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e 6·I1Ul·SS11


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Eddie L,OO(I SJ!amda'l, 'lblows hTfilqesoff tl'11,U"!:;1ii ~Iooet. ~ge.1l

State ulJ1l\eil s new s~:ate' stl~a~~glW [or g;m~ IH[IV prn~~!1ttQr\ 6

Gal. [Eq,ua[u'y C!nJlI~ilJlms, a(J~in~t [neal[ in gov8lnnor IOtE!.IPaqe,n

1!i1l'an.t(lIDo~ice 1~lJllch [LGB:T adw,iOOrv ooardL [Page~2:

Gnalfllitiliiss' of~oce li"esl!(IOs[ble ror alltif'g:a~ s~r. ~ge 14

U.S. SeM!.e Ma1ls lil'poeal of g::aW miMaf1j1 ball, F~ge 16,

\liewpoi nL: Gay (OOliflillJlliitV mLJ~ ~e"e!leifCJire~igliit ,against H[V. ,PaGe. 23


Ft'!:Stival oere~rate.s lGBT (!JIII~fiie' On tlte big sorreen,. COnl1ll[et~ schedule and trim l'!e.~I,~~ F\'a;q,~s 2:5"30


Atlallif~a Pride- oe~ebrrates 46 years. [Page 32 Fe~t Madlimer KillillbQrley [lOC[~. Pa.g~ 3:4 ml;le~ [bands rock Pride :stages;, Flage36 Gra nd malffiMI~,. P:aJge 38

Pfi~(l< mll~.s, IPage:s, 401-42:

Ga,y Chrisilin nSilliger Rar¥ IBvlitz

~erfOJllls friid~ WEl'·ekelii.d_ ,age 46,

Diiling: FQIQd liIe-ar P~llI'IOililt Park. Page 41,7 P,rimle Nighll iie, Pa~~ 49'

~!\1!ks,: Atlanta Oilleew Lit resti'!lal.lfllage, 51 Music: I ndtgo Gfrl:s mea:dl Mme.IPa.Qe sa ibQa~e~: 'Gut Sl!c1ket mw:es: p.a,g:t ss

Ams walk JlI;Uant&. [Palj;e, 51'

Besl [Bets ,Calendar- 'age~. 581"'60 Doilli1estiic~lly Disturbed:

Out of thEt Closet [~ge ,62;

r~~~~~li.~.~!i'I1~h.e;~"l'~~~ ~,ll1~v.~iTI!,l:t~~~Q~~


"Ifht]m hanging[ out wi'th his broo ~iIleans ~,e's. gav. Irt~, II ike further IDe~pe~l1ating that WEli[rti ~Or1opMbia tMit Qocisb ~n our oultLlU@, which iis; j ILIst s~upid. So, vea~1 he's my boody.l~ ~-kin' hwe ~he ,guy."

-I!1!i1l)liJn ::;rroil1man M'arn l§'iiOO:.a~'~l"Uiil!lr~ :surruol"!)l nl~rrl~ aeWtf Jat-e

IGyI~~m'(N]Iime, Sol!~ Z4)



44 28

P-ero~tt Icd garV men v.d1o halve H IV' in 21 maljo~ All'Ilerr~can c~ies

Percent lof those g:a;V men with H IV who, ao not knowil:

flerC-Ent or bla:ck g'8V and oi memJwnoare HIV poo,itl1i1~~. COID" paroo~o 18 per~nt of H is.:P8 n[C aM 161 Il'Qr'C-ent o~ 'iiini~e moo

Perc~nt ,of HIV·posit~\l'e men Il:nlder 30 in the study wlu)l d iel not kl1l{M their st(lltus

"PI III women ere lesbi,ans. exoelP~ those thait don'~ kn.ow it yet"

-Wtirbn femlfilU r,mte!. ~"ilcu~1 cit( .lID .kfmIOInl ilUtlTl:w o~ "le!llilfrltlilUoo,~ dlJOOg <l!'Drl debatil'! fJlier femfl~rn. Jl:,lrnton dkld Sejlt 18 at ~ (It(t\'~ 'fM: iim@.s.~l2lJ

"AI~hoUl~hl it has blee~ nearly 30 years si nee the' ~~ rst re-

p 0 r~e d cases of H I V amongl gafll and b~se)(~o I men, H IV remlo ins a cr~is is that: lis fair from ove r in this commlUnity."

-lWiti, Ferrlwl,Clif>!.'CIor rJ We COC'S NalUlC!~ [~'ef~ HI,'{/AIlS, iffa~ ~ti~~fm ~IiIdITB freileoJlMoll. 00 1I1llW 1oociE'lE1l sblllly II'!at ~ I (I !) g;lV rI'IfIll ~rtfJ 1I1~.iIlIiI ha~ arre wnlMf,~,ofM ~latll!i.{Ct{)i.oJm. Se,iit 25.~

"I ~.,ant to senf1e my oountry. ~ hrJv€, lovedl be in g wn the m mr~(I ry ." lj\',oun d ed aeop I e never olsk.ed me a ~ 0 ut ffiIV sexua I ori entation .. lhey 'w,ere just 'gladl to see me t~en~ .. '·

~ fQIf!lsr Ail' rOf!:le~!oI'e Maj, 1~!Nl~ W,ltt

a fliQlll rmfS(!, after a 1.)1 lW!m' rIDld S2pL 2'4 1!1tt ~ I'I'!1l5t ter~illSt<iteril arlet beIig d15C~ i.iII1fer "00if1 Ast ()@Ill Te.lL~ (liP; ~ 25)

"One of tfrH~! reasons I was int:erestsd iin eXlpl!oring th is chs ra de r is we don't often see a guy mv alQ e gay o:n t~1 ev is! on, exp !ored in em ~ntemgent diiQnifi,ed', ~Ulnny", se rio us way. So I t~o ug hit. whlen [lavi d appro,ad sd me' lfJith it

th re'e ,ears a ~Ol andl sal d, whri1ll~ if Saul's ,gay? I said, br~n~ it on."

- A>l:btlr IROIllIRll'Iiln I'll ~n~ SaIJl tl'ia'~._ out..l!'IlV-~ive m~ Iii/! Plil'lo Cl'I t1~:li8C ~s '1Il\llhi1f fIld S~~I'$'-1I'Ihi~1i premie'led iib ne'll ~~: we~ (Att"l!CoiIle.a:m. 5.ejit Z9~

• G'" Voke \ October I, zOia \ NelliS


ngscandal 'b.lows hinges off church's closet doolrs'

SOMI€ IlGlB1' activists ibellli,ev,@ tlFalQlic si~]Ja~~on is opporhulIny for b~ Blclk c h!!Jl1 rc hto add ress homophobia from the pulplit

Bj, D.Krn~.~ d~i#~I~,e.C(J!1!

~eo\I~ Kdli M<rinl ,rerneoll:iern; si.lWrtg do~,\'111 W'.ill~. Bishop Eddi'e Lrnif,.in 2,006 rn a ,confii?rem:!i!' Irt;1iIllDl ~t NewllmJ~M~~~ptist Chwth llltiiilk aboo.t hls vindmd,y a_I!~~ views in ~_11 aIDmlpt to edllG!.1e 1lliIlila'bo1!!t LeBOW' people, Marlin and Itlle rn!!If'J."fHla:rua g<iIy pa5tM,c"m atImd£d ro m~ f:~ifi.:r~ Sii;lme (If lhc-pcoplc-hll' kts S1.iid "d0&Cl"'l!' db'.lth."

''If,e olCtJ,llOOJy SW!l.~ '\i"~ ~~ ... said M.a.rnll, ~te min~mr ill "f1iW ViClm}' C1~ui'Ch in S~ M.oonWiDl, <'VIle n!'S'l met \'o'ilh oth~:I~ip, ,of tll~, dmn;;h anddlen hE! 't""arn~ il~ and 1:~med-lU our ~.e$ (.IF hlJ,w his duueh am;!~!S a[l'~m'I!I1~C!i ~ a~nne :For lIle n'St of the cil1ur:d!1 'M!kh t!lWJ~ 5~ a 1[(!I1.e Joc!l~ ~~ inl dle clhw:dl~ ,00ndililCi1 :FWies -Ulal dUlte'sa ripPle eIiea, Propleare' ertlJ'Ler havu,g L1~ ~J,1!idices. clLlnfinm!'!1 Or nhnp.~jU[1i.'re is ~pll&l(t"

[n >ii!~di'tio.llil rop~~:UilliS ~~00Q1~\:!Ui!lt· ity. Loog lErl a m~Jcll1k'Ough rue ~.ofi\d<!:!ill<l iIn,2004 forse'l~ caUSffi such as better pliIbIiic!1rl-· ucruiooand hei:rer ~[hcare. ~ut L1!1e No" 1 n.OOl jJl(]Y ~\'~rn~1i1l1l!~l:I5Iw!iS£i~ym~!W',

'''Ilrre[ll~k!l:~ng,;illlhll'~I~'~n ""'l.'Ibsill:' for dJ~Dla.UC:Il, Th~~"s~lcan [(iii" bettlw'OOJlC~tio:n\ 00tm1' he.' B'UIa.eIOj)' of me b ts '!.!lo" ~li'. \<VI!}' isll1<1!t ~ pi1ooly,wlt}, aOO;"it:/ aII~ ~r.>? Hew .ii; :~ping ''Iooeffi fiiiOO:lm<IIiIiYing 1li11lpN:1g. ~dilil!g~"asked Craig \~$hingllmj an AilillaJUa aotwist wibo ~:d~1 OIIganize acoon~erpl'U~t In Lo!!g~s IlW~h.

'~II~liIIember~l~p!ld:fOOi nrp l:lIlleJ O£Slffilm.A.nd armganoe is jllS[ '~he (ace of a ,~tP im.~ iIJiI. ~uri!y" \1VI.~.n he rook t1li11n.lOJilCi'! anti ~.rn.~! [allli@ ~-J.'il1<11 biilrl1iJ' 3~: die MmtLf! llllLh~' Kill!! Ge!1~1 llhou.~l it looked !:ike' a skitMI 'Bo0tiJd0cks, . Iilile., '~]e can't be Sl'l'ioof:. nO ~~[.On ~, ' diLi.cke.1iIS !CODlillgllOl111i'! 10 crOOs!~ ~

'IHYPoCliisV too b~g to IIitO·t alfred enth·~ lbllack, 'co:mmlnitv~

Now,Long, 'effie o:f I.(h~ 1J1osl ]l'!JWC!ltlli '(N1!!il' gejlcal bla.c.k Preacl'iel'S illl 1I1\e [liloon •. Iis be'JJilS sl!ted by four )/oon,g .OlfJ1 'I\,lmaccuse ~tm ,of ~ iughis ~ as 1I!@Jr $J_'l'i:iiruua1l ~md~ [0 oooro~ d!e!i!) il1to se."!~~ ~~lioosh1~. t\oow:di:!1g to LoIilg~. <lttumey. lire iKC!It5<lliQ]IS are falSe,

1l1ne fDIIr me:IJI- A1\1b)n~ F]a;gg, 21; Maur:i(~ RJObulSllJa, 20;.lam<tl. [)_ 2Ji. ami Spelll~

Lt'Glmld.e,. 22m -Silid d:uzy 'i\~ ,e~nally lTiIeIltOmd by l.Qltg,tholt 1iI~ ~ ~harrn ,on ~olVish lrips ro~ac~ svm i!t!\ ~®fa~_fId N(lw .Z~ll;md\

<Il'Id besrol;\1m OillmeDll exII<l;v:a.ganl gjJlits IrtdOOb1i~U~'ii~h.y and cars,

TIwy ,ill, telJ asimllillar toie 0:1' ~ilIl.El.iil!IH'Jt cd a .group of Y011llilg metllLoog cilloo his "~ t1.ltll Sons," dlio'!i~ rlJOOy eIJ~ 1mo ooromooJaJ ''r.o¥eniml:5''ul.iih :L..al1~ ,and 1il1!.1C' 1i111' IillDG!.Yi100 ~ldli;>1i" u~j ~~b:l ~I sa1plYfC' to jll~tiry ~aI l'cloo(illi):Ships,

~n. olI1inte~~ ~'tilh AlhLJ]~'s fm 5's Da!c ~d <m "[ij~~Y. p1atl'ltiiff JMlal fJ~ spo:~e il1l!)1iI~ alElall~liollS, lie m. ~inl>'1Lamg.. ~dltis 11m II dear 1I1a[ he- is not gay aad ihe palnUffi,' at~~ EIJ'. Betm~n •. also ~l ch~ diems lWem .!l!)( ~ inl;;1 ~ oo~~~",h~1 ~h~ lil~ suill! weiie' filed Ill. DeKalb ClUilly Stne 'Co1i:rt~

~B[1IlS~ein did. IOOte ill [be. p~ coofel1ffi('E1' d1!al. Long has a. Wll][r.lri.m 0:1' OOTlilg 'very ill1i11'i'IY oll'id ~i(l it I,OOk litiIul:h (QJr~&~ fnr tl~ youngnu~1fI to step fm'll'i\"Jldmldi tlJllege .tbey\'\f£~ w,'!-rnl1IY/ W" Cl'COO b;y'wl!{lnh~r m~rn~

"So, whi]e 1Il!e rnOO_h.1~J,d Ih~ ~1 oftlOO .~e <!lOlIDrlill nle CilY, arotmti ~he oounmy ~'ook m tIS ~1~ll1.(!' hQW OOI!dd ~\\1Jl, men ~~.1Oi'itlio'illl~liIl\J1!tCh ~bn. what yOIllilaveIn u~iI.I i~ I1iL'is man.ln~ DliiI· llipUL;!tcd us ~Iro::e dl~.dl:nxl,," Pmi~ ltoldl Fm: 5.

'~js\'O'<!.So(lI!i!rrml~,!"a_~dweloi!,1oohim ..• \'lie ~d kive 1'0 be da~ ~ IUds m IlI!il' W(ig,11i1 l'O h'a1nt ro o:!IlJl,e Out amrlI admit ro another man IDudliiug mil 'll1l puljid)l. 'n~ [l~a:n!y believe IIUs ls ~t lum~' \0!07Q~ill.d ~ab!d:!Jtcl-.Y ]udiaQJ:ls."

faJll'lss:a1rl lOllS serlTh!:ed ,oo:ng IDlirn aJOOi Wbet1libeyweIP older h:! wocld setlMs sighls 0l'I yoong,er men.

"1IDl~ [niln Wi;iltlro ~t~ h;)ck 00 lIJ~ wOOlflh~ ~\OO lID more lilIIOO for us," IP:tIJris ~. "TiLl<l.1's not <!! iit1iile;r, lhiJit's a pmd~lOf." g<_'IVil' ~llHllIi_l1g ,00000w of til!' 00· gu~~ he ~id he ~nmm.'d dlll: ro lI1ealle~11 ilb~~ bli' r_.oog"

''I Glllm)~ gernhe ~(jmld (If hls V'uir;e ()l!ut (!f{ my ~~," the lolcl Fa" 5. "r C;;UU!0n fbrg~ nh~ 5m~!n Gf hls ()oIQgn~' •• tl.m11 cani!l!Ot fot;g~1 dll(lM}' 11m he I1llK1e nile ay onilil)' m"liP v~hllli l t!ro,,,,e in, ~lls~· ouilie, way hOOle,. rll)[ <iliI:e- ro late emoogh. s!Ii)\lo1\€il~ 1[0 ~,~~~ lh~ SoIIJ:tElI.of hhn oJ[ of DI}' bOOy"'"

IP~J: T~I Srnxim of l~cI~meiCOOJ. wil'lQ a1&l ~tOO illl ihe meeWlg widl long ial :2001il as perl: ota So!!dflJl'Ce intm~l. sa[{Illhe aU~ viCEims can' be 1i11is lltmJrl"a· d,QJiIoli SC~lxr~ wmi~~ to !.LllfQ1:rJ. Souifo~ is a [liItiooallDBf ~liom Ihm t~ to e.JlIiI "spirihJi.!I\l'ioI~e,"

''1h'. issue ItLlill wJ:l'S llI~oce ~. 0:1' Iill(' ilb:!a.w. be Jt ~~l,iIijll QIi ~'''l',''flJr ~HJrk:lll!!l]." &!ilden~ 5iilid_ ''Rvcny o~r ~lc~]lIli~ ~I lil.lck ~l h appe.ius ix!ll.h ~des ~Ile' t;!l'Jmn]utll'lli III p!a.}I'.il!gUii~ 001: in.l!he omn~ !:iF ~"w."

11Il!! nlilet ~f!i:! iOClUi_ki, ~ ... h!ilhnim,~.y, !:lie hypocri£l' ofwlg, namoo Ollie oJ LIlli mos..: cbJIad ~rS In Iil~ .LfIilLion. by 'llile S[)IuJj· @;In Flnwl!'l:y l.a\~ C>l!n~, ~J !h~ au~~liolls ,~ UUl!' lI~he was having sex wid, aUOOl'men.

