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WS 502 Polarity & Warfare Chad KOHALYK 1

out for their own security. Survival is

dependent on preventing the rise of one
state or coalition of states from being
able to subordinate others. States there-
fore must be sensitive to changing capa-
bilities of other states as a matter of sur-
vival, and must strive to counterbalance
changes in relative power by either ex-
panding their own capabilities or form-
ing coalitions. Thus the international
system has a predisposition to balance-
of-power behaviour among its actors,
characterized by the never-ending recur-
rence of balancing equilibria. While clas-
sical realists such as Machiavelli argued
that balance-of-power politics was a
strategy to pursue, neorealists differ only
in perspective by saying that the balanc-
Polarity & Warfare ing of power is a natural mechanism of
A weak attraction the international structure.
As time progresses and balance or
near-balance of power between dominant
states within a system is achieved, struc-
As the Cold War progressed and ing the 1960s and 1970s, but was left tural realists argue that the actions of
states worldwide aligned themselves unresolved. Empirical evidence was any- states will become more aligned. Waltz
with the world’s two new superpowers, thing but conclusive. Though after the suggested that this phenomenon is evi-
academics pondered whether a new kind fall of the Berlin Wall and the Soviet denced in the similar structural place-
of stability had arisen in the aftermath of Union, polarity and stability became a ment of the Soviet Union and the United
the Second World War. While filled with major topic of inquiry once again. With States resulting in the convergence of
tension, the Cold War seemed to put a only one superpower remaining how their armament policies, military doc-
damper on the outbreak of conflicts would other states in the international trines and conduct of interventions. This
around the world. Influenced by the rise system react? Would balance-of-power principle could also be applied to foreign
of systemic theorizing in the social sci- politics require them to align themselves policy choices other than war such as
ences political scientists asked if the against the United States, or could the free trade, which would not occur if the
landscape of the international system, United States maintain it’s “Unipolar powerful states in the system chose pro-
contoured by massively powerful states, Moment”? tectionism.
could be the determinant of conflict. Structural realism is a wide-ranging
Heavenly bodies orbiting one another Beyond Realism research program from which a large
can be analyzed, and interactions pre- variety of theories and explanations of
In his 1979 book Theory of Interna-
dicted, by mathematical equations and foreign policy can be developed. In the
tional Politics Kenneth Waltz proposed
laws of physics. Could an understanding case of the foreign policy choice of war
that the interaction of states could be
of international structural geography aid Waltz argued that polarity alone could
explained through a system-level theory.
in the forecasting of state outcomes and explain the level of instability in the
Waltz shifted focus from the behaviour
the ability to predict war and atrocity? world. His suggestion in 1964 that the
of individual states and concentrated on
It was a lofty and difficult question to world was bipolar and therefore stable
their actions in relation to their position
answer that lead to a debate over the was very controversial, and led to a
with other structural elements, or coun-
general stability of systems with numer- number of attempts to attack or defend
tries of varying national power, within
ous great powers versus systems with his position.
the international system. Waltz posited
only two powers, reflective of the inter- that the international structure constrains
national environment at the time. Politi- Size matters
the actions of states, thus outcomes of
cal scientist Kenneth Waltz threw oil on state interaction can be predicted by an The identification of “Great Powers”,
the fire in the early 1960s by suggesting understanding of the make up of the sys- or poles in the international system, was
in the face of overwhelming tension be- tem. a matter of common sense during the
tween the Soviet Union and the United Structural realism, or neorealism, Cold War. Kenneth Waltz noted that
States, that the world was headed for a shares the main assumptions of classical “since the Treaty of Westphalia, there
"stability seldom known" to last realism: states are unitary, rational actors have never been more than eight great
throughout the 20th century. He argued within an anarchic international system powers.”2 But in asking the question
that the propensity of war was deter- seeking security and acting in their own “How many poles is best?” political sci-
mined by the number of great powers, self-interest. Structural realists argue that entists had to decide on a definition of
i.e. poles, in the system. 1 since anarchical systems are devoid of an what makes a pole. Measuring state
The debate over the the stability of all-powerful actor that commands obedi- power with any intention of precision is
bipolar or multipolar systems flared dur- ence from other actors, states must look

