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(19:05:40) Willie: Kinkyclawz enters the channel.

(19:07:01) Kinkyclawz: Hi Willie! How goes it, our lovely lil ChatGhost? I see you've been posting, too!
Heehee. *begins cleaning up, reapplying bubblewrap again and humming "Who Let The Dogs Out?"
under her breath*
(19:25:57) Kinkyclawz: Woof woof woof!
(19:32:14) Kinkyclawz: I could chat to you if you like. Willie, but doubt I'd get an answer. LOL
(19:50:26) Kinkyclawz: Wow, its quiet here tonight. :/
(19:55:51) Kinkyclawz: Echo...echo echo echo...
(20:11:46) Willie: keepmakingtea logs into the Chat.
(20:12:08) Kinkyclawz: YAY! Finally someone to play with!
(20:12:09) keepmakingtea: Echo??? echo echo echo???
(20:12:13) Kinkyclawz: Hi JD! How goes it?
(20:12:18) keepmakingtea: Hey!
(20:12:28) Kinkyclawz: Was alone hee for more than an hour1 *sob-hugz*
(20:12:48) keepmakingtea: I'm surprised! Where is everybody?
(20:12:59) keepmakingtea: Well, sounds like Degnne is moving.
(20:13:12) Kinkyclawz: Yep.
(20:13:28) Kinkyclawz: I think he is, thought it was on the cards either this week or next.
(20:13:46) Kinkyclawz: How're you? got to admit, I'm tired.
(20:14:04) keepmakingtea: I guess I'm okay.
(20:15:19) Willie: Eileen enters the channel.
(20:15:21) keepmakingtea: Been busy?
(20:15:28) keepmakingtea: Oh, hi, Eileen!
(20:15:37) Eileen: Yes, I have
(20:15:38) Eileen: lol
(20:15:39) Kinkyclawz: Eileen! Wie gehts suesse?
(20:15:46) Eileen: Helloooooooooooooooooooooooo
(20:15:57) Eileen: I'm good thanks. How about you two?
(20:16:00) Kinkyclawz: JD: Yeah, been runnign the dept alone at work. Thank goodness the lasds are
back in tomorrow.
(20:16:09) Kinkyclawz: Not bad thanks, coold and tired but here! Woohoo!
(20:17:05) keepmakingtea: I'm good.
(20:17:51) Willie: Kinkyclawz rolls 1d6 and gets 4.
(20:18:01) Willie: keepmakingtea rolls 1d6 and gets 2.
(20:18:10) Willie: Eileen rolls 1d6 and gets 5.
(20:18:18) Eileen: YAY!
(20:18:23) Eileen: What did I win?
(20:18:24) Eileen: JK
(20:18:41) Kinkyclawz: A group hug just for you! Ready JD?
(20:18:45) keepmakingtea: You won a teddy bear hug, to be given by a real teddy bear.
(20:18:55) keepmakingtea: *joins in group hug*
(20:19:01) Kinkyclawz: LMAO Either way, hugz are the prize!
(20:19:08) Kinkyclawz: *group hugz Eileen*
(20:19:09) Eileen: lol
(20:19:26) Kinkyclawz: Psst, JD, did you get her wallet?
(20:19:32) keepmakingtea: Nope.
(20:19:35) Eileen: *is group or rather team hugged*
(20:19:37) keepmakingtea: Lenora's father died?
(20:19:43) Kinkyclawz: Damn... I didn't
(20:19:46) Kinkyclawz: ahem
(20:19:56) Eileen: I didnt bring it today
(20:19:59) Eileen: tung
(20:20:04) Eileen: really?
(20:20:10) Kinkyclawz: Sadly, yes. somewhere around the 13th-15th Sept.
(20:20:12) keepmakingtea:
(20:20:19) Kinkyclawz: Eileen: *tongue*
(20:20:44) Eileen: awww noooo!
(20:20:46) Eileen: damn
(20:20:53) Kinkyclawz: Yeah, there were rumours abounds, it it wasn;t comfirmed until... Thurs I think.
Well not confirmed to me anyway.
(20:21:05) Kinkyclawz: He was a very influential chap.
(20:21:15) Kinkyclawz: Poor Lenora.
(20:21:43) Kinkyclawz: Condolences to her and her brother & sisters.
(20:22:11) keepmakingtea refrains from making comments about ghosts.
