wealth and power, but we can no longer stand by silently allowing their complete

control of the truth. As was once written, the truth shall set you free. One must realize that once

our hearts and minds are united in truth, our Creator will be pleased and he will bring a new

order to mankind. This could come within our lifetime! Our generation, or RE-generation, as I

call it, must come and must come quickly. Mankind has never united behind a cause as one, and

until we do we will remain in bondage. The revolution that I speak of is the revolution of peace,

the revolution of the mind, and the revolution of the heart. May Love, truth, and consciousness

be our means of eternal redemption?

In this endeavor, I envision an Electronic democracy in which all men are equally and

actively represented in real time. A society guided by scientific reasoning that gives everyone a

voice. Our leaders could be our scientists and physicians as well as anyone else who is interested

in leading. We have dreamed of a day without war and disease. We have dreamed of the day

when there is no hunger. We now have our destination. So let us set course, and take the first

steps toward our united resolve.


1 In order to ensure freedom of expression without censorship for all the World’s

people it is my belief that WiMAX radio communication technologies should be

deployed community by community, city by city, country by country, continent

to continent, Worldwide. (Google, AT&T, Cisco, Department of Education)

2 Environmentally friendly energy technologies should be agreed upon and

standardized for worldwide adoption. First, advanced biofuel production; such

as synthetic gasoline (Centia, Bell Bio-Energy), synthetic aviation fuels,

biobutanol, and biodiesel created from biological waste products,

hydrogenation, and atmospherically-recovered Carbon Dioxide, Next, Plug-in

Hybrid-Electric vehicles with advanced batteries, such as dielectric

supercapacitors, should begin production in order to begin moving away from

liquid fuels altogether. Electricity generation should move towards

decentralization through the Worldwide deployment of low-cost, thin-film solar

technologies. (All Petroleum and Auto industries, Bell Bio-Energy – Tifton,GA

Diversified Energy – Phoenix, Nanosolar – San Jose, Konarka – Boston ,

Eestor - Austin)

3 The opportunity for personalized education should be extended to all the

World’s peoples through the production of ruggedized, low-cost computer

technologies in the developed World. All the World’s peoples must have

universal access to accredited, low-cost education alternatives accomplished

though the deployment of Distributed Computing Technologies. Consensus-

based, Scientifically- proven knowledge should become available to all who seek

it. (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, NASA, Giunti , IBM, Cisco)

4 A Global effort to regulate the gases present in our atmosphere must begin.

Technologies that remove Carbon Dioxide from our atmosphere must be

aggressively funded and deployed in order to actively regulate climate change.

Also, waste-to-energy technologies, such as plasma energy recovery, should be

installed near our population centers in order to discourage landfill gases such

as methane. (Virgin UK, E.P.A., NASA, Startech – New Jersey, Global

Research – Tucson, I.P.C.C.)

5 Creation of an International Democratic Association for Earth’s Regulation.

Ensuring the enforcement of international policies in regards to Environmental

protection, wage and safety standards, regulation of international investment

and banking, international development and technological deployment, while

fostering democratic and technological cooperation between the National

Governments, Global Corporations, and all peoples of the planet in order to

create a healthy, inclusive Global Society.

6 The organization of all agencies that aspire to end World hunger into a new

international partnership that encourages increased production of Food crops

such as; corn, rice, wheat, sorghum, sugarcane, super-fruits, and other agri-

and aquacultured products into a coordinated system of National food reserves

including the enabling of access to water supplies. This Global Network and its

regional branches should be encouraged by all industrialized Nations in order

to stabilize economies and end World hunger once and for all. This effort
should also recognize and encourage an increase of food production in

developing nations, allowing the creation of internationally-distributed, public-

private partnerships for production and storage of essential resources.

Aquaculture and other advanced farming technologies, seawater desalination

plants, and water supply pipeline networks constructed. (NGO’s, U.N, National

Governments, Kingdoms, Sheikdoms, Worldwide Entertainment Industry,

International Restaurant Corporations, Millennium Development Corp.)

7 While individual nations are unable to deal with Large international problems

as well as the challenges faced by localized communities, there overall

effectiveness has decreased due to pressure from Worldwide organizations such

as; Multinational corporations, Global Religious Communities, and large Non-

governmental organizations (G8, W.T.O., I.M.F., etc.) Therefore, we must

follow the plan of our forefathers to allow for; Global decompartmentalization,

decentralized policies; industrial, communal, and socially-specific lending

policies, and movement towards redistribution of tax revenues from National to

local levels. National Governments provide primarily for National Defense,

resolving specific contradictions and inadequacies in regional authorities, and

the allocation of certain resources. International migration and populace

regulation through implementation of a Global individual identification system

should be maintained by National authorities with National boundaries

maintained and monitored. (National, State, and Local Government entities,

8 Democratization of Political Foresight - A series of internationally participatory

planning conferences held that allows for long-range planning on a Global

scale. Corporations, National entities, NGO’s, labor organizations, regular

citizens, et cetera are encouraged to participate in this planning conference with

the purpose of creating long-term solutions in regards to issues such as

monetary policies, environmental regulation, migration issues, technological

production and deployment as well as scores of other vital issues prevalent

today. Realization that issues faced today cannot be adequately and fairly

resolved without an active participation by all willing Nations, and that long-

term “futurist” type timeframes are necessary for humanity to plan the next

steps. Also, proactive planning should be implemented as to how the World

should work together to deal with disaster relief, displacement, mass migration,

and approaches to sustainable reconstruction. (All inhabitants of Earth)

9 The encouragement of initiatives dedicated to solving Mankind’s most prevalent

problems. Models such as that of the “X-prize” foundation should be replicated

or integrated Worldwide with large monetary rewards for the group that can

competitively solve a peaceful, pre-selected and well publicized societal or

technological challenge most effectively in order for these solutions to be more

quickly developed and marketed globally. The winner of each prize should be

determined by measurable results in a challenge-specific competition. For

example, issues relating to Biotechnological solutions, advanced energy

technologies, or design-specific topics such as low-cost housing, distributed

farming techniques, as well as aeronautical and extraterrestrial discoveries.

10 A renewed international spirit of reconciliation and cooperation between

National Governments Worldwide, including; the signing of multilateral peace

treaties between entities concerned with National Defense, Creation of

internationally diverse Super Forces that can rapidly deal with incidents

regarding international crime. These “chosen” would wield the most effective

technology available for dealing with insurgencies or other violent criminal

activities. Considerable care would be taken in choosing a variety of

international participants in this program. Command could be provided by an

internationally-accountable consortium of groups such as the Quartet. All

nations would be encouraged to participate in this effort with shared

responsibility with oversight provided by Global Elders.

The Group of Global Elders

The Cockcrow of Dawn

As I write this, I am reflecting on the events we have all seen unfolding before our

eyes. In order for a process to begin, one must have a catalyst. A catalyst can take the

form of a chemical substance, a conductive metal, a spark of energy, or sometimes even a

defiant voice spoken loudly against injustice. You see, when people are mislead they

need a plan. A light to help them find the things they so desperately need to find in their

struggle. All men feel the desire to make their World a better place, and many have

actions they would like to take. Most men hold these intentions inside reasoning, “how

could they alone change things?” How could one person make a difference? Or even

worse, what radical group can I join that will allow me to be a part of something larger?

Only these organizations most likely only care about someone else’s narrow view. You

might think this sounds hypocritical, but my view is one that is much more egalitarian,

individual, and idea-based.