1 Kenneth Waltz. “The Stability of a Bipolar World,” Daedalus 93, 3 (1964). p.901
2 Ibid. p.901
WS 502 Polarity & Warfare Chad KOHALYK 2

a decidedly difficult task. Although for Similar techniques have been used in Advocates of bipolar systems con-
the purposes of determining poles within other studies. It is important to note that tend that since the nature of bipolarity
a system it is not necessary to rank states great powers must score well on a num- means there is an equivalent distribution
in an ordinal fashion, but only to identify ber of attributes, whereas would-be great of power, competitor powers must moni-
the greatest powers. Waltz proposed that powers will be characterized by an un- tor closely any and all events that may
under the conditions of bipolarity, no even distribution of attributes. North change the power equilibrium, and strive
third power would be able to challenge Korea may be able to field the largest to maintain stability. System poles be-
the top two. He also went on to argue military in the world, but that does not come vested system managers in the
that to qualify as a pole a state must be make it a superpower. tiniest of world affairs, intent on limiting
measured in terms of size of population, conflicts within their sphere of influence
resource endowment, economic capabil- Two to tango so that they may not affect the balance of
ity, military strength, political stability power vis-a-vis their competitor. Also,
A bipolar system is characterized by
and competence. Ted Hopf pointed out with such a small number of managers
two relatively equal powers, each ma-
that military strength “is the resultant of problems prove to be easier to adminis-
neuvering to gain power over the other
the other six elements, not an equivalent ter. Bipolarity proponents argue that re-
while simultaneously countering the op-
part of a bundle of power.”3 He simpli- current crises will substitute outright
ponent’s moves for power. Elimination
fied criteria when examining the distri- warfare, therefore lowering the instances
of the other power may be an option, if
bution of power in Europe during the of war and instability across the globe
the risks are calculated to be acceptable.
15th and 16th centuries, basing polar whereas multipolar systems offer more
Other actors may be present, but are ei-
status on the just three characteristics: potential for conflict.
ther nonaligned and do not threaten the
population, government revenue and Such a balance is illustrated histori-
two dominant poles, or are too weak
military power (in terms of soldiers and cally in the confrontations of Rome ver-
militarily to tip the balance of power in
ships). Hopf calculated the totals of each sus Carthage and the United States
one way or another. Both great powers
characteristic and attributed pole status against the Soviet Union.
will compete for smaller powers to join
to actors who held a disproportionate their bloc or prevent them from joining
amount of power within the system. The The more the merrier
the enemy bloc. In bipolar systems hos-
top two states in the system, the Ottoman tility between the two dominant powers Proponents of multipolarity argue
Empire and the Habsburg Empire, is particularly pronounced, contributing that “peace by crisis in bipolarity struc-
counted for more than 50% of the sys- to an extreme “them and us” attitude, and tures is, at best, a dubious and perhaps
tem’s population, economics and military “each great power possesses a relatively very dangerous manner of conducting
power. clear set of beliefs about its limitations policy.”5 Bipolar systems by their very
and the origins of its problems.”4 nature are zero-sum, and thus more
prone to conflict.
Figure 1: Distribution of Power in Bipolar Europe, 1521-59 Due to the proliferation of power
over a number of poles hostility between
powers will be less intense. States must
Population Soldiers (Ships) Revenue spread their attention across numerous
State competitor states, thereby lessening the
millions % ‘000 % M, ducats %
chance for an arms race, a condition that
bipolar systems are particularly suscepti-
Habsburg 30.4 40 62 (200+) 29 (32) 8.5 32 ble to. The most prominent challengers
to Waltz’s bipolar argument, Karl Deutch
Ottoman and J. David Singer, contended that the
21.0 28 74 (200+) 35 (32+) 9.5 36
Empire number of possible interactions between
poles increases disproportionately to the
France 17.0 22 32 (20) 15 (3) 5.0 19 number of poles in the system, repre-
sented by the equation N(N-1)/2, where
England 6.0 8 31 (100) 15 (16) 2.1 8
N is the number of countries in the
Venice 1.6 2 12 (100) 6 (16) 1.5 6 system. 6 This indicates the existence of
numerous coalition possibilities and a
TOTAL 76.0 100 211 (620+) 100 (100) 26.2 100 flexible balance-of-power system, which
while may lead to sporadic conflict be-
Average 15.2 20 42 (124) 20 (20) 5.3 20 tween subsets of states, will not produce
an extreme build-up of tension in the
Source: Ted Hopf, “Polarity, Military Balance & War,” American Political Science Review 85, 2 (1991). p. 480 system as a whole.