(20:22:29) Kinkyclawz thinks her Twusband is a wise man not to make those comments
(20:22:33) Eileen: yes, condolences to them
(20:22:41) keepmakingtea: Let's all send a virtual group hug to Lenora!
(20:23:00) Kinkyclawz: ahem, and their mother is included in condoelnce wishes.
(20:23:10) keepmakingtea: Aye.
(20:23:20) Eileen: yes
(20:23:21) Kinkyclawz sends a virtual group hug to the Crichlow Family at this sad time.
(20:23:34) Kinkyclawz: Bless her Lenora still keeps on working though. What a trooper.
(20:23:44) Kinkyclawz: *****
(20:24:34) Eileen: I agree and send a virtual group hug as well
(20:25:16) keepmakingtea: I did it through Twitter.
(20:25:24) Kinkyclawz: You did? *looks*
(20:25:51) Kinkyclawz: i've retweeted it to all my followers, in case you/they don't cross over.
(20:25:57) Kinkyclawz: NOT in thatw ay!
(20:26:03) Kinkyclawz: ot in that way, eitehr.
(20:26:15) keepmakingtea: Awesome.
(20:27:55) Kinkyclawz: So, m'dears, what shall we discuss?
(20:28:10) Kinkyclawz: Sorry, that sounded harsh-thought we might want to lighten the tone though.
(20:28:27) keepmakingtea:
(20:28:36) keepmakingtea: *Random silly pic*
(20:29:10) Kinkyclawz: HEE, I know that pic just can;t recall where its from! *bounce*
(20:29:35) keepmakingtea: The Greatest American Hero.
(20:29:50) keepmakingtea: And now for one for Eileen...
(20:29:53) Kinkyclawz: Flash Gorden?
(20:29:53) keepmakingtea:
(20:29:59) Kinkyclawz: Gordon
(20:30:16) Kinkyclawz: KITTY!
(20:32:12) keepmakingtea: I just found Eileen's stash!
(20:32:15) keepmakingtea:
(20:33:09) keepmakingtea: Eileen?
(20:34:11) Eileen: Yes?
(20:34:12) Eileen: LOL
(20:34:21) keepmakingtea: Hey, counting you that got re-tweeted three times in 10 minutes, KC.
(20:34:22) Kinkyclawz: OMG Neverending kitties again#!
(20:34:31) Eileen: But I will not be the one to get them all back there
(20:34:40) keepmakingtea: Well, at least they don't all do this:
(20:34:42) Eileen: that will be your task!
(20:34:45) keepmakingtea:
(20:35:09) Eileen: gladly
(20:35:18) Eileen: then we would have kitty rain
(20:35:28) keepmakingtea: It'd rain cats.
(20:36:32) Eileen: *starts to sing* It's raining cat, halleluja, it's raining cats, halleluja... *stops singing when
she realices that everyone is bleeding from their ears*
(20:36:49) Eileen: oops
(20:36:53) Kinkyclawz: Gee, thanks eileen! Kitty-wrangling later. Imagine if they land on your head. Bleed
bleed bleed!
(20:37:11) keepmakingtea: I had a cat land on my face once.
(20:37:19) Eileen: waaaaaah!
(20:37:25) Kinkyclawz: hehe, *has gone deaf* Lovely singing, suesse! Applauds, or tries to while sinking
in a neverending sea of cats... again*
(20:37:33) Kinkyclawz: OUCH!
(20:37:37) Kinkyclawz: Bet that hurt JD!
(20:37:58) keepmakingtea:
(20:38:24) Eileen: autsch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It obviously did!
(20:38:33) Eileen: Poor JD! *pets JD*
(20:39:30) keepmakingtea: That was a while back.
(20:39:48) keepmakingtea: I went into work and they were like, "Did Freddy Kruger get you?"
(20:41:02) Eileen: lol
(20:41:03) Kinkyclawz: OUCH, that definitely lokos like it hurt!
(20:41:06) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(20:41:14) Kinkyclawz: Ahh, workmates and their sympathy, eh?
(20:41:28) Kinkyclawz: You were lucky, the scratches are so close to your eyes!
(20:41:34) Kinkyclawz: How did it happen?
(20:41:37) keepmakingtea: Gotta love 'em.
(20:41:41) Kinkyclawz: *****
(20:42:17) keepmakingtea: Cat was in room with me as I tried to sleep. Cat tried to jump onto window with
no ledge on it.