'"De goopei .. ~ I~rners m,w<!Ilk ia'I Iltuh, "Sarldas said

n~~ &Idi!~ LonS ,ull~ly ~rnrlfles(! cell ~ pJ,OIo'l !f} i.'l~W!rof hJs ·~rf~'I.soos 'wJjQ Ii; rlOI curn'nlly "'Ii!' ofl't~ {oUf' ~~rll9 Jlll.n (ur' s~XlliIf ~ft:m TIt.? pliio.'oo ~i'.1T M'rut.llffi1 to t/1l2 meaOCl' 11)1.13; 1.. .~. ~i0i7, !'h~ 1a~~ ,~~~ifjg lhe (DLrt ,Mt:'U5I!:r.i.

.For Maruul. \,~'hl'l' s.l% ~:ru' 'W(fu'~.ll@ :9l1!pris@d iiJ (he! .aU1lWl·ti,QnS ~lSlLOt!.g iU'I! uue. said 1.!i'U! hy~ is "just 1[00 W:g, !:l8'e's 111.0 j,¥~ it eaa- 110t e:[ocr L1~e Naik 'COOlLUlJlIllIiily;~

"My ~~ fm LLoo&I,. h.owe\il~r liili!> p1a;ys 'oo~ ~lhi.!t tll:d5 b, ~ ~j]jl fQl'him ~, 1~~~WlIl<Jt !Ii!~ he's 'OOmti«11tiI!gmd ~ and who 00'$ 1t!een1ltUlliIimg." Mamn said,.~And iii' Ih~ dillJig;> ~ li;t1t1,. I ~)n~ t.e .• a SCfl~ oJ st'lf~al:~Ja· t1Qn <llil!;i will ~~,ulfldersn~nd; m:Jd ij{)tl~ ~illh~~f illild then !wd ~n ;lIf IiIlmc hQIII~tw'ilY_ ]f diI~ illl· il:!gmioos il1'll' luw. ~

petJp.te. said she- Is Ml at. al] S"wrptisOO hyrbe .. He-. ~!i~ ~illS( Umg,. f\~~ dl!:spit~ (lll!n~gijc wOIm~I!QC5o ~em ls iJliI OJ;fIJ\JI1lmily to cd!Jl(il~ .

"As Il! ~1't oj 1M ;:Ill\~iJitloos !1},)OO ."g~1lm~ BisllUP Gddi~ LOIlg, guillY ,or [rn~m, 11m Is all \if~lIliilY fur ~illl~ ~at;k .:;~uroh !.Q ~l5n'1iklt me ""yp~X:li$y~Jf de~ amrlil!el$:}ffi illl ~~i{m$ ilIu!hroo:i:Ly ~ ... Im P:~I~H]Dl11iLo1Jhl af](II~ se~t ]i~:' s'h~ said

'''r'E~ Oltii Of!llOmll.1!liI}' to examin!:l wilily w~ 'COI'" iimlfl' to pU1 ~ failiru i1~ a.dlmmatic ~EI!IIl'e and filik~\\' lli:rnJ1~('( e¥e'nw~l!L':II'I ilielfeo iI;. ru;pect behavior,~' sh~ ~~Ji!dl'''--nli? b]adll ,r:hmrll ~~ a. dME! n~ 00 ~~l moreaboot huma_n sexUl!.l!ilyaml ntJ~ l~w Inbt: ~mllll~J1l oomfiooo to !!Iidinrnm'es of .~ \'et:'Sll5li1ad, saint vel'SlI$ s.iml!?lI'.

-~U l\~' 00 100'1 00 'nhis h'lCiIk, otu1 1li1il5( vr~ilW· >i!lb]~ ~~doos. YCllJ(h ... will «I!um~' to fal] pmJ'

A Ch!im>ee foil" bmack CIil:UlI'iCih to 1e:J<aminE! ·bl~III!d 'faitihr

Shru:'I'liil lpl1m~,:-Hicks, "'X«llIfiv~ dill1'C!.or or the l\\ltiQlllal B~~~k JuW(£ W'lli'OOi'l. ~ c'~vn rri~ll!:l; 'QiI&;l11i!7:,auon dcdkiltcd w em~liIg ~m:k ll'Sbi~ .gow,~d. mK! lrm'lSg~.!"

'We Are INot Somevvher,le Over' The Raiinbow.,.,. , ••• ,IBut Here, Illn The IHea111 011 Decalulrl!l!


,36 MONlltS

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$'11.29' rim ~I'l'~h pg~,mellt $0 Seclunty DepoS-!lt

201~1 LEGACY

SUBARU _I - II ..•. • . "2J5~

201.0 SUIf3AIRU


2:J5,)( SE,



I ,

AU !..£lISE: PA.'(,M8NTS AlFIE: CI\Lr:tA..A'I1ED AT sa MCiNTi.;iS WI1Ie1 P"gillD DO\i\,IN Cl!;ilij..i OR TRADE: e:nuli ..... Ul<,CK!O MIILE:S F€R. 'y~ NOT ALL WILL OOAtIF'I'_ wl1l"H J!!PFiR:OV!;:o CFl!;:mT. PICTURES ,tliRE: POO IUUS1RATiON PU RPOSES Ot>ll.:t. ilOO TAX lAG Ai~il' OOC lFEE: TO.AU. i'I[)cVElFI"l"ISED PI1llCIO.S, NO!" R5SPONlSIel..E: I'OFl' M!S·A;;)INTS, RR!CE.S GOQI[) FOR 1· rl\'\YS ~FtOM PUel..ICAT!Citii.


Eddie Long vows to fight sexual co,erci,on aUegati,ons

IOmliG,ious Iwd~\l,joo hili\'!! ~tllIJlyr been gi"~1 Ikcll:&C 10 dt!J, ~o;ih.J~ they WJIilt, in die 1l~I"lle mGcd 'l!_UIq~!eSIi{l!l~l~'

Bin,,];;, Ill'Sbii1lJl.rt~1i5t iil1dJ joomallist JOii$iIIYM Cru:iJih:-ok,woo iril 2005 (IO..Il1l~1Drl'd ~Tes of black arufi).gay lllffia.d~ea:5 ~~ up llll~ cl!l!1lrches .including Lrnng and ~w i:f ther Wel'e Dual!!y gay, sajd Ih<!t f).'0flICil ~ ID U!~tI!l:il litis kina of ooo!roVe:rsy ocru:rs aIlll'le 1lli1~ tn IIIe

blacl dmn:b. .

''&1 ~1lI'W its [mlitM.alI~~" _ sai'd,. '''l1~e:y think ~~~ lh~ 1'iI'S! Q:lliI!. t ~~ d~ QtlrlOli'c Chwth is, ~TI& ''V!JIiLew, th~'!l? ~ 0IiI OOIDlffiPe Blse.· ~ dO Eeell rony for lire fuills 1rI11l:l!an~', 1Jt[( .~Oil 00.", ] 'm liI!ll[ ShlJiPil:1loo. .Blldk. d~ pi)I)pI~ will ijlw!iy$ be aroUl1Ldi j)Sloog .!1i>. ~~~is h!l)ITiIOflIiI!Jbi~ in dlCWilCk dlnudJ,"

DII_llIkl, u'ho wJ1(!i!i~ iI&Ilun .IDool Lon1l ,o!ll~ w~bsioo ,.~jill~]~a_ll_nick.comMog OlLfult' lds :se,t. 26 Sl'IIMO::Wllvrfliif' swliieo!iU publicly fur d~ 1il:51 tlm~ a~jrne' atlcuSiuions, re:i~l'lr;-illf~:I w.wr ~e said o100m.l Long in. 2005 - ~.~ d~ ~.~h() ~ll ~!Ie' ~Gl!II!Ibt,~ :g1;Ii~!y. ~

BUI ~~ !soot as ~!:i:miOOc as 11I!e NWC ilm.Ji oome other llIi!dgay ~, mllli acli:'f,isIs IIw Long'S ocanLdal. l~, }.e1;p ~] .!iliie. b1ad; durn:h f01rWrutI i1ru dealing ,,-..idl hUllllrui SflXLJaillLy • .one, d~ dll!l'Cb l"eliies ~~~ w~ tl~~ H~ w(lfd "1\l,!Q, Uack chlm:h members tend .[0 I'lOt t~Jl! if a ~ Lar pasror Is aOC11llled o:rli'>"I'lJIl~ b!1cause ,i~'S ea&i:ertO, ~i:' l"rliIBI is [toltll rri, mem, she said,

''lhe bli~(j: ob~ncll is W h'ro~~. up ~n (lit Wnl_Im, .... -o1d o~ Oillisoornil1; Arncl tlchl,lJ:l;hlmcm' 1xlfs~11e ~kc."\oVC· InlOW but ~.fe oon't ro !mow:" she s.'lid,. ''''1l'lA'~loil!l ~~nL".~ ~VMI wim Iii~ is, I dlon~t IJ~iill! fmtr }'Q'~rI1g [rntmi 'W,iiU bJililg lIlis

'I~'s sa01 to Si¥. but I~ ~he charges agafmd: BishOPI Lo:m.qJ !Ire' ~!iw:e! it·~ IgOIIll~ t@'lbe (!Vt]~,t~ry'fQr 'oa,y ~rg~jts, rnl

Illadk !l!imeriica.A satil ylct:orv:"

~.nfal[~.1 ~ [L©ng] ,~i11serde iL"

1oI~!l's Slrltll 2G, ~~ ~lNiirI!{ .Birl)1 w~ 1l00hl:!lg m~ dlaJi tI ~.~ s._I!Oiw," Ct!l1.Tli.Jik ~id.

"ADd to make SI1ll11 miil.l tilll.l'in.g ~aw l;'!'aSIl't

"""""",," ~~~,

rn3lil~_le"m~:~!i('ks. ~i'd sh~fimtly b@H~ long'smbl/ll>!lliarns ,Ill: !Jhe perfrol ~UlJile for {~.1· lo~e ~nl the bl.x:k dmreh and rol1i;lT\h(;lf '!lq!Jli'lliJly flJf a1IIliGITI :p;ooJ)lc.

''lIIlf5 is Ollil OppmtillIlly m klw lOOI'Il'SI~ dji. nN.'Ii disl;;LlISSiolllS riiilnrtlilwli!le a!l!1UI I:tfilin.ophobill ln (he black chudn, :Hlmm,lpfflJhiOlI l .. eOOElilTlic in A.f:~111 "\Ill~rit,;aII dUlIldJe.'l due [tQ alitemilio;t i1~~ti(m ,of ~I! oo.~.Ih.'l!t iI.,Ye difl'~!t oo~ \~]l!.m L~edl at by bibfu::il!1 scholars," sb~ said!. "I~. Is lon:g (IWrolie to blt'l'enbe opei) al.'lIffi hones!. clia'l.ogue a'IJoUl kwmg!lly lneig]IOOF UI!l;(IIldi!J~!aUli':'

CilJUJiok WaIllS th\l~ ~ud:! .'! OO10goo cimrlOt ilappB[l dIDmjg~ dJle lll,lIioli'l<ll media and Ilill!lS( i:tappeil wlthRn Ill£! (;OOlllllJL!iJili[}, itself. OO( (IF tl'ili1' spotli!!h~.

~1f[alTil~dbi~W'm no~ k ~o[llootcd ~In ~l!I:' l11ooi~, r !lICOO Ito, ~ltwe ihis di9cUSSloo ill ~ly Iil\~ C(!iI1_:mntllllty," ~lC said.

Lolgt slCandal good ,Ior ,g:ay Illights?

Julian Bond, civil. tights i.COII, f:O[Ul.erchailJi of me NAACf <lind: foorner Gecntg.i<IJ legislator;. 1'I1J!l~ i~b~ wh~lll~ ~~ dn~ ~~ of COIl!tt1I SoGliil King :ill 2.006becallW Ike ID.e" mooia:l set,l'ice ~~<lS laeid at New Bll:th,

.. ~~w .soo was a big de~r oj' gal' [iglllS. ~I;m~" th~t Bimop, .~ Was .. I~viilg ~l!I;Irn;Qphabil' mldl ~!liI£W.stiIe \\filS I~jrn~ irn Iu gmvc if sOO ~~n rffillied thalli? ollKJI 'd ki t'III<isting in !fiJI' gr:~",eC'\<~!IUldf in \'Io!CI]t 10 ~h~ rlJI~'d1 t:llem, so ~ myed ;}';.vo:I}'," IlI:!Mlid.

'Angan~e Is.]usUlle ~a~e' c~ a deepl imbedded rlll!iel:uriit.". ... Thill! i:$ '~hi~ken~, ~oIJ11U1~1 h~me to IroO~t.'

'I~ th(!SIHi1liTl1g 5 illiie true,

I hope Ihe g!i!'~~ !II of self'"@vallhltm(rj['l andw11 ~ ~(IV(!" Wi!1~fliIis,tain.d and .~~~pttiim· self ami! then lea.dllnlil m&:r!' IhDIle;~t wanJ.'

~L:lU4t! ~ ~il ~g:I!!S iOl~ aflll ~Imlf ~~p d:laif

e~~[ w.!i$~r!ltrt~i'I. ;l;ll!~~ta LGEI ~ HI'I ~liJ,1i~t 'wr~ I1eI~E'o!!I orQlJ1i~ <I ~iJljllter-j;f{)(j~SI to l{\~'~ 200<1 march 'il!Jilinsr ~~y INfltl~~

IOOv. K~tIlIIM\utlJ1, a5'Sl!l~ial@' rnJrnS~etCir TM Vkte<ry Cnurch in ~1001i' I"'ocmtml. (la.

lliLlt. be aCilmtow~ed&'ed> .if m~ aIl~i3lioM ~ lOllS p~ ro~~> irr hill~SOOd fDr t1[w:. ~ !ighlS IMQ'I.'E'me!l!t

"lt's sad! to S<lY. llm~.if !he rn8J&'eS ~ainst B1sI~p Long i!re trl!~, ifs going 00 bea vidouy roc g,ay righns in ~ .. n:k ADu~rim A S<id v1ictrn;',." BoIldIS(lid.

l~ltllillln"Hicl!s ~grwdl tWro.lnd~ is good mar t1tte LGB'F I!:~et!t.

"It win ~ good. rm dl!!ILG'BT oom~~Mhy as it 'Will hel, btow Ih~ loogt'S olt ilm dmm;h.'s closei.OOo:r,D:sl'besatd. "\I'I.fe bal\lelllO\\(n for some tfuiIle IlJiU i1i1!lSewho r:aIil. a,gairl9! lllOlttJ:~lry (l~ [!lI!~t ~~ g.ll~~11 dlO~ '\\11K' hav~ tl~ ~~I~ 11O hfi.deaOOu~ 1I~!a: OWf~~._liililY. Sette:lS. will ~ ~ \realed one t'!jla.y ~r anomer, .arn:li~'!,I\e ~'o'ill be t[Be (ollel!p 'S(!I.l ~ alII. oot '~ lillm ... 00:n 'experie1aJ:.e tlit;It mJlnydlNg,V bil1id\;: prl.v~.oo d~iJ~ 'in ill [mJljHc rmum ~o' de[lw: ~iJ· 0WWl imoonJ!lost,. {l\1l'l1J!D'W" CjID,g o1i2Sin;s."

David versis Gllia1!lh

.It will> a defiam Bishop .Eddi~ ,[.()ng. ·wiIloto(d, l(I diLI~ ,llIIpil of ]'\IeJi'l B:ii'ili MiS$lJ)lwy .Bappst Church on S~fJL. 26 to \'!'lw IfIlr~gJu the s.e:wl!il. ~oo m1ggmioo..s.

Rer~ ootllS Ilrom Ilis iPoo, limt

~~. llis ool1gregatlou, .allout[][eand rlii:fftm[ sirilil~' mt nttIey all £ace, ~e\!fty. l;1lWill1g Jiil;iim ] hnlliciIJ]~ 1:Q1ri1fl~ (0 O'Ir ~I;$ olnd ''lIlvin& rornoo:newoo ~'llQ\c'e you. kk,"

Ue did. Ill@( address dle~[icms against I'Ii1m ~lllrlilttK- e:rnl of Mbrl~[ remams.

'~ln;;l\iol?been<illmtiign!jilll~~lm~rni.1(k (m II~·. r kwe:flC¥Cf irnllil]Y ,~ifc~;)}'C'dmyscl( illS tI~oct Il:tanl, bu~: [ Jill !lot dw !Ii!:.lII ~<Lt is OOi_n1l ~~ Ql~ t1l!l~i;!I~l~on," Long ~d ~o d'w~ foom8Y! 'C~~hGl!!, '''l1!/}1 is !!Iilt rn~."

'li'lII IlIed: s:umrised. BJa.ok oklseOOdt people wn~

alwa,ys 100 a!i(lWin.d1 a~ ~IOin"fJl as, ~h~!"e is homQ~hoblai i[n the bla~!k (j~,U],tI'I1,.'