All men’s suppressed ideas collect like grains of sand in glass with each passing hour

of suppression. This process sets the stage for a catalyst, the most powerful catalyst

imaginable, a man of able mind and body who is willing to illuminate the path to

freedom. Such is the cause; our generations Re-birth.

Idealistic words can have an exponential effect. Others see this defiance as an

inspiration. I have spoken to many groups with these intentions. Others stood up and

related their ideas as well. Actions once thought to be unrealistic began to seem

achievable. Some have taken root and inspired another generation. A process much like
a chemical chain reaction has begun. Each individual’s idea continues the movement’s

growth. An idea can live beyond one man. It can grow stronger than he could ever be

alone. To experience such a situation is truly awe-inspiring. Our creator still and will

always tend to his flock. Just when men begin to think they are alone and have little

hope, our master will speak to a man who he believes has the will to be bold. A divine

spark, an idea, a catalyst is created and our maker is pleased.

Truth rings like a liberty bell inside the minds of men. The sentiment felt at first is

excitement. Many embrace these ideas as a passing fad, the new hot thing. It continues,

and grows louder. Then, a feeling of disbelief settles in. Men will try to mock this idea to

prove to themselves that they couldn’t believe in something such as this. “How could

this be happening?” They say as they search for explanation. This is the test of truth these

situations bring for the fledgling movement, for by now it has truly become a movement.

Artists seize this idea with great vigor for they recognize that they are experiencing

something special and decide to embellish it with their musings. Direct relations with our

creator inspire artists, and they tap into this river of creativity. One reason is our creator

is an artist as well, the greatest artist possible. Our entire existence is his colorful

creation upon a canvas or construct of universal gravitation. Soon after though, it is

inevitable that some will feel a special kind of anger begin to grow inside them. This is a

confused feeling of envy and foolishness people can feel when they think they might

have been had by some kind of malevolent prankster. This point is where danger can

come for the catalyst. In order to continue, one must be humble and ask for his fellow

man’s forgiveness that he has put them through something such as this. He must not

proclaim himself to be something aggrandizing, but should instead stress his brotherhood
with them while inviting them to join in his amazement. This is the trial of a man of

God. Will he use the gift he has been given to try to take power over his fellow man, or

will he continue his original intentions of trying to lift them up. One must choose wisely.

If the test is passed, a certain kind of surreal reverence settles in, and people realize this

has not been a scheme, but rather an act of a loving God. I sit writing this today at this


We are all interconnected throughout our physical World as well as our spiritual or

conscious being. I am truly a simple man. It is important for you to realize that I have

done these things simply by acting upon the guidance felt in my heart. Simple ideas that

were once rebellion became a renaissance which in turn led to peaceful revolution. Alas,

Revelation overcomes Religious divisions. Liberation from restriction, Freedom from the

old ways, and the freedom to create and embrace a new way inevitably begin. This is my

resolve; to bring forth this New World. I am so excited, I feel like Columbus finding his

long-sought shore. Therefore, like Columbus, let us set out to create a new World; ONE

that we have finally been led to find. Let us seize upon the momentum which we have

made, and let the light of this dawn brighten the future for generations to come.
July 7, 2007

I believe we all are beginning to recognize the potential, as well as the peril, present in

our World today. The events of July 7, 2007 were truly a victory for the peoples of the

World. We finally got to feel justification that ALL our hopes and dreams could be

realized. In just over twenty four hours time, the World’s people peacefully proclaimed in

a bold unified voice that the old era had ended. We truly became unified. Artists,

scientists, religious leaders, tribal communities, young and old, even the plants and

animals, all spoke in one unified voice that we wanted to live. More importantly, we

wanted to live together, in peace. A leader was not named that day. A goal was not

concretely defined beyond our seven point pledge. Our will to stand united was the

accomplishment. Truth is, we all individually became leaders that day. Never before in

mankind’s past have so many been unified behind a cause without their being an ulterior

motive. I feel that I helped contribute to this cause by being a kind of unspoken omni-

present leader, thus, discouraging anyone else from coming to the fore. Before you judge

my assumption of my contribution to the events on that day, please allow me to explain

my purpose and goals. I believe that I have been able to guide others towards a greater

goal. However, I am not the leader. Our leader is our Almighty Creator. His will is being

realized through this beautiful movement. I believe he wants to be closer to all of us

individually, and this is the way.

Plan for Progress

Survival through sustainable design is really the essence of my thinking. I have stated

before that our current modus operandi is not wrong, but simply not sustainable. This is

an undeniable fact. I realized a long time ago that people who argue with this fact are

most likely thinking with their wealth, rather than reason, and that’s not stupid, but

simply short-sighted. Perhaps though, these reluctant stalwarts have done us all a favor

by burying the truth in the sand for so long. Not until recently have we had the level of

technology needed to carry out such a sustainability movement or “set the course” we’ve

so badly needed to set. Also, our seeing the Earth change right before our eyes is a

humbling yet motivating phenomenon. The peoples of the World are awakening to the

fact that we are all connected for the first time. We’ve always known this to be true, but

present factors have made it more relevant to our everyday existences. Perhaps this

lesson will be the most valuable lesson we learn from climate change. For if we do not

recognize this straight off, we will simply replace one “Inconvenient Truth” with yet


Global communications, International trade, non-governmental aid organizations,

international adoption, and our continued immigration have all been major factors that

have brought us closer during our relatively peaceful period we’ve experienced in the last

two decades. It is very apparent that we will be becoming even more closely associated

in the coming years. It is times like these in which great men are made, but it is also in
times such as these that there is the greatest peril. We must now, more than any time in

human history, be true to ourselves. We have our history, and our accumulated scientific

knowledge as our guide. With these, and proper execution of a good plan; we cannot fail.

“Irrational exuberance” is exactly what is needed now. Should we go on allowing

those that are doubters to contain our dreams just because they think them to be

unattainable realities? I remember hearing Americans mock the idea of the Strategic

Defense Initiative as a child. Young people now don’t even realize how capable America

is of achieving great things. Near the end of the twentieth century most of our young

people really did begin to lose their ability to think big. I think we have only within the

last few years begun to regain that special attitude that we held so dearly during the Cold

War years. The attitude that says, “Dream big, put your faith in the man upstairs, and

your trust in those with the right stuff, then we cannot fail.” In our past many things have

been accomplished with this attitude, we seemed to just have faith that America was

right, and our way of life would prevail because our system was the right way to live.

Oh, but now we are facing new issues and new competitors like we have never faced

before. For example, their rise of trade with the West has elevated China to a position of

great and growing strength. The Russian economy has developed. Their great wealth of

resources and the relative peace they have accomplished between the nation-states are

admirable accomplishments that have benefited many. The creation of the European

Union and the Euro has also been a major factor in making the European continent much

more competitive than in the past. Also, Japan has continued to build upon their “pursuit

of perfection.” All of these factors are nothing short of stunningly alarming when

considered as a whole. America has, with the exception of a few industries, lost their
lead economically in the World. This brings us to the crossroads. We must now choose

to lead, or we will surely follow.

America must lead the World’s people towards reconciliation. In this idea, we must

demonstrate just leadership. Our next step in planetary evolution calls for religious

reconciliation and the introduction to an age of plentiful regeneration. Our planet is in

peril. Our people hopeful. The World’s Religions are now ready to accept each other

peacefully. The momentum of this movement should not be slowed. We must move in a

manner that would make Mr. Reagan proud. We must move boldly and decisively

towards the truth; for we are all in this together, inter-related, and consciously connected.

We must have leadership that will do what they must for the good of all people.
Inspiracy – a secret plan developed to help humanity.

