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Pre Pr,irM,a,ry Level

l":hisfextbook ha$. be-en pr-e'PalT'ed UIIifldelr

'~hie' Ip.a'tro n~9'e of~ -

J ust~ce MwftllMuhannl'liiild 'f~qll U:;1!rna n,j M!lWJ!.cir ot Shan~I-Al!!ltt'lla!la ~'C'i!c:b, ,guDr.~·COIiI1_

ijilT'. Abw;J' ~za"q !skarrlIO!:af'

Phi,D • .tam\a ru-All~af (IC ei!'!i)

Ghance-IJor, Ja!1!1~ ·ttlj.!JlfIllffi·ld blamfiaTi

r.'inted. in Faki-stap COP)''r!~n,t"@:No.-vembef 2:M1 Bait-ui-I1m~5, ~I FH!;liht!> R'e'~Nie·dl_

'SIFIg;dJj,1 1Il:~teoll ~Co(··t-~

T111s. h~ok ~ ~. 'Pafl, or '~a]HJi-UlTl Trust's O.tlmpr:e~e l'I~i"V€i' an d ~y.$I~m iil~iP ~o9tam Ill!;! of -ISliamiu .E;j!Jl:a~Olt

Cbief pru'g:I':aI!lJRIIl: ,edi'tvr

~, IMLlIfti Mtlhamm~d Hafleef Abdul Mari"eed

Ph.D. '. . .~

;~ M!,.I.~ MllI~mm,a(d. :Asi.m 2~i

oI\!;,S" tnte, ptM!l!S<fo(!f JajRla-1'I1JLl)I~ IllJlo1Il·I:i19!J1!1.I1l,

)~ 'Maul~JIl·a Rafeeq

M. A.lJnille-f,ri1 V mf l;;.alaClni,


-:.~ M!iJh~H1:!na.dr.AShfa'q_ rlA.~, L1nl ... !r~~~ lit ~~jaii~i.


N.o Piilrl ot ihrs. b:o-ok maiy' 00' rij"pt'bth.tued by any me:t!ns" I nC!Jjr!in.g., p'hQ~o-c6 p~ Fn~, el ~c.twn I c, m!iSt;-ruml~I·, F.ewrdl~ or othe.rv~ wltho~ Itm wrlttiil'1'i c:o~n' Otf U\.e! pl~b~ishe.r_ In:spedfi.e cases, p1;';rmi.~s.lul'l ~~E. ran'tJ:l(j en \!v1l~n: r~q~st m puibhtsn ~r tran5,lale B'ait-.ul'-lJ_'ffl·s; w<n-rK!J:, For InforIlf)2.'!io111e~~~[jjn~ peffniSSL(iI1, Write to

1.1 SyedJ $,hilJtt1udd'in AIIi'mad EL!t I.In~r!lLty ~I Kar ilIchl.

~ Mu,hammard Zee-sh-a.n Kh a. n . 13:.'Ed.

Sai't ... ul .... llm' 'Trust:

P.O':El'Q;;l(; 11184· Gu~sh~".-e~I:q,baJ, ?530Q Karachi, -p.~~!~~r'I

E~I1i~ll . blt-trul~@c:yl;ler netp'k

* J awa,tdi lqhiltt

.~ Mil h.31m nm,d] J'y n'aid

JUo .tnttor

f.-~ Syed 'Nacsj~

P:~DIi,~~~i~.~:~~9.r th~~~~~~: ~

Tr-ust. tUe:-:aVa,.hlbhfaf~!l1f;'

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B'l!it~ul~I'm 'rust

Sf €IE, Block"SI Gu~han-e-,Iqbel, Karac L .Phooe: 49760]3 Fax: 49-16'339 email: .blt·tru~t@cytH!·

Maktaiba' Ba,irtRJulHlm

G~:t-9l Ground Floor, Slud:eot Bala~ NJ~,ijr ~1u:qaada;s Ma$j!.d, Urdu Bazar, Karathi. Ph: 772fi~O.9·






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'. '",:','1"" - Ayat~ul-K_,r,si - , ~' ~ ~,-

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'Once Ra,.soo~ullah~~~~ posted a companion to safequard a heap of crops, The next morning when Ras,oql~II,lah~~~ -asked htrn to report anv rnlshap in- the, n~,ght,l1 he toid "YE:S a theaf trled to ~te~2U ;rp'm ft but I caught him" He pleaded and I forg.a;\(~e,;.11 lRasoo~uHah~ smiled Bind said IIIB:ebp-ld!1 He'wHi corne to-nig·l~t_,again,.,!q And it did happen. The next m1orni!ng Ra.So-aI~.Hah~ aga,]n enqufred him. He told, "Yes he. appeared and I daugJit him. I wanted to arrest him but he requested so hurnblv-that my fiealrt gb,t Pity can hlrn and I' eft nim',u'O,n this Ras,oahJl1 a,h~~,~ smil ed and said ~'I B,f~ho Id! He- will come ton r,g:~t. a g"ain. II An d it, dld happen"

Now in the' third rnornlrrq when Ras,Qoll!ul'lah~~ aSKEd hirri the, event of n'ight, he tep.orte"di" "This n']g:~t he a~gain carne and ag,ain I caught hkn and arrested him but hie said that [f you release me" rwoul_d t~1I y'ou such a virtuous verse that its recitation will. protect you and your wjea~th from all type of harms or 1II'Q5$-. Then he recited Ayalt-'ul~'KursL U On hearing thls ~a,s~dd~ulhf.lh &p~~ said, IIA'ithough he was',sat:an but he was true ln his statemant, 111

Truly Allah's ~ nama has thts quallitv that [it protects from al'l sort of harms. Avat-utKursl lsthe rnostvlrtuousverseof hpty Quran, ~SQm'e of them are.mentioned here:

l .. He who.racites lt beforeqotnq to bed, it becomes a shelld for Aim and, for his ne~g_nb,our too artdsatan remains away from hi:m till the dawn.

2'- It is chirefto ell verses of 'Qu ran,

J, ... He who rsdtesthls vers-e aftereach conqreqatlcnat S'ala:at, only death remains a cover between htrn a.ndtheJ~lnnah.

W'e shoulc learn Avat-ul-Kursi and motlvete others also for It by teliling them th-e' above rn entlo tlLeq vtrtues.

I - - -- - of, ,r,: :.-' -::- 'ri~-=- ':~ , , ,~ - - -- , - _ '" I '~ • -.

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AIII,i!r!h t)~·:rlte~!.!~'i? no aod bu~ Hia, tne-A'live-, ~,e'Al~ SUSt~dniiii~'~f N·~lttHer'j,Q·z&o.vetta;~e:51 Hkn rnl1:~t steJ!R""" !O ~litn :b;gJp~,gs;. w-h'pt Ji,~ !:fl'ttl~·t::I~av~rrs·':afl!q-·'·~'.~a~~ !;~r 'Qr{thEtE!.a3!tb .. W'nb can fnt'efcede with Hlm w'ithO;ttt Hi.S p-e'r-rnt.ssfbn? He'- knews whr~t is before ·them .anfi!rV;iha:~ i~$ ~~Qfi,irri·'Grtfie·m·. And tnE!'Y enCQffl~~·;s$ rn·nuhing['.of Hi;a:IUUJ,wledge e~~:p.:t- ~!hi~~'JH:e w'tUs. EUs,,'KuFS,; (c;bafC)·,e~t.end$!'tG

th H·'···~.,d~ .. ,~-.~' t,· "",w,'l"t:::'- --I;.;j_ . -..41·~ d··c, ..' , ,-.' -~ -'~, ... H'" . '-"'1 .' I ... · ~ +ob· A" -...II·H ': '". t"IliOA

. re 'lle~vl~fES,m:.nYt;(). '):'i!:I:e,~~,a't-tII'.I'" :an~( IJ'L'.- ioes:OP1I... wJ:2"ary '- liml··tQ· (QO'~ anL~.r,"l:m:.,. '.;f1:~ -, :i,Ears ,-PF

H i ~ h { tM:e\:5JLtp:r;,'ernlg,.

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Hazrat Rifa'ah :~: is one of the compentons of Ra.:soQ~unah~~., He says, "Ona day we. offered selah behind RasQ:olullah~~.When vte stood back after Ruku sornebodv arnonqst us saldtha faHo'wingi wotd·s:

". ,.,. ~~r.".L:l ..... ~.-b t: ...... U;I~iP' ..... !:l fl' ..•. ',l ~', .... ~~, ~ ....... ~ l ~ .... ,'1, ". ItJ·'; ".' A ' A' U . " .. , ..:::., . . . ~. I J t I,

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'11-0 Our<::h~lstarnet;. all t'he; pra'~S,!2!S ar~ duetn You, pl-~nty'ful~pure and blessed prestes,"

Wtlen we have flnlshed .our Sa'lah, Raso'oILJnah~~enquired that who had said that, And then he told US that he saw more than thirty anqels descendlnq from the sky. racingl each other to write' the reward of this Dua,

Allah~like those whc praise Him. Those who remember AUahl~' most of the time and pra~~·e Hirn, AUah,~wi.'llllenterthem. in Paradise wrrth'smiHn,g faJcles.