LoUlg said] wlh~ bas beeiJi advised. by 1ni5 ]~IW)~~ ;'IiIQ( III uy lIlils in. (I~ ~l¢di~,·~ bun dOO'llld lA.ilhi! defialilt vOW" I[Qlighl b.._'II;;k.

"I h.w:eiJeellL'lm:loo l aLlIIlllIliilr a.ttock.I w.m~ yol] 1(0' itOO1#, as r ~d @li!kc!', ~ a~ I'd a ~t iiilruil,bm tills illIDg ~'IlI) goo' fighl';" lQiijl saUl,

"j.\1ldI11 1i'O'<lrnt yoll!lI;ImO .... OI1l:'oth~r ~h~ I f~1 ]i~~D;widl.~gaillS~GoIiilth,~~I~1 grn .~~ and 1 h~V~·fl~~ [Uim;lll~1lI one ;re~" he5!!id. dmt'jping Ills .inkro~m!~ ~~Ih lID mli!illble ~\1:JI!l;il.

Earl1~ in ~Iili$ remou:ks, l.(mg tohID his cOli. ,gre.gi3.tiQllI illm "~\re ColIJI lIliI<'Il.e· ~~ itlm:mglil 'ily rliL~· p:lW'eroUocus," and II!IStrl "P()\¥ER" as an atmnJ'@1 f@i' Pr~yer. 0\Iuv,~11. \'Ilo:i:ShjP.E"~o:uras.e!l.t,. lIiiKl R~iw.

."VIle ,IIllIlSI. not Irotge~.l.hat '001' ilDi3Il bm. .iilIlIl~ lord:'

For L~UlIIn!In-l!ie~ 0JI1~ g.f. tl~· lo:;:11~ i~~ aumdy ~ 1l1W\'<'ll Jlxi dilo:1t'S atihehlKk church .i~L r1'be stoI1te Lo:llg has ~r beima IJftil.t in a s1l1!:l<luion wllilmlhe ls ac~ ,of ~Kb ocUwiilm!5 dkiIYS IllililY RI.lIiC' ~t~ fIt'OPl(!o's faiill,ool for ~ lr ,,<in s.11i11~ kll~hunJg malfC di~1iI1 an i[rru~tiJ!g .~IDIilT~un diw~r shoo.

"lli~'lQP&Jd1~ ·UMrug11!l5 0ne Qf dite !ingest b1ladk !l;~ega clm_~ in lliie ooom_iJ'. M1!!~Y [:ms. lOiS look ro hlmi3Jild his dluroh I":m k..adrnhip. That 15, wJily 5!Jlone 'lillock d~ aJlEo un in oilscuss Iilijs sill!latiO:Ii\, nify 1I1OW 11m" ~ !]~,.is." ~h! ~d.

~{J:j] .aJ ]lQIu;bio"~ level, it Is (a~R roc Or cm.siOIl ... fOj ~1<!it .i:> W'!illy kI~ 'behind dosOO {]OOIS .in dnmj~, On another .I~, de-. Ul~1 Qr:l~lity~~~~l(Jl&.iIi\ ~ll~d!'l~dl fQUm~,ern 1m m~~iI" wbal a. ]e'.ld\lt' doos.nhe;y "fill igooro 'the ~dooce ... ~)ying tidIeS, sllllgi_llgi!l ale cl101i~Jld ~{1,1iling ilJillll_lil~~ ~:iire, This is mile or aJ~ met'$. ~

'Trill! i~!l5IleiIM1taIH!\!; Ipreal~ de.nce rn$Qft~J)'i!buse, lilt U sftYal,or p.Df!'!\e'Ji' or 'e\Ii'!1.otiGI!~ al~ IE'II'~ o~i~~'I$S!W:i ta:~"esi! lba:ck~eail"

fl!~torTi'6v '~Ild~~~, fuJ!!.IJtI!ir 01 pp!ll~e",;oo]

J~m'j'il1~ t'~~M~t, ,atl~~is.t ~M t11CW!ir ~ Qutao E~re[loog i~ 2005

I ':"Is i$ajHI~t~unl_'f~Jt the ~~II ~hu~hl to,d~~oU)~tr,!!tCt the lJ,y~ri!Sy ~ (l~~~' aJ:!d

I ~mn_& In[ lm~r!iious ~,thorl~ who pliea~h IIlCl:rnGPh~1lI1\l andl ~:ea:d ~N1: l~m,es.'

Sbii~B I.!itlma:nrMjj:tsJ.iI~i!lllil1 ~k JmAice CoalitiOn el;E;!uim dill>OlOr

Have your beer and enjoy

it too:

Ga" aims HIV p,revention progiram towalrd gay, bi meln

Ilak~nCj Conirolr lin~tiat~ve, I,a~lnich,ed by Bepart ment of CommUin ~,ty Hea Ith

Mler8oll11g ~dara foc H1V cases m Gemgia ailler new job wit1il me s~~e .Dl'parIlmlem o:fCOll~' Ilillillily ~~(oa'I:d\ LclSULl McKiu]~f'"~] said sI~ kne\"~ncdlnfIEl ~lkl~IKib¢don~olt(h~ statelevcl ~G oomll'S.'l tfuehjgitl nmrlOO1'S of ~ .wi 00ext!a] I.We]l (IDtractini 'Ole virI:t5..

'<:] sW(ed. \I/Ofk iIru Fe.'b:t"llillY anJJl] a(ter go. ilf'lS O\i'N Ih~ ~tllil of III V C:~s •. ~ saw h Was cli5Pl1Opot1i0l1'1t~y ;'iIfffiCOOng IDli)' ~mdl biis.cxu~1 mea," s,,'ud M:d(inlcy.Bwc'h. Hl V lJIl'NC~lioo p!1Og!:l'IJU IU~Jl~~r {or ~w SlltOO ~1l"!!IDcm of Got]ullu~lit}' 1;1e,a1~1,

SoM(.K:Lr1:iey.B&I(;hal1(]·tliJtilstate's~n:VUllil (>f the D.iv.isi.oo of Mil;: Hmllh £ij[l]l~,iI ~<Jk fmul? ,O(f gay lIileL'! and ~aJ!IJ;~ up w.hh. a 12·nw:lillh plill~ c-iiliI~ "l!!kit!~ CQn~," &sigt!edl 00 00. ~ ~ I~ ill gayandl rrusemal, ID!!!Ili ill, a 1aJil' gua&eaml way lilna( r:e5O.m[5 \.;1ila rnetlil.,

'n:ln.e prog.i:aDl has fiDlllf maill goo]s:: in~ ~ ro InVp~~~on p!'OgmlJ~s f~ g.!Iy Ul~ ~ meL], ~·linka~·~ t~.1'e illllill (l4jlle[ SIi\ffil!lJfliW s~l:O~ to, gill Inen livi_ng will! HIV; 1na'M5C'l individn,'llI mo;laJ.~iII!1$ of 'II~ Ul1!lOOCY ar l'II:WAIDS i1lrotWlJ ~i~ fll,l],'ll:.c;nin,s: 1100 illfl. ~ [l<11iliIlenW~i!'Sfur O)JIllmlmily mOOili1~tion. w-illll IlJ(jI]l>[ll'l)Ifi~ filith·~ ~ji&ilrdZ;lDllffi <md ~o~p!!Olit OO'ii~,

A~ a Sept 24 IOi\'\<!I'I hall, foolm ro hUildli lh~ ''1'iddug COll1D:1J1" prqgrrm OOIWi35 EmCt"4ld by Mcl~ Cal1~, .lesl!Jianoo-hGl51 oJ CHOO's TIle BIiI1 Show. p.1I!~ii§!S diro~1SOOd 9O.m~ oJ It~ rna,. SIlIIlS ·~'IY!:lal!Md bisex.wl Irnln ef wOC a~ ill biGheS!lli5k for COOtl<!cling H IV.

Foc eliaiIDpleo, bJock .ga}' :meofJl tend m,hOl~e iill!la11Cli ~!iOcia1lJf1rwmks anl!! have sex. ~!o'iliffi Thli!ll, \l, smaller S'lllUp. R~~d Bllig.5 (ilf~liI~ 'C~~l;li\~ B~lildi~ BFoiiil(h ~lh~ N!(IriOffilI

(!j' t Kti"ofPGr. ~l:'~.M,DdrlC o{1JiIJ' N'oriM:dAl'iicncr of ~ &: Tef"l'ilwN:d AIDS Di~~ .R~od lIu~ of die CDc;, pq.rlit'iplitil" ina po:lr:JeJ a5 p:;Irt of die ~'e l'J'epwcr!1!l'm Q/ OJfflri!Wi'i!o/ Me.l!MI'~ .1IreW .rllm"tr~. 'T(!_~illlli Cofltml. 'tp/llQ,lo by DJII'IiU Bu,gby) ['ill" HIVlAIDS,v:'wa:! Hoepalll1s, srn &: mPre\;'et~lion of the CetilM IrOt .DJsea&e CoL1- ITO! &.IP.Wi!eJ'Inio~n. And if one- prrMil is .il1lFeaM ill ~~ sm~]~ I~f() 1s.~Cl' f(ll' tII,lC vi_ ro, he ,~pl<liinlld

O!l~ tltl~lIdoo ooted lh~l Lh~ mligicms, ie,ad~ :liMp, m d!!l Afl:iGUn Ame:riG'lJl, CCIiII1DUIlUr:! Oi1tt'.-.Ll· diDrlffi ,rntildcmilllihom~xuillii]l, lWhidl, ~'ca(lst.Q·<I 5iJ1lr~~nmd 1Ind! ijlil mti~,ade of "I'm g.Qilil&~oheil jlll}l'I/~at' $0 !h~is Il()~".(mllj 'me saf~ 01" g.~ ~£orH~V,

Wn ~aiI. ~ ~rlhe :s.tate, OOD_til op~lI;y ~y is ~1iI1 :fruwneilUp!)IiI, $aid I~ ,KeI1y. prestd~m of Au,glJlSl3 Pride. w'tlO l'aas -beeUI HIV positive (0$ .fi~"e ymIS, .At AJ~t;gIlSMI.'s ~f~rS( Gay Ilrid~ 1!lljg~~E!M. ~clIi' said Ifl.all)' I.iGBT pc~pl~ he lil'1ew did! rIOt attffiKI m~o:f 00aJ'.

laMas are 01i1!OO Jell: oot oJ .he '~On\!eI1>arioo of mv Pf~~,IiOIU, said Giov.mnli NilNt'S,a gay U!il!~ ~!ivisl.

''V!IIiiy dw't tlley com~ to Ilhe l..mliin;o 't)OIIil-

THERAP'Eunc: MASSAGE '& BOD'YW'O'RK R',obert Stleiner-StergasJI ILMT

Tilii1Q~1 \W<~ataliin\lODntfllllafq

11~IilIIi~y? V!.fe h>3ive (esni,.,a!s anti everns -~I!n ~. ~'!I!!'I\~ n~(llI: ~!I [tUV 1)!w~Jlni~~. ad\l\l;)c:~[~l ~,v!''eha!'!e a]@!. ()!f ignora'l'K.'e il~ oor ,c.ommUllity>~ N.ievl'SsaidL

F~lI'st 'Kllrsta~e

lWMe!lhe ]IlillilllOOffishould nm be SmpiisiDg {I( ~king to ~,c who rolliow H]VJAIDS (_i'a~ :in 'Goougi'l. t~rOOl diIC statoe· is rilill~ il ~flil Jtl'l.l~ diro::l1y ~~jlle ~t~ illfiriifl.S Eo.1)' ml(i1b~l;ll m~lillll m~jQrs~~~

".1. dl~ applaud dJe fulbin !he HJV ~[1 [nr Sl~)llll]g f©1!lI.~_ Olll ~h~ I~;wing IXlCIl 11tlIl! £or :ro .~. worki~ on, ~his, IIlis Is tbii liffil ti:m~ ~. c.arirec.illtth~ sllilllfl orCl"OI:gia, ~ frXI~.1.~· pai,gn lllf.te:rei[ aaualilly talll:.ed aOOlllt.!Iay Olen 85 gay lilteR," said Je.11f GrahaJll. ~I!nive diire.cror cd Geoij\ia Equaiily.

"1 Ilope !he l~_der.ill.tip in tOO· !ita1e will oon" mrlle' to :SUJIJjI0I.t !hem 00 they ,can IJe eOmwe. J'!.lldl ] illO(!~ aIlli 0:1' l'iS:see. lhis.asi3i ~Jng aM not·" omNmile oppot~u!lilY."

G~ Biilu!is~ of I~OCH HW Ullli:~ SOtliid Iihc

'I'M roc re,porls JIiIilV inloctiOO r§~M amonOI gay men are 1iIl0l1i' ~f'l.an4'" ~imei hlQher '~hall amlll1ll1 hetlNimil~i{Uil~ 1iTlINiI,

· In ,20[)8:, ~~re 1Irer~ mearl~ 3,,000 n~~ HIV imfecHo~ !II (le0r~la,

· m m. Goormiil rnfi~ eDl)h'~~'1 W1 t~

nil~ il)fl for rumul\:iUw AID:S cas~!i. A

Ve-if IWter,lhe! jJmpeclll) sillth, ~Ii!l::e 1(If OOlmulaU!le AIDS cases wi!i1i 38.300 {cam ~epof(ed sinoo Mia siarterl ~tmJ tJilck~ in the ,ei3:rIJ1f1988s~

• 55,61 per'OOlllt ~ ;:an mellil HI\! @r ,ij1J& cases reported in GOOfgra are .ar'llong liII~n who have m with men (MSlMI),

a Aft I(an·llmeri ()iIV ,aoo DiSi!))W~11 men aoooulil'l for 63 pe~'Cl!lilt ~~ HIY a iiI~ A~DS cases ifl ~fQicl Mlile- Mrican jj;fII'Ieri cans oornpri~8 ml~ 2£ P'2 of l~ ~tate'$ PQ~III!aticn,

:~m ~ l!Ttt\Ixi!ed te Shin~iII ~tI'igIiI~ Glil ~. mgency cd ~ WOlijiS Ito m:ina~ new il1fiOC'ri~RS ilrm (Q sp&1K. d'i~lilly to .~ly ,aud~uill nm;.'I1, ilil ij ];llilgNl;l~J;:' tliley ~mder5~]n~l

"\I\'e are 100.lW emli);a~ .~ UJgeI:tq' ,ffi \"rd.~ <Ill ,hI;! tlP!im~!n (If \~h~t we ClJIlI dlo.~ 'l~ sah:t ~And ·we· m W;I,l:l,t 10 address dle ~ilY oral>' ,proadtil~n.g slJia~~t<llIDy iUI a ''I'OIIli' ~hal :res(lnalf15 'W'.Uthl gayancl. ~~. 0100."

TIUs inc1udes g.p.iI'ig []]ball~ hJlUStlli aM OJfIlioo SI.'.'o: dml IJOCI!!IIs,and ~!g 1.el1llS n.~~lwl!bact.· ~ am:! ctuis~"

"l0liIr ~iase Is 00 be moo. ' and.

]isren ~o Ihe broad ~otlmIrl or ·1lm5 gay

!!!I~llwvc >ilrnd l;(lilor QUi [~mg~~m$ to IlOO!nl:' l3.JI~ltiiSW ~dcdl


OVler 1 0 y'lealrs experience!

Alfanta ,Gay &.lesbl;lifl Ohall"lho!!r oJCon;merr.e Merrt!lBr 595 Wi~ edon Road NE, A:~anla. GA 30024

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G,eorlial Eqlu.ali~ pledges 'No Deal" in gove'rnor"s ra'ce lGBT pol itka II gl In) U P issu es first rou nd of Nlov. endorse ments

16y .l..aam ~1M'l-BrOim .!lito~r@I.I~iicl1',.oollti

A Fa~ !);lge C1ieil[N by GOO;gilli [qrL_\ilJ!.. ][y, dJIe s1alesIHl~~t lOB'f' !}DIitical.~ as.!ks Gern;'giOllllS ro plerlge ID,VOIe a,gam. RJepu.blk.<illI candhllue- NaimlllJleilll un Itlite ~Gr'!l m~.

Dc.l1.~1 furmerr wng~ljJn\Fa~ I:kmocroll ~Illd funlIlCIr gowrnor Ro~ B.lilnes ~nd U~ ~m.iilll §oh:n Moot.1_s Gill Om 1'.\w. 21D~Jiul~

"If clec~~ GIlV1mflOr. Nml1<!iiil l).'ai ~,~ou!d be <I danget: to dle\\;en.oo~ng of !lay. hl'£bJilrI, h~'I;)1I1dilJ1d Ir.lns.gend~[ Genrgi'lIl.Sc He has already run. Illn.e Ulloo. .mti~IJGBl" c.ampaiglil. in Goo~i:a hisWly ~!bd hO~OMr CQlJi~nl~H~IY ~lld OUI" a'tIlies will be so ,dJscoorased 'We willli 110( vme in, No,\!eillJ'filer," ,ale pltod.~~tare>.,

"DrMl.II.Ie-a ~ Iraml, of pcilifu:s ~.eep YOll froon, votill18 QI!J. C~~!ld~~I., noo Illl!!Ch !~~t ~l~'."

