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As I sit here in my drenched, ashen, sickly, alabaster coat my lenses were as bleak and as dark as the grim

reaper himself. All emotions evaded my mind and body, quickly escaping from my grasp. All emotions,
that is, except one.

Hurt. My skin burned as though I’d just been put over the big, bright, glowing and heated sun himself.
Even though my alabaster and pallid coat was completely drenched and to an average person cold, I felt
the opposite, on the outside. On the inside however, my heart, lungs and all other organs that seemed to
make the heat within my body feel as if it had moved its last centimeter.

All evidence of being had evaded my limp, weird form leaving me to nothing but an antagonistic puppet
in the dark corner of a box. My limp, weak arms were cheated of all movements or sense of movements.
They were numbed by pain.

The melancholic, luminous glow that radiated through the almost consuming opening in my shrine of
phlegmatism seemed to be laughing at my hurtful, painful loss.

As I let my body fell hard on the cold, hard, stoned surface once beneath my feet I could see the melo-
horror start playing in my head relentlessly. My mind ached of sorrow and my lips numb of depression; I
made no sign of repulsion.

The heated, empowering and radiating big ball of fire seemed to be amused by my very actions. The sick
birds that stood on the long, big, brown branches outside laughed also at me.

The cruel world that I belong to, seem to be getting jokes off of my weak, retired state. Slowly but surely
the drapes of life were closing darkening the atmosphere. I let out one inaudible gasp and felt as if my
insides had been flushed of all substances.

My mind, like a well uniformed army, began filling up with doom less clouds to petrify my already
statuesque immobilized figure. My life pinned down by my own will slowly decayed and took my
emotions and feeling along with it.

BY: Khadija T. Searles 19th March 2009

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