Asour reed is the worlldly food stuff, similarly the: feed of anqles is. the remembrance of Allah~~Th@rle is a Ig~oup of angels who roam around in search of the g,ather:in'g:s.wher,e AUI,alh~s ~na rne is menno ned. W he n they fi nd lt, they S urrou in 0 th e peopl e of that. 9 athe ri n'Qs a. nd ca II each other to. loin them.

This tsthe impact of' Praise of Anorh~~that the angel~s rush to suchqathertnq end hasten to note. down its, recward.

So we should make it our practtceto read this praise lin our Sunnah and Nafl Salah.

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• . ·Dua after Ruku .. .

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Standing s~~ig .. ht ttt\~~ ~(;)_rnp·letinQ .. Rlu.~Jy,I$~ caUeq uQq4m~a·!t. It. 'i~ necessary to stand tn ·Quamia, art leastfore-duratfon ,inwhic.n all cfeurorcans become mntronless, The Sal-aah remai ns lncompletewlthout lt, Ifwe say the-above mentioned pratse in our Q,aulTl,a,.'we W.UI.get lts . reward and as well a-s our QaumaJ 'wilH become perfect"

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o our Sustalner; aill the praises are due to YOlU1 pi, entvfu 1'1' pure and bl'essed praises ..

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JJr Du~a while si,tting between two Prostr.ati,o'ns I

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$~a;tiil1 fa :(Hre~Qf'ftle~md't rtn'p.o~,oot;;ia·Att~i~dn1Jt1:blS CQmman'M:n~rent of"IMl1ah.~ . ~T:mu,,:,e w~~, are pegtJJar in theirSalah, they remain pure of sins. AH"ailH ~wnl enterthem in ParradtSi@. They wur besustalned fF'01m,·"AII~I1"5 ~ special treesures, The~r p'ro5~1~lms wW be 501'vJsd ahd theit

gri,e"fs Wt II be rem Q·ve,d,., - .

B~t a~U ··s.uQb 'vi~r!u~fi ,a~~e ,gbJle:JA,.Op the':QGndifioin th?lt ttJlE! Sal~Jl should be 'offer~d \~I'ith full III ,m:svotikrn and concl!rrCration " atnd c~ru!e'ntr.a~):lFl :~re V',i;fst terms, They i'hc:hJcra~~a,ny th:ilngs llke, the Sala,'h sihoulld be offered w'el'l ln tirne with ,i~eu'l'Q,r~g:at~ion. ·A ,berever shgu'ld stand w~t:h. f01!!'! de\roti'on and s'ihoJjhrl~~~eci-De:1!VlefV)N~flPCl,~rwilth full tdn'Eieinr1:r;a'tH~fA. Be1rrev'Ihg.tM'at he

is :?'~Ian,d.;in.g b~fQfe ~T§~·~~[~,. Hie ShoUI,Q n~t fH:1.'st'en'"wrn_u~ st~~?~rn·~ tn 'Q~urn~.,d~ slt~~~.Jrl. JaJ~:a,h. Jial~,ah m,€!ans,-·,a~sh.ort_$lttl,nll b~etw.een two, $'a!jda~s.. This snttlngl must be. art least fQr a, d~uratlJQn'

untU eur aU '01r;gan's may b',et!:qrnl~ F11dtlon-~eSts . .I~ ts neee'ssarY in Sarah~ Ifw'e itecite·t:hi~ Du.a it

-w~ II rna ke 'Q:L:JJr Ja !:s9::h, 'PJarf~q a IJJi ~Jlfth • yvU I pl~~sf3 With :UJ~~i. . ,,~ .. II .

~- , ~ ", ~ .,(0' " .. , !' -' .~ 'I ' ~ , '& ..1", j!I' ~'.. , ~ \..... .~r .. "ti _.; .~.. ,t?"# :l!t" / ,'" '?;~ ., I, ~" Y.~/t,~"

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-"_ "':'< ':";-0' '~J.I;--r'J, \.:I7vJ:J '~~ "J' O,Y '-, V:;,--- .;"" ',- ..... -.-.; ~ ,"-

lI.'O Alla~l '~'t.,gi;ve me ~have :m'er;cy on me, grElnt mil! :safety .. g!lifde me, prOvide m'~ 'Wt'th.'.'5u.ster:Hllnp:~· r~g~frf my lJ~$'e~.' ":C1itlP ~rr~l1lt mre a big h'!~H)slt.iO.t1.'rw

.14 compamon a'·s~,ed ~as,()a,~ull·~h"·~~' to Igu~d;e h,im an aiG:t'ii'(ln whhc'h'IRlaV leai'd hhn ~to-

• • • _ ~L 0;. ~..._. ~ • ..._: ~.:

Jann,a,·h .. The R;a[s,o,p!llullla,h ~~~re:plj~g: t,o rneke lta prac,tlc,e of his tooffst mo,re' pro,streittcH1S

because e'vety p[ii~]stratJQ!n eJle:v;ate~';~ believer by ten ranks tn Jannah and at 'le~5f one sin is forgpvBn on .. its)beha-I~. u

If we~ WfJ'nt that AU~h~may m.a~ke ~~r;tq_se. to Hlrn EJf1d, solve our \aU p'rQb~~~:~. andfli]fiU lour li;],;!11 needs, then we wflJ IhaV@T'to ma:'ke o~urS,a~a't, mO'rejpelf~c;,t a,!n~-exc€!"ilent.,

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a Anah~! for,give rrre I'hav.e mercy on me, grant me safety" Igui'de me, provide me with .sustenance reeeir rnv losses and grant me ,a. hi,gh position.

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Ir Dua while p,utting on the. nevv clothes '-,

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. We need ma,ny~_thi"n'g;s fot Hvel~l~rood tn tfre·w"(:rrld. Glothes afre, also one dfthem. It lscne.ot

the. bJe'ssi n'I;;;:' of .AI ra,h~h;at IH:e has prO,vid!2:c us .W'ith ,EI iffelre'ht oresses'", We Jha,'ve' not Olisen blessed Wi'tlh only orrdinary clothesto ctlver' our; tiocUes'hLJtaiso to 'prated: 'Us from hot ~n,d cQI;d .

. ' _ 1 • • .

The dte,s$:: W'9 'wea:(,reaches to us after rnanv peaph:~ nav-e' exerted the,~.r effq'rtsf'or It, The farffm.:er,$ \7\{ork v-e<;ry 'hatd to .~O'w ,and hatve!St.t~e cdt:~!~~~. M,~ny :m.a~h·ines and, ~ndlividu~,I,$:!;,.~ve' be~,n 'l:I,.sed b.ltl1i@ke, t~'Ke~~ 'from,·:t:~is co~t@n" TR'e-n·~hijRt.h:re~'~ 'Das: ·o'e\efJ c:arr.i~e:d t~, te~tH~I!"'rnills ctQ rneke cloth by rt.A~d ,after ~'~~n~f' m~Qrestep~~we n;;p~iv'~ ~o'I'CI"~.H{fqr and soft cloth, That's; w-hy' Vj,e:,ah gy [~! ,offert:h_cqrn k to, ,Af I~ a.it9:~Q;!1 tbls b.~ e~~if l1.g ~

• • . J

The re'lcftafipnuffolllowlng Du:~ 'qt th~I'~jrne,tlf PJ.littlng on ch#:t1hesJs S). w,ay'tQ' t()ffe,tth~~-$ to ·.Anah~O;n tine' IPrI,es.$:i~Ql, of dress, If we reeltethls DJI;J,a after putting .on a new' cloth, Ana.~ fo,r,glvlaQu_r'a::11 past miner sins ..

"~AU praises rns due to AI'Iah ~. ·Whc)igav,€ me 'this tOI 'wear and :.gave 'it to me w~thQut.·a"I1V '~t.reniQ~Un end 'a'Qifity Gill m,y P:Brt"I1'

tt is rew~a rdf'Ui I that:cI (llfth ls '£I i ven to the needy for the sake of' All ah~,. It ts ,m'enti"gned in ·a.~ ~~ttHth 'that'lhe wht)'c;I!Qth a 'M usl im brother, hie wiilll be in protectton of

wear that C'Qth .

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Jr- Dua while puttinq on the new clothes - - .

We: .'~Jet the lesson from thts Du.a that whetever w.e wer,ar it is, abse1utelY a bl:es'slng of AHah_anti tihe're" IS no sha re ,0:' ours In, ealnirl'g thts d"f~e·g"S. Th.:s;refote we: shculd lnot fes.l.(ah'V p"tide aft,er w:.eatinga' t:Jres>s. A'1!;afi:~disilikes· thdsEf who are' proud. Theh§ Is 'no sh.arrH2 ',OT cHsg!race in wearing, o':id clothes, 'bot it is trncortant that the dress snould be clean and pure, :Plinty ci"f chotirl and> Its d:e,anUn@ss- Is aJl .. nscessarv 'f'Qr ·(l·UF 1he'a'lt~h ~a,s w'ISH -asf@f w10rshrnping ··Al1ah~l .. ,

Th@ trli~ '~havery to, ~H'2l~~t5 .~Jhalt: we mu:·:?t keep 'ourselvespure ,~ng clean b~oth :froim outside and IinsicJe., .It m~i%lnSrfhat our char~cter- ~h,ouJd also be lP.:~ne ~dQflg·: w'ith our c~dthes .. The real worth of a" Musl[m[s @5ta!bU;shed b,Y 9-000 deeds and curH:!lulct. The best in the eyes of

.A.I'!,erh~t"$ th e oM~ewlM'o~se' ds:eds are' th::e ~r&st a "m'QIrtgl a I~ I'. -

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AU p_rais,,'e$ls·du~ to Atl.ah -~ Wh,€) gav~B-me thls.te W-earr and ga-v,e "t, to rnewlthout any strenqth il:nd abU ity on m y 1P~a rt ,-

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:,_ PLl~tWhiJe boarding ,a vehicle brmQuntiitg:atianim~al,

. '. - ----- -- . -. ~-..:.- - - - - --.~ - -- -------_. - - - ~ --~. --' .