The OOP llldJEl'ilfloltOrii'!l.olIY W<lS OO_2 (If L~ most ;Jnti1l)1lJ WJOOS j"~l GOOJIjla I1li5~ 1'Y, Indmiing as, NIlit1mn, DeIl'lJ and L\ilJlm Hamicl billli1~ IIlJ!ill iliJi 1iJ!teIiiliMiilQU. In oUlre ·Qf nile m~ ~imlS C:\:;[Implcs, De..11 rek~sW ~ Cilmp~li,~n ;:1[1 dainnling Harncl~ ~9Llpponetl. Yi'lu!! lin Adi!!l!Ii'I LGlB'ffi' J'Q!!llh~gCfrlq/',. "",hkh D~ clilil'lu!(l! "promot('l> hom~lla!ily" to ,bildreJ1l as yOl!JJtg as 13.

As ill lliOe.rnIbetof Ihe U,S. House, :Dea:I OOfil.. sl.s~.m]y mce.i~. S~ ,[!If zero 01'1 H RC's. Mill~.onru ropen ,cm'd~Ol' LGBT WL!~ and lw w~WI fill" <'!J (00:1:1';1] oonstirumOlILa] JJIl~ndrn~m 00 ban ,~py mamage"

.11iI JuOO, ~.3fm€sbec.ame 1l1lei1r.;1 liunlinig GoolJ1,iiil :~mor to. ,~(hi~ ~ g\J)' rigJns g~'QlJ;1l! ",-h,en he s,p!d~~' to dil£ AtI,(Inl~ E:.'l:ocutivc N~ work H(laISOI sigood th~ Maw'S i.lSt Mle aimc law, Iilm ~I dkI Il.OiI include ~pec.,jli.c ra~Ol'L~ and was e\1'enltla~ly :>~rudk <1m"," ,1!5tOO' vas.u~.

Monds illtdude.$ ~uppO:rI [0]" «protf(:tiu~ ;lUi imJ!u\\'d\~~~.\i [,!,gilt lQ many" on hh UIIII·' ~igl~ w~bsilc.

"As a LiL~rifIJ1.Ibel.r~e Ihi!~ ~OVeIml.leJ~t sh.ouh:ll onllJy be .involved :in I.h.e legall- lrot the rcligj0U5 - aspOC( 'o~ Uliarn1.age: a, plli\i'aJLe COIfItmotS'l!rm::lt~[\!;\OOJI ool:mrtting adl!lllS," ]l@said OJI tll~\'!i'tlb5il1',

"H~~> sioce Ihe go¥eJ.i!wem. is curm.nnl~ IIIvoiVlOO illII iIlle< marriage ~ess, 1IJ.ef IlllllSl ;JiffMd~.M ,citizm15 1lt's,'liiIiI11 :rll~IS, cCll~ llMecl~~oo~ul£l~jhe law, ~.~gJUEJ;lt;QJJM~t i1iiilfl thlitfun,d~IiIl~IiI~~1 ri,g'iII: ~Q [onm I1niOIliS b~ OIl <I_II imiivid~r.d's flli[D.

'Georgkl fqwliW is 'rJJ]'j1!!] LGM "nO tlllim lo voo> llgI'lUISi .RepubI;oon g,twmarorlm MJld~ dale N~.tJ!m\!~J iII ~ NQ\\'eJ'l';t/;J,ul?lmiOtl~, (PJ!OJ');iCQ.!l~r fktJl Olliilf.ilOign)

"As ~l'!l{)r, ]w]ll! netlet "~y !fdlgiogj (lOtlviooOl~ ,(or 1I1<lit of ol.ile;rs,), in ihe way or ci.vil rights Iroc all Goorgians, lnolllfr. he~~ilal: a]iIke," MJ!lilLms~.

Nlo,ve.mbell" lIiIodis

G~)!igi~ Eq,lJlillily .liS!!) roo~1lv ~JLI!Oll_I!~OO SOOile (If lIS endorsmnool'S in, ltile Nov. 2 !l']ec~ioo, a~yil~g it "'';l(lId m!likf!' mQ:ilt1' end~mC'nUi ilillhe rn~r Ii\Utlillll'"

TW1[l' orlh.e highest· profile candklatffi 'b!Idl!tiJ by GOOl'gill Eq.ll~~it}', .in. thisrD!md~rc DeUmx.lfill: JOllU Gamer [Qr F:i;~Wn 'County GamnruissJ,OliI anti Rep. Mile Jar,~ fur S:lall1 H0U6e mYistriJ:on 800.

Gamer dE.fNnl!dlK.e.~~<I. Wo1i~~ in a ruooff (oJ' d11s~t i!~ Ihe DefiJ!Xrilti'C: IPrirnary i1ind faces 00' R~blrici!1Il ~ti:oo oOn Nm'. 2. She wllilbetl::om:e<nh~ tl:i& opea:W:y gay follon Crnmty

CoolrllThissjA):rn.e.r. - -

Jnwbs, lIn~IDost &ly.f~~[(Hy R~~[bl k~ll ilil ~hl? 'G~er311 AS5im~bl~1> ~ivC!!lIGMijil Equl'liil,y's AJll1'!~ ThomliJl 'Politica:! AdvaJ]~ IDI'!11t Awam ~1ils ye,a§, Drnm.g liill 20~() i~is. ]~Iii¥il session, .llooobs 9<issed an mtl.bull}?ilig W.llute and was i~nlaJi in pmun,g ,~~sliI-U(]lIInh~t\!o"in. illDW gay iillillesbian o[mp:res. UO' ~1II0lJ1i:emcdkiJ11 dt;~~for ~!h~h:[lI!lUi!.CI'S. He fac~· Dem.ocral S!!!~d!'i.! MW'I,'iJiY on ttl!: 8~!:.

Goougia .6q;Ualily's, el1Loorsemel1llS also, lnd~:e Maa.yc.liL'l~BliOCkhLll1i:l ('Or SI3LE! House [lis~ric~ :34, .sltlc.@}' EvilJ!lS, for SI<U~1? Hm~ ni~ooC\ 40, Sruph'1Luri~ 'Sl\1Cby &nliellID lilrStile HQ~1S.e lJ.i:sc:icl 85, IJa.Jsll1UJJ Ke.ndrkk fm .'3ilale li~ Da1ct 94. Om!])SOJ:I for Stn~ SeIilalP DMid: 5, Su..1oliIe ~ieilroli'lrOf s..'!alf' SBilIl[e- Digmri~ 41, Sldfirni BeID~ror SW,~ S~~ [)~ri" 106, ol!iId Johlil E~ for r-~Il,1:01iI1 'CJoUIIl)!' COrm,.. misstoo cLwjr.

IUU 01 U FE, LII B IE Il1fjU411D 1 H IE P'tWlIl'tS U IT 01 FHA P'IP n~ ESS


With servure to oller 500 dest i nati ons na tio,nw ide, our welcom i ng onhoard envl ron me nt is just as important as our bes utiful vi ews, great food and ext ra ~eg roo rn. Whether enJOyl ng a 1 h rea-course meal I n I he D i nl ng ca r, pi aVf ng cards with friends in the loun ge or just relaxi ng 1 n our spacious seats, Amna K" invites you to em brace the moment.


~.r-'AM,"I"R A K'" :::::II:::::II_fnjoythe journey.'"


58(:0 nd g,a V Ua iiSOfll, Ea g lie r,aid inVeS[li,glaUorn discussed

By D}wlilli ~gby d~lr~wci,.gcoill

q~,QGlS abi;Jut I~lie O)II!J!O~ISi~ MaI~w ~1J. gle r~iJ, IIIe l'lti!U~5 o:~ f(!~~l~rLGBT Ul!.isQ:!~ID~!l, H_ Ihe iijltloinUlll'nt of aneW' ~i<Wxrn, as Wle]l as baw illl ~ll1I beiween die l,G:B,[ COOlilflllli'liLy arrttrl. InliE! Mama f>I:l~~i~ De,pam'let~1 w;~~ l!l!pi(;S at thl? iill~~glJF,I~ ililil~tlng of (I~ Atlanta NiOi!' ~1!I:l~l"'s ~ fwmoo 'GLlll advisayOOmi.

ll'lll:e~emoobrlalrlITDet &>pt, 2i1aISaiIIlI Mark trnit~ MC;~I:;Iii.Cluef GoolY' l'UIlilCli ~ IheOOiiId brldly"

''\eVe ~~m~ d(l~ulk:avor u), do, ll1llis tM::IJ[\l[, '['0 blilld our l'(llalioosl1ips, 00 !Joe ool!cawd," l'W'llil!f sl!id.

G!llm ~t:d f,M'.dm<m1 a\~,i1n LGBT;lw!:liv.ilit and. e)1€(:UItive ~'ilalilt lJ:) [lo;a M" Bol.ns, ~ &~m 00 Ilr G~y H:ea'l!lJ. FOUJidilni[)l]\ 'i.\I'aS IE.'IM.OO. d~~f the i1l!);!Lid lM.ltl~e Mt_PMul. e.WOi.!.d\i\1l cfueoICit orYOliIhfi1i~e, was electw, VIlJl' d~.

''\I\'e nred ro ~Jmte dmry and uan.spareJ:l£:y from d!le ;.\.I'D ... IJ,,~ aJJe [OffiraliilJlsh [WS[ lJe.

Itween. ibe rnmmllIiLilyand ilieAPJD Lherehas ro Ile dlalllig~Je:' s.1id bITald IliIM1~' Bmny Co~1i@r;.~ kl«u~tim~ ;Xti;vi1slwhl:l bosts the LGBT radio show "Alt~Jdvc Pct5~i!ivcS" 011 \VRFG 00'.3 FM:.

frnJip' RalSltoOO, ~r of OI11l'll'ffit~ Bodk~~ 8: Coff~~lo~~~ who a100 ~oo IlIr mtilmittm, to seI00l1i1.Oll1!~rlOOS for't'nJe !lew pclioo chi.e~ looted Ihal~~re haslil't~n lliluih ~~Xnm[J., 11i0ll!k1!!l~~n ·0Ie· AVD ·~ld lGml" (oomlU· !1.l~:!I' at 10Iii~ fIG, rnmw ~1e.1.l~.

",~ lIilltk Ibe lIEa,gi~ ,aid shoo~ IIw s,~~'n Olil what's,klppellling," ~1e saild, ·'I'J~.uearesilll.issuffi oon.ceniiliI'lg !'he, .r=:agI.e lra~d aJid m lIunk ~ve u~ to []]!~14!~ sure ~ ()ljliro ~rtmi;'Jl~ j~ pt~lliIpt !JJl ilIWSdG,~di1B 'nWs i1LIilJil it is d~ up •. + tUx! !he rournnllllity is 02rWn line ~''piIJ is beiil:l~~. [['aIliI3~pai'ent <l1ld l'e5pOM~W te de H!GililrUmlity"s m1Irn~." ~ s.."Lid.,

SK:omdIl!G,B[' liaiSQ,n

lil'K' pmmi3l' of <1_ oooood lloilisoo - <l CO'IID~l pl. MO!1"oc K.asiatl! R>L~. !nOKte W!llel~ numin,gf0r o:fifit:e -lilOiS IHn stalw), ffiTwetilks by APJ) and [ldi:o~ ~!I]i[j~

Whm.'1 ReBd, aJlliOOliDBdi Lhe .FOrnrlalW.Ll ofa Il~\.~ GLBT advi_SYi!'Y~1ld ~t ~\Ii!g. 3l.h~ il.OO atli'lOOll£OO IWl ill ~ LeST I'i.aOOtl h'ooId.1:ie amilOOJJi(oo ~1l, CliIie:rTlIUtiffi alSo IJDld. GmrgiZl \obi.ce in an i[lnm.iew ~illI ,h,\ly dla( ihe-l!'i!' WEllS no

iUlalill'a Po.Iire Cliff', IGeQf!j\e ll~llJ!ler aa~ ,~'w ~wly (Qr~?d pQJi~ !:!d~1 ~ Il!!l $ep!- 20. (PIKW 1JJID~~Hl'~)

g~11lID111~ ])ani LooH~niS, Wh091'NOO in '111£.io~ IiJr ,Olbout !h;'ffiU'S and has 00m1 00 I&~!C sll1_ce fl!.priJ, 'I.\W~ ~.lml ro dillY as iJ~e LGST Wi~"

:Hauls SiiIld. Ih~ ~~nt fil~ PLlllher (m IliUB!,Ii~ le.t~ 'iJ,a:alt<.e m :~~r gmn. [liDaJ$e~ suffered .i!¥loo!hs a gil, Hams said! sh~ is on ad!J.!lilljs!.r.!li¥~ 1~\!\1l ~I!d CQllW1~ sI~ ~ C1!I~ble ·of 0000118 'badk to work hillier :sL'I)ellOrs are Mt aIlliowiin,El herto ~fllll1n,

'J]}eAPD 1m Slamil it woold.1le .impJl!lil:!Pli~

Malrty Mitc'hl,elill

COOM~ Her Fight A.91'airut Hf~ .Despite fler Son '.$' ,

IWi!.rly Mifdtefl's SOft. 6rett ~J;; was diii!()(l(JjOO willi fflII <l1'.lge ~ PI'I!fflDrute<l1 bit;11 in r SIM,. ,!Io:Prl' hlJd ~ a bkKJd tJ:Jfll'f:~' M.:lr ~Ii:uro him ",ill1l~ ~, As he g.rew ~A &EI~ pmOOly se.o'l!l!'d'a.:I !iIEo fO'I!I~h ~~n (Of AIDS W~ AIXJrrlil 8i 51( ~!'Il!Il!tJ IIgC til ~ he~N.aWD)' i~ }fXJ1; af <JO}e.ill. hj,; mo~ C'Oli~I1lrIe" to leY 1m ~rOQ' iitM ~ rhat ooc ddt me Will mar w{ he~ soo's 11k ~h.!;w1'. Wl'ti ~. £I fhing 01 ,r.lJe pqst

AJlt'r ~~f ~~ ~~ '~ZY"H~lI (~o( !i~ meermqs,llAlIJ Atl\3i.ntOl) ~r ~ l'N.tr1'9' m 1JtrJ\u'IJ'i and l1eeded iI f,lIrou:IJ 1/1,,1 ~5 d~ lO~, ~ 100" I f(!MJ ~!~ ~ple m :t~fMYf(! i~ ~ ~ d)omg of A.!I)$, • 1Iro~. "J?;ifY ~~iPlffJ <I ~. groop in rhCli< gun!l1'1;D,p min d.rl ,JmwetUlg moclOOe;, MIkh fa.r€t ted ro !he m""Hioo of AID G~eI~, N

6~r1' ~t m pulJlK" WIooI rmd I1iJ mom rtJtJ h8 ~r to p/{j'f tIie ~ [her M'fe '~f "idle jusr ~red ~D be ~ • .,YkI. Bmrr'~ farhet @u home ii:I 19'1\'1. WliIitil rerr .M.iltly ,'-:nsr lO ~ ~r!lf iJr'id 1!er ~ "He WilJ (Win- OJ iiC ~r:rd _ f~ 10 cram III d .b:r ~ r.lliOE 27 ~ €~jI) ~111 my ~.tiI'l!.l (ullfime ••

.~rrs~ ~M.lS wal'tAtI&!fa ~I')<tl i1fJfC It. ~~~ R:llhecru.~~ii!·fI1elil$l ~ in l290. ~~ 7heldml~rhlliM.ooJ'olID~ ~ in tile VI'1nd" L\Vlrh ~ 5I~!.M'Ig IJ&I m ~ .md 1_ ~ ~«fIil!'m'r.O~~ol~.:tl r~af ~~w'A~rOl~.51~i'1 ~~I'lQn.~

~ rhe next fe;-v ~ 8Tefl' mfrofJted wfllj, r{l,!l) li~nk5, .D..LIS!rn Hoflman. 5l'1Jqvj~ O~ 000 Ma~ JOOn>Coll_ ,~ ,.~m·oo r~e O1,vlDilTt forti! fe!MiiIl!} up kI!!'1tl' 1996 ~m·

pic ~ rn Arlilma . .AI!d; ~ 1M'iJ ap~ MtfI PM ~~h;u~ Oil) ~ Ml:wning AmM\;'a -E~ L'I'Im ~ of w (('klM~ SiTU rrm.:Jiood g,tiOoLil'lofk4 aoo 1lt'Vi't' ~cd ~f h.l!i fl.fe lMlJg with Aro~ IliIliIJer he _ dr!vQr;ed f!l' ffflmJriflg orltM .~! Hili· MIJI'(yJiJ/d,

.11 mleetiing

to, diSILllSS ~I.al1I'Is' ernploy:mem.Sri1rus,.