3 Ted Hopf. “Polarity, Military Balance & War,” American Political Science Review 85, 2 (1991). p. 478
4 Patrick James. “Structural Realism and the Causes of War.” Mershon International Studies Review, 39, 2 (1995). p. 184.
5 Manus Midlarsky. “Hierarchical Equilibria and the Long-Run Instability of Multipolar Systems,” Handbook of War Studies (1990). p. 63
6 Karl Deutsch and J. David Singer. “Multipolar Power Systems and International Stability.” World Politics, 16, 3 (1964). p. 394-5.
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Tripolar systems are ideal since the Meanwhile, Richard Rosecrance,

Figure 2: Instability in Europe
third power can play a balancing role Frequency and severity of wars during 15-16th C. searching for some middle ground, sug-
preventing conflict. A third emerging gested that multipolarity was associated
superpower that chooses not to enter into Severity with a higher frequency of war and bipo-
alliance with either of the dominant Polarity Type Freq. (%) (deaths per larity with greater severity. Waltz argued
powers is in the position to reap the war-year) back that in nearly all cases of bipolarity
benefits of good relations with both main relative peace prevailed, and that multi-
powers in the form of concessions. Al- Multipolar polarity inherently contained instabilities
63 11,000
ternatively, if two of the three superpow- that were likely to lead to very severe
ers are considered “emerging” they may Bipolar
wars. 11
ally against the dominant power and the 53 10,000 All this confusion has lead some
system would quickly degrade into a theorists to question the effect of system
bipolar system. Stable tripolar systems Source: Ted Hopf, “Polarity, Military Balance & elements on conflict propensity in the
are not readily evinced in history as they War,” American Political Science Review 85, 2 first place. Jack Levy assembled a list of
are tricky to maintain. Some suggest that (1991). p. 478-9, great power wars between 1495 and
nearing the end of the Cold War China 1975 using data from the Correlates of
played the role of balancing third power War Project12 and analyzed three indica-
between the United States and the Soviet trate bipolarity “to be decisively more tors: (1) frequency of war in a given pe-
Union. 7 stable than multipolarity.”9 riod, (2) magnitude or total number of
Patrick James points out a number of years of each war; and (3) severity of
Definitely maybe other studies with conflicting findings, each war in terms of fatalities. He con-
and notes the interesting results of Char- cluded that it was not the number of
Empirical evidence clearly support-
les Ostrom and Joan Aldtrich (1978) who poles in the system, but the differences in
ing either bipolarity or multipolarity as
found that “the probability of war to be power between great powers that ac-
more stable has remained elusive. His-
‘moderately large’ with two poles, mini- counted for instability. 13 The finding that
torical research has produced only mixed
mal with three, greater with four and differences in distribution of power leads
five, and drastically lower with six.”10 to a higher chance of conflict seems to
Ted Hopf’s examination of 15th and
This suggests that the relationship be- have been generally accepted, but unfor-
16th century Europe found that the bipo-
tween the number of poles and level of tunately did not end the debate: Manus
lar era of 1521-59 dominated by the
stability may be curvilinear, with war Midlarsky countered with the argument
Habsburg and Ottoman Empires was
more likely at both very low and moder- that inequalities between poles are far
only marginally more stable than that
ately high levels of polarization. more likely under a multipolar system
multipolar era between 1495-1521, as
and thus bipolarity is a more stable inter-
influenced by Austria, England, France,
Figure 3: Curveball national structure.
Spain, the Ottoman Empire and Venice.
Possible propensity of conflict in relation to number
In the multipolar era there were 26 dis- of poles in the international system A time and a place
crete wars, averaging 27 months in dura-
tion and totaling 58 war-years. The bipo- No study as yet has resulted in unde-
lar years had 26 wars, averaging 28 niable evidence for one theory or the
months for a total of 59 years. Hardly a other. Studies into the effects of polarity
significant variance. 8 are faced with difficult methodological
Michael Brecker compared four dis- problems and challenges. Firstly there is
tinct 20th century systems and found that the problem of geography, not only in the
20 percent of conflicts that occurred sense that most of the historical data in
were in the multipolar period (1918- the literature is Eurocentric, but also in
1939), compared to 24 percent in the that it has the potential to obscure re-
bipolar period (1945-1962). Manus Mid- gional patterns within the system. For
larsky on the otherhand maintains that example, in a multipolar system a few
Thompson (1986) and Levy (1985) illus- # Poles → states might be partaking in a majority of
wars, skewing the data for the entire sys-

