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In this picture it shows a bee sucking up nectar.

The bee doesn’t realise that he is collecting pollen from

the anther when he brushes his back on it.
The bee was attracted to this flower because of its
bright colours and sweet scent.

After the bee sucks up all the nectar from the flower he flies away and lands on
another flower from the same species as the previous flower. The bee brushes its
back on the second flower, not realising that it is exchanging the pollen it has just

In this picture it shows the bee sucking up

nectar from a different species of flower from the one above. The bee can only
receive pollen, not exchange, because it is a different species. Pollination must
happen in order for fertilisation to occur.

There is also pollination by wind. Millions of pollen is blown around by the wind.
When it has settled on the ground, the bee then collects the pollen.

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