1.1<l1.'Ils ~(1 Majrn: Erika SIMId';,. chi~F(d swFf [0, d~ Oilier o{ P'OIlce, and itlllll' P~SlJf!nei Dep;JI_r1i:liII!lIlt lllCliC IiIm: oJll:owillg m.erll), IUIIJm toworllTbe PeJ.'SO!!l:Ull'lI ~~~ (allis llooe.r!he S!L1]}I1I'vislrn~ of Majoi.' .DebI:a\l'l;rtUi.1niilS,lhe 'COl])Omt~ ~[\~C15 s.octlon Comm~.

Maj~r \oViI11ams Is One oJ Ihe IJilOO.eIDlli. IdefenKJa!it1'l .in ~ ferk~ cik.~iiI! 11H'I.~u~~ ~nnlSt I~ lIJ1Dror~' aw~~(!j3i:1l1 Ada_m~ Eagle ~cll~t year and is being sood b20causnhe "hadluTrnnate supet.'lllSOi)'allllaGrily ~rr the ~ed.1JIcig U,1I1in. ~.

TIte' Rl!d. [log lhur, a paFalniJIilalj! .nan::otifl'l :S([\1idl o:f lh:eAPEl'. is .~~. ilru!illll' ]<tlilo~ll~ ohlS~roIil.&I~! nlN!IJJlumt <Ig\ilinst the pa~ ilJl:dI em" .~ in,llie bm'. wtnig!il[, iruJ1Millirtg ann-lila}! slru.'S<U1:d frrL'dlllJiy~ihl,g p.3.'I!l'OI1S 00 die' 11100;

'>-m 11m cligib:le tfor u~mflIQVmentbec~ [~Am.I5ii~ 1 '1JiI, QlilliI1c!1llk.l]le.lve.I'RlIl1(1t'~ut 00 !IuxlllGJl ~W\iC' 00 mit ~iJlll".e I've OOI,l(l WJjIl\1l" mmg VffllIOg-] 'm jQSt oot," Ha. •. s.mJ,

liM:isalOO SiIIld 'tvh~~ sl~ (]~o!itdacomJ)l.w!t \\~Hl1lh~ O:£fi(lf! oFPrQf.e;sionai Startdad511galnst <I. cUvi],iarn 1.'III(Ill1'(jyeelrlriLh .• departmlffil:t.ill April, sAne ",laS lhli.'lrupl!l~. on mOOimI~~"..e. 1J.~ OOIll.~iUl inclL~ MI~~IlS. Qr ~u.j d._~lh!a· uonandl defurnalaty tatl@Ll~,. as s~1erl d-l1riIIS a. review off a rooem AItfun~r C:j:nf~.et15 Revi.e'!!\1 I3MltI meel!1J,g.

for' ~Il oIlm t 2. :!,ed!'l; r/)il! Bl'mf j(yWtj itS rIif' )'9Ut/il ~~!'l /of Arru ~.A~\I<ttlt!l: 5~M.rhlwm <rOO witn~ W ~ MD fJOfi'If!t 01 jlfe !~JdnriMf ~ ~.n, A'eQ:mQllt~, 'r ~ (he «I1/eIrti\!e (!/'(M' of m,:;tiy mtfMdl$.~ rmlkl!:! .o!iIOS I.I1t.J.It AlLlr'i'liJ Ii .~K RIm rJ'!e ~1'19' suocess lhat fl' is. ~ * 5a/d, ~0!'1e petSOO' dourg _,/Llrog good is warxJMuJ. ~d!I!:J~ ~ ! wi~ 11K' '00W!l0fI ~()f(.oJffng f~~ fNillg iNJ'lh AIm; ;md ~tr.rlll' QE'W Nlre.:-tlClm j,!i IM;'{-. wl!eImifig aoo ~fJ. •

Ali !In ~ ,S'~rt round Ns ~n W;)j worlrirlg for <llliJ~ ~rKY ~ he ,~.n Ul .rr- inretet in figf:lMg me ~,ue rJlld Mm~ m f~I'j~ IWIrltJ~. fflr~~!!' in~l()(J7; he QI'Jly Irvro r,HltilA~~ o{~~r-: Si1N;;e I~ his marJit:\!:: ,oow 59 }'OOiI'!l old. ha5 ~ ae~ frJ lhe- AIDS: ",m"lN,Ij'flly.

'1'vi!' (or~l m Ii!lnog to tmD I'ht!; ~~I, ~ :J:re. o;a(a,_ "J.IIsf be(- ~~ g[i\rJ!!. ,~'~n _iI thk ..... ~~~, r{lbe glad w cel>b"iilre oot IT'l'bL'a!ingtflis dnymorf", ~. nrW ,rtleM ri~~of U~ ~ ir~~ on roo.1iO.r~ lot'lg rhD.r ~j p!'Il~t~, ~

FOr _~fot!irf.!:ail!b!rl.O!' Q:I.~''kitr tM:~ .wa!I!!:.. ~ ~~~f~~(#~f4i.W'~~~

P;. 51( '!'-unodfli,i1!'lI ~Ik ~ ~\!I'! U~fljrog from f~mOi'lt !'oIlrk

a idswaillic~t I a IIlt,al.Co m 4I0'4.8716IJAI'Al K (9255:')

OclQ~er 1. 2010







1120 Commerce Driv,e Decaturr GA 30030

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'Chal'mbliss punts anti .. ,gay bllog ,comment investigatiiion

Ga. lGBT Ig roups demand apology', st2df se ns ~ tlv ~ r a ~ n ii n gl

fly .Ryw:I WlIJk!RS (\WmJ.:iM@l',ff~tl!:OOffl

G~ LGur g.!I"O'WJ)S Wel.\ll ~~ in ·~JlIlS tms lI-'fe.ek alier an i!Lltii-gay lileamd:Ir&lt iIJi alii 0llliJ:i.e rm~ \\1<5 U:ru:'k~. ~acl ro me offi<;e ,~f~I1" SOVri!1!Yy Cham bliss '(R·GH Goorg,iLl ~tl'a1Iity. t~ s..t~ll:";S ~011~. LGBT poIi:tkul, grollp. 01iWJ;!'I1~ S\J:p,p!tlIitel'S ro ClIU Oil~mbliss' loc.til offices llfOUlld ILOO Slm(l, wbli~ iL100 'l!JIStrn1i Quoor J~lStice Loog~~ d~mmdoo ~I: ChllIDbliss a.polQgi~.

''\'!I'e wMi~iln o:llflid:<ll, (l()fiIJtite~~.ogy rDr Se:n.lI!lX (:lnamhl~$> ~[) Inlill~' l.GBT cnnamunity anti (0 alll Goo~ran!i;" Q]L 'sAUl!. satd i:1iI a Ifn~~ ~!N!~,wWe I!I~ 'w'::uIl Sell, Ch::ma'bl~ 00 oommit Ito !ID,g:a.gillg l1is eUTI;ll]oyees ,in!iJvwI)' Uiili:'Illn,g, ro eqlllip ilietn 1[0 lJe~rer haulille ihe (!once:t'l.'lS of his (!onsnimt"!l:li~."

M ~~ (irne S~.J8, QJLp]~nned KI ~e~jVE!'l:' a le~ tn Clilffilllbliss,' Ad:.jIIJu.iI office OIl \\WI~J'.W, Sep~. 29. F'o:l'C'{Il;'I!l<Ig(?, ~]~lSevisu ~~.lJiIL'£<l'l~iCl.' ,

lIit~ 1:]m.'l1IK~~1S o;!mmrolWilS ~!ed ~1fI 1i11~ ~;q;d<lr,CilY blogj{!lC' . .MJy,G(.(L. in .hI;: ilfitemn31h of dte Set411e'$ dOUUIe ~ (lIiIiJlIe .2(1'11. De(~ Au- 1:horil'~~()1il bill 'alil~ 1]]c1iUd~ ~ .. I!lllg~"lg(;l for ~millliYy'S "Ooo't /-\sIl, Om'I, W~" pol!icy.

De oomm~.rer, wlm ,id~tLllli.ed hb:liISelif as "Ji:moly, ~ len.m. Ill~' '~1c1~ read~AU faggets lI1lus~. di(!"~]ll1tilly a:FUtr InHl~ SE! (aiU~. to mo,verDrWmi OI~ Ii~ d!!f~!1~bnl.

Joe JellvUG, the sile's ~ratm', ~motU a calli to m'lM'S (ohel,p bd !he oeIDp:l1iu:nld ~d1ilil.holW3, bt~ ~,('<1defS cweiie a'W~ 00 I!i:aillhe' 11'1[.ennem Pii.nroco] (l P) OOdmss of dU~~l!melw~r ~IJ Ijh~ A.do1ll'!t.\i! oflic£s'of eilhcr Il.S, Sw. S.Jxby Cn..lli111l}i'iiss, (R.~ G;:I.) 0:1' JOhlIDf rs1l3Si!Jlil O'l:"G~.~

1'\ IJ~ on • [Pled In ihl1 JO!!tJiOOemtd lio~gilltdti of t11m .A!lI~l1ra, of1i~ ;md~,~IO[S iiEp(i!i1J delBm:ilirnt'd 111m h iidd~bflQliiged to ~ U .s, Sen<Il~e_

C~l!!ll1ll'l1is.! atlmilt!~ ~ (l0SI: came from [h~s ofli~ll! ~wl1IDf af:!~'bl.!t ~~'i1S q!!lick I,g dooatIDCe dle- bate ~l rn a press. relea~.

''11:ilis office hlffiS.nm and \~ill.not tolerate ,aJili}' art1vi~ of IJiIF! ~~ ;;tI:~~gl!',(t o.ttO!! ~~'~hav@ asc~'Ubin!~ \~d!1:et' Iil~ d~nR1~ iU;e !N\le. W(? win t!ke tl~ aptJmpri<l1T~ steps,'" he said,

'lhe ,Ct'\. Voice mool\ed. 001 ro, Chann.l:!lW," ,of- 6Cl'!' fllf atlllilio:I~1 COOlm.!lfIt. 1''\ SJl!i)kt.~ll 'OOnfinlllW theOOHUlII.CI1t (jimA;' Ilroni ... ~ttililild~rr Qffi~ bLlt (Ieol inwdl·to ~ mJ('i' furihctr ilil(1)IliIl~riOH •

• '\!\~ kw.e , the office of lile SeJilol(e Sim. S~ (Ji~ (R-Co.) ww ')l' (I .~ roiOOSl? .ma~· his ofti~ 'wm nor i:okml'e' bIl't;mw.r like fbe on~;;~O(liIiiJ'J'1el1'l lr:{l 011 (I gay MorJ) Am! (fl.~. rJ'~, had no,r. mll~' ~J~, (rom wi irn'!!'s.rJgc/lforl ii'liQ '~.!l1.O i:s n2SpOIiSll'ble. WivUJ' '~y u.s. Scl.!ule)

f)ergWlI 3[ .~ru1S ill an intenla1 Ml'ielv," the spo~.espenson .sail:1.

"The ~\. has wGrliJedi sIde-lOy sii~ Wti.1:h om :iI'¢~ncl~o .m~~inl1lw'h~lJter d~' COIT!~T!~t in CilUe-stiO.ll 'OODWlated [fOOl QlIl]' office. 1l1ltlt ~. ~ars to be tllll CIl9.1. ncre h!lSlilo:!: 'm, a de.tltl\!' IlIlin.llioo, 0'1.510' 'woo ~ me' oomml.'lJIl. TIl[![ p;.1~ 'of Iih~ fcvl~ is QIilg~in!!, andl i~DQwin ·tlie h,lndli of lllh.e :SCJ;lollt: 'S!;',I,gc.llilt;;l~ AIIiIDS""

11he Senate S'e~ealllt at Arms ~e(j. <l5 die l'n'Q~ocflll,lJld chief law cnrQ:rtf.)Hlcnl Gffi~r fOIl' the s.'en~,U!'.

1l1B SSA office also :handles il:we;;tigpthilllS of Ii~iooonducr lJy SelJillneslall'er:s..


JIm WI ~mew ~m1] too VlIJ!age Vo:iCle, Je\lVJ5 said he ·~1lS IDlCmMiiOCed !he post '~iI1iIle (UOOcl Chru:nb:1iss' oFftc('S,

''\'I.1'e'vt: Wlilfimlied it ciUlile Ollt of 'o~ Gf ~WQ oFfices, bl_ll·diIcOl_hcwOll~ [Sen. JlOOr1:rLy [S1IWI] is up (or we~octiOf]!,~lldJ ]W'Ql)oor if S!!J!llCOOO lnthCl ,~fioe who< lS'll't nIJ1JlID~ for ~eClkm .i,s g.(li~g ro fan 00 <l. S'W(IruEO! 1:oop iitllm.%tOfl from thf.~11e mJ:lJlIil~ m a IUig)]l raw." Si'liil"

l5~a, Mil. Ifa.ce 01 ,1IgaiJaS! Geo:ugj1l l.ahnr CCimllissjl:lll!lf Mich<Je1 TIlum:tood 00 No",. 2; <IndllaS de!!iecl;my s!i'!l'iIlIVOhrenuNIl illl ill'~ posit, TIlOl:pJ] e.aiy p:ills show .Iskaron ~fith,1Ii oom~C8i1:" ab]~ lead over UlumlOlld, any campaigI~se9SOIru OOL~trov@J'Sf ''''l'lUlJd '~, UIl\.~~IClIitt]j!'"

As (fir ~1l'SS dote, no' OJIe (110m Ch~_[nIDb"iss' staff liLad rbeEN'll'e;]jJI':imanded mOrlllOOM& IlLle mOll-

Hdo1JlS COIIIJIme:nL .

A r:aII ro 111M oro«'S mlh~ S(ijliI!U~ ~~alu 31 Am~s fo1li~cd ~plT!;)l'!i'id~ iinyililSi~,~ ia~tQ(he







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'Don't Ask, Don"I'Tell' repeal stalls in U.S. Senate

Measurer,alls f()I~lr votes short of ,alvo~diinQI fill i buster

E[feru to all\Jw ~IS to Sirt'io'e opel1!~ in IhE!

US, •. i~lilIItaJy ~uooeivOO a seOOlas setbadi SePIL. :.U, lWhlll'l ih~ U;5, SeiTa[O! .JrejE.>Ci1£'Jd a mmion 1[0 rn!t'<lik i'l Rep[~bl.i~~n~.~~ limi'bt~~, '"'BiIiffiS!( alii al:mrl~ d~ rea~ speri_g 1iliillI ht lncloo\>.s b_qgua~e aimed at endtrig "DDn'llAsk. D.:rutl'( ·Hill."

'1]111~ 'VoO~ was 56 0043 - .f«1!fl' ~ slilm':l. of cmJinglh~ lfiili~lJm,. GIN)j'!iia's twO U.s.,. s~~ ({)~ S~by CIi~l1lbIJM ~Ild JolimliIy rSolkwll, OOlh l'l:!?~ub~icolns, wtool lin • Rll~jority to szy~ IlIbie ~ repoo].

l'\u~ SaNis. ~oonive di!ll.~o!",of lhe ~ ... vl't:l'lliii:et}~b~ i~1 .~rt1ns.e N!;l~ork, c.<lIloo dlieVUlle .. "f.JlL~!i~ il1l)W."

''VIle runS'~ '~oca~ o( dbi~ poliLical. ulllln.elJiVer~ ~n.!,', dic,~ted 'by Id!~ mid-ternl eJC'CliQl]s," Soi!J'V~~ sm . nts 00 repealing 'UlfIl't Ask. nm ]-'i"INe I.he\iol!'S no, sltib those ~l'OviSiCi!i!5 from !he hWiI. ]llIIllNd, au~y ~ me VQtQs fOlr ~~y."

S<lJ;~ ~~1l'SSed oonoelnlll1<1lt Ichmus fGi ~p~l.! wiJJ dLm ,oollSid~'-.'Ib];yrOUMng lh~ rnidleml ei«tioos,

'~ nO·1i·~ lli!lv,(!o 100 Q1ilQu~lilu, ~o look toll:i~ i\,irrnc' dncl! ~5S1:On wIl~ we~nh1iIve >iii ~lim ~h.QI~" ~d S~i!i' 'The Senilte a'bsol~~~cly nn~~ sdh~li.Il~ a'~'~ .in. ~~r \i!iJ;!11 ctlGler lW;ltL5 and 00111111100 ~"~ ;m:. nliGl'e lil-lflly to· pn:lVai~, aooe midtlmt( . .eloclio,n,s,,;tre oohind 11$ .. " .

ne roLlJi'l~. was IIflCettain. all .he way lip 00 illle' vote, as DftillillEratir: ~.OO~rS wel~ ri9l)Olt~ 001)1 uyinJj 1.0 nggpulille ilR 3gl'lllawel!l ~~ ene or two !iellilWI'$ to, rwch Ihe GO-vote romnlbey IleedeCI [0 llrooef(]J,

B1ill[ Rll[IQilbUcotJ}S sLood. 11111:[('11 iil:I ~:l.' mill(tllil!iQO lhilit~lpIQCWI.mI~ ~1'5UlcliQ:npl!Q;\d OJ! oons;i'd~tkmof ~hli:' ~1iI11ll1il1 d~hlnsl:' slJillildl1'l~ bill ~was ~o:Ijticillly imotWi.ltOO to· WID the VlJWS of LGnT poop:]~ and Latinos foramrni:d[~ml elOOiOlIiO, in N~m~f.