Mankind's regeneration must begin from within the individual. I believe

that human beings have an inherent distrust that can only be overcome by

conquering their ingrained fear and lack of self-worth. The first step to

overcoming suffering is the conquering of fear. I believe that fear is inherent but

can be overcome. Now is the time to stand united at the dawning of a new era. A

challenge confronts us all; a challenge to behold the world with a new set of eyes.

No longer can we set idly by allowing the suppression of widely known scientific

truth. Many great men have struggled throughout the ages preparing us for the

decisions that we are being asked to make today. We must wisely choose the path

we are to follow at these crossroads. Among the choices we may choose, there is

the path of division; there is the path of conspiracy; there is the path of violent

reaction, but, also there is the path of peace. One path is the correct choice, for it

provides “vision over division”, proaction, and an avalanche of awareness one

might call an enlightened inspiracy. The concepts of confidence, inner peace,

equality, enlightenment, plenty and universal love must overcome concepts such

as; fear, violence, ignorance, poverty and egomania. I see the loving light of a

new earthly kingdom. I also see empathic love and respect as a language.

All of advanced physics, mathematics, and music are universally understood

commonalities as well. Just as humanity is yet to fully realize these advanced

concepts, we struggle still to fully grasp the grandeur of universal love. The

pursuit of Universal truth is the ultimate compromise and visionary answer to

humankind’s divisions.
"The devil is the darkness in the hearts and minds of men." CC

I believe our inherent self-loathing is possibly the forbidden fruit that led

us away from God and could contribute to the original sin. Upon our creation,

mankind was inherently challenged due to our being a gendered, sexually

procreative race. Becoming overcome with lustfulness and excessive love of the

flesh leads us away from the path. Does sexuality lead to being perpetually

banished? I believe we should struggle to replace desire with true love.

Throughout the creation is provided innumerable means of pleasure. When

mankind seeks the enjoyment of such pleasure in an enlightened manner, he may

find an elevated state of awareness that provides the nourishment his soul has

sought since the days of Adam. It is my belief that knowledge and truth are the

keys that may allow mankind to unlock the door to a more plentiful existence.

Our current communication age allows for opportunities once unimaginable.

Through bold action and enlightened scientific understanding, we must seek to

fulfill the promise of the millennium. The first step, which has already began, is

to freely and without fear, share knowledge. This knowledge will lead to

understanding, this understanding will lead to acceptance, and this acceptance will

eventually lead to peace.

Selected Quotes from
The Elders

"I know The Elders will support courage where there is fear, foster agreement where there is

conflict and inspire hope where there is despair."


"I have worked with extraordinary people at the community level; people who have brilliant ideas

and are making a huge effort to solve problems, but often their contribution is localised, and their

voices are not strong enough to be heard. The Elders can play a role in amplifying the voice of

the millions of citizens of the world."


“Despite all of the ghastliness that is around, human beings are those that are made for

goodness. The ones that are held in high regard are not the ones that are militarily powerful, nor

even economically prosperous. They have a commitment to try and make the world a better



“For building a non-violent peaceful society in the nations of the world constructive work is

integral. Violence cannot contain freedom. Freedom springs from constructive work. The nonviolent

freedom society is not going to drop from heaven on one auspicious moment, as Ghandhi

said. Each one nation and each citizen will have to build it brick by brick, by person to person.

Constructive work is the milestone of peace and good relations.”


"I see The Elders as a small but independent group that may fill an existing void in the world

community. Almost impervious to the consequences of outside criticism, there will be

opportunities for unrestrained analysis of important and complex issues, the evolution of

suggestions, and for sharing our ideas with the general public and with others who might take

action to resolve problems.”


“To maintain world peace, promote common development, and realize mutual benefit and win-win

cooperation, all countries in the world must work harder and the international community must

enhance coordination and cooperation. Members of The Elders have rich experience in political

or economic areas, and have all contributed to the prosperity and development of their

motherlands. The Elders Group is an ideal platform for them to continue to advise on important

issues of world development for the well-being of the whole mankind.”


“Part of the wisdom of The Elders is to remind the young of values… and I was excited at the

possibility and the timing for this group of Elders…to remind the world that we actually have

universal values that are accepted by every government in the world and yet they are not being



"It is very important at the very outset to be clear about what our objectives are, and what is the

best way for us to have the greatest impact, in terms of both economic and social issues."
Strength through Peace

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power,

the World will know peace.” Jimi Hendrix

In these writings, we will explore the secret plan of redemption that I have

tried to disseminate, until now, through interaction with others on an individual

basis, radio broadcasts, and online communication techniques. I hope to clearly

represent my collaborative vision for humanity, as I explain my techniques for

applying this collected information.

In order to make this volume accessible to as many as possible, I will try to

remain as clear as possible, writing in elementary English throughout.

Additionally, I have chosen to try to outline each section according to the ideas

presented. For example, due to my belief that action must begin from within the

individual, the guidances provided will begin with, YOU. This signifies what

you, as an individual force, can do to empower yourself, and in turn, your

community and so on and on it goes. For All of us together can make these

changes happen.

U: Health

In order for our planet and humanity to be able to repair the damage that has

been done to our biosphere, continue our exponential growth, and provide relief

for those affected by climatic and other disasters, we must act as one. Therefore,

this plan seeks to find common ground and illuminate truth.

The most valuable asset one has is his or her personal health. Great progress

has been made globally towards increasing this awareness. I hope to build on this

collective knowledge by pointing out some dietary practices and techniques that

have provided for my well being. I will try to cover new ground and find hidden

solutions that aren’t well known.

Dietary supplements are an excellent starting point for our purposes. It has

been said before that there exists a cure or treatment for most ailments somewhere

in nature. Natural treatments are rarely promoted due to their inability of being

patented. Therefore, I will point out some of the nutrients I take regularly. It is

my belief that plant-based nutritional supplements are the safest and most

effective. For example, the skin of a Red grape is regularly attacked by insects.

Over time, these plants developed a defense against this phenomenon. The skin of

the grape secretes a special chemical to allow for its own regeneration. This

chemical is known as, Resveratrol, and can bring tremendous healthful benefits if

taken regularly. I personally noticed tighter, more radiant skin, more healthful

nails and hair, and a certain sheen in delicate areas that I thought was lost in my

youth. Another supplement that I believe has worked in tandem with Grape

extract of skin and seed is Deoxyribonucleic Acid. It is sold under the name of

RNA/DNA. Approximately a week after beginning supplementation on a semi-

regular basis, I noticed a significant increase in the evenness of the coloration of

my skin, as well as an overall return of youthful properties. Of course, many

supplements are well known, however I choose to focus on obscure, highly

effective choices. “Ester-C” is a specially formulated Vitamin C infused with

citrus bioflavonoid. It is a choice that can increase one’s overall health and well-

being. Ester-E is also available and like Ester-C is formulated with metabolites

that allow your bodies to more easily absorb the nutrients. Saw Palmetto, Green

Tea Extract, and Horny Goat Weed can maintain robust sexual function. Omega

3 fatty acids are excellent for energy and promoting endurance. All of these

supplements help in one’s self maintenance routine, and should be taken as


The effects of aging could also be minimized by supplementing certain

chemical compounds. These compounds are produced in the body but can also be

beneficially supplemented. One such compound is known as Alpha Lipoic Acid.

This substance offers increased protection against aging as well as increased

mental alertness and aptitude. When taken at high levels in conjunction with the

amino acid, Acetyl L-Carnitine, many of your vital cellular functions are

revitalized and maintained. This supplement combination is effective but costly.

