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1= Razzaq (The Provider) is a word which is only used for God and not for anyone
else. He provides for all creation overtly and covertly.

Razzaq is the One Who provides Rizq. Rizq means

i- The provision which is continually granted whether in this world or in
ii- food, sustenance, provision, nourishment, rainfall.
iii- everything which is beneficial.

2= Powerfully said by God that He alone Who provides : And there is no creature
that moves on the earth but it is for Allah to provide it with sustenance. And He
knows its place of temporary settlement and permanent abode. All this is recorded
in clear Book. (11 : 7)

3= God has made system of sustenance through which various forms of life is
nourished. Still research continues on the subject. Agricultre part of the crop is
used by human and rest is eaten by animals.

4= God is kind Provider. His granted nourishment (Rizq) for mankind includes the
sustenance of the Hereafater. Basis for that sustenance is spirituality and good
works. The reward for this is granted in this world while it is fully manifested
in the Hereafter.

5= To bestow spiritual nourishment, God sends Prophets. God sent the everlasting
best spiritual nourishment through holy Quran and the holy Prophet (peace and
blessings of Allah be on him and all prophets) .

6= Not valuing the spiritual sustenance can lead to losing the material
And Allah sets forth the parable of a township which enjoyed security and peace;
its provisions come to it in plenty from every quarter; but it denied the favours
of Allah, so Allah made its dwellers taste a life wrapped in hunger and fear as a
consequence of what they used to do. (16:113) ---- The lesson is general.
Citation firstly refers to people of Mecca who faced a terrible famine after their
evil behaviour the holy prophet migrated to Medina. As long as he lived in Mecca,
blessings of prayer of holy Ibrahim for the inhabitants continued. A great leader
of Meccan, Abu Sufyan, came to Medina and requested th Prophet to pray for the
terrible situation, hunger and fear of his brethren.

7= The benefactor to all humanity did not Remind him the horrible persecution of
muslims. Instead, his heart melted and prayed for Meccans. Allah accepted his
prayer and situation was alleviated. ----- His enemies knew he was truthful yet
they continued opposition. Eventually Mecca fell and they were conquered.

8= Today world including super powers face food shortage and inflation despite
wonderful progress in agriculture in some countries.. If terrible situation could
happen ealier, it could happen again. One can think from spiritual angle: Is lack
of spirituality is the basic reason for this serious decline? Allah has made the
subject very clear to muslims that He is The Provider (spiritually and physically)
. They need to think about situation more than others. Allah always provides for
those who fulfill their honour and abide His commandments, do not deceive others
and do not follow the powerful ones or governments in wrongs. They understand that
God the Master of the heaven and earth. Would He not have the power to provide for
those who turn to Him with sincerity? As God points here:
And how many an animal there is that carries not its sustenance! Allah provides
for it and for you. And He is the All-Hearing, All-Knowing (29:61)

9= God is the real Provider, provides for the needs of believers and grants them

10= Allah enlarges (the means of) sustenance for such of His servants as (He
pleases), and straitens (them) for whom He pleases. Surely, Allah has full
knowledge of all things. (29:63) ---- If the powerful countries actually provide
for themselves then why there is so much outcry among them of shortage? ---- Poor
nations consider the rich nations sort of their Lord because of their technical
advancements . Allah says He is the Lord of everything and everyone. Thus seek
refuge only of true Lord and have an understanding of Him and spiritual

11= The holy caliph of blessed promised reformer ( further explained
that too much dependence on one’s property, inheritance or friends is equally
dangerous as making associates with Allah. (called Shirk). According to holy
Quran, Allah provides for the righteous by virtue of His attribute.

12= And in the alternation of night and day, and the provision that Allah sends
down from the sky, whereby He quickens the earth after its death, and in the
change of the winds, are Signs for a people who try to undesatnd. (45:6)

13= Message in here is : periods of light and darkness also comes in spiritual
life. Darkest was the time before the advent of holy prophet (peace and blessings
be upon him); his last Shariah and Book illumines hearts and minds till eand of
time. He prophecied about another period of darkness after him with light of his
education will continue to shine only here and there. And Allah will send promised
reformer as devtee of holy prophet to illumine the world again. He has come to
distribute the spiritual water and light for long time, as foretold by the holy

14= Rizk (sustenance) is also described as rainfall in lexicon. Rainfall brings

back dead earth to life. (50:12). Regions with food shortage and where sandstorms
blow in dry weather turns into green terrain with harvest after the rainfall.This
sight makes one glorify The Creator. As God bring life from dead soil, He will
resurrect human after death to make them accountable for what they did in life of
physical world. Good works in this life will bring good in Hereafter. May God
cover everyone in His mercy.

15= The most excellent part of the spiritual sustensce is worship of God,
specially the Salat: And enjoin Prayer (Salat) on you people and be constant
therein. We ask you not for sustenance; it is We Who provide for you. And the end
is for righteous. (20:133) . Sustenance is associated with worship. Pure
livelihood is also essential. Special arrangement for Salat is needed. Salat is
also linked with blessings of Caliphate. (18:56-57) .

16= If Allah does not ask for any sustenance then why one has to make financial
sacrifices for Him if he does not ask for any sustenance? --- In fact, God
promises to return many-fold all financial contributions for His sake.

17= Holy caliph prayed that may Allah bring good result of each of our good deeds
in this world and in Hereafter and every instant may He grant us His best


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