QJfHrd ,'pn ~tl ~~~'~ilej eJ. Al mqst ~,_~n'iy Y:~U :~~~~Fd~n: y~{;ever ~hJh~) tha:t~ t~ ~V:'~hil~k~IIe' 0'11- Wt1l~hl y,~u

, ' ' .. \OC':f~,fn GAn~ih~~ 'W~.'~ :rfa:~\:~ubj'~tt~.~·,~hfi$ltt~ur·C~:e-l ... ,y.:~T:wl~~~·:,_IiQtf1~~'rb~,.~~j~~.tQ.:flid'it~ ~~j~it~~

IO"lJ;~ ',lQr:tl ~"S:.t[rel;'1 m l1st W~ 'W1er{;:l rn l~'

. ~. . :7" I r I, I

- , . .: . '-.'-', .. " . ----. _ . t'fY .- . - ~- e ; _i.di~~·o~

. . . ~. ~--

- -- -- . _. ~

- -- - - - --- -- - -- -

)~)l'fu Dua w-hile boarding a vehicle or mountlnq an animal

- - -- - - - -

Tn,e ,~ompan·[ Y·lour:s,jlde end the wayfarer:and th~~Ie who owned by you. Surely, AUah~ dO(~:$ not n~e those' wlho.~re,_arrogJant/, proud ."

,A true ~:us,~~ m j~ h-~ who 5ufTe'lf:S h~ ms~;if ,a'r1 d ip fi$:vl~es, le~a'SQ to other" S,Qi If ~e"an-~l ciil'·g or w'efQiki,man &taru1,.sf!in abus w,e moul1d Leave Qurse:at,f'oLr·him,., Ilw'ilU maKe AU,2)TA~pllleaos'ed with us.and our this.- s:elr.viice to hlrn wnl·,cE)ns~,d,e,red"its,'ff'We ha,ve servledAUah~"

.l~t ls bettE!·rt.a keep snent than t'idking Ijs~ej[e(s.5!ly and'lreutu!·rn:betln,g AiU~ih~ts··mu;th.m9rt! bett"f!f than keepirnig silent. If we.see sp!rn~..,~hjldr~rl·,o{ou.r age-du-nng· oJurjourn.ey-s;tting near .OY· Ius/we shOu',d "t~IIJ them Duas.and QI,oqd ·etiique'tte •. tflheLY stan: Clc.tiln'g uponthese thi~ngs -W,f~

w;jtl g.e,t 'an e:Q!lJiva~_'ent re.~ijrJj' ,frDm AU:irh~~~~ .

,,, ,

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I' '"'0 u:l~~u~

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, '.. I! .'


,', ," - - ~ ':'!- - -, - ~ ~ -

.G!ory't0 Hi.tTl fA.Ua(h~) W·:Ho has; stt~bjected these to.cur (LIStie) r for we E;;OU!,Ct. neve·rbe.·able to do it. Anqto our Lord, sure11y must we return,

_- -- -- --- -

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~~ Ne:} tt~,:.j~\a~ 6~~tf;~j

c."' .. ;iii'_. "JfP' .... (,J'<-~. ~ .. '.~ "",~ .... ~ '.1 ... ' .•....• __ .•

r.~.l.J.x;.~~_!Jf~.Jij~.{~(,... rA;;iJ'J~:t..LiJl~;~;t)J~Jtf1~~).~,t.s:1V'L.dU/~;{'r..ll'::'_~'UI~IJ?""Jlh.".L:Jl;i_~I'

. . -

- -.

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- _ - -. -


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"Ir' .. . - . ..~ ", ---- --".,;-

. ,-' e . . .' •. ~.,_;,;,;r.

. . . .

. . .' --- -- -- - -- --' -- - __: ..:..-- - - . : ..

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-- - -- -- -- -

J~ - Du,a to be recite in baxars " ,

- - - - - --- -


,Once' ~ ~cQlmpa,niqn carne to Rasoolullah ~-and en'cpj"jred f.iUn of tile 'ri105t f-avouJFite

-place of ,~Ucr~: Rasoo~uUa~'~~kept sHent 'as he w,o,uf,O, not speak anythtngw~thOul: ~ur~a'~ncte from Alila~I1!~'! Tlle~l'),ange,1 Jiibr~il 'cttme to hhl1,adAt!hsai,d.~ "m Mu;na,m'm;ad(~~)i,~ to ~e-nt.ia't'l me tfij~s thh',g Anall1~m,a(te me sa ~llrr~l2 as 1 had fn2'\f~r be'en baf~re. 'The_fl .A,!ih:dl~d'~t~o'id me that the most favourite: placers ,on the learth befo'reAU,an~re the Masjldand th;e~iP~I,ac~e,9:mcst ~Lslik:ed ~y.ldJ~h~~fre,t~!e S~,zar"s_"i

18aZi'ur:~I, er'e, those ph3u~e's' whelr:e' pe'o,plle- ilrr'e 11t1IV~,lv.e€'l ~h spe-aRthgi true or' fa~sfj praIse of thejr'.\gf~ds"~ _ Har£lry th._ey' 'get 'QPportuni~y to >s.p__~tlt(, AUan"s~~r:aises,. ·that's why the Uaz'srs

rertl1afr'AI deprived '0fA:~ I:a'h f~~imer'cy~ .

But W~Hlso'ev~r says. tht, K,~liima.h In '6:@Gz,ar he gets Q'fIrS rrh,jtl,IQn<. tnes;srngs aina he 'is, ',e,I,evat'9Qr byct,en ra-n.ks. rn .)ifnnah. This, lis,ll3eceuse 'c;lf the r~'sQ,n~h~at thf!s Ka:,lltn'am, menttons '5uperlOr'lty lor:l1d Sff~ie]"',elgnr1'of Aillah~.,

~~. .:9 .. " . .# .. _. ':;' .. ~I.J.'. s.".';'··'~'1 '" .j.",- 'W" If, .".' ~,.JJ.~ •. L, !J"." ~,. ~ .. -".~~' "..-:~.#" ... ., :r; .. ,' '\'~ .. ' '.' ." ~ .. '. ." s .. ,-,.l.,.,; ~,,~ .. :, ""aJ· .. ·· '.'.'.-.- 'I .. ;-1.7..:'

~ 'lw6J~"~' ,. . '. ". , . b, aJ' 0::.. .... ~' -:j dJJ' . ' ,,~

" '~, .. ',' "- " . '- - . . - ~ ~ . -', , .- .' I -

VY .. t~,~', I ." .• ,'1.,=_-.' , .. ~., .",'._ . Ii _'~ .' .. ~ JI~ .'i O~-:'··-·."'~~·. ,I _' ,_,_~-' , .'

,"'-,,' .' ,ii!' -, e, .- .... ,:;..I";' - , .... - - ¥ .... ,f' '


,~ ~ .'. '. .' ~ .~.' J. -e ~ . .;' ~ _'11..... " .a.:,.;' '.' ~'. ' ... "",' . il'l.. "'. iii' ''' ... ~ ... ,~ ~. ~' ... ". ' J.:.. ""' ....

J'> ,..{.." #~ .• '\ ,r /:,/".,"r~

• Ulj.J .5; ,M' ' 'I: __ tt!. • -,-" a~ IQ,a..a.jI" .I-"_~I.J .~."""." '~~;:f - .,'.' '.' " '.-.- -:.;r-..J" '~~' #~-;~- ,:.7-:. - I~ ,..r- .. e-


"~There'i$ no de,j'tfeicep1tAUah ~., HielS',,"lomt He ha:$JIj,Q~,pattner. To Hrrm'be!oD,g$ a,ii kin'g~d'cm ,{lind't.o Hi;m bel~QrrQts'~11 prai's.e,~ Hie' :j_~th;-e,.AIQ1I\e. WJlo gfvas_ nfe ',and He 1'5 tihe One Wh'D' puts- j'nto death. He mtS ',Uvln!g antJn'o dl~at'~t c.o:fn:ej'tQiH~m~:,ln'F'-ns H~rr(l' U',e'$ ali IQ,oq;d1n~$5;,~rrd He h'a$ p,~w~r"OVer~e,v'~H·VtHing_.,j'

- -- ----- -- - - --

, ~~ - _' '_ ~'~;H.)~

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-- - -- - - - - - --

~ !Dua to be recite in bazars

-- - - -- - ---

The purpose of"o;u~r cte.atjtClfl. to ttds, W~t:tr1.d ts to ~dent'iffFY and Qi~lorify ~J1;ahr-s4(Hg[JIifv.. Hi; ls ~ __ the--6nly--'Cre~,ab:~ri having; ri'e, pertner rn hls Attrtbutes. The whole_ Ui1rTi~er:s,e.~1s uruj,e·:r·.Hri$ control. fi,e i:s t)he· r~'~,1 .M,a'ste'r~ .Ail~ praisesdue to Hlrn, !AH goad ,il!'nd ba~d are .fro·m Him. He t1oJdsGl,~~ successes, 'grace a'n~~ hD~n.o_urs,. Ttfe,'e'i\ltlt,e ~rE~ation 'ren:e:s.on Hlrn but he does, not on .any:ane.