:h:lidiJeB1:Kl\aJ!1 $E.'!.'etI moderate RepLll'lii~ic.alt~ lWilO were idennift~las [ilQtentiiil S[J.P.WQIII~ on d~ mouo~ to !ll'l::u;et.--iI Olru !lite' d~i!et~ bm '\oIGl~ IW, aiS ~dllJ\>jl.]C1ICra:~ Markl~ o.f A.rk.I!!~.

Umilled ameldllIelis

~J:l. MiljDrily~r Hall)!, ll@id's nil!! ~J[ed for·oo]y Ihl;~~~mi~mil_me'lls 'ID! b~wnsidl'JW d\nmg djsrussl'oo 00' tm de[\msoe autbo:rizarijoo IOOiIIliliis, ~,..w:k: aJIIleiiKln:1BTILts (Ill ".Dol1l'( Mk, DOll'[ ~1.~' i.rJllmiijgJatimll.iiiild a S~ll!i~(!O IUil:IWC'! em s~rcl tu;!lds, QTI liIominat[oni, All. OIlliw.w illil1cn.dlm~lts. he s~id, wm:~~d be M~en up ij[J.l'J.' ·th",m~,{I.. OO!m cloctioos.

F:(Yrnl\W pres:.rda'rnioJ candidOl.¥1 SeJi, J'(illim M('CIiiI1~ ,(R-IIm), ar:ql.reil timr i~ p!'lSllitW ~td ,0( li:re ~im{.ar:r gay boli rrDi!'. '"~ jWrw.ln_g dle :5'0001 ~r!l"da of I/.reOe.!il!ocrolic ;par&. '(p.ubli:Ci:Oo'

Repuh]ican ~r.;Ill:p ~mOOiaJleJy rDa]~e{I

and I R~id witt. pjla¥iIng, po!lniaiW\ul.h lhe

, 'Illey refused m gram Lhe neres;.. sarry Wl~nili!i1;lll!!S c~l1ill[() ~. wltll cQl:tsUf",raliOIl of the ~.ill So. ~eidl ~ed a liI!lolilml 1llSt .~. to rrlI(jlli~ 1111:c' Selililw ro ,rota S~. 21 001 a Ili'Ilootm to PfOCll'!!.'ld lWithom:!lIDaniDlOl!S ro~m~ That mO(i(!i1 n'Q~li~ GO VO!t'$,

Rciddidl ~UQ1i'" Repub:l k~ns 15 l:ninlltcs o1dditfiImiil to debate the lTUltiolll i111lt1 e;nlilbll;'(~ .Mill~it:y L~~: Mildlll.ilcC~nncll ~ [J~l]!OSC a dJrf!lf:run ~>dlllfl.l ~ m'M: lila! wouldh~:we apPaR"Itili)' imalilletiuRIii[lire,rl! <loil:endmenli>, du~ fi[l;;[ :;m o:F \~lldi ",,\\Ould. Il.<IVie to IJ~ defl'J15e:ri~atOO OIJI(I :001.111' of \~h~dl ,OOLM .relate 00 .iUIL-

_g ImlJli!noeot, ,~h<WaCl~ Me" Cmmell's proposal as ~ bicl~liIng per :Ll!iuaffi .aM 6bjttm\ r:ooc.ifl!! Iffit~ !]1Qni.o1l (Oil' do'ru~ roW;)!)! iiJJIm~iJ~ii\ly.

j Palill:isa n lidlicsr?

Ri'.~)libli('.aru; ~iladb~ lOO;ttiulg a ,drum. ro:r thepllM t\'1!Iil1! tb~l: I'WO of Ih,e U:t.tWI iIDu'ndm~rI~ Rei~, 1III'1llll.d allU\\lW~ :00:li4ft'e1" mliaili'.d art!I shwldll'l be paItnT t'ti!e. d~l~i(l!L Log ubilfl .Kept!lblk;lIlS. ~~hich SUpptm15 fCl:leill ,olF D.~M .. 1~1!!e\W ill press t'!?l~ Sept. 20 clliling Re'Jid'S limn on .ummdme,nns '~pa!fiUlsail tactics" ill'ld WJc .ting Reld ro allow oil~e! anrleJ~dmeniS.

B-~n Mil. Carl L@VUll (D~MiiCh.t chaffi~lla]i1 cd Ih~ S~{!.~ j\lmw SelVi~ Oorrnmili!)ee~ dlsPlJI~.edI.rnn <I-lgllll].!1'Jilt O]lllh~lIoor ,o~ !.he Sffi1<!ll1' ~[. 20, he- .illillm:ed. <III!I me rnoIl-oefens.e l~teiI ameUidrnNl1'S !lIm llii,,('bcen (lonsLd~ en {he dcfel~ iludu;ri7d(1l1Q:1iI biHin ~io!.1L5 yCiJ~ -



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Hopes dim for 'Do,n't As,k, Don't 'Jell' repeal this year

lK'lUJilLng }'fNI~ in WWtj~h ~pl.!bliu_QS W'ei!:l! llil tJ~ lil1~jorlty. rill ~rtiklJllilli.h~ cm~l~7lld ~]1 a.numc.lilloot. 'offerod m_ 2000 by SOO<1tor Joh:ri! McC~ij~ fjR,.Ariz.),.. Ol~~amOOl~Jl ~fOfDl,

Reid! noted during Senme I1to.mill,g m.lSine5S ~,W~. 2.1i~<iI~ 11iI~ DADl'fam~clnnem .iladl ~1fI generating, "'aU ~ce atte~~UQn'" For (he ddens.e hill VoOle. H!! ~mphasi~'di d!~t !.II{) jJ,I\.DT law

".i5liJ;onepeilll)edt' by Ule ]aJL'I~e-lIilllilile Will.

.~f.I5IJNld. ]~~ III~. [lleliID,I'lI!l(l!!.i? p:i.'O\Iid~ fOIf a proOHS by' ~~ihidl .~~ liIw canbe ~,lIJed. 'fh.;lt ~ ~,1.1illiOS In.n dilc :!;I~kflQnt,. d~e SOCI\1(Oli_Uj' 00 rklfoose. iIDd Ihe rhllr!I1.lIJl ord[e j;oim dlli.e(:s Oof 5l.'iff ;rll~ '\cNtify~ ill ~I:i lilllg tlfi~t tb~ b1l.veread tlite~llnagotil~: '~m ~!IOW !rest. to iim~~ellrll.·diU~ repeal aoo have ulln!>hJettiII ~",ha.t·, ~r~lllm~emJatfi'{)IJIs are made .in One l'ePOI'll;.

Th~ !mlSt fm'!.her wrnf~' ~t ~. neo.~afY

m,gwatioills ~oru::rompalll:r repea1lh'l:lia~ ~ dt'vel~ {1JliIl!ll!ll~] .ils ·ton~i~m""ihh Ihll: staOOil!ds of mil:itml' !~nm, rililiUIJ1' ~j[E!C~ liVl\1'lilcss. IJInit ,oohesjoJll" ;:md 1'lKn,tI!Ung .:md m-HlntWn oIthe'Amoo F~:;."

,M~n~riLJIL(?'ldN Me,Gemmeli :5~i(j Ii~ do~llIre vole on the dlil&eru;.e hill MS iliJ!l,l'~llical t.1I!:ric by I)fQIU)trralS ~king to "ShilW ~:~ill ~n!e~st group!> ~lIiIl _y _\!en'~ forglJ.'!.lten aboo:t Ihc~ll,"

UiitWSrig.itiCin Q:ih~w O1TIy~!b1:e pmMm~fn woo~d be klllld~ dD'iIiIIi'

'']tls~lJ'lderT:JNi(l'W';'' said <I S;S,t\. spo1\:~lSOfl woo ~Jm to remain ,aOO!l)l'ID0U3. "\,\Ij].'ro 'Slill jjl\c'e.'1i~!g, '~ca!l'tw'W our OIll;Y more infOP maoon llOCa~ :it's l;iillIBag hn.'l'5tig:;Li1ld. n

1"!Ile ~po~ ,alS[l, l1ecillillled ~ com., ~lj;~U Ol~""~IaA .inro:rmlllliDn or, iF a.m.}" i~~! wUw~ flJOill O\lililnb1lh,s' AII'Ill~ ofliM and tiLmlOO 'O¥ef to Ihe SSA o<£ike.

llrOllWflll :t..anr;:e. (:tlffiler, a Chamblim spokespeJ.'so:n,. also dedlilitoo to WW'al'IY ~if~

ic iIII('{!tIDation Olllile iJ:wesDgamoo', '''AmIinqill_ nes '00 dile il1l:~e:>llgali1oo slmdld. ThIe di:remoo 1['0 I!l~' Smiji'm" S~~\illU alARS' a.lffire." slie $flIt! ..

Oh,;nnbi'uss< spo1!~ 'out 0IllI tl-.c' OOIll~JTO¥~f 00 The l{Im.~Illl!WS IWJ.1b1liCilli~ il'lil~l co¥t!1'S llitc U.S. 11m!iOO o1IiKI SeMI,!),

"I 1; ... on.'~: ~O~~b~ any kjoo of' Se!!llmeitt ~i~ll'nbat," Ohmnbliiss was as, sa~Im:g. ''\I!,'e'~1 hve ,~~ :S.i;e,tihilr's (nund (!IlL"

dlilmbHss ~~~al Iilie o.Ff~utl:e.L· \\'or.Jjd ~ fi~'OO. i)Ul, f~d 00 n:Ili!lu.l ol.n Qu!righ~ p"Ji'mtlise,ID:loordini 'to' Ute 1::111"- He .instead saId lie 'WOOid ~",an !llDlilll.he iIrl~'esliga;nion was lidi.z:oo IOO£CIi'e making i31~ ~fci!ii@n!i.

Ao:](milin!! to Ihe< Hill, OliBam.lI!fus' o:ffiee smffs 42 ern~oy,ees..

U.s. 'Rep. J~I '01~ ([)-G~lo.). woo .is g,ly ,ijM w~ iln inWnlel en~lillmrbl"~ beili\g Il'loctedl to Con.,gress, oFF~ rolfud (I.'lJ~ l~1.{I L~fl lim OOJmJl~t ~[

"If's· !l'\;;lilOOWI.y ,C!':as)l~" :!ilolistoh!l eNNIS ,~C360. "\o\~ kl'mw whi:ch llliIl'lIUllmrit ,mole fllQlll - ail! 1mll meed. I:Q do hi 10011: at dne lIiro~~.· hi5lllry., AU.dI i,fone of Iil:Ie,['IiI ~ la!~·b~' hi_~l)'. ll(iJ!;ltn. yQl;u'Vl! lig~w Q!Il hiho [t is, n ,Polis srud. "]t cOtlldJl'i 00 eas· ier. ~f tileY can'l IiltgTUl'e wi. mn. :~ ",,~m ,g.o OOWlll'l lilier:e myse]f < urO[ lilf,m."

Sen, JoIllI'II M.cC<ill:I l(lb·'l.Jl"J2.), one of die rn~~ a!ldilfIl (jPp!:!iI!I!11IS ,Oil DADT~~> ~aitl hI! was net o,W.~ to ~00g ro~ but was op~ to brillgitlil.,g up line dcf~ biWlbefurc foo [l,erml,gGn su_n,;ey oI lro{IJ:IS is oomfiewd,

"Ihts is ;ill about {l1t'CIi,Qllllii •• " S<lid McC<l.ln, .~o 'lJI~IJrndoo t1l1ltwlIlng T~y M D:AD"f 'lNrutllb>e' "igrtI.or;imLg" lIIue vi.e\!Oll> ufnhe trOO;~ ''\Ve arepWS!ill~ng lihe sociai~!lgend~ of !he ~lOl!r.llic [Xluty."

TIle-While Honse Lssooda state,men(. 'llmmg11 11£ oruoe oJ Malflil,gemem and Budget, '111e' day ofth~, vOle ,~p~ing Sl!JJpPOn'iL fior tile ~m.ilS~ ,~ul!!ltO:lm.ti(i!lllr!iII, 'Rt~, s~W'rn~1tlWro 15 3Mlll O'J ··'~OOJJITll.". [i~d:JJ js.. sue ked was 1J..i'l.J)'W~ d'le sta]ellleDtsaid. j(.srrppm~ me .1ffil.Suage IIlJa~. callS for !he oemli.catW:iII p1iOO~ l~dililS 00 rn,petll of :[)\I-\DT.

Ot~1 MSNBC 'fll.e;.dl~,. Alex Nk]lllts.Qn.h~d of S~02Dl~OO~ United, mtd71ld1 Rc~d (Ulf l)'LlI3Ining the w~ure 'i,l\ote w.ill~out 'mm;!~romiOOl:g en ~l!..l'I~' !lli'l"}liill~nd!l"~~1!1S oowlID be Il~ild.

"[f SMaim Rocid wmdd juSt ~1lId.ce '~I liw!l bit ,1111.1, c(lmJe' ~o' ;m ,agreentM~ onl 11 rea~una~e ~",ay 00 proceed, w~ comd p!l1'eur~aI]y gel the vQles.B~~, ~~ f~. he's n~ be~n wmling ~o dil tlmt, lunfortlllla:~e-Ir."

As, MajOrity Leader, Rei'!! hilS the ,oplio.n ro lmI,g mhe dmnre Dl.01hlll. up ag,lii]l <l1a:)1JY ~~.

"------'-"' ,S'tate Farm~

C~EUI L. M1wrleir,1 Ag:emt

1,441 Peiachtn36' s.t N[E [I ,Atla.nta" GA,303rfl9 4l04~8,117 ~0960 I[ Icllle!~],i,m,eye[i,mdl~li@s,tatefalrm'i,colm

IC'!fU)~ IIl:er panner Don~na andU1liir SOIl'll Donner

lh:9 IGeO[~giial ~oilce, lr9~ MOIU'Oe Of" }Ulte !3iD At1Q~~a, 6~ J0J21:j

~04-f115r69';H \ljIlmJt1~vake,.oom


£dillll'; I.aUra,I~i35,iIl~Wi'I Ib!V!'l!l@Ule~iI\lOioo,cQ!ll

0_ [dltor~ Dyam~ IBa~bl! ~l)i,3g~'(@tM~iWOire1:j)JIl,

Wtb I~~~ R'j'{In ~.I[kMI$ rW<ll8iiOOI! theq,<lv~i¢il.CllITI

Alit D:irei:ttlr: 110 ~fiIEll ll$h~I@lkigmli~e.cO!ll

CoOOlWm.: Jm ~,SIwloo~, Sn~i'DC!~ JenldtlS.lllOOlm -"R~.:JI L~" ~I!!i!! Rittef; Mm $Gf1ar~, Stew W~rlfE!n


Pubfisli1ef: Cllristi~1 ~sh tCa~lilV!qail(flcelarm

iIluS' "'a~r. TlmIIBO¥~ lbo~lI!l~iOOga~l~e..corIil

Sales: E:m:i:iliir~: 1M'~rsha!1 Gi'a~ilml mgfilM~tln~,3'i1lli[e!n:HTI

S~I!s' E.iW(u~ili\l'; IRlfiJoert P,u'ilen rpuu~n®th~a1WOioo.oJ;!m


Riv~wll Mooia, ~D21 ~11~~'@rl!,l'enl1l~lImoola,oom

B,OIl,RI 0,1' AIV~IS,E!RS. Iliclliird [l\llre!filJiJ, sand~ M(lI!:~rm, Lynn pas.q~glelti, 1,*~E'ri p~llen

"-Ii lI!l!;lerl~! irI ~ Ce~1 ~i~e il. pr~~ ~ ~oll (g~ht ~ ~~ m;q no! ~ f>I>,[:IW.I~fII w~~I: ~ MiIl!!n (gno!EcNII'11fte G'"'lIiah~ The ~u~J ~.Iro.n III ad12rlli' u~.I)l~I!!JIJP~~lI ~r$ itd e ... !ggl1l5h ~1ll'I! h~~ I~ ~ill"crr,!~l1Ilr-~ lhe ~~~~01 n~me; (If pic' IGf!.ll Ilprmnl";O!'i ~ Ird: n_:.afir I!i::tlat+ 'thO W~Jr.!! ~11iKJl~lilim ¢lf~hitl: ~n g ~~ If! .liIl' do oot ~rol¢o I1!Spm5ifiJfj' r,fir(lail1l!i~' by BrErt!!~r!;.