(20:42:27) keepmakingtea: Yeah, very lucky there was no actual eye damage.
(20:43:09) Eileen: phew
(20:43:19) keepmakingtea: Um, so...
(20:43:29) Eileen: your windows need ledges from now on, JD!!!
(20:43:33) keepmakingtea:
(20:43:45) Eileen: lol
(20:44:34) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, love that werewolf! The Art Dept are awesome!
(20:44:44) Kinkyclawz: *****
(20:44:58) keepmakingtea: Is that a Ken Barbie doll, though?
(20:45:19) Kinkyclawz: I think it is!
(20:45:23) keepmakingtea hopes that there will be Being Human figures for sale soon...
(20:45:36) keepmakingtea: There's a big problem with it. The ears aren't right.
(20:45:42) Kinkyclawz: And a lil misjjudegement by the cat methinks, huh JD? You were very very lucky,
(20:45:49) Kinkyclawz: Noo, not cute enough, those ears!
(20:46:12) Kinkyclawz: ahem, sorry for more typos than usual. i'm very tired.
(20:46:14) Kinkyclawz: *****
(20:50:49) keepmakingtea: So, KC, do you think they saved that story for a teaser for real BH figures?
(20:51:59) Kinkyclawz: Possibly, in fact since they said last year there'd be BH figures out in time for this
xmas, it could well be.
(20:52:13) Kinkyclawz: Sorry, was distracted saying goodnight on twitter. lmao
(20:52:29) keepmakingtea: I'm scared.
(20:53:21) Kinkyclawz: Why are you scared?
(20:53:26) Willie: Degnne logs into the Chat.
(20:53:35) keepmakingtea: The iPlayer played "Russel's Request" for me, and I swear I'm doing NO
(20:53:38) Kinkyclawz: DEG! Hallo there, how goes it?
(20:53:45) Kinkyclawz: HEEEEE!
(20:53:53) Kinkyclawz: Its a sign! A sign, I tell you!
(20:54:08) Kinkyclawz: A sign the action figures are soon to be among us!
(20:54:14) Degnne: Hello everyone.
(20:54:24) keepmakingtea: DEGNNE!!!
(20:54:41) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, are you moving this week, Deg m'dear?
(20:54:53) Kinkyclawz: Or have I mis-remembered again and you already ahve?
(20:55:17) Degnne: I'm moving today. Taking a little break right now
(20:55:34) Kinkyclawz: Aww, and you coem to see us! Bless ya! *hugz*
(20:56:26) Kinkyclawz: How is it going?
(20:56:41) keepmakingtea: You guys are losing me for a couple while I finally watch those deleted
(20:57:00) Degnne: alright
(20:57:55) Kinkyclawz: Uhhh, I'm gonna be bailing out early tongiht so I hope you get back before then.
JD m'dear1 lol Enjoy the deleted scenes etc!
(20:58:08) Kinkyclawz: Aww, good to hear, Deg. You're not too stressed are you hun?
(20:58:09) Eileen: Hello Deg!
(20:58:34) Degnne: no, just tired
(20:58:38) Degnne: Hello Eileen
(20:59:00) Eileen: dhb J
(20:59:03) Eileen: JD
(21:00:26) Kinkyclawz: Oh dear, you also have bad typonese Eileen!
(21:00:58) Kinkyclawz: My sympathy there, Deg. Have you a lot more things to move?
(21:01:32) Degnne: no not really
(21:01:33) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, cracking comic today by the way. Well done! Hehe, who knew Deadly
Furniture could be so cute?!
(21:01:49) Degnne: lol thanks
(21:01:59) Kinkyclawz:
(21:02:12) Kinkyclawz: There you go Eileen!
(21:02:18) Kinkyclawz: *****
(21:02:54) keepmakingtea:
(21:03:13) keepmakingtea: No evil plans necessary this year! Thank you, BBC!
(21:04:42) Kinkyclawz: hehe, where did you see/hear that
(21:04:44) Kinkyclawz: ?
(21:05:55) Eileen: thanks KC
(21:05:57) Eileen: lol
(21:06:29) Eileen: i love it
(21:06:39) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, love the armchair with a porn star moustache! lmao
(21:07:48) Degnne: watch out. He's dangerous.