7 John T. O’Rourke. International Politics on the World Stage (1999). p. 62

8 Hopf, p. 487.
9 Midlarsky, p. 63.
10 James, p. 186.
11 Midlarsky, p. 63.
12 Correlates of War Project. Online,
13 Jack S. Levy. “Size and Stability in the Modern Great Power System.” International Interactions (1984). p. 349.
WS 502 Polarity & Warfare Chad KOHALYK 4

tem and hiding the fact that most of the cally diminished as power was dis-
Figure 4: The Player’s Club
powers experienced few wars. 14 Nuclear stockpiles persed to a number of other centers in-
Secondly, finding comparable cases cluding Europe, Japan and China. It
in different chronological periods is ex- US 10,640 seemed the first multipolar system was
ceedingly difficult not only due to upon us in a half century. Syndicated
Russia 16,000
change in technology, but also the lack of columnist Charles Krauthammer argued
available sources. Comparing the bipo- UK 200 differently asserting that the world was
larity of the Soviet Union and United not becoming multipolar, but unipolar:16
States dominated system to the system of France 350
Rome and Carthage is tough when one There is today no lack of second-rank
must discount nuclear weapons and can- China 400 (?) powers. Germany and Japan are eco-
not make use of accurate sources on nomic dynamos. Britain and France
population, GDP, armed forces and se- Israel 200 can deploy diplomatic and to some
verity of wars in terms of accurate battle- extent military assets. The Soviet Un-
India 110-150 ion possesses several elements of
deaths. The alternative is to look at re- power – military, diplomatic and po-
gional as opposed to global systems litical – but all are in rapid decline.
Pakistan 200
within a similar timeframe, but this There is but one first-rate power and
raises questions regarding the hierarchi- North Korea 13-15 (?) no prospect in the immediate future of
cal interactions between regional and any power to rival it.
supra-regional polar systems. The actions Source:, Jan 2005
of regional polar states are not only con- With nearly one third of the world's
strained by their local competitors, but GDP, the third largest population and a
also by their supra-regional pole. This is IGOs are more than just alliances be-
military force that far outstrips any pos-
an influence that does not affect global tween states for security purposes or
sible competitor it is evident that the
poles, rendering any comparison suspect. otherwise, yet lack all the distinct power
United States is the world's sole super-
The presence of nuclear weapons characteristics of states. By their very
power. Waltz's condition of bipolarity,
themselves is a challenge when examin- nature they possess only a one-sided
that no third power would be able to
ing the historical stability of bipolar sys- attribute of power, whether military, po-
challenge the top two, could be applied
tems. In 1964 Kenneth Waltz asserted litical or economic.Intergovernmental
appropriately to the current international
that nuclear weapons consolidated bipo- organizations cannot be considered as