Th'tsKeillm,a·ha:ts,Q mient'ions· tl1a'S~: thhlgS atld- carrtes man'y ··vJ·rtues.~ He who . .'says, t'his Ka'lhnaJh nundred tlmes a day, he win get rew'~rd Q~f settfrng ten slaves fre:@" tiundffed ·bLessin~g's wU11 'be. w"r.i.tte'Fl 'far h i'rn :and ·bu ndr:~GlSii n $"wi II rb_~:re·muveQ ·fjngm. hts account. Th hS"iKa nm.~ hw'i'Jll ba

- • I • I ,._. ...._'

-il sh,j,eld ,of' IPlrote.cting· for hlm aQ,idnst" satan .. On thE!" day" of .Judg'e~~ent: ".obody w'ou_~d come

wrth blessin,g tn(;fre tn,a':h hi,m ·'e:x'C.ep-t: he: wh,o s:a,ys mC)ire.tha.n,·ttJraE~ Thelrefg·'re we mtls,t're,cite, tlh~s :~a.Hma,h w'~lenever We,,' vii $1 it ,2Ihy bazar,

We.: sbou~dnet w··a(li~st: eur pr8ci'oltJ:s ~ti,'me tn ·rQ(j;l'm~n.g' in bazaars u.nne.¢e~~s:aFHy:o We ~h91!J!ld not persist out parehts topurchase th,e' things d.sicorated_,b,n .shops." Wesho'uJd turn backfrom

Oil2wsr :5 oon after 'fLJ Iffi' I ~ ~ n9 0 WI r n 'eed ~ ~

- - ----_- _ -

. . 'r'r ~'~~'u~

-- - -- ---

- - - .-

~ .. ,' .

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OUA Te) itE Rc!rClT'E" I'N" 18-AZilftS

Th~ir' d:eity e;x;cept AUs:h ~. HlB :is:-Adon~,;, He has n~€t partn'er. To Hhtl lleU)',~a~11 kfngdo,m

I:A,; • - - I • -

a;llt~;Lt,o, lHiim loeU:llrtg$.':aU IP;r~~s~,. J~'~~J~ t~eAlpn~ Who g~i,vre.s U€e,and, H.e ~'5 the,,~,ni& WhO iPvts ~nto,

e,e.tHtl1,. H,e I<5··EV;er:.,.LrvHig '2Irl1d no,·~fe"th Go,rnes-te Him. IA ffi~s.'Ha·rid ~fes.aJtg,o-o~nles~.a,Fust bi~~ has

I .' . • -. --

pawer o';ier.12:~ervtt)iri~l.

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~r ~Ib~~~

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_ : ;

• . I

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." -.~ -.. • . .. . . . ~- . -- .. : ... .. ., . ~ j - . " .

. .. . ~rr'. ..- ,. .'.'-. I ~"~~O~.b

. . .. .. .. . .. .".. . - - ~ ~ ~~

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~r .. ~

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. r'6 ~ .. ~l£~C~

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1)1 DUel while entering home .;

---- -- -

O(H:e a pecson came to RlJ·sodl!ul'lah. ~~ J;in:.q compllla,ine'd about filis 'finan£~'~ hiCO~,vi Q~en'(:e _ (suiffe'ri:ng,).. ~~0t.?.!l)U·aj!r1._ ~Y~ aavts~q' ~'i!m~t 'I'.M,cd~e: ~t y.o,~r h,a~)t whil,~. Y.pu enter veur h-om,e tQ. Qireet l~6t~~~~tl, tR'O .. ug!h n,Qb(;l~d¥ i'fl your hlOm:e and:th:e:r;invtdt~, AUcah~s~f.:iJ.~ssin9s :for m;e andthen recite!S·yrahAI'" Ikhlas once, n .

. ~ft~r: ~ 'fe.w GJa:ys t~<e·.same c'o:mpranlon ca"m,e:to' R~lSJJfl1uHah~and tQJ1d :him that by'" the 'Vlrtue~lofth~s"ha~b'it AUahfFl~tleimov:erd h:t;$-jtl~O~tertV and B:he~S!.erd'rrj.tTl'wlth g6"~rrJil;Jcfi, 'w,eal'lth that

~·n:o'w·.'he· hsaVstslrte:£J to 'he[p.,cthets:. . .

·G"r·e·ef:j~n'9('tC~-w).tt1::e fam'lly at:"the.~tr·mleFo,f ~ea\li:ngl and: entering the· horne B"U5 lo'e,en lnentrlon,eti H," An,a;filts. ,etS>.B; g.reatv~ftu;oU:s deed. .sc wl\,~:nev;er we reJ-~! ?f'w~m: Sc~.Q·£Jill or a-n'ywhrere wle show id'fW=sfteC:ite,this Dueand than ,greet (~~l~) our fam'UyOJ _.

\\0 Allatl,~~t~ ID'eQ O:f.''iOtkthj; b~~ssnh;gA)fe'r},terrng~;a;r.ld re:av.rhg~, Wtth AUafi~s ~·r.1.arTH:~· d£llme:enter,and w"ltfl :jllJJrla~ ~s'~'{1~~I~.!;tlaV':le ~~a_v~¥~Emd-'1J P;~f AJ i~ h ~)' 9ijr·.s~"$"~a j rierl;.:oo::we ~Iy,,"

W:e:shQiptd .plla~~f~} OJ.Jif~bEJ:g arnd uniform E!-t: their proper pleces, These 'w~Q:d(J!_nGt 1<eie;p tbe~r' thi'n~gs, a.t'llr~p',er ~~_~~c;~,s th:e·v;J~l;Jfffe!lr·dlf\fi,qtJl~¥ ~at thet~m .. ~ ,w'hj;.n:th.,ey' n'-e:~d't:h~m ·barc:k . .s,p~.;c+a·[cty

whe'f7j they-were p'rerJadng 'ftrr $ChQ_OJ,:they.~·rJ"s~ijlar;I~Y ,g~et late due.tol their tlh:lS]llha·hit. ~

.' .,~" . ----. ~~~l,j~ I

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- - - ---- -- - - - - --

m~ D'ua 'While eriterlnq home

- - - -----~-- ----

A'n,~ .when we .~Jt for lunch we shoul'~ ROt, ~'rr:gye 'Orl th~ mead :Q9,Q:!(;ed by cur-mothen We Sh€HJ.Ld. n~t~ Sia·y that Why have ~tOU ceokad t-h~5? thing?' why' nort_spme~hing e~15el" Tnls'ts net ttte flabftjl.Olf"gQiQ~: ShHdren., '~'Q,od qhUdter.1 ,!fre';;thO,fi.e>whe iremr~'h~ ConteJlt totWhatis b'irilUght bef:one t:h6M' ,and sh,ow ~g'rati.bu,dfft,tr.hAna:h~~llt1 that.

. . Eve'r1"AUa r . jJ~e5 those who a·re content wl-th AHan ~ or:" the Iprovjs~on provilded,to

them by AH~h ~ .

. .

H'ava\(,:o:u ever n~tlGed t.hat how much aut mether s:trif\t1e:tp serve us, Sh@~rr.anges those

thi'n~s, whilc:h al:t~E!"he~Ge'ssa-ry' forus. ''s'he' cao:k$i:ITr~iJiJ for us. etc, So iI15ba~a:.d of,riH'slng, ~9m_e.f)'I·ore

trDuorle'fbrlh,S'r~,w'e !ilnou~d t1H2Jp ~O h:e:r-househtll,c'wotks. ~ . ' .

By,tt-Hs WI!' can desra-r\fel great ranks lin the: ,e~esl Orf botn, ~ll,ah~a'nd our mother;


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~--------~~~~~~~~~----~~------~~~~~~------~----~~~--~~--~--~~,. , ~


, • - XI' ..