(21:08:22) keepmakingtea: Viking bureau with an axe... LOL.
(21:08:39) Kinkyclawz: But... he's dangerous and we can;t hide behind the sofa! *is scared*

Oh dear, I'm fighting a losing battle here.. am falling asleep on the comp. Eep.
(21:09:13) Kinkyclawz: Heh, does the coat rack ahve a Xena bra and a sword, we wonder... well, I
(21:09:18) Kinkyclawz: ?
(21:10:36) keepmakingtea: So, who'd buy BH action figures?
(21:10:45) keepmakingtea raises hand.
(21:10:59) Degnne raises hand
(21:11:25) Kinkyclawz raises hand
(21:11:34) Kinkyclawz raises other hand for emphasis
(21:11:52) Kinkyclawz waves hands around too, just for fun
(21:12:10) keepmakingtea writes on other hand saying "Have them in matching scale with the Doctor
Who line for even more fun!"
(21:12:39) Kinkyclawz: George and Captain Jack Harkness, you mean?
(21:12:52) keepmakingtea: Nah, create crossovers.
(21:12:55) Kinkyclawz wonders how JD wrote on his other hand wiht one hand still in the air... O.o
(21:13:04) keepmakingtea: Magic.
(21:13:14) Kinkyclawz: My Twusband is clever!
(21:13:28) keepmakingtea: Anyways, seeing how Russell isn't in Torchwood Series 4, looks like Jack and
Alonzo didn't last long.
(21:14:31) Kinkyclawz: I guess not... but comfort for both could mean wonders.
(21:14:33) keepmakingtea: It'd be funny if they did a Gilbert figure for a BH line and had a Francesco
figure for the Doctor Who line.
(21:14:55) Kinkyclawz: To compare?
(21:14:58) Kinkyclawz: lol
(21:15:03) Eileen: what did i miss
(21:15:05) Eileen: lol
(21:15:10) keepmakingtea: To get them both and then have them face off!
(21:15:11) Eileen: sorry im distracted
(21:15:22) keepmakingtea: Double Alex Price!
(21:16:19) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(21:16:42) keepmakingtea: Oh, the fun that could ensue!
(21:16:47) Kinkyclawz: Eileen: We're talking BH action figures and wondering how they'd be wehn put
with/against Doctor Who ones.
(21:17:17) Kinkyclawz: *****
(21:17:49) keepmakingtea: I got a number of Doctor Who figures.
(21:18:16) keepmakingtea:
(21:18:57) Kinkyclawz: Ahh, so you're an authority then, JD? Ooh are those yours?#

Aww, I'm sorry m'dears, but I'm gonna have to bail out early this week (still showing so I can save in the
morning tho. I'm very tired today. *hugz Eileen, Jd and Degnne*
(21:18:57) keepmakingtea: DOCTOR: You want what?
AMY: My key, Doctor. I watch BBC 1. You gave one to Rose and one to Martha. Where's mine?
(21:19:12) Kinkyclawz: *****
(21:19:22) keepmakingtea hugz KC.
(21:20:12) Degnne: night KC
(21:20:48) Kinkyclawz: Goodnight and sweet, happy dreams gang! but before I go, ahve you seen this?
(21:21:18) keepmakingtea: Yep. Don't think I could make it, though.
(21:21:23) Kinkyclawz: night gang! *disappears while remaining... spookily?*
(21:21:46) Kinkyclawz: Yeah, it might be a tad expensive to travel so far.
(21:22:01) Kinkyclawz: *disappears for real, honest...*
(21:22:08) Kinkyclawz: *****
(21:23:55) Eileen: Good night, KC!
(21:25:39) Eileen: sounds interesting
(21:25:53) Eileen: but as always too expensive AND i live in Germany
(21:25:55) Eileen: lol
(21:26:23) Willie: spacewaltzer logs into the Chat.
(21:26:33) keepmakingtea: Hi, SW!
(21:26:35) Eileen: hello SW
(21:26:40) Degnne: Hello SW
(21:26:47) spacewaltzer: Hi guys, how's things?