For the greatest effect at the most reasonable price, one should select a gender

specific “Ultra” Multi-Vitamin that offers “time release” benefits. This option

allows for daily ease of use in a highly effective manner while also suppressing

one’s appetite. Additional supplements can be used to enhance this simple,

effective regiment.

U: Home

The home is the most important asset you have to promote individual well-

being. There are several proactive steps that can be taken to ensure a healthy,

durable environment within one’s refuge. First, it is important to keep adequate

supplies on hand in case of a Natural Disaster. We have heard these warnings

over and over again so I will spare you repeating them here. However, I would

like to emphasize in this section that Strength through Peace is basically the

ability to coexist with your fellow man in a responsible way. Therefore, I believe

it is prudent to suggest that cohabitation is an effective strategy to lessen the risk

faced in modern day America. We should all move beyond the idea that living

with others in close quarters is derogative in any way. In truth, being able to live

in this manner can increase efficiency, and therefore, I believe, be an overall

positive strategy for a healthy, plentiful, harmonious existence. Also, in the future

if others are displaced by natural disasters, we may find ourselves needing to

make the most of our available resources. Plus, it can be fun! Therefore, multi-

family cohabitation is recommended in these writings. An additional benefit is

that savings derived from this type of arrangement can maximize savings or

investment resources at this critical juncture.

The ability to cope with disaster is one of the foremost challenges we face as a

Global community. Highly damaging disasters are beginning to happen so

frequently now that they are starting to seem passé to those not involved. This

phenomenon is a bold warning sign. All of us face the risk of having to cope with

disaster, and all of us must quickly reach consensus on an action plan. I believe

the lessons being learned now in the aftermath of Katrina and other tragedies

should help us to discover the opportunities presented to those who can find

solutions. For example, the reconstruction in damaged areas must be done in a

manner that is able to withstand a recurrence. Building technologies are available

at all cost levels that are capable of providing the needed semi-permanent and

permanent replacements. Durable ceramic homes auto-constructed in hours,

sprayed concrete dome homes, on-site pre-manufactured tilt-up systems, and self-

contained recreational vehicles with renewable energy systems could all be

affordable effective solutions for the disenfranchised victims. Therefore, let me

re-stress that our preparedness is crucial to peace; of mind, soul, and body.

U: Investment Opportunity

The World is at the dawn of a new civilization. Our transition into this new

global society will present many dangers as well as opportunities. Einstein once

said, “Opportunity lies in the middle of difficulty.” This reality expresses the

principle that has for so many years kept the American Market system upright and

properly aligned. There is never a shortage of risk in transitional times, but one

must recognize that there is also opportunity. I believe that there are certain

companies that stand to benefit from great changes we are facing as a global

society. Natural Resource companies, Energy companies, and certain upstart

alternative energy and advanced materials companies, are just some broad

examples. The bottom line of this section is that there are some companies today

whose securities will most likely achieve prodigious growth in a relatively short

time period. The coming cycle of initial public offerings of private technology

companies alone offers opportunities that will most likely outperform the

booming upstarts of the 1980’s personal computer upswing. One company, for

example, is called Konarka Technologies of Lowell, Massachusetts. There

organic-dye based solar cell technology will truly change the World. They are

currently privately held, but when this opportunity presents itself, one would hope

to be able to have some liquidity available to allow the boarding of a serious

ground floor “rocket ship.” There are MANY others like this that we will discuss

later in these writings.

The ability to adapt and find opportunity in the coming years is going to be

critical to mankind’s well being amongst the challenges presented. I believe the

massive global changes we will most likely see soon are a collective global final

exam. Therefore, I hope these writings will provide some foresight to help

prepare for the birth of our global society, while inspiring you to embrace this

grand challenge as an exciting “once in an age” opportunity.

Community - Diversity – Unity

The vision of the founding fathers was one that was heavily community-based.

They foresaw that a populace, vibrant and active at a communal level, would be

less vulnerable to societal decay. Therefore, I believe it is critical for the

proposals described in these writings be adopted primarily at the community

levels. Well thought out, local presentations can provide stimulus for collective

change while also awakening the citizenry to a new level of bold progressive


Many communities could be enhanced by various positive changes. Some

could be revitalized through beautification efforts. Some would be enhanced by a

reduction in crime rates. Some communities might be enhanced by increased

diversity, or an increase in personal freedoms on your own property might be

called for. Either way, all of these are typical challenges faced by a variety of

communities across the country. It is my belief that the homogenous

communities of conformity could be benefited by more freedom within one’s own

personal space. America was founded on the premise that one’s domain was

protected from outside interference, thereby making one’s home a sanctuary.

Innovative technologies could allow the adoption of new approaches to

community involvement. Distributed education systems, Community-based

wireless communication networks, centralized safety monitoring of public areas,

and innovative community transportation alternatives could become well-received

solutions to persistent problems of the past. The goal to maintain community

services in an efficient, equitable manner is a major challenge that could be

enhanced by alternative approaches.

The challenge to provide educational resources to a growing community is a

tremendous challenge. When this is paired with the accelerating changes society

must face, adequately educating and training the community is a task that seems

insurmountable. Therefore, I believe we must look to technologies, such as

Distributed Education systems, to find a way to exponentially increase the

efficiency of our current approaches. New exciting benefits could be realized

through true innovation. Communities find it difficult to provide the critical

training needed for enhancing employment opportunity. Solutions could be

provided in the possibility of increased adult education opportunities. Another

benefit of Distributed Education systems could be realized by parents being

enabled to become more involved in their child’s education process. The old

system of occasional report cards is inadequate. Home schooled students, also,

could be presented with new interactive resources. A digital curriculum could

provide considerable long-term cost benefits as well as a wealth of next

generation educational opportunities. Community-based wireless connectivity

and distributed education systems could provide the great leap forward that

America has long needed to take in its educational environments. We will more

fully explore these proposals later.

Country: Of the people, For the People, By the people.

The greatest challenge our citizens face in this new millennium is the struggle

to regain the ability to regulate our own Country. The first step to regaining our

constitutionally charged duty to participate in our Republic is to attempt to come

to a consensus. However, many argue that Americans reaching consensus is an

unattainable goal due to inherent divisions. This duty to debate, to agree, to

disagree, and to decide through democratic processes is the core concept or our

Constitution. However, many in recent decades have lost faith in this vital process

due to their perceived disenfranchisement. We must revitalize our democracy.

We must regain the ability to communicate collectively with our leaders.

Therefore, once again, I propose that we turn to technology to reach this goal.

Our Constitutionally directed representative democracy is unalterable in my

reasoning. However, I believe that the clear expression of the will of individual

constituents must be made more evident. Therefore, I see opportunity existing in

the democratization of individual political will. This could be accomplished in

my opinion most effectively through a network of city and community

homepages. These pages would contain a prominent “banner” that provides the

means to learn, consider, and poll in real time concerning the decisions that are

being made by our authoritative representatives. I envision this widespread effort

as providing a means for the defining of our individual and collective political

will. Possibly providing a further check to balance the efforts of professional

lobbyists, I call this solution by the title, “U-lobby.” Once each of us endeavors

to regain our democratic voice, only then will we regain control of our Country.

One of the most enlightened, peaceful democracies on Earth is Switzerland.

Their ability to peacefully co-exist is admirable. The Swiss people have

implemented the progressive institution of a National Initiative/Referendum.

Some states, such as California, currently have the structures in place that allow

for not only the collective voice of their plebiscite to be heard, but also, for their

words to bring about collective actions through their democratic deliberations.

