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ROLL NO : 2115110066



One Man's Experiences without Food, Is Ultimately Too Individualistic To Offer

Us Much Insight on The Human Condition Generally

This powerful, autobiographical novel by a Nobel Prize-winning author made

literary history when it was first published in 1890. A modern classic about a
penniless, unemployed young writer, the book paints an unforgettable portrait of a
man driven to the edge of self-destruction by forces beyond his control
Hunger is a psychologically accurate portrait of a hungry man, in this case an
artist. Hamsun himself suffered greatly from poverty during several phases of his
early life and must have experienced a bit of what our wanderer in the book went
through his genius was able to extrapolate on that to produce this gripping realistic
Desperation, starvation and madness are sometimes the only food a man can
stomach when faced with the aloof insensitivity and disguised savagery of civilized
life. To feel honest, to feel honestly, to feel fully. This is the internal path. You
cannot break and remake the world, so you break yourself. That’s not for everyone.
Neither is this book. In Hunger, everything is lost at one time or another as the
artist’s constellation circulates the universe the streets he wanders. Except one
thing. A tiny shred of human pride and hope, which he is unable to destroy within
himself. A fundamental dignity. A fundamental innocence. And it is that which
sustains him.
Despite the apparent slide downhill in Hunger, I believe he finally discovers what
he needs, and is delivered. I believe he chooses life in the end. He steps aboard a
ship. He leaves his old existence, and it’s a moment’s decision. A break. This is a
beautiful and powerful book. The struggle is the allegory of the artist. Alienation at
war with the need for acceptance. Pride and anonymity. The music it is set to is the
voice of Knut Hamsun, who starved, and wrote as a young man, and survived as

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