Q "AHah~,! t beg ,-o,f You the- bfe~S5H\g of ,:eH~ering (Jlnd kaB'v;in:Q. W~th A.U~h/s, ,~, neme do we' ,e~nter:ca,l1d w:i-t:h " {;j~ O,EltyH~ do \i~ie' ~ea~ve:" 'it,lid ulfiQn,Anah-~l 'Our;Suts.t~.i.ner~:dQLwe,


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~~ ~~


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~\.:' o~~ V\f'h~1"I receiving a favo.ur'ite blessing "

.; t • __ -, __ _ _ _ __ • _ ,I

HaveYO.].lev~'r nQ_trcea that'when you retutned.'ffot'A,schc,of :and y~ur mot~er has cQ(d~ed S9m·ethl ng ~~eryf~:v:otr.J.ttt~( to yp.U, how mtic'j1 rejoice d.c y,ouf.e·el? YGH~Fftn·get ilJJthe;exh~ustlcrM tM&).t veu fa·ceJ~ .. the wn'olle day. yat~ .. fQrg,et 'e'!en yQ~j(,e hab'its tn tttange the 'Uniform a n'd' ;ttli':pl'aiceS'chb·oT bergl and-shoes-at prqper-·plaf;'~(;. due to hasten to-that dls.h. t'wn you -fo'r§et ,aU th e 'et]'q u ettre ~afnd D uas, Th~e enl y 'p~JrpQ:se' I"eft ,b~e.fQ.r~_ YOlJ is tp .;h _u!Fi~t1.dJy" R 0 ul- yo ur ':~?JiVio u rit~, l~nS~ ifi tri you"r ·s:to'rnach·, Sa'tne of the thH(.1.r,en the.y:~ven ·e·at up ttua sh;~r!! Q'P sibHngs" Does it

'hap'pe'n .or 'n,b~.? .

But lit shoutdrt't 'bs.A G·oad ;rr~J1u.sHm never shio)v"sr+mpat+enree;;, He a1ways Qbs:erV9.S the Qtd'er~:Qf A-I~crh~.

If y'oWi recelve ariythilri~g yo'u like: the most, you $,houi'd'l at 'Qnc,e_ dtv€'rt your thinlfi'ng to Adl'f3h~~i (&~).:~eh:'y that o,n.l.y IHe Igliini.tsd youthattff'1ng' .. And y.Qu should ,be Qrateful to t-I,Jm.

. :.. . " -

The ~o.lh:rIlJln!g Dua· shoo ld be·tec,tbed.:at-such sltuatlon:

'\A~I pr'fl\s;e-s is 'du1e, Allah,~' with the oe'fp of. H.ts b'Gunty 'go.odCleed:S are ·tor;tHlr~~tLIl

W'e are.' the' bondshlen 'of Allah ~ and, Be ~s· our Master; He, knows better that what ls g,oo.o. fo'r us an,d ~h~t is bad. He deas n~t. 9 ive··u.s such th-rlngs which are ~nfa\v~n,n:abl,e' to us despite 'we assume .~~,em to be very:'muth fa\];Qur,a.ble to .us

O-ur··duty IS to ask aill gOQ(,(j 'from Him. Now. it is. UIP to Him,ifhe feeds· that itls g:o,od for us He prrqvides.··sam.'~} otherwise H1e b'l'Bs\S'eeJ uS'$(j"rnething'J9ils:e-;a~t:eM1,arte:tQlit,:

:; ; .' '" ,~ " . - ... . ' . --- . ~r . ": r ·~~::i·bfAl,;.,.._.lJ( ,I

, I.. '. L ~~ _ ~~_'!O'_~ I

- - - ~ . - ~- -' - =-- .

! Ir .Du~ when recelvinq a favourite bless,ng .J

- • - I. I • _ '~ ~

The, bigg'est and the mostlrnportant bles,sfng is the blesslnq o'ffaith and b,e!~ef (lrnan). 50 w'e shoutd regularly ask Allah'~'fo.r the safsty'of our faith and bellef, We should ask Himto ,grant us His love and love of H is Rasool .#~, and the love of those deeds which create Allahf'5(tl~) love 'in us. AU WQ.dd~y things ere subject to cease. 'Where,as the blessings of Herr,e:a:'fte.r wtlllas:t'ror e:-ve'r, Thev wm never fin~~h even if we-sperd ,a lot from It. They w~11 be on increasi'ng.,

• --- - - - - - "'irjI! -

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,AJI 'ln~ ra ls,es' ~s,dlJ e '{)i,n Iy- ···10 A,! h:lh . ~ _. . ··~w;i¢:h ·'~Ji""6kbe~-n~DfH is,,i9Du I1t~1t. f'l"rJJ~r,1t ·tte;e;itllS: are ~tJmt~4,ef:efd r

'( ."f(!{, \. :;.' '" • II ':'vI -;: - r.' I c-, •• -, ..~;.'~ r-,']',,&,,," ~-r.... . s: ..... _ ~ J,I~ }.~r".;:.~ - ~"". , ;.' ~ ,. c;-~ ...... ' ~ ~

• - - - j

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-- --- -- - ~ - - - - - --

_,~J; ~~i4Jli~L~ ~f,;J'dU •. 'd~Y

;iii!!! H;,t! I~ ito! • ,-liIiIjIl !Ii

i~ ~r.rclidif~


~f~'f,t~~iL ~~~~cl'~~:_ "~IL7 tti. Lf",~~;,~_~" ~~l i$1 ,~ri, '. n ~~;,.

~~. ~'M' !!. ~,~, Li~ -~~

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Ir Dua vvhen sight'ing sorneorre in difficulty .

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'L. t~ U.~~.: ,l.~_ .. ~1 ~.·.I·i''Z.<~I;: ;:. ? ~ 1 'lJi .•. ":...· .. - ~. \"it. -: ~ .. '. '~.: \~ .. ·1 : .. t • .. ' ,~l~, '. '." .. "'./ •• c":"_~' .. ~ t.:l

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If·W'erS~_e s,OJJHe'Qn'e lin @ d~fth::ullty or a mystery, we should JretHte, 't:ht's Dua In ~n undertone'.

By Qua AHah4wUl .protect Y$rr,omthat dj:~~LJllty. And besides this w:e should offe~th~nks. tol.AUah~on~thebtess;'ings glrantedto, us- by. Him.

Th~_ 'worst ofIJllmy~te~h:~)~; ls to be ~ndol:ge,cd in sins. ':So ~:f w~e' see 611n'ybody te,IIUn'Q Ilh~s lor c,p'mmt~iDg QthersiIns'tbeFl W'fd' Sho.·ul.d recit~,thjs Dual""

A~Ia.~~heJl~~bl'e:S:~5ed U51~W'it:h UIr;1C,ou~t~,~~lli~fbl~leS;5in'$ls. If ~e miQ,ke our habit to p'ffel,r thanks to AI],ah~0f.11 His. b.l'e,ss.i figS' JH~. w~ II i I1tlne& F

AII~a~~has·,'g,jvenf,a'll ttl,at is:~lQ~d tpr us and secu~~d as from a!lil that Is n9t gao,d fQr-_'J.·s,. $,0 W~_ shpuld, !rlfiif.t-be '9reeQV, on the thjng,~~Qri¥eJ1 by i~JlahrtS{~to, others and should be centent wfth P"Ur'rate.

W'e;.s~houl(t r~an &very t3':~'eSsJing !Of 1!11;aJh~on,'e. by ene li:)"nd s,ho.uld Qffe' tr.ra,:!rJ ks on tt" LUGe

• • .. ,- -.. J I", _ I. •

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Ir Dua vvhen sighting someone in diffic,ulty

- -

If w,e'see:_.a'hyo-a:,e· di's-,ab~,ed- "w'e m·ust neither t:,a:~iunt hlm nor m~k'e,. ·fUn :oJ-him!.- Wtd ,mt$f n-tti;t .Cd;ns·jld:et htrn ~cr~J,grad~etl ~ S:hOl!lld~aVftid tfir@ ~"q;rQtjILesial~D.;" M:?d~'i_ngd~alroJ]l¥. Q~f-tg.~ ,(ifs'Q:~~\OJ~,(;f 1:5' r:n;ost @I'ifsJ_fl{erJ o~ AU e1 rn:,~anfd lay R;a:s:ofJI u flah :tt~.

~ "It j:s equ:~Uy Jlogsi'ble that the one 'w:~ho:S'e fu,n. We'an~ -making. may b~ p:.efbar'·f:PQmr' us and

mlakilt1g(t"hls "fll4:f1 ma,y-,eaJJsethe:sa-mij~ de'~~tto~c·e ottu;trad ·'n US~·

'W~, 91h~wtd i;l! so' il~Q1,i2t"~ i)1idt~ run ' if' -nfllmes., Lr"e~ Gilll hi 9. so ,me . one, -by' fh~i'M\affJ:hi df ·bnnd. JD~r 's:l'~,prt n_:e,:!gf~f e$e. To breEt¥:some,jfDlrte"$ i)je'aft II-S: CG'Urlt.€:f(jkamo,n:glttlewot$.t-~;P'Q:'s:sfb.le S~A~!$f. Sutin

_lS:ins. H11e A qt~fo-rg 'i!vet'lt urrrtIfltA;, -" ". JD:elr~t~'~ f~r~d:~es. -

- - - -

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Alll'ptcHses is due to ,Allah,~ Who gra,ntied rnesefetvfrom the!:',diffic'ulty Y'Ou are in", and WhQ hasfavoured me QV-eif"S gr,eat partof His creatIon.