We face tremendous challenges and decisions in the coming years. This is why it

is imperative that we the people find the means to take collective action that

allows for a solution to be adopted swiftly and democratically. Altogether, we

could have been much more effective in dealing with the Katrina disaster, Global

Climate Change proposals, as well as countless other instances that called for a

National effort. It is my belief that the enacting of a National

Initiative/Referendum is a highly ambitious but worthy effort.

Israel is another Nation whom I greatly admire for their vibrant democracy.

This proud nation is progressive in other ways as well. For example, the people

of Israel have an institution in place called National Service. The young people of

Israel are expected to participate in programs that provide training and

opportunities to serve their Nation as a means of post secondary edification. It is

my belief that a program such as this would benefit many people in our Country.

I envision a post secondary minimum two year enlistment that would provide our

young people with a variety of opportunities including; military or civilian

defense training, Global disaster intervention, infrastructure and beautification

initiatives, border enforcement, as well as an opportunity to interact with others in

a socially uninhibited and engaging way. This pillar of Strength through Peace

could be enhanced by the American Military’s expanded efforts of humanitarian

missions of Global cooperation, and re-enlistment would be encouraged but not

required. A conscientious objector’s abstaining would be honored, but the

flexibility of the opportunities presented in this proposal would be, I believe, an

exciting and fulfilling part of every Americans’ youth.

Conversely, the American penal system is another challenge that is rarely

discussed in public circles that is of critical importance. It is my hope that the

rehabilitation of the individuals sentenced to serve time could be truly challenged

to better themselves in innovative ways. Due to the sensitive nature of this

subject, I simply would like to suggest that legislation is conceived that will

provide win-win solutions to the American public as well as the convicted.

Rehabilitation through innovations such as; electronic educative resources,

biofuel source crop farming, animal companions, good behavior point systems,

and the possibility of earned opportunities in military affairs are just a few

suggestions that might help the most downtrodden members of our community

regain their moral direction and self-worth while also providing our society with a

vision in which all are contributing to making the World a better place to live.

I believe in a more peaceful plentiful future for all of the World’s people. The

transition to renewable energy technologies will be a gradual process with many

solutions contributing in an orchestrated effort of global regeneration. One

solution that should be adopted in the near term is the construction of regional

biofuel production facilities. These “refineries” could be used to create liquid

fuels from a variety of sources including; agricultural wastes, switchgrasses,

poultry plant waste, and other industrial and municipal wastes on a case by case

basis. For example, if your community is near large chicken processing plants,

then a plant should be constructed nearby to allow for the wastes from the plant to

be utilized in liquid fuel production for regional distribution. Vehicles, such as

police cars, could be converted to run on a blend of this fuel providing

tremendous savings for our communities while also providing security for their

supply of critical fuel. Finally, I believe conversion kits for all vehicles, allowing

their operation on biofuel, should be made available Nationwide.

Globally: United and Independent

As I stated above, America is a nation of destiny. This destiny can only be

fulfilled by our providing the leadership necessary to lift and strengthen

independent nations so that they might be able to become all they wish to be.

Therefore, I hope you will indulge me with the opportunity to describe my vision

of intervention in the name of Global Harmony.

I believe in the words from the Stevie Wonder song that says, “I believe the

children are our future, teach them well and let them lead the way.” In this spirit,

I would like to suggest a few unique initiatives regarding near term solutions to

educate millions of young people Worldwide. For it is my assertion that

providing opportunity to those most in need is more of a possibility now than in

any time in the history of the World.

As outlined in my ten points above, many solutions could be adopted to allow

for the relief of suffering. All suggestions are welcome, as these writings are my

contribution to this “Conversation with the Nation.”

I believe in the distribution of low-cost, ruggedized, handheld computers that

provide; global communications, educational programs, language instruction and

translation, as well as entertainment, training our leaders of tomorrow. These

devices could be manufactured by the members of the Open Handset Alliance and

purchased and distributed in innovative ventures similar to the “One Laptop per

Child” Initiative. It is my hope that these devices could be integrated with this

program as a next step. These devices could be similar to a cell phone with

advanced capabilities, like a rugged “Iphone.” The open source operating system,

Google Android, could be leveraged to provide functionality as well as a

development platform. I envision these devices as being; energy efficient, self-

charging, water and shock resistant, multilingual, and wirelessly connected by

regional Wi-max and satellite technologies. There result would be a proliferation

of enlightened thought and, I believe, peace and prosperity. The resources, know

how, and will are all available now should we continue to take the steps to make it

all a reality.

In many areas, it might be advantageous to consider the development of

schools that provide a more regimented, disciplinarian approach. In suggesting

something so bold I must relate to you how I came to consider such a proposal. I

was reading about the life of a very inspirational man, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk,

the father of the democratic nation of Turkey. The strength that this man

possessed was globally renowned. He led the Young Turks through the Turkish

Nationalist movement and the Turkish War of Independence during post-WWI

Ottoman Empire, eventually leading to the establishment of the Independent

Republic of Turkey. I assert that this great man was one from which we can learn

much. His principles, based on scientific, rationalist thought, dictated a new level

of freedom for his people. His foundations were formed in the military secondary

school of Selanik of Macedonia and his subsequent enrollment in the Ottoman

Army Academy at Manastir. This man among men was forged in the fires of

discipline, mathematics, and science. I believe this man’s legacy and beliefs

should never be forgotten but rather framed for any group that wishes to promote

an enlightened society.

It is my hope that the solutions discussed in this section have helped to outline

some practical solutions that are needed today. Strength through Peace is a

collective first step which has already begun. However, we must become bolder
in the scope of our endeavors towards the goals outlined above. In these writings,

I submit to make known my dreams so as to hopefully inspire you to join us in

our efforts to recreate the World.

Survival through Sustainable Design

“In older civilizations, they didn’t have diseases as we know them. It

would be incredible if you could produce music so perfect that it would filter

through you like rays, and ultimately cure.” Jimi Hendrix

I propose that we unite to unleash the limitless potential of our collective,

enlightened scientific rationalism. Altogether, we are charged with redesigning the

World in an enlightened, plentiful manner. Darkness and division are slowly fading in

this dawning of a new civilization. I hope that the ideas presented here will brighten your

World and broaden your horizons. Humanity has learned much from our study of the

Universe. Now comes the time to apply this knowledge.

I believe radical strategies that promote good health should be demanded. In

order to “ultimately cure” disease, we must demand that new proactive approaches such

as arterial decalcification or chelation therapies are recommended for all older

Americans. This therapy treats the arterial buildup of nanobacterium sanguinem.

Always thinking further forward, chelation could end heart disease.

Proactive solutions could allow for society to eradicate rather than “treat” human

suffering. Proactive medicine, as is being pioneered by Dr. Anthony Atala of the Center

for Regenerative medicine at Wake Forest University, is a very inspiring approach to

healing. His focused research on therapies that enable humanity to regenerate their
bodies is a magnanimous effort. In Madison, Wisconsin, “Induced” pluripotent stem

cells are a recent breakthrough that allows researchers to “virally reprogram” skin cells to

act pluripotentially, or change into multiple types of cells. I.P.S. cells are the vanguard

discovery of a new age of medical enlightenment.

I believe the progress of the human race could be improved by pre-screening

embryonic life for inherited disorders. This vision is not just sensible but inevitable. I

believe parents should be able to screen for inherited disorders. This, also, brings to the

fore the question of abortion. I believe that the progress of mankind should be allowed in

an enlightened, ethical manner. Therefore, I see abortion as being in need of stricter

regulation in regards to its practices. For example, I submit to you that any being that has

a beating, functioning heart is protected as a human being. However, until the first

heartbeat, life has not “legally” begun. This “solution,” birth control, and prescribed

“morning after” medicines, should be the common sense alternatives to this historic

debate. However, I must submit that since my first writing of this legal “solution” to the

abortion debate, it has been made clear to me by the Almighty that life does in fact begin

at conception; therefore the righteous path is adoption. Also, I submit that our collective

proposals should never be considered final. So, it is my hope that we seek an improved

quality of life through common sense and uninhibited innovation in medicine. For this is

a critical component to the peaceful destiny of mankind.