structure, except in this instance there is
larity in the Cold War by making the two great powers in the strict sense of pos-
only one power.
strongest states still more powerful, but sessing superior "population, resource
Of course there still remain a number
since bipolarity preceded the two-power endowment, economic capability, mili-
of other great powers in the post-Cold
nuclear competition, the weapons them- tary strength, political stability and com-
War system. Regional systems may con-
selves could not be credited solely with petence." Even so, they do have an effect
tain a number of poles. But if conflict
the stability of the international system. on the interactions between great powers.
were to get out of hand, spreading and
He argued that the build-up of conven- The United Nations proved an invaluable
threatening the global interests of the
tional forces would have simply replaced forum for communication between the
United States, disagreements will be
nuclear detente. 15 There is no doubt that US and the USSR, helping them to
settled by intervention on behalf of the
a conventional arms race was both possi- achieve the equilibrium necessary for the
superpower. Ultimately the system is
ble and probable, but the bipolar stability "peace by crisis" maintained throughout
that lasted out the Cold War was affected the Cold War. Institutions such as these
Unipolar systems are rare in history:
deeply by policies based specifically on did not exist in previous bipolar periods;
only the ancient Roman, Mongolian and
nuclear stockpiles and "mutually assured yet another hurdle for historical compari-
Chinese empires controlled all or most of
destruction." Even current policy is be- son.
the established societies in the known
ing determined by the proliferation and Thus, in the face of such methodo-
world. Unipolar systems are considered
construction of nuclear weapons. Noth- logical obstacles, the polarity debate
transitional stages in international struc-
ing like this existed in the past. Thus seemed to trail off in the late 1970s.
ture: the rise of new powers is only a
comparing the nuclear age with ages Then came a new development, and the
matter of time. Waltz and others pre-
gone by necessitates a stretch of the polarity of the system changed com-
dicted that a multipolar system would
imagination. pletely.
materialize early in the 21st century,
Lastly, the rise of intergovernmental within 10-20 years after the end of the
organizations since the mid-19th century One is the loneliest number Cold War. 17
proves a troublesome asymmetry when The post-Cold War era brought hope Unipolar systems obviously lack
comparing different historical periods. that the threat of war would be dramati- great power war, but are characterized by

14 James, p. 189.
15 Waltz, p. 885-6, 907.
16 Charles Krauthammer. “The Unipolar Moment.” Foreign Affairs 70, 1 (1990/91).
17 Michael Mastanduno. “Preserving the Unipolar Moment.” International Security 21 (Spring 97). p. 53.
WS 502 Polarity & Warfare Chad KOHALYK 5