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.~ Dua for the safety of body

--- --

Ke€pingl the c:iQto.~sQlearl and j)u1re i:$; . as nettessary ~s''1%(j ks@p' the DoBy-"EI,sarn, ::ani:! P,Uf~i Thls 'k;,ett:,ST us bu;~el:lth~~ and ~t ~~·'the pre . .reQuis,,~f.e far 'w~rshiIPtf)g AI~~aJJi~":

Q:ood health heiips' ?J m'lan tp'd0 irH hls lproperiy, Wh$tn;e1r they an! worilqJv or ire:H\glou-,s,,~SoF'w,e shbu·Jd fteg Allah ,~~fc.r our·'!he,6ilth larnt£t, .. $holl:~ldta-~e, ofit-.

We most avcld extra Ord.i~tarv~"'p"h·y~t~aJ e,)GierG,ise: .. W'e. sho·ul:d nQ~ti3:ke. ,~.nythi,~n.9 from the

d Lrt'i pl.Ef€€!~i:wjh~,··e house fries ,a.nd :&t;tlef' 9~ro,n1~s. >r1;a'~J'~~Hja\t6F~~ t;he fO;tltl. '

Vile .. snould eat and dr~nk by-s1tHn'g i~~ulld slpech~dl'k"wlH~n we drilnK"watetw~e!,must see ttl's.ide the vessel, w~ s·trcull'd -be c~n~elu w:t1H1a rlw}ving o"~· w,srU<'ing ,and:;' pa;r~iQilrla..rrV·c-rosslt1g', tn.e· streret$,. If we :re{;'ite this D~2rthrie:edn the:.-'mrorn1,lngl :ernd evendng! AUa;h· til~.·~UJj~·jrotlect. us··fram ad I i:11 ~ n'eS$:e<~;, .

. r:; c::f~S1~:~\.~41':" ,.'t.51~~··'/. ~ ,~"~._.~:7,:\. ~~"""~;II .t~'.~.lC ... ~ -~1.f' <1,l,~~' ,~.' ~t;;.~.'~'\f:!{".f"~~~~':l"~'~~,,~~.~f~" ~"Q;.Jl4.~ .. "~"~ .I1I~:-.I','t

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'!I'O ,AI,~'Cfh ~l' '~ireu;'t m:&ffodUy ,t!,e.?IjJ1r''-?lfl~ ease: '0 A~J~tIJ'~! <rrrant 'rR'i611,18Ind Jease7af.t{fs,a~ty i'n my, ,pOClwe,·or l~leartn!J - ,0' AIII·atr~t !.Id~air1lt ,m:e'-eaSesalftd safety' ln mypolW,er Qf 'seetn~~~: Ntnje:ls ~ip.rt:h_¥. Jrj~f- Wis,drl1rf1JJ'e's.i,g·e

You. ~ . .


iees~Qe;5.·these~w'e. must Rrote:ct our I)od~es dOfi.ngl slrrs, or behlg dfsoijeoUent to 'AUcarh ~.~ We, s·ho:~~d t.aike careof nol{(harlm~ng! any~one:by' OUII' hand or tongue ..

If we.see ,any. dfs.aibll@d perS'onr we :s,h~ould not maike' fun IOf. nirtl,.We shtJutCl n€dther be u.,njtiJst to Qur:y"oun~.g;ers and we;i.,jk~em:$i nor"~h;ou1d' t~.lvn;ttl~~e:fl'CIl Qni t~'e:irtJefici·e'rtGi·es~

AjUa"h ~·b:a:;;-not blie~'.5 us 'wJt.h o'~f to' use them ~'n beat~ng someone without Gr~v

- - --- ---

or . ~t&~C~

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.E92) - Dua for the s,afety ·o,f :body .

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reSfs;on .. bot in fact,they are to worship Alla,h ~ or to help Hts, bondsmen, so we' must-offer Sa1lah five time and recite the, Qura,n Kareern dailv, We'm~stheatonJy g,ocd wurd·s·tihir,ouih our ears, Wlttnust.see~onl)y·those things through pur eye:s which AUah ~ haspermjttsd. we'mlust ponder over A:lIEihJ's f~j O'ign[:ty ,and GlOry thriQugh out ,eyes that He h'-a's created such a big without any support. When we see moon ~;~d stars iin niglht we must thlnk Allahls GI,cl'l~~Y.

W,e should spend our tlrne and effu:rts 'for the pur'p6se which we have been created for, teo to spre-ad Islam in the w'ho;le world,

. .

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o AI:llah .~! Gr,ant me bodily hearth iEU1d 'ease. 0 AUiarh ~I. Grant me ease and 'safety irn rnv power of he,ar~n.g:. 0 ,AII'an J~.~ Grant me ease and sii'fety 'in my power of st2,elntg. NI·on.e ls ·worti1y of Worrsh ip beside Yo:u ..

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.... m" DuaWhen' Suff~ring---:-frQm·.Fever·,<, ."

- -

We experience, different condltions throughout our life, Sometlmes cQ,m'fQfts and ease, and scmetlmes qriefs and sorrows, Sometimes health ano well belnq and sam eti,m e illness ',~nd diseases. ,ActUCt,Uy by these d[fferellt conditjon.s:.A,I~ah ~ put us lntotest that we are really HIS true, bondsmen 'Or not, A true bondsman of AHah ~~ remains content to Htrn in botn his ,go-o'd iu,d tou'gh days, When He sent Q0;0d days, He 'demands us to o'ff,erthanks,to Him, And by sendlnq bad d.~ys He checks our pat$lenit.e'a'nd·cfJ.'~fltentm~ntto HhTI"

Rasoolunafl'~~' has. been reported to have said, "Whenever a' believer [S~ affntted by 'any dlsease.or aqything else, so by it Allah ~ removes h's sins as abso~lute;~y as 8J tree falls. its leaves in peak Autumn "I.

SO we·'shoul,rJ not bfd worrie~d in our Illness but :in fact should patience and p'fay AUa'h ~

for our hea !I;tn. wTth theDHali tatJgnt by R.asOQI ullah ~~,. ,_

W', .'#' " ~ ~. " l!_;' ,.'~. tIoI..P. "f ~ '~' . .# ~ l, ~ 1 ~~.'f, .~. ~~.. ~. ~

.... J. r~-':rw'~·~·Ct'·' "'J.',J""* \J··~·fo"·, 'J:"~w __., ~ ... < -.~, AU.,'! .. II).~, .. 'l:i'9Jj'. ,,"~

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. ,iI!'" , '", ·k, ..' y, 4r .. ' , ;7' ';t' . .'., ..... .' " . . " "".

)lIIn the name-of Allah ~, The Gf'eate·st. I seek r'efuge in AUah ~/themtl'!;;-t mi,g'hty firttmthe ~iI of ev~ry

pulsa'tl[,ng' vein and from th,e,evH of the Fire,ll ' ," ,

'It ls narrated! from RasQo;]uHa'h ~~~ that WE! sheutd treat our sicks !by 'gIving Sadaqah, In eur tllness we sholUld not. refuse t,(} take mledl~i'ne:s" though they are btttei'""W'e, also should avoid the things prohibited for us during ourillness, W'e should.avold alii those food stuff which are soJd in openl and covered 'by dust or house rUes or other getms. It'iis vEny Imut'fl harmful for our t-'reaJtih"

Remember! 'Health ~s w!e,alth. Therefore we should he gratefull to AUa·h l~ en this blessing" It its lncluded in thanks that We must safegu·ard our health, So w'e whould'take bath re,g~larly} sh~uld kee,p:. our teeth cJe'a n 'bV usi:n~ M'isWa:.akjlshoiulld clip our nails week~y' and shoti,j,d keep ourdothss.and body ,alway'S ttdy ,a'rrd ,dean.

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. -

In the name of 'AU,a:D ~, The ·Greats'S:t. I s~e~ nefuge ~n AU:ah~,f tM'e, most m,~.ghty from the evl i, of everypu lsati ng ve;'i In a ndl from the, .evH oif th,9 heat Qf t~~e Fire;~

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--- - --_ -------

)~)] .Dua when sighting a -'horrible, dream (vision) ,

- ---- -- ---_-

S.lee;P~h.g is ori·'e of'th@ gfeat IbJeas'iri'Qs, [)f Alra'lf1 .~~ We~ become tdtaUy unaware ,sf"out sy~rClrl.rri,din.g '\AihRe~ Wie ,afre:·,a)sha:ep. ',S,o'm'ethf,@s,we 5~ght vismonslh Oiur-sLriep··. :Tnese vis,td:rl}S;~€~~tn

•• • _., • _ • ~ _t:. ,.,

be 9'@'Q·GJ and l::t.a!d iir~ij;'$O~8tHt:I'if$ th.eJi"iB~Fe/~o hm,rr1it2H~·:thit they' ,m:~ke !US".lqep'I1.\I~d;of pu·r·sw@~et


AH.$tO~Q91 ancJ bsd dreams are 'Fra·m AUtih.:~~ -eu:uj ral,rely ttte.v hs-=ve sOlni~ cpnn.¥!,tfro'n',wtth r~_aUty T.hqt's wh,y S'e'me'tJim·E;:s.g ~.g~ar·.$ee-hi'lm$i:e~f'a "~FJlg,rR,it1is·"i:m ..