Technologically regulating the Earth’s biosphere, or terra-forming, is of critical

importance to our future prosperity. Carbon Dioxide should be the first gas we seek to

mechanically regulate within our atmosphere. Humanity’s collective respiration is a

seldom spoke of cause of the build up of CO2 in our biosphere. As our population
grows, regardless of our energy practices, CO2 buildup will continue to be a threat to

mankind. Therefore, we must build and deploy the machines that make the sequestration

and re-use of this greenhouse gas ubiquitous. Machines called air capture devices are

being developed by a company called Global Research Technologies in Tucson, Arizona.

These devices are approximately the size of a large recreational vehicle, and are capable

of concentrating a pure stream of CO2 from the atmosphere regardless of their location.

According to their website, the solvent utilized in these machines can remove copious

amounts of CO2 from thin air at standard atmospheric pressures. Additionally, due to the

unique chemical properties of the “solvent,” the captured/dissolved CO2 is capable of

being electro-dialytically removed from the regenerative process very efficiently. The

devices are self regulating meaning they could therefore be solar powered and ran

remotely. This means that pollution created in Europe could be collected from the

atmosphere anywhere. The real question is what to do with the CO2 once it has been

concentrated, and this is the detail that pushes the envelope. The CO2 stream from these

devices should be reacted with solar-electrolyzed hydrogen to produce CH4 or natural

gas through the Sabatier process, CO2+4H2>CO+H2O. Next, the carbon monoxide is

reacted again with hydrogen, CO+3H2>CH4+H2O, in turn, yielding natural gas, pure

water, and heat. It is not well known, but Carbon monoxide (CO) can be reacted with

gaseous hydrogen to reconstitute the parts back into fuel. Through the use of Ruthenium

catalysts, these byproduct’s molecules can be reformed to allow the creation of liquid

fuels, too. Yes!, Synthetic gasoline and diesel could possibly be recreated from

atmospherically recovered Carbon Dioxide. In fact, this is the only solution that logically

solves the puzzle of where to put the CO2 we sequester. So, the solution to global
climate change is the accelerated development and deployment of atmospheric CO2

sequestration systems that are engineered to react their streams with solar electrolyzed

hydrogen, finally, that CH4 is catalyzed to produce synthetic gasoline. The product of

our respiration and water could be reacted to forever fuel our future. Additionally, a

portion of the captured CO2 could be vented into large greenhouses in order to create

conditions for optimized large scale food production. These solutions could be designed

according to the needs where the technology is deployed. For example, a deployment on

the coast of sub-Saharan Africa may call for the production of pure water and organically

grown fruits and vegetables. In New Orleans, the configuration may call for synthetic

fuels to be produced. Or in China, a balance of fuel and food production may be wisely

called for. The process of re-using the atmospheric gases that are currently a cause for

global concern by chemically reforming them into useful commodities represents the

height of regenerative design. The process described here is the nexus of my philosophy

of global redemption and rebirth. Everything on earth has value in that it may be re-

formed to once again serve useful purpose.

Catalyst Reformation of long chain hydrocarbon molecules into ring-like structures.

Plasma gasification systems such as those developed by Startech Environmental in

New Jersey allow the molecular recycling of all types of waste. The electric plasma these

machines harness in order to molecularly disassociate the waste allows the opportunity to

eliminate the need for landfills and other costly, inefficient waste disposal approaches.

Dr. Longo’s devices can be readily deployed near large cities eliminating their waste

while providing valuable byproducts from this waste. Only hydrogen gas, methanol, and

a composite of sterile slag (similar to Dupont Corian) remain from what was once tons of

hazardous municipal waste. This technology’s deployment is vital to the regenerative

redesign of the American Metropolis.

Courtesy of Startech Environmental.

The development of indoor gardening apparatus for the domestic production of

fruits and vegetables could be a fun addition to any household. The popularization of

compact growing systems could provide an alternative source of nutrition while also

making gardening possible year round. In a well designed system, one could see the

domestic production of fresh produce as becoming commonplace in the American

household. Lettuce, Broccoli, strawberries, onions, peas, peanuts, potatoes, and rice are

all prime candidates for home cultivation amongst many others. Systems, such as the

“Smartgarden” from, are a basic example of the kind of system that is

currently available. It is also possible to build an adequate system yourself. Distributed

agricultural practices will most likely take root in the development of advanced cultures☺

“Opportunity lies in the middle of difficulty.” Albert Einstein

The lack of adequate housing is one of the foremost issues facing humanity. As

climate change brings about increased pressure on available housing resources, we must

find a way to rapidly construct housing for the developing world that is provided as a

foundation for their society. Advanced ceramic dome structures can now be constructed

in less than 24 hours due to the innovation of Concrete Cloth UK. These highly

affordable domed structures can be produced and packaged at the plant in England.

These compact structures can then be palletized and airlifted to the area in need, be it the

site of a large natural disaster or just an area in need of housing. Two people are able to

position and auto-construct these extremely strong, fire retardant structures in less than

24 hours while having shelter available the next day. Due to the inherent strength and
watertight nature of these structures, they are capable of being covered by earth or

sandbags providing additional insulation. The covering of the structures by earth allows

them to become, in my opinion the most earth friendly housing ever created.

I feel partially responsible for the invention of these shelters. Please allow me to

explain. There was a competition for a television program by the name of, American

Inventor, courtesy of the creators of American Idol, who are British. I was in the process

of building a model of an inflatable concrete dome home, so I decided to try to enter this

invention in the competition for American Inventor. Due to this being in the aftermath of

Hurricane Katrina, I felt that a rapidly deployable inflatable home could benefit many.

At the taping of the competition, I fully explained my invention including my partially

built clay model I had at home that was made from a piece of an old refrigerator tray and

modeling clay. Of course, my invention did not win the competition. However, upon

further research online this past year, I realized that a more advanced yet otherwise

identical form of my invention had indeed began being developed just months after my

submission to the Inventors show. Now, allow me to be clear, there was no way I would

have had the capital to develop my invention further, and I was only interested in the

mass production of this invention for the good of all. So the young men that went

forward with the realization and development of the Concrete Cloth UK dome structures

did me a huge favor. They got to start an award winning, innovative company, and I got

to see my vision become a reality. The television show producers even had the

wherewithal to give the invention to a young man that could pass for my identical

English twin, and named it with my trademark “C.C.” So, all in all, I’m not sure they

realize just how pleased I am with the way this turned out because I had many other
things that I had to pursue over the past few years that dovetail nicely with their plans.

This situation is a perfect demonstration of the egalitarian effort we all need to undertake


The international cooperation demonstrated in this process was the fulfillment of

the prophecy of the coming, the Age of Aquarius. I am that man whom was foreseen to

welcome you into his home while pouring out a container of water. I just realized all this

in the turn of events of the last few years. You see, the construction process of the

concrete cloth homes are laid out on the ground and filled with enough water to dampen

the ceramic powders, then they are inflated and you in turn have a complete watertight

structure. I will include the Concrete Cloth UK brochure in these writings due to their

centrality in my plans to ease global suffering. These structures are only meant to be

deployed in areas with inadequate housing resources, or in areas recovering from natural

disaster. If we can scale up their production, the solution provided could be one of the

most long sought solutions humanity has ever discovered.