!.k1~i~ '~J;lfiolll ~er!llil ~~ W ~ ~ ~~oe..wt ~'~ol"!iltt~~ reiPlltS~·fIlr ~ rEJ.\iliBlhe ~O!'l, JtWl't tM·1i;;tA '10 ~~It1lt ~OI Of Mh' ~n~ umi~lIln.ltitJH:lo' rine~'folr~~OO! ~rildltJtoD ~r,e i'<i~ ~n rE:p!~;

~.'5i~· oo,PI' oil ~1Ii1' GB~"l!'aite 1~.~!lil~'P. drom rnItI:!. lI;:~d Qilt!'-l'JIJl:l~ PQlrit'$. MUl[p!'i ~pie~ ~r~~~!I~tIIot frc;:ll tht te~ \Ioi!e (I.[1!(i o~ ~ f,gr We~ f 'IOU are un:ibl~'I1N~h ~I O!!IrMdHl 'rrllt diUir'1bi.:i11Xi ~ 'I1U m.~ 110m. ,ft .611$' sue roJdiled ~um[Jj"plillf1oIDr $Ill) !lEI" ~r:Cheds mmlfll mlf ~~~€a~ hi! 5!!1!1 ~D Tin ~ 1000000i:li;!g'3',tIIfi~Al~m

fIiQ~t~".!; ~n~ ad(lf~H~n~1'I ~ b1It~g!~ ltG!e~ 191M !It)"r~ llI1'tf, Silite lJllilllColia, ~ ~m TM (,!<It!gl~ fo~1! pub!llhl'J Mil o!htJIlFn~ ~ llJe ~rQi~ fo~t m: t.-lililifmlll5d!5D~iJm ~~$>1i!I jJe~r-fqJ ~,~!ldB. M~Qe' ~£1 ~ AbI!da, ti!I,.~na addnill1l!lllllallll1ll oITI[~'[

'Ift~ .wr!1! PQI!IlID!1~ C'!. ~ha ~.G'fQi.I 'A1O:J ~ .~11!1'~~ b:I MmriIII ~M iii; ~~r~ I!!l~~ ~hK OPihlM~ ,~r. liIJ~ ~f In. rniiWIW ,If!) fi.0l ~~rilr n~filillt ~f!ii'I~n ,til th~' tEoor;il Vo;OOe and ~s ~r:r.

~ ~Jid ,BI fo!~t!'l'1II! ~ill'!r.Ile~m Ib!d!:i b1'~' ttJail'lXl~...:I(~~ t.;.r~·(jj'IPil't~I~~ IlIli1 M~~tm rM.rlll' +IIll!Il ~«rmt~ ~fIIj ~~~ ixW2 ~ =e. aJJIiJre~and ~ne 1IJJ11c iJE.rlfM~"1'Aft:!1l!:n ~I~~jj) ~~~~~~Wl! (If mj! '00. th~ ~di:ke~~ !bo~e.


Long transformatiion of the bla,ck church

Can afa II se p rOIP het II ead to new truths?

H~lmilily does IOOl oome easy lotlJwse whol beHeve mer aJTe imirraliing Clms!:, especially a wn~; jlilS[l)[ wllOse promm:ion '0£ 1m :ligh~lSji1ess has W1eltoo milliQliiliiin proJiIS,

L3!S.( S!lrnd~ly, NcW'B:iil1jh BaiShQP [dd~c' winlJ}! l1!it'l!ld to b(;.' hll!l:mbl.~ clurililghis Ill'fil public: OOmmMI3 en iilim .scx sca_nd~J y.e.m In the !Ilakl.n!l.~piacing Ih~ flery omoonthl)~ hIlS miloohi]J;1 '(m~ of tb~ moM [Ju'!''-e1fll1l. mt'ilil in AllI~lTI!i'I willh aM~lred lIileel<IDl:e$5 desig[J~~I'II ~erlect his ~e as [)~vrd versus Gol1:.l1!!h .ilruhis Ii~]u; ~!l!ia~nhe fQur Leeth'!ge bQys • ~!~ve accused! hlim of seducIng tb~.

ne\\fDO brags aboo( UJ;eelin£, w~tll popes and. [prim 11' ail!li]'"S was bauel.y all1dibJe, during lilris C{jJ[!i,OO tlp~r~,c~ 11~ ,~I sn~lIi~ p~ coo~iiil1ll'll1oe S~~~ 26, clli:iugen-oou.5ly "rbeen at tiis chw:cb fill" 23 f{!ffi"S and this is the fi.l'JI~. time ~ ma.ltizedl we aitfe as .iIDJOOf:lamiilS we~r~ 1.0 get tbi~ 0]1I[h, (llwrnti~IIi,,'"

How wl5iliYhe ~n~1J!Jes, in mlnd g~me£.

"l tim gqillg, to fight, ~htvelY vigoxmJ&];y agolinst t1nC'Se" Long sofmlYs:.'lJ('] duro .ing 1l'I~ 9Q.~t'OOnd pres::;. oonf>eren~e. ItiIl(Jofl ned

wi~'limul: t.l1!~liIg qUi!M.i()lil!5, ~ffi-o,m ~orteiS,

ObviQusliyhis la\lol'fer'sa(tvi~ !J:iUJrn(lS GoOd's cOfll!I~a!!d :not III dcc~,'~ ,oll1.e1'S willI! "empty~l'om5,'" although :il.''lI, hm'dw (jUit(l~V,e hffiil.:' L;mg '$ ~!egai~:rmm ()~Iilltl he (]Ilm;prnmi~ by'l:'im saying "halIte does mlll~r.fO:ffi1I ()ril~ ~. ~m ~Y~~Ut ixlys.

I.Olli8j'S de[~IIS~ of his mrrne andl charatM 1.0 IiJte lill:ooii3J "mrlllilsoon;gregaooul t'iaS llamly vi:gorom" A lIIaJl1 d~arismaijc enoogh 1.0 dl!lp~ !houlS.!lnd$ ~liIro ~ iiN.ios~hat i~.e iis ~l prophe~ was Sl!fl}l'iM!:lG1~' ·WO"lW al crisis IDillNI.Gme1.Jl ilian J3p 'eJiffiCliIDll>s - [11im~ censplca- 1()u.31y sikln:t [ur day.s. canroJing Lru.l'f'\Ii~ws .ma't:ogr.IphiI'I,S tilt" m05.~ a[Jli'<lfl~~ger!Jus. selliill!!, 1:0 st.-.tchis ~SC, thCllJ b~dli& ~is f~i:~h1tl:l. for lIrnsctdiill.~ I1lNdlmio~ iI1i!id QffcriTIJ,g ~h PfO'" phe~k i!~ght ,1l!j,"\,ve are~J.I s.~~bjeot:t ~Q f,~.oe clistastef1iil il!;ndp;ll,~"ful simmions."

'''IJI ha~'t:1' !1e\ll(.,r :in l1:I,y lire, p!)Itr<l:NooWly:lliU a!S o1.lwerl'er;l ohlin,," Lmrng warned, "But ~ alil~ IlQl Ihe's Ileilltg pcmri'lyoo on li~~.isiOlru,"

lihe silence lhats. bll"o ken

Bishop Long ~!'!fc~l;lIp hjs ~d~lty - :rlpiriu~~l.~unk food. -wWell ~m selJf·idi1on· lillioo ~hildmll go;l}liI~oo wilfiil gtllfe.Nt'w mJith members s~rn tobe the iorn~y ~oo.lile d~n,Bing t(lll~e ~il(}pe tha~ I:hewleacler\ addi'r;tuon .~, m!,I.!Jd~ s!Mrtsnsn'i! indi.o~~i",c of d~ ~lmfU:~mtlc wal:fiS.

fair orr 11m, i'lg;mjJailt.1l>lif aoSpect ofd~i" st~l'Id~lwa~ :IR}W Iheburden of p[(]Q:l' il'l!'l~n1)ly &auJoo Ol~LO!~g" Such "C'cuSl!l1o!!S~ga!!!.!!t .~!!y UllI.IllOO, o:~ m.e8~lnmjl learlers 0', cel.ebrtt:les Ol,iginm. ~JiII".e IIJ.eBlil dlismilssed as e:;.;;lm"til,O"IfI a(· iA!iIilPn5,iJl!lit.lIu'! suggesLiOJ'Il.hal Long II!ISOO gilrffi !\lndbiWiCi!1 rilVOf [(11 ~y yooltgm!;\n illtQ ~ was too sffiilll-i!l~' to ~~Ib."'lh.~beelll whispered abmu .mdwinlted at fill yoors JDl' people In graIDll Long a ]YIfieSillIlIptiOIlO:l U'l.nloc:em:e.

".1 WQi[l~~, ~W~t IDin~ to work [00 ~fut~ ~'Ih.e~1il0l'i£f)]." n.-.Ii.OIll~~~y syndi.cij~cl, mdiQhosl Thllll Jayn~T' ssld thelirsl!JI01mlirng afl~.r tb~ lawsuits, SIM'r;lCOO. '~I wmJ]d have b~n in 'my smdli:oberu~ ,~ M~hm.'·

Eveu, fnher clliig wigs hnl tIteprnry'er.fUf~pro:llil imocJJmmy are' urm~lIi:ng to ri.~1{ e,"1pre%i!il,g outri:gh!d1s~~ll!~[

"Ei~he<W'.ayil: g~. l!<iW !M!'C}I';." rn~· drLll'dl~ Bisl'lo_p T.D • .!lakes iruJ;l1:ored Ills fi;oc]k, Sept,. 26."l!N\ha~erway U goes, have m~."

Radi:cal! po~silbnilt:i e's

[ dooot ~ud~ B90P LOUIg ~orlili; WIlr aic:rodI spi..rit, aoo I to.:1sih th.n ~'W cOIJJd r,c... ro1w r.m£oos suppofil wlill~ liIileY e.ndtll\.'ll ~'ihl'! ntQ:Sl dimcllililimc in [their) 'mlii~ ~iYr~," 'JA!'bnt" due 1II-C ~1jI~a1g ~~~, Illre IdClirriOOll (tc¥ot!iorn. ~J)W\eJ !lJTlI!.!1lI l.Qlng l}bl NI!'I .... Birdru dJil$cipI~. such a ~ilZf l;I!la.~~~t o:raudli;!n!ki~y ~d :d~'I!k.~ I!Il'I! ~]ay afloyaltywa:> il~g,

MJiiI)'lIJe .Long's (!Ol1fjitlg,anl$ ~«LI RIIiI.em~t Iilile lMJaJru to ",,110m Ihey'\le S'I1ITeIa.dered ua.l.derg~a:J:tdiug o:F 1Il~J!' w(IIM anJ1li hu~~an~ily \'OI~ OUlOl: 11 fiM ~adl'r 00ld a IliE;h scltool fre5lt, Di!:all, mid is .<IS capable as, 'fl'\I'e..yOll.e leiS(' .of"~OfIS, of "beilllg wrong .. Ma,}i"be t11(1' W:iillI. ff(!OgJl:h-ze. as evil\ill :Ul.rng's miua;, lllul5t ret:og. In~~.lh:.n~hc dli~gs 'thm:k(!!;I,p L(Dog fr!"Q1lIi ~illg <I "pe\I'fect man" dJl nm lIl~te iliE1 abtrnda.nt IIIlJ1illWcs rna,t mill.1('l him all 1lYJ:~JlC!lll !ll~~I,

MOWhe B.isnop Long, as he is illlle,!lOOID liliw~ dQIil~ .~th !liteS 11II'I~~pii1iamQUi),>!.\"illkgilil~J) usc SCrip.~1i.I~ to ccl,romtc S1ImC"SeN ~jO\i\12' illilS~E'dtI or .11$ iI whip .1).0 ~Ol~vum;-.e g<lY lpeop]le ~t I:h~! arc ~tIlworl~~Y of SJJIV-i)~ioll.

MaylOO mare Cl'U'lSUIml> w.m llil!~!lI tll!! COOe £nge.l)1J& humiltity m go ro God - <'I$ mey ha~'e ®J.H~' W'.illt. slave,I)',am.d I~U~ Sahbatli .•. 1:Llltd [lie roI~ of WoDn~en, and. mill!' ahilil!'y iii iNllbaoo.nm.' shel][nsh. ,or II! ing[:e wooj! audilin1'U1 - and iiWk I~'nn to clar~.r)f hris wllJl so' ~IQat Imey (<Lube ~ailh.:fuI. linn [to! haIe'lWi, worldliy htl[ ~o[ ~""icked.

Slil:h a 001i'l'ii\N;i;a!nion is rug~mly rneoo\:l(j .ill lie blaCk churc]l. jl~ J en't illlmgilnJ! i IDQ~ ~fonnam~eIi8llFe, i1n a more ]deal city, In ve!'lilaliul 'file G!lei!{ Unspokelil.

WI.'ffi'j heGAVolce,com

Chanlbliss res,polnsiiblle for staB's slu:r?

i?e:: "&'IiI. ~I C~IG{i!'lblis& !~st!~i1mJ 'Ali Fa{}gOfS Must :Die' ~ cOJlrmelU" (W-w~r. f~.6Ce.(·om, Sep.r.. 2.0 -

F~ mJ 'we kuow [I ""'i!!!!, SOOl.t: i:.lcl;i!!SS i~] !lie ]!IiIfki!!g lot usim:, duili ~mw \Viil!ti net~ wo['1;:, Blefooe e\1et:jIOfie uw:ili,es C.hamJwss (ei.i\elilJ I1xrugh i['sFilllI woo), ]e;t iheim:le>lig.a.. [j~1Ii IIiiIIl1 ~~ OOlU5e ~dI In nd Qtlt ~~he~ tllr p(l!5t n;',!lUy came from"

Olil<l.mIt!iJSl) has a1.fMdyadmiuoo !he COrnie. me!uwas~ Ol'IilICQll~Pil!~1l'< from ~is o:filce" SiJOO~ 'Chambliss ;ill; i'm:iIti-gp:y IIJ:liI hiilS ffl!ilghi 00 blf:!Cikga)l .righn; al~ery lllIlrIiIl, d~kind (If beIl;)vior .ll; nOl:un~pt1l'C!~l V!1lht;llru rOil P11}lllQlC ll!l!]!~hobia and blgoL'Yto your ~l.lff,drn. is 'iI~tlill,h8.l)p!rLlS.WiIlIf1Ii. the GOP gelS (lut o:f eYeQ'One's ~M1 U\ll'S andl ~lfS. nhBIfiI l!,~'n (aim dmffi.

SmalOr Chl1lJ1illiiliss' iIDu-LGBT t"OOGm is 'Wh<il lis be'~ caD.ed !l1tO' q~u.ion ~eIIe. His j[viillI~JiVlt'llS to d('llIigl<lOO!andl re:1/Elgare LGST Goors;li!llllli.~l;I ~qmd d~ di:liz.eRS'llii,p' with 110 pli(1)~lCiI:hjlll alild rl(I fTCO),gnuliiOlil !JIndC'ilr dll(' IJW :perpeiJLlI1te5 jI]iI f.'JlliVi:ro:liIIlIIIICflt liIoi'he~a.l!I!lember of h~ 01<11'11 SiL'liIluori@l st!.l[f ft!l~ OK s,r,mIing /Il~aI_~~ thi\latrdowill!ll.he·~an DAM,

Edllie LO~H;J: Self:"~ltiIUlJ or si.;pl,a h,poclrilte?

~e: OtJ_gQjng ,00!~rsq~iQ(!'.'i(]f {~ o(m~ce

Sid,'O., "Ilhls.~ Ithe I:iffitlIt o:f sliI<Im~and d.oseLNI bL>:m~~!". am.! d1~ kosl~'&'lIm~IU fOf ~iW ro 00 'iN"Iiio~ Jl~ Ix:FOU!' !ihcir!l'I~tJmiJl !ilOllill~i.iIIill.15df·· b"l~ ca~~ f1Jl.rt.1u 'hillID ID IlOOm and od1I~

I feel rna[ he has tai:eni!.rlviYlffige or 'Gllf (.lmlm.]mly byl!lSing his 'B'i/;perit'lK:e in dre gay life>1:.:yI.e 1.0 gam m.oney; f,'lI!IIleilIl.doo~M~1ty .fmtn his fdll(}wl'S. nis ~'{ife is jUM lIS Ill~lCli victim as 'lhe !..Gill OO!llll.mni~¥. and his !RmLlElt'S. ~ \\l'OlIId, kTi'lOW ~.\~lal ro say 1.0, an antl.~ oo.n@.lWioon lhalil SOlliroUie iillhe life? And 1!I:'Il":I~ l'III~!.'!@ .I!D~ off of your ~if-dl>!llia'l. anti ~ wh~~ ~iI!too ~lW CMI'1r s~"d llT,I fQ:l"wOO j'1Y11J tWll,!. I:y are ill'Mill imO'll!.' y.ou can s.IIiIJ1lmve your religioo,

1~1l"~I'pltibahly til:! Wslbesl ro lw~t ~n(' pl'r· ~'ive 1.0 ~ Qr h~lI'hg: W>!IS il~!l!;liI]lylov:j1Tli

E'ditG:Ji"S InD~e: These' oomments 'OI1li Georgia 'Vo~'oeal1itJ~as weRWDl1rIit,~oo via WI wf!b:siman~ lFacebock page twwIiYJace!booki~om/the,gavoice}. Want .~ weigh lit? Folikl\ll ~s th:e:Iil!' o.1i submit OOlillmenlts '~)lill QiIiJl" we:Mite,.

iliIe9il g~s, and oomeliiow druat mad'e it rilkay, ~ IDS mLllv.., l:itlt do !1m ~ct him to~mhli~l¥ <'lCkooWiled!l~ whitt i~ dldW'rnllig i!n ~~ Il'I ids.t of jI~uim.