OUF drFeqr'l'lS' can b.eJ~ tlr.ue erf?ils~, ~ut ~~n.e d~'lam.s of ~fQp!h~ets w~re ,aJwa;ys' ~!r~~. :RasQQlu,R§~h"~~· h.~cl a 'c;hli1'n oif :~ftJ:e ({r:e!,2lIr1'l5-b~f€l;re- ~{~~ pr~t:~a~m,~·tJtJn 'Q'f: Rr~pfletnootJ,. W'Iil;at'e\(~rhe .. W'O u 'd ~j!t,e~ ~'rl~h 1 sr vt$~ r;'H91". 'w~!ld ~C'9n~l~tGt,etd}th;e' :~af.¥' ne){t Qay.

h h ~.." 'k" . . '..... " L· •. ~"'-~ '''i I" . . d . .~. '0' 'L . . tll·"b. .,

"t ,QS'fl W·I·~'9 i:r,e r~·Qlwf~T I~n ~p.e:~ 'lfli.Q tr~~tn rn t,~I;I~Jr""J!.uY:~V~$. anc ,erve}~~!II1'~'I, !110!ij'_.·_1¥ t:~',~:eJ;r

dreams a,re tlfu!e", 9ufi,t iSr" not~~fTfl.lrRl'~'J"n for them.

the:rS,9 whp jllr~t: _bJ"~nd~y c:l~j~-n(ilJ" on dreams they w~,ift th~ whQII'e H're ~OJr irt to become tnJ,e.

Ttre;;.y beeome Rr(3.Eth::aUv I'@Jal'~~eft 'lr'rn.ey ,rdre91mt. r tnat ~f-:1ey 'tlav~ 9I'(l·rned ~ b~,g'ln;Ha:z;wir~ '$Gnlewher'~t th~y· start it.

If 'we d:re,q,ma gJJod vi$iQn '~\fB' S,hQIUI~ ,~hern'ks, te A~~a~~ 'an .. Q ~Q~El not worry ab[q,u:t lts me,8;f1i~ngl$,.But ~fw'e! d'·-;a; hl)rrn~"J~'vlsi(nti1w~,shoul'd, ff:otd.i'S,:€,USS itwlit:h all1y.Qne., [On s~g.h-t~!'l~gi suehdreams w·e·,s.nQuld·rln.~i~:e a fa,ce ,Qf5."'9 ;gncHJr"lejt stde arnd $.AOu·l:d recite the foUo'wling

O'u'a"- ~

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'I)F) .. Dua when sig,htin'g a horrible dream (vision)

- -- - -

And then we, :$houlld (:h,alnge our.slde ,i3lnd should SI1eep QIiI other ,$Jde.

, ThereIs no needto be 'scan~d of ,a horrible vis;ion", B~Ueve i1n t'ha!t Au,aJ, ~. is·the·':only 'Po,~~,e5so'r- of ,ai1111 g'eod alnd bad, N,oth~ng cain harm Dr bene~fl,t us unless H,e permits 'for it . . AJla~~ t;a.n rU!·w1r WHi,h s:c:HTLethhtg W"ro'-ng for us' .A~lah's(~)~ve:r~ ,~,~tisi!Dn ,earriJEfs $,o:mlething ~Ol~fd for us: but we;~Ctllr' no,t under:stan.d the'"wi'sdom hid:d~n ·_nA!,IIBJhl;~ (~:l.g€.c:tSj.Oln.

°SClmetirtl'es, these bad Qf'eamS ;ate--,he· reiu'lt o;f ,over-,ea,dng, ,or' $f:e,epj'ng witho'4IIt offeri~'g I .s~da,h a'nd ablutton,

Those who-are relQutar rnn the Sunnah Duas andi etiquette" 'they remaln safe ,of aU harrns end ,Q'il$"iQsters.

'H.e~' whol r~i~tes·,Ayatf"ulr-Kur,si: thrH:e, bef:o,re 5U~,a;pili1gl he is 'grant:sg sa]f,e~y '-iI~giin5t ,ev,erv J~'robll~m er·a·acio'ent., Ha;Zr~a.t Aye$ha ~ n,a;rrated that ·Raso·o_luUarh ~~ \i!lp,uld,'nQ'tsle,ep' u.ljf'lilless he, wou~d recJ~e Surah fa]ia~ andl Su,ta'h 'Naas ·-a'r1:d 'w'o7u,ld bltaw Qn palms the,n WQ1uld spf1ea·d on h~s wholle body and this he would repeat thriee'.

We should b~ow offa'nv ,c:and~~:Dr oo'nter[n be;~O'rle wire sleep with :Sis~miHa_hJO And .shQl;J19J'a:lso shut the deer w'i"th iSr:smUhah.

_ - --

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_ - -

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:DuA WHI!.N SIGH'TIN.G A 'H,Q,R'RI'B'LIE DREAM -(Vl·SI'ON), ,!;'lse,ek the pt~otectilon ofA~lah~.from-this.> (ba(j,J dre,am (Y~$i<on;)/'

Ir _ , _' - ' ~

, -rrL' r ( " L? . rr"·~ ('.~,J;! ,J;!: k .' 'J" ftJ

-l!!!:.'i_ /~~(U'ur~'.;I.j"'·2f=. U~;~~,"")· ~U.:.~ ~V .. ~P'dPV:· I,...

.~~ L.n·f- '-:i~f'-.J vLcrLJ lIe

~ s«. k- ~.i ~ ~".thtc-~a....lyj;f,-,! lit!! f ;,_Jr$ft ,6'!IiJJ

~~ '." ~,,,, fli ,_'~ . HI ,. .. ~'- 'II'

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-"rJnJft~, . _~JJt,;JJllv!,(r;r @

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- - - . - .

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- - - ----

.JJr . '. - _D,arud Sr1areef .. -. , .

- - - -

A clojmp~~·nton came·to Ra,s:ooluUah *~~'a'Ad asked, "·0 ·Rarsor01h,l]Uah #'~~! Ca·n01 :r,ecft:e, D,al'rl;!tt -S,tr:i;Q,r(f' i fJ .Q,U arter ciT the .ftrtfe !. haV:9 a,ll'aCated for Dva/'?, JR~s:~:u:~ljJ.1 fa,h .~~ repU,ed i. IIVes'~ B:ut-rt is bett~r 'If:y;o:u fe.crie it mor,e.l1 Hie :a"ga'(n ;askedl, "C~n I re,dfh~~ lttor ,ha~f af th,af trme? uRasool·uJ~ah.~~·n;plie'd,'1Ye~;~ :B'ut It is bette.r 'if you lncrea:$,@J j;'t. ""

He- then as,k~,d, 'I~W'na.t if .spend three - quarters '~n $Je':ntfUng, Darud ohY'QU. '#Ra.s·ao~ElH.a~h~~ ··,etJ,14_:~ the sam.E:i' 'On this the cornpanlen ,sa.i.g, "Th en -I wiU only r.;eicJtfrttl8 Darud ShaJriftn 'that ,whq:1retl,m,e. {{ft9.s~,ijluJ~a·h .~~ said, "Then ,')to,\.:H'"'iIU tasks WiI'I be fiJl,fiU1ed and yOluw.m berhelp!ed.b.y AUah~~··.n~ YOlff'gr,iers wlll'be remoVetC

AJlfal, ~ has g[\19n us 'm~n;v cQrmmaru:1mriihts. His, orders ··are·for uS:'n~t for himself. But the'r.e ari7!' sarna deeds' 'few·· He' h.8S .orde~edl·Hi·s bonds'mEI'O, .~nd HeH(_!m's,elfpe·r,f"Drm;5!~h~·m

·t,o.o. Deu:ud Shartwf one' of the·1m_. .

- UiJI 1~1~\1.-:..~.~,~; ~tt"" 1:"\

.. ~ )~ -v-; 'I (.f'" .\.J~ ~: " ',&" .' ~ ~'i v. .....

'~·lnd,e·ed cAUah'~ aA!d Hfs.;.a"lgrelssend,O~rl.Jd on Fito,phet ~~.~I

Thera 'iire, .m'aHV' vhtV6S of,t~,(Z"jtrng, D;a'fuQ. ·He :'fNho' re'tt·ites .'C;Pa'rud Sh~rif' ;:)'b'undantty, h@ wiU be~ wlt:h ,Ras,ooluUah, ,~on the Da'y pf J;udg,ement"aniW he, 'wUI "in.ten:~de~fQr him.

A Dua hi whhih D,~rud Sharjf is. recited befor,8j sn,cJ aft1erll, ls -ve.ry nearto be a tcepteo'" He 'who r;s£ltes DatLJd Sharif' once AUa"h' ~ s'ends'ten.tile:S.s,i·ih~&lS on him", his. tfEUl sins ere forg,'i'ven ~'nd he~i5J'.I@hevateCl by ten ranks ~n pa-rad~i~~

Here 'w~e~ar'e tel,Hng you a Da,irud lif reclted'thrtce i:n the mOlrn'ing a.h!d .everling .. It 15 equal on rewB'rd of 'r,E!citing Darud the whole day ~

-- . - - .... - --.. "

. .,/\.' . i.~nt..'!l"~' ,,'6.,' ..... J.j.~


_ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ L

- - - --

Ir Darud Share~f __ '.. _

<O~'A:Hah ~~ ~ eJ~SS·'fIiu!ha'mtil\l~.~ ~~' im ~e fif1}t palrt pt\!QMf' ,~peex::hl CtAllah~;! EMass M:~hamm:ad ~~.:~~ r.! ai!TI,tttil··tihe:mfdd,le. P;d'H: nt,mJr.~peech, b Allah~!lBt9§S- MiLi~amlm.Qd ~t~W,~rds.·tl1~ II~a7~t. p{in:

. ~.~, n iIil'" ~,p~' :ac'.-.:h '/1:

- .. 11' '~"Q .~~~- '!!