The adequate supply of clean water is another challenge in the development of a more

plentiful global community. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the foremost authority on

the desalination of seawater. They lead the World in desalination due to their abundance

of energy resources and lack of fresh water. Desalination has always been very energy

intensive due to the amount of heat that is required in typical processes. However, there

is a system in development in the United States that uses advanced materials to lessen the

energy intensity of water desalination. This process is called Conductive Deionization,

and was originally developed at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories. These

desalination devices utilize large sheets of an innovative material known as Aerogel.

Basically, the conductive properties of Aerogel allows the water be pumped between two

sheets with opposite charges applied across the surfaces. The result is a stream of highly

pure chemically reconstituted water out of one output point, and high salinity brine out of

the other. This process is highly, almost anomalously, energy efficient, and machines can

be linked together to increase volume. The only drawback to this system is the briny

waste that is left over. Therefore, we must find a use for this material because, as we are

discovering, there is a use for all things. My proposal is to construct Conductive

Deionization water desalination plants near coastal Chlor-Alkali plants similar to those

operated by the Olin Corporation. Their process utilizes salty brines in their electrolytic

cells to produce chlorine for water treatment as well as other vital commodity chemicals.

I assert, for example in these writings that the Olin Corporation chemical plant in

Augusta, Georgia would be well advised to work with authorities to construct Conductive

Deionization (C.D.) seawater desalination facilities near their existing plant. The Atlantic

Ocean could from beach wells provide the source of seawater to the C.D. plants, which in

turn would provide pure water for the Atlanta metropolitan area and a source of brine for

the chemical plant’s processes. This is a win-win solution that could provide scalable

long term solutions to multiple challenges faced in the Southeastern United States. I see

this as being a model configuration capable of being replicated anywhere in the World

that lacks adequate supplies of freshwater.

Reservoirs and aqueducts are critical to large population centers. The adequate

supply of water can be augmented by desalination, as discussed above, but in order to

maintain a steady supply of freshwater the construction of a network of reservoirs should

be considered. The ability to adequately store water from precipitation for later use is
critical. Therefore, I believe that the construction of water reservoirs should be a

universal consideration. The ability to store precipitation, promote recreation, and the

procurement of aquaculture opportunities are all primary benefits. Recreational boating,

camping, and sport fishing are also beneficial around a well designed state reservoir.

Let us focus on the opportunities presented for the aquaculture industry. Many

different breeds of freshwater fish could be “farmed” in man-made waters, such as;

tilapia, catfish, grass carp, and various exotic sport fish varieties. The additional food

resources could be utilized ensuring the development of a network of fresh seafood

restaurants while providing sport fisherman with endless supplies of freshwater fishes. I

see this proposal as developing a symbiotic relationship between the city and the rural

areas while providing rural areas with exciting development opportunities. A well

designed system of water reservoirs, aqueducts, and desalination facilities provides many

primary and secondary benefits to a growing Metropolitan area.

The growth of the Atlanta area is most likely a trend that is only going to

accelerate due to the favorable climate, immigration trends, and the general appeal of the

area. The fact that it is considered a major hub for air transportation is also a favorable

factor pointing to future growth. However, the transportation networks within the city

are becoming a huge challenge due to the length of commute many endure on a daily

basis and the lack of efficiency this entails. I see the solution being found in multiple,

simultaneous solutions. Of course, carpooling should continue to be encouraged amongst

commuters. But furthermore, I believe the construction of a Maglev rail system along the

I-75 corridor could be a very promising solution for future growth. The linking of the

inland cities of Atlanta, Chattanooga, and Nashville could provide the means for
continued growth for all cities. Also, I see the development of a “small aircraft

transportation system” as being a tailor made solution for the Atlanta area. The idea that

small aircraft and airships could be flown from small regional airports into the city on a

competitive basis with automobiles is an exciting and inevitable premise. Atlanta and all

other large American cities are facing similar challenges to efficiently transport their

cincinnatus on a daily basis. These steps provide some solutions that allow for unlimited

growth of the American metropolis.

“I am not an expert in anything. I am the person who keeps my eyes

open, watches from the sides and becomes aware of where things might

come together that otherwise might not come together.” Jacques Cousteau

The widespread adoption of fossil fuels as the primary carrier of energy has

provided mankind with abundant prosperity for generations. The revolution that began

with the discovery of abundant underground reserves of petroleum, now, holds humanity

within its haughty clutches while discordantly attempting to impose one small group’s

false reality on us all. What once elevated humanity has now become the scourge of

man. So much so, that it has been correctly referred to as an “addiction” by President

Bush in his historic 2006 State of the Union address. Blaming no one for the state we

find ourselves in today, we must still free our global society from petroleum addiction.

Many would have you believe that this process will take decades to accomplish. This is

not true. In fact, with a properly aligned scientific approach and strategic reinvestment

strategies for large stakeholders, we can once again revolutionize our existence in a

manner that is honest, bold and unconditional.

The most direct path to energy independence has become the great global debate.

Many points of view must be considered in calculating the path out of fossil fuel’s global

bondage into a bountiful liberation of scientific enlightenment. This direct path must

allow the satisfaction of all stakeholders while providing men with technologies that

eradicate deficiency. Through a combination of market economics and ambitious plans

for global development, the most efficiently produced, robust and purposeful devices

should be chosen for an accelerated and orchestrated global deployment.

The process of global energy diversification affects all of us. There are many

variables involved in this process that must be considered; centralized versus distributed,

highly complex or elegant, robust or fallible, revamp or retrofit, affordable or gouged,

plentiful or finite, cooperation or competition. Due to the sensitivity of this issue, I

believe international arbitration is needed. Perhaps the “leaders meeting” due to be held

in summer of 2008 between the 17 economies will lead to this arbitration. The purpose

of these writings is to illuminate the most beneficial global deployment strategy

according to my research and contemplation.

Since the dawn of the Industrial revolution, all energy resources have been kept

centralized. The decentralization of energy production can only be accomplished through

the deployment of innovative distributed energy devices. Moving forward, it is

imperative that we reach consensus as to the nature of these machines to ensure

coordinated action is taken. The decentralization of energy production is, literally, the

liberation of humanity. It is critical that specific technologies are adopted to ensure

harmony and discourage dissent.

Many solutions have been proposed in regards to energy innovation. Of these

offerings, many complex devices have been proposed in order to distract society from the

affordable options that exist. Highly complex devices are purposely showcased in order

to delay the widespread adoption of elegant solutions. The adoption of these elegant

solutions represents the “end game” for these deceptive practices.

The existing infrastructure must be utilized in our transition to energy

independence. Finding the means to produce large quantities of energy dense liquid fuels

is critical to making this transition. As you read above, the eventual production of

synthetic liquid fuels from atmospherically sequestered carbon dioxide and hydrogen is

the ultimate solution. However, in the near term, we must have regional operations that

are capable of industrial-scale production of synthetic liquid fuels. Diversified energy

Corporation of Phoenix Arizona has licensed a process developed at North Carolina State

University called “Centia.” This process enables the synthesis of a variety of fuels

including biogasoline, biodiesel, and JP-8 jet fuel. These fuels are of superior quality to

petroleum based fuels and can be created from virtually any biological waste products

such as; animal fats, agricultural crops, algae and industrial wastes. These feed stocks

could be sourced locally with regards to the region where the “Centia” plant is

constructed. This approach would allow for multiple benefits to all parties involved. A

legislatively subsidized effort to make this become a reality in the near term is necessary.