poses is "soft balancing" through the

Figure 5: Poles du jour
Abridged list of world powers United Nations Security Council. De-
spite recent blows to its international
Population Armed Forces (Reserves) GDP legitimacy, it is likely that the dominant
State millions ‘000 $bn
position of the United States will remain
288.5 1414 (1259) 10383.1 beyond the original forecast of Waltz and
China 1294.4 2270 (550) 1266.1
Moderately attractive results
India 1041.1 1298 (535) 510.2
The relationship between the number
Russia 143.8 988 (2400) 346.5 of poles and level of conflict in a system
remains obscure. There may be subtle
Japan 127.5 240 (47) 3993.4 effects on the equality of power distrib-
uted across poles, thereby affecting sta-
Source: The Economist bility indirectly. After decades of theoriz-
ing, researching and arguing a conclu-
sion has not been attained. Was it all for
"small wars" such as interventions as dominant state, less constrained by other
naught? Not at all.
well as background conflicts of a mostly great powers, must constrain itself."20
Although structural realism has had a
domestic nationalistic or ethnic nature. Thus far the 10 to 20 year lifespan of
harrowing time trying to explain interna-
Krauthammer argues that the only chal- the "unipolar moment" has held firm.
tional conflict in system level terms, it
lenge to the solitary pole, and thus threat China, America's most feared potential
has influenced other areas of interna-
to the stability of the international sys- near-peer competitor still has substantial
tional relations theory, having a profound
tem, is the "weapon state." Weapon states development to undergo before it may
impact on the development of its main
are those that do not possess power challenge the US. India, currently a close
rivals: liberalism and constructivism.
across a spectrum "in terms of size of ally of America, is much further behind
Besides the ongoing discussion about the
population, resource endowment, eco- China in terms of economic and military
stability of unipolarity, the polarity de-
nomic capability, military strength, po- power, and although the remilitarization
bate has also lived on in another lively
litical stability and competence," but in of pacifist Japan seems imminent, it is
form as power transition theory. The
fact lack most of these characteristics. unlikely that Tokyo would balance
future of stability in the international
They pursue nuclear weapons as a way against America in the foreseeable fu-
system may be unforeseeable but as No-
to "leapfrog history" in order to be able ture. The leaves Russia, who scores high
bel laureate Sir William Bragg once
to challenge a so-called Western-imposed on population, number of troops and
noted, "The important thing in science is
order. 18 These states could in no way stockpiled nuclear weapons, but whose
not so much to obtain new facts as to
survive a nuclear stand-off, and consider floundering economy is still trying to
discover new ways of thinking about
nuclear capability as a way to deter an comes to terms with the free market, and
intervening conventional force, so preva- shake off the incapacitating effects of
lent in the post-Cold War world. Of communism. The only threat Russia
course there is an added fear that weap-
ons states may pass technology or Cited Works
knowledge onto non-state actors to carry
out attacks, and hopefully elude retribu- Karl Deutsch & J. David Singer. “Multipolar Power Systems and International Stability.” World Politics, 16, 3
Intergovernmental organizations play The Economist, Pocket World in Figures (2005).
an interesting role in this new unipolar Ted Hopf, “Polarity, Military Balance & War,” American Political Science Review, 85, 2 (1991).
world. Kenneth Waltz's assertion that
"the skillful foreign policy ... is designed Patrick James. “Structural Realism and the Causes of War.” Mershon International Studies Review, 39, 2 (1995).
to gain an advantage over one state with- Charles Krauthammer, “The Unipolar Moment.” Foreign Affairs 70, 1 (1990/91).
out antagonizing others and frightening Jack S. Levy, “Size and Stability in the Modern Great Power System.” International Interactions (1984).
them into united action"19 could be ap-
plied to the United States vis-a-vis its Michael Mastanduno, “Preserving the Unipolar Moment.” International Security 21 (Spring 97).
international legitimacy as threatened by John J. Mearsheimer, The Trajedy of Great Power Politics (2001).
the organizing principle of IGOs in try-
Manus Midlarsky, “Hierarchical Equilibria and the Long-Run Instability of Multipolar Systems,” Handbook of War
ing to balance the weaker many against Studies (1990).
the stronger one. Michael Mastunduno
encourages the US to play a delicate John T. O’Rourke, International Politics on the World Stage (1999).
game of "balance-of-threat" politics and Kenneth Waltz, “The Stability of a Bipolar World,” Daedalus 93, 3 (1964).
not "succumb to the arrogance of power" Correlates of War Project. Online,
in order to maintain its unipolar status.
"It is ironic that in a unipolar setting the Online,

18 Krauthammer, p. 31.
19 Waltz, p. 884.
20 Mastunduno, p. 85.

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