It Isone (If'thes~glns of he.ving ~:ov,e"~9Ir Raso~otu.nah .~~ tha.t one $hplu~d 8:bu.ndantly

~~.ltjte.Dalru.d and should ~~o;ve,ail.d ;~u:'t u.p~on .the·precepts,of RasoQI!uUatr~~ . t·

A~; ,A.~labl ,~. lo,ves l1is Rasooli ~~~.v'e'ry much, SiIFtl,'Hai'd-v h~,ii w·aY;$; ·a'r:e:· th'.I!. best hi Hts '.eyes. Thaft's 'why if 'we do ,anythilng acccrdlnq to the way ti@ught by· RasQcilu.llla,h.~~'r· it wUI

~fuJibnsrae,1ted iis an C\llct<ofw'(l:rs,H,j'p;,.·· .

, .

som-sri.mes we ,tfl in R'th,eJt- ['f 'sQm@rhiniJ . Is ~~jrofO,rirq'l~:E:li ointM1e.,.wayr-of Ra~ocQ.1 uJ IAn ~~~, p·@,ople wo~ld make f1un ,of 4.5 ;a.nd. wJOUl'ld n6~ respect Us. Tb~s ts a deception from satan. 'The r~ar sQtGC'tss:; a~d ,h.on.Qiu'r lles on~ly' ~n tMe, ways of Ra.$:oriJiUlllal;~f~~~ .His WlfYI$; are the hrghest ·Stan.d'a.rd'or honour and dignity.,

SO' W~· a~l should adol.Rit his w-a,:ys and make ~t our habit not to feave:'h,is. s~nlgl:e;way.,

-- - - - -

_ ~ __ ~. "9 _ _ _ Uftl~~o~

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o ,Allan ~ [. Ble'5.s '~uhammaQ ~. ~n th~ first. part of our-'sdpe'8'ch, 0 'AUalff~ ~ JB~ess MuhamJftacJ -~'in ,a!ffd~, the' m'h=tdle part .of ourspeech, 0' AHahetJ~! Bless Muhatil'hh~tGl" ,~~, w,w,~ rds th~ I~.ast IP,srtof.'OlJ r speech "

- -.

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Ir·.· ..._ _. . __ .~ __

Ir . Dua atthe termtnatton o~ gath~ring_ . . ',;

This Cs ,r.n~nJJQn-ed In a h&~d!itn th?1t .. Q;Qod: and ba,(ic9mp,~~visjust ~'ike a s,eHer 'of musk and G' turnace-keeper ·tf we. :s':it .w~:th·Qfle'wha-seUs,(esserri'e:e!! he wlll ~HVB: .sometfHng! from it or at least

. .

we will e.njo'Y fraqrance as long; as ,we sit there. Whereas if we slt with a person who sets the

ftre furnace, our clothes miqht burn by any spark of it or at least we would suffer the harms of black.smoke,

same is the ca~s-eirf" we' slt tn bad companles. Such companies ,spojjl,? our character, It ts also narrated in .c3'hadith 'that a man acqutres the reHgmo:n of hiis··:friend. It 'means that ai' man is ~ m p"ress~-d lby hls cO'iTJ pa ny to that extent th at sornen m es he even acqul res thai r reli'Q [o'n .

Therefore we shOu.~d avoid bad cornpanjes. We should sit ojnfy in such gath:efiings where people altner discuss good deeds or pra~~eAUah ~ end Hils. R:asoo~'~~.orlearh sotnetn~ng gOlod 'fro ni each other.

Are 'YOIJ know what are the bad companies? One type of such dcomp,an~,es is that: whose, partlclpartts .are not glood: persons lli'ke' they speak tles, curse le.21th othiet, use abusive lsnquaqe, nafectfu I to AII.ah's.,·(~)ord~e·n;'f disobey their parents etc. Another bad company is that wh~re, peopte back bite or speak uselesslvor cornmtt iany other si n i,

B~c:kbiting is one, of'the worst sin and-speaking us,eles51Iyw'1~11 bea matter of sorrow on the da.y of Judgement, The plt1lrad;j,se' (Jarmatjowner would have;' no sorrow or g.rief-the·re.but one, at the rnernent passed without Inv_'olk~ngl Allach~sr~) name,

5.0 we' should bre careful 'even if we are s,itting rh :a· goo.d company not to be indu~llgled i,n ba'c'kbiting· or anv other sin, B,ut even then w,e',.shou!ld recite this, Duaat the end of our sittIngs. This wm was hi the slns committed unintentionally during the g6lthering.

- - - ----

~~ .~~~O~

-- -- ---

,:.I)r D~a at the termination of:.,gathe,ri·ngl

- - - - - ---

- --

: .. ' ~rr ~ . ~l£~q~

- - - --

- --

Ir" "

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- - - - .

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--- ----- ------ - - -


~.; n A ~ ~ Uti' ~) "I.j! ~J V~ ... L~' 4- if~ P'L ~.,l~ ~.-~' 1£~" ~.~t,JC1 AJ' ftlr··zt.w..t ~ ~J ~'J),fjJ: f ~J;' irdlLJ ·;'_~J~~l'

~·l - - 'II! .'V - - , it. -; . .- '" '~o!BI'~ Ii

-~ J.;t1 A U;J 7.:.~ . d~"'-. A ~ L7L J ~j i .,..1

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-- -- - -

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I)F. _,noot. 'i

- - -- - --

Usua-'l'lythis W'itr Salm,h is nQt'Qff-e\r,,~d cCH~gre.gati.Oh\aUy· except fn the month of Ram'az~n

"_ " " I

'Aftjer Til'r;awlh Sa/I.ath it lSl,offered; in CO},g[.~:·gp-t~ofl. ~hi's;.Salah lis Farrl Sa Iia bf lin importance

but compulserv as Far.l Salaat ~s'" If It 'is m':k~Sie,g lnterrtlonallv or u'nin'bent~aUv it ls n.e!Ce.SSS'f')r-to

Qffe.r :~''rwctr'd$. pu a~ Ef- Qu neot ls actuall y di:5CU'$;S, fo,u rt;h i ngls : - -

1.. .Our humb~'eness befQ're.,AUrah~:-

- - - - --

. .' , £.1\ '~'""~~

.__ - -- -

Jr. O·ua-e-Quli·oo,t·.

---- --- - - - -- -- - -~ -

;2_~ AJlah 's' (~) h~~I~pr lMa-g: ib;,~~na/~J(_eQ .

. ~ • c. CIlCli n J"II"'I i'1 ,~'r:'II r=~'rfiill i VPI""I,i!:!!I C' ""

a I~~~r~: II:;I~~!."'II'V, l~_"'~~L _ _._!~-r~~~~·~~!

4" AI i~ati 1$1- (~j fa\f;mo r 'in ~e;6p;i n-g ,i3lu;rs'atves stm,ardf~~st"crrf lsi a:m ..

- -. - . ...

AUBn ~ ~a~.:_~ive'rn 'U:S>8! gr.e,at"'wJe~apan 'of [JjlJ~a. E\teH"Y; ·[J),~a, f5, luS.~ '~ijl~.e" a, r;3111mfel:'ti'ng. shield.

iagha1 rnfSt p,roJjlem,$"an:d"mry!i~:erli es:~ . .

- - - ----

-> .,; ~9, ~~~o~.

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- -- ------


a AU:~h~! 'we 5',e'ek he.!p from YOu" ,as1k forg, fraio You, and b:e.Ueve hi Y,o~ . .and !Fie~y on '¥Ol,J. 'We ,prailse You the best praise and er~~g~r;at:e fun tOI Yo,ucf}rutl do not di:$obey la"rld we~!pallrt_ el'n~ b're~pk;' Qnf ~~th all ·tJ'l9s~e,. disob.e:·y Ye'4~ .0 A]J;a~ ·ttf~1 'Ygu alone do 'we wor,ship and ~~'Ii,ay e'.x~lu?jv~ly.t9 Y.o.u. ~nq~ bow before You ,a'Fp,n,e ?lnd'Vflf#. hasten -; e~?~~ler~}r to'wa~rds: Y'OtJ and :serve:': "(QUI arJc: .. we ,~eek><¥o..1,Jr 'me!e.i~ and p,earYour 5~ver8 plu.~,i&hm'~nt. Your severe purnshrnent is" s;urel,y teberneted j!HJ~ te thed"i'SJ3e:Heverrs ~

_ - - - . .' ... --~ - '.'. _ -:~~- - -" . '.- .- ------:,------. '_. .H'II" " '"

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