(21:28:06) spacewaltzer: I've managed to win over another colleague to BH since I was last here
(21:28:49) spacewaltzer: It's pleasing because he had seen S02E01 and decided he didn't like it
(21:29:03) spacewaltzer: But I managed to persuade him to watch from the beginning
(21:29:25) spacewaltzer: And he's now watched the whole of Series 1 and is well into Series 2
(21:29:29) Degnne: yeah, not a good episode to start with
(21:30:14) spacewaltzer: I guess the "ghost getting a job in a pub" storyline is a bit weird if you haven't
seen what came earlier
(21:31:03) keepmakingtea: Yeah, BH is a series where it's best to start at the beginning. Except the pilot.
(21:31:50) spacewaltzer: Yes, the pilot isn't really officially part of the story, is that correct?
(21:32:30) keepmakingtea: It is canon according to Toby Whithouse, but it's been withdrawn from
distribution, so they wrote any need to see it out.
(21:33:16) spacewaltzer: The thing is, in the actual series, when George talks about his "ex" to Annie, she
reacts as though she knew nothing about her
(21:33:39) spacewaltzer: But in the pilot Annie saves Julia from being ripped apart, doesn't she?
(21:34:00) keepmakingtea: Yep.
(21:34:46) spacewaltzer: The other (minor) contradiction I saw was that the denouement of the pilot relied
on the fact that the isolation room door couldn't be opened from the inside
(21:34:47) keepmakingtea: Might be a blooper. Lenora didn't see the pilot until after they started filming.
(21:35:18) spacewaltzer: Whereas in S01 E06 Annie has to teleport into the room to open it from the
(21:35:23) keepmakingtea: The door could have been changed when they were going to make it an
(21:35:32) spacewaltzer: True
(21:35:53) spacewaltzer: Talking about getting into places...
(21:36:25) spacewaltzer: You know the thing about vampires only being able to enter buildings if they're
(21:36:49) spacewaltzer: How does Mitchell manage to get into the paedophile's house?
(21:37:02) keepmakingtea: Was it a house or an apartment?
(21:37:08) spacewaltzer: The guy turns round from his computer and there's Mitchell
(21:37:13) spacewaltzer: No idea
(21:37:43) keepmakingtea: Because Toby has said that the rule applies to buildings, so if a vampire is
admitted into an apartment building, they can enter any apartment.
(21:38:07) keepmakingtea: (Case in point, when Mitchell meets Josie.)
(21:38:22) spacewaltzer: Ok, that's a good explanation then
(21:39:15) spacewaltzer: By the way, someone told me that the girl who played Josie in the Sixties
scenes was Aidan's ex-girlfriend. Is that true?
(21:39:25) keepmakingtea: Yep.
(21:39:25) Eileen: okay guys, im waaaaaaay too distracted tonight!
(21:39:43) Eileen: Hope my attention span will be longer next Sunday!
(21:39:43) spacewaltzer: What are you doing, Eileen?
(21:40:04) keepmakingtea: Making bootleg chihuahuas out of rats and cats.
(21:40:12) Eileen: Enjoy the chat some more! ^^
(21:40:18) Eileen: Stuff
(21:40:19) Eileen: lol
(21:40:34) Eileen: mostly reading spn fanfics
(21:40:42) Eileen: sorry for that!
(21:41:02) Eileen: Good night all!!!
(21:41:10) Degnne: night Eileen
(21:41:17) spacewaltzer: Bye!
(21:41:20) keepmakingtea: Good night, Eileen! *hug*
(21:41:27) Eileen: *hugs*
(21:43:48) spacewaltzer: Are you still around, KC? You're on the users list but you haven't said anything.
(21:44:47) keepmakingtea: She has left for the night but stayed signed on to save the chat.
(21:45:02) spacewaltzer: I see
(21:45:50) Willie: Eileen has been logged out (Timeout).
(21:46:23) spacewaltzer: I've missed the last couple of weeks. Have I missed anything out of the
(21:48:41) Degnne: every chat is out of the ordinary
(21:49:21) keepmakingtea:
(21:49:37) spacewaltzer: lol
(21:49:56) keepmakingtea: We have found unending supplies of cats.
(21:50:27) spacewaltzer: Cats do seem to be a theme around here
(21:50:52) spacewaltzer: I love cats...but I couldn't eat a whole one, as someone once said
(21:51:16) Degnne: 'course you could
(21:51:34) spacewaltzer: OK, maybe I could
(22:03:38) Willie: keepmakingtea logs out of the Chat.
(22:08:34) Willie: spacewaltzer has been logged out (Timeout).
(22:10:39) Willie: Degnne logs out of the Chat.

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