This proposal is a logical first step that needs to be taken to ensure America’s energy

This is a basic representation of the Centia process courtesy of Diversified Energy Corp.

Congressional division and special interest influence has controlled the course of

our country for too long. It is now the time to reclaim the American spirit of true

leadership. Congress should enable the responsible transition away from fossil fuels

through the following measures. American automobile manufacturers should be required

by Congressional legislation to produce vehicles capable of being fueled by ethanol

blends, synthetic fuels, and standard petrol. Also, the environmental protection agency

should be required to allow the American consumer the right to install aftermarket

conversion systems such as the “Flextek fuel injection system.” The EPA currently

asserts that converting your personal vehicle is a violation of the clean air act. This

allows them to prevent the widespread availability of these elegant systems that have

been used for years in Brazil. As I stated above, I believe communities across the

country should install these systems in their Police vehicles to improve performance,

encourage widespread awareness, and conserve local resources. Most critically, the

availability of alternatives at fueling stations should be required by Congressional

mandate. With the required replacement of one fuel grade selection at the gas pump, a

peaceful reclamation of America would begin. American farms would become domestic

energy fields, and the market forces that regulate our economy would become the saving

grace of the American consumer.

The global automotive industry should work together to advance the level of

innovation available to their customers. Flex fuel capable plug in hybrid electric vehicles

that are capable of being electrically recharged should be the transitional technology of

choice. These vehicles are already being considered, and, I believe, should be

aggressively developed globally. The environmental, economic, and social implications

of such a movement could restore the confidence and trust customers and manufacturers

once shared. Instead of feeling it is their reluctant duty to buy American, consumers

would regain that honest, decent pride from long ago. What company will be the first to

provide widespread availability of vehicles that can cause such a high level of customer

satisfaction? Will they be Chinese? This is the only choice. Anything less is


All-electric vehicles are another alternative technology worthy of accelerated

development. Vehicles that are propelled by electric hub motors are inherently all wheel

drive, improving safety. The cost of electricity to power your vehicle would be

substantially lower than liquid fuels, and renewable energy could make electricity cost

considerably less. Advanced batteries are being developed in Austin, Texas that greatly

advances the science of energy storage. EEstor’s products are ceramic ultra-capacitor

based “Energy Storage Devices.” These devices would allow recharging in under ten

minutes, and would provide enough energy potential to propel the largest SUV over three
hundred miles per charge. Furthermore, since these capacitor based technologies are

more advanced that electrochemical batteries, they are capable of being charged and

recharged an unlimited number of times. While EEstor’s technologies are the absolute

height of robust American design innovations, can America lead?

American corporations can only go so far in America’s salvation. In order to fully

allow our recovery, we must develop innovative programs to educate our young people. I

envision a day when Americans are capable of regaining their academic leadership.

Many different organizations could contribute to the innovative education initiatives that

are desperately needed. For example, NASA’s role in educating America should become

their most vital mission. Advanced physical science curriculums could be developed and

carried out in real time. Americans deserve to be more intimately involved in the daily

operations and discoveries that NASA scientists have access to. The public education

system’s adoption of a “Universal Curriculum” through the deployment of distributed

education systems is critical to American competitiveness.

“It is not generally realized that the cost in energy of sending a man into

space is less than $100: the fact that we have to pay millions of times as

much is merely a measure of our present incompetence.”

Arthur C. Clarke, CBE

The development of the small aircraft transportation system is the boldest

American endeavor since Apollo. For too long, America’s two-track approach to space

exploration has misled the American people. The disclosure of the nature of gravity is

the central understanding of the physical Universe. Until we understand that ubiquitous

particles, sometimes referred to as “gravitons,” equally and eternally rain down on Earth

from all directions simultaneously creating gravity, we cannot complete our quest to

reach the full understanding of the physical principles of our Universe. Gravity pushes.

These particle’s existence, like photons, have a collective mass and fully correct the

misdirection provided by all currently well known physicists. The presence of the

collective mass of these particles also represents the missing mass that is usually referred

to by explanations such as “dark energy” and “dark matter.” The truth is that particle

based gravitic forces regulate, connect and explain every physical phenomenon in the

heavens. The ability to electromagnetically “shield” one’s self from these forces

provides complete freedom from these and all other related forces; inertia, weight,

resistance. Newtonian physics represents an inverse or backwards view of these

fundamental principles due to his inability to detect the “graviton.” Therefore, let us

harness this universal truth in the development of the “highways in the sky” mankind has

dreamed of since he first looked towards the heavens.

President Ronald Reagan and Chris Columbus Kraft of NASA.

The development of advanced flight propulsion systems and their resulting space-

based infrastructure represents the paradigm shift needed to begin moving the global

military industrial complex away from destructive technologies towards fulfilling

mankind’s collective desire to peacefully explore our final frontier. It seems, “The truth

will set you free!” The level of freedom that is made possible by the full understanding

of our role in the Universe is infinite. Humankind’s full understanding of physical

science should be revealed and explained by the recognition of a genuine “Theory of

Everything” to the World.

E8, the mathematic model of the universe, according to the elegant Theory of Everything of Garrett Lisi.
Through sustainable design and international cooperation, humanity will survive.

We must coexist in order to discover, design and deploy the solutions that we all want

and need. The cooperation of humanity must begin now. Advanced technologies are

coveted for their economic potential. It is my hope that the revealing and synthesis of

these technologies herein will contribute to a continuation of scientific enlightenment.

Therefore, I propose we solve our future global scientific challenges with open, global

competitions similar to the landmark, Ansari X-prize competition. May the writings

herein also serve as a proposal for Sir Richard Branson’s atmospheric carbon dioxide

reduction challenge. The solutions presented in these writings represent not only where

we will eventually be, but where we could have been a long time ago. There might be

more advanced solutions come, but I believe that these suggestions provide the course

correction mankind has needed for decades. There is much to explore further in these

writings. There are reasons for what is written here, as well as for what is left unwritten.

Courtesy of the X-prize foundation.

Acceptance through Understanding
The Unified Theory of Universal Creationism

All religions express the same truth. The belief in an Almighty Creator The King of

the Universe. We are all part of the creator, as he is all that exists, indivisible. I believe

The All asks that we appreciate and show our respect for him by remaining mindful of his

eternal greatness. If we do this, we will come closer to knowing his majestic and joyous

ways. His presence is within all things. As all things are within his greatness. This is all

we have to follow to continue our path to the place in existence when all of humanity is

united as one consciousness with the All and all of his children throughout the Universe.

Our Benevolent designers are at one with the All. They are the greatest artists. They

provide us with divine guidance and protection. If we can love all of creation, find

common understanding, and rebuild the Temple on the Holy Mount, they will come and

bring about a new level of existence to humanity. The battle between good and evil is

within each individual man. We must struggle to find and fulfill the goodness within

ourselves. Our existence on the surface of the planet represents childhood. We are being

patiently taught to be responsible and respectful children of the Eternal Almighty God.

E Pluribus Unum
Foundations of Sustainable Design

Ecologically responsible raw material sourcing

Mass producible, Affordable

Customizable, End user individualization

Durable, Low maintenance, Fluid formed

Active: Capable of aiding users with complimentary benefits

Rechargeable Regenerative Recyclable

Decentralized, Do it yourself

Waterproof, Non-flammable, Inert

Design Cues

Eclectic, Unified, Diverse, Classic, Future-Retro, Rugged, Self-contained,

All in One, Experimental, Chameleonic, Aged, Open, Lo tech, Textured,

Timeless, Monolithic
Field of Dreams, Dubuque, IA


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