Tn:m1}1e is, IffiIe ~~holc.rwt of hinru bdng ~ldleII' 'lI!d~o a pooitioJl of'power: j.\~: t!!!e wry !i!ii!lli. his bclla.vim and ij]l~racl:ions~re I!Un,ethi~J1 OInd b1al<mnly 1~y~1:i5lll.

U it had lnofi'! h!liPJ'~~Il~ !I~~ young I!P~~ m*ng d~e <iOOll~injm!ll, wouldl no~,I~ ~acoo iliIem' oi~"D.rrepul;]noos aJJlcli fu~ '00 me .Lilile.

l(.VJint ~.~ ~~iIve' Is OJ modiooll'l ~ay l,ca(l'@;r of 01 ~uh t);'!,o~b; ~iliiS<h)'p!iXIli;is~I;. l dliJn'l eJi'o-U;UY fu~ b.ldfUf dile 25,000 fOUOWCliS ,of Ithis cult ~f iftbey oCh~ kI be so blind,

He ~ i3J I\miltilil ht'ill,g, irnpt'rlecl,. ,andliiheth· er he au:uaHy di~, Illitelhiaagr;liil\ilJ~ are al:l\ew;'d remains to k; see~}- He ~Jny rJu;rnldn'l ]iliIV~ ~n £Ohltl1Xcoro in.h~s vi~~s GO g<I__Ys, es,peciallljl Sill~ it obv:io~ ~~mIld, ~Jeavehirn, o-pen II) salnul~y"

l .a1S!)J.lirndlilun~~es,tu~B M pattroys ]'lim§~U as Damdi!G~t GoIitiLh. si.llC'4! he is tllt! big tw all-JIDli~ffiM !)aStor, who seems to, ha'l~ mm-e Ilrlooery U:iI?.D Goo and anoum¥ of aIIDf'lTlt'Y"S.

~Milderll lfamilliy' Iread,fo1r 'gilY :s,m:o(!l!clhi?

Reo: 'UOOel'Ji Y(lmilY' pw'emil!',re ,Ol~ion of f(i~,COli~be9mroJ'ce. Sept .23)'

\NIl}!' is wt sohtu-:d (~r th~t stl!lW mlmw can~ &Ml~t~hell ]Uss~l\.evin, & Sro~y do alrn dlAi tilml! an " & Sistm"~

lllcy'¥ti l~l lmiMing~lp, ttl diliJ!~j!1g"lh~~ 'the ''carue-<a i.lwl:ml'n~" ~f l!lle ,rollple" th~t 'they won'( ~'OCrW' physlca1l aff~(\lio!l .iil~ f:roUI of Lhe C.auil.~ras because one {rrn :g.u.e-s.skug .nO!:

Qnn) .isH ~loom rOlJ!a.MIil' l! Olil 111m. 1 ~~'i'e 110 id(?i! ~ !iliIJs ~s kwrne SlIIXJi! ml oodly hOi: to;pi[ IfoI' people. lIa~e ~10lil ~BI!I amUllIiI manied muples ~ ... illnh.silllall. c.hlldl'lefl? Nm a ]a{ of~ol actioll. h.lppeiilil1l' tl1~.

WIITi'.t heGAVoJcf!'.ccun


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able rop'i£&, Si!Jdi. as iool1'lapl'iOblaruid. diOOililllin'la· tiOI\ \."hidl ~~' ~1(! 1l1~n 'l~ 1Ul'!. put ,~~1iI \li.lhK! Oll II1e';if lives <lli'!.i ,ou their furum,

Alild. ~~~ must ,()oofiwt sOgIITI<1. liomaphobia alliI ,0000000000al!i:oo ,CaJIl a:nso Siland ilThnheo way >of 000 ffiaThy :gilyaJ'ld b'~\lial I11I)fl _~Ji[jg, aUld twe.ivmg ~'0f,iI'iJa~ (IIV Il~mlkl!l savi~es. tcfoling, and ClJTe,

At CDC, fl'CWJilful1l Wi rv tlIDong, IMSM ,af odl 1Iit~ i5'~meof'<'Jilllop,pri~rilii15. NiO[ ooI~:is nw ~111kin arnOtIS MSi,M a CftlF.d pilil:t of Il:te Narlona1i ]-[[WAms.SlIrate,gy. ~mlhe Pr:ffi.itl~nt·5 FY201 1 '~udg,et p!~ ;I. I!leW COC inip~Jtiive ro lm~l<!i.e HIV Pl·'lNC!lU:Q!~ ,ilS pari oJ a ~ID!'(l ho· l1sUcal~~ toga)' atKI~tJa] mlln's~lle.a'Inh.

~ also, a1illlOwm a Ol.I:~lfu"illiIIiCllHlGil!ar'I @f,W' HmV [INing :iJILilialh'e, lJ/I;hi(;1iI ~1I'i1l aIJlo\\' us lO ~ fiIIi)m MSM \~'itll B[V ~. ~ ~ Ql1aolng l'llSWJlh mali; ex" <IllliliIIing])lll,y" a~ches·[O nlV ~

We leedyou r h!llp'

:BlL1V~1::' CillTl't do it ill,{llile,v\'~'~I~1iI in~o· ~wd 1'eS,~~ Irom ,I;!W~ry 'COlIrl'lluni~. ]11 t!_w oo_liy }\(\\:il_rg 'af·ilie epiitemk, 11m go_'IY ~(m:lImmity ~ 'to~~1tS 00 dy fOf IiI'IfO!1!!atiGt). wsotIl'C· es ani! n"i!i~Iii. lliIlli SlJil)n.El. early (:rmOmi!iblnJ.·]lt Ctilangetl !he C[Hmi~ Qf Ithe ~&,l1lk: iIlld drove do\""-I rn-I~' ~j[LIltlber o:r n~lI!.! i:tiir('(ltl~

'lI~~Y·', 'M;l oonfrom, SIl)ml! 0:]" ~I~ SiII'ble dg;ill· ~en~ fac:OO by Ihare e>;u;l;y ad'!lOC.11e;, ::md~1 as ~l!eaSfulrug .infecmillUi rates among M'SM.\II.'e also, OOllifm:rn:~. n~'i" dla1il:ellge'S, stlCJ1~ <lIS OOl1'Ipla.

mJCy lffi~all:m .iU!Fec!iOl~. ~ 11in1l.1S!. n'm'l,l.igo.:ate' oor :r~:t"Qn~.

~fe Iwed.:I\ m.~AlIJerican ~Id. Li!:t1oo le\ldb efS to!?JIMID!' di<1t UJVpl1e'lr'l;1lil1lon. <IJWJiIg gay OIJJd bisexl!Iai rnetlll if: a. (1011e ,ffiO]~lt oJ broader $1t1X!lgi:es for a.~llI~iilg ~.'II V .in. jJi~n' C.o:]lllITi'l!jl1Li· ties. I ]e~Jlh d~1mmts tint:! oommLml_zy~b~ ~111i7:':1901ilS IiItllSt priorili!7l: lhe ~ of MSM in rl'l_lMling <md pmgr,J.ID docn_siom,

And fuIaIII}I,\\ill: :~ ~y amll!lisext1.11 UlI~1I hllrulfll,.'!lSt:£), be il:Cti~;epartidprunl:S .in ~ 1l:ea111i (Jfnh~ir comlillunity; \¥e. 1iIl'€dpet:ti~e ~!aJ.i;e .E:. POri !I) eIlS~IL'C !heir QW'UI hwhlru .'Inti tl10e ~ p05i .• ll\l"i;l f~ ror dillI!'lg~ ii~ dlf! U"'el! o'!i!lei:!"[M~~. llIietlds and OOlllDllJflily:,

We caJlJlol. for,g.el.lhat the Iig11nagailliSt ];lJV iii, nhe UnlinM SlaJ[5 ls far tirom O\I'r:r. We all 1i'I~~d ro do nn.Q~ .. [l;~ryQ!l.c ~s J 1'Qj:{:ro p,!~. [f\liI~ re--en~rgize ,OUJ: :fiG,ht, toge~!l'iII we· ,"_I! ~veru.eme IrPm,enrlrus blll.'lilP]I of mv OIl 1ffiI;f! ~ay oolllmlllliry.

logether 'wle clan reverse the bUI~def11 of HiliV' Ion the Igarv community

\NC :~ mv iIlll an CQI:IK)IS o~ ~gay (00iI~ rn~jty.~_IlI:IJ~ of ltlW Of' ~,ge. a.nd y~t mi.lJlY still do loot ~IiIQoW' ~q (III! ~1I1&tXj[j;Xt 1'1ll1': COC I,e-cootly Il'll~ me I~IS ,af a oow· study wtJirih m!IJfi~ iJl1![ H~V n-rnains a St'lloUS ~i1ih lillff"at dIi!lOn,S gay and liiise-XJu:al, IIiiMly of Amer'lea's Ilil.tjn, (:utiffi,

'[iJ1Csludy fwndl!{lfIg MSM in, 21. U.s. tm~ lh~l!~ I!~l!ve ~ hit 1!ll.i'(_1est by tlKl ~l~d~mk;, 1m 5 U9 peroent) ,~ HIY-m[ected and I:leill'Iy' baH (44 ~UlO ,ofiililo:6e ,men ,\'e-re CLDll<ll",~ or 11m .i1I'Ifrooon. Young MS.M amrlh'.ISM oJ 001.~ 0" wem panioula~iy illJOOi.OO .~ Tit<i~~ .Iik~y .tQ lrno,w dieir HfV ~ta~.

O!'! S~ll~ 27, wl~com~mlmor.!.tcIJ the dliru ~ nuaJ Nallonal ~l Melli'S HW/AI'D5 AV'I'areness DI'l¥, an o;~JUjj~ty .0 ('!Illliy In re'Oect~n ilne 1m!" pam HIV hal> Iliad OIl:! gay and. b]Se::...ual.ifI.e!liI.nnl ilie lJnut~ Sm~~bu~ ,;l~soml QWpi)IT~,fI:Dllity 00 iliC:t.

Pmliidlmt OooJll!a !1eCeIlIdl' m~.a !Nariomd Ut'VU\iOO Sttatem' Ikn prioooo, dw ~ o:l' gal? and birei.11!lal Olen ss iii gID1!ip IWI oornfmylleS Il;I be hiilJ'd~lIilllY ille d~, ml;{] de m~,geis d~r- ~~.l:' mus; m!-~1J,i7:.e dle ~h1;.

Aj't~ul!ih it 1l.)S been nwui¥30 ~11?<11-S sinoe We ·Iiffit ~oor~ of mv a.mO!lJ,l:~}I' mKl ~w m~I!,HJV !ll:'ffi<1i~<I cr~iis dmt is fl1.r from ow, irl Ilitis OOLrunmiity.,

hi filOl;. .tile 11I1ml~le£ [!If lle>IN 1-:lIV i:rnJ~lillS eaen)1eM is ilIlCreasln;\g. amOlng lli'Il!Il w110 have ~'" \~id] m~n (_MSM)I '~ille n'!!ll~njl!g ~'bbl: Q1,' cled_ in ~ riSk ~ps" aam~m1y. MSM aceotnu (oc !~y baJlf,of LIne lll'Iffue L11ru~ll :Ilitillion ~I~ 11.virlg wiJrb mv .ilillnM, Ui1:irredSna1e5.

Fearr €ompll,actnc, am.dstiglmal

Vl.i'JItil!e Ih~ 11.00001ilens ~ st.lfk. "'Ie rnnmx f1iI,~ ~Q1i'" ~!)I ~n.rl, 1}r6Cl'<1I~1 men to bdJ~ Ihat H]V ll]f~lfun illuli)lllvi~ble, ,)00 wcmust,~I50,coohOJiit lllKlSt of ,Gi~r Mctor.> 'Ih~t gay .m:ujJ ~l!!!I 1l1!.m ll~ ~UI!arr!lsk foc ii IV,

VI.~' mu;~ tlOO:fn:141t fEar. Mallymeil~ do [1m get. tesle(J1 anti ~ be!;a11S.e1!h~y are o1rfalJil of lWha( nh~ !l.~iglu .leam,.Filill:i!J~ OI!Lt ,)~I!I have !d!['ll is!~IlCl. but !l~ IUiII()w.inE; is. ~l , ... ~~ i:lUl!il pnlilyO!.lf llifuLmd OIIlm' L~at risk,

\!I,\e·lilili:U5l:coo(rom oomjplacency arid ~\fill aliso 11e'I."iI moclirvcl)1 faC!e up ito rlll1ttmh, lliiOOl11Ifoll1[~

Keri,~ f'en{QII, M,n, Pl~D., [:s diI«{Q,I" oM'1I! /!k!~i(l'iO.! Cer1te'l·(or HWIAIDS, M't.d fiepalili5' SID.& TB P~lioo (or d~ Cet;!!eI'S for Di~" ,00S(l COImuI.& l~'l4:lJ1jioo

I~W HIV ~l!lilin~ iooC-itilQI1!j

• Vis11 WWIIT,hMeSit.olg dna e!'1ter yOOF liP ·W ... @~r ZIP ~Me to MOwlt (~i<l$)






The I.a w 11:~m of Kitchen s New CJegho>f n. LLC pr-.o'vid!e~ ~ fun range o,fper~on<'!l andbu:;i:ncss I.ega] scrvruoc~ .for Adllim~\'!i l(;<;bi~n, gi~Y •. bisexlu.a~ and ~: nansgende r (LG BT)con'l !uuni ly; Kitchens N~N Ck:~orn. LLC i~ it ~y awned rn~w firm widl a focy,~~ll!i" d~c yn iqurC Lego.l f!eed~ of.GU f lG BT clien.t's ;lind, tlhei.f fum i I ie~ •. Om actlo,rtlJc:w; havlo:i.l. kmg h~Sti~'fY ~ffiglnif!gfor fhceq,u.d,fig~l.ts of g.ty.!i and lesMans. ;l!'ld <!u;e~eaders in Adaw:lta'~ L,GBT co!nn~UJ1W~;

29,3 HavrulWll O.1Ufi[ II AlJ~l~. GA 30305 ~ 678-244-28!J) 264 N. JlJIcbo!l~ s~. II A:[herl~. GA 30,6(111 I 706·715·3370

'" G'" Voke \ October I, zOia


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IFE" Till Roll NG ,.iI'OE'If D'E:li~IRANCESOO F~mdaJy. Ouober 1.. 8 1P.1m.

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F~i~daIY, OctobteJ '15, a: Ip'.m.


Fmiiday, October 2.2r 8 pm,

MICHAEIIL, BOILT'ON lhursdaYr Oadber 2B, :B p.m,



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w ww"th m

.te- bV Steven W.anen

Mo,vies to inspire Pri',d,e

Out on 1F~11 m f'esthJiJlII ce,lllebr'dltes . 1 crulltur,e

on the lb~gl screen

Que ",!a}' 'II} gel. ready fo.l"l'l1iilf Is a. lfl,eik (If [~aJ iJlilim~-J;WQl1J illil LGBT dl~I)JI~ PQlTIlIIiI!I~~Y> Out 00 Fi.holers~at omJl!1lt!ilDity tfiWli Oc!!. [-fat .~ venues, tlle Landmaru Midi:01im. Amt Cinemas (LfV1AC)i ,aIiLd the Ail~er farkPta}l~ llO~1SI!' (AiP~.

Wu~h 31 (~ltltrrcs.fum PffigJams QfshGll1.\i alld Gither cwnts. you'll 00 olb1~ III \IIl5it l"lll00C l()ll;<ltions (RJo, &w.l1Ki!S Aires, fillru, Nas&lU, i9thl"<errmry En.!~]al~ or ~:Je!I'!d !.'ndli~s haws in New York IilaITS. Niue o:r lIl:ltlf'&lruni!1S are doc.umiMtari.~ -and dne ~jiC is '~k1~ I~ diil}fs - hum!kil1:mnal fJi~llns 011('1' a dose oJ dIe rea1iily of M~~I~hooia ~n (I!a' BoII1g!~ !hc M~h~ iIIld plaws.

.FeStival D.iFooto.r Jim :Fimruter. W11G! also, (!(W~ ers l!helil~Ji for GAVe.ler, it~,,'[~omerl .abo'll! O;I~ OJjJPi!m~illl.g QbsolC1~iUiI~dlllrl~ ~gp,

"Ihe [il-smval ~ a!; as ever." he SHY5.

"The LGlBT OO!I![lllanJty is 1!!!l0fC m,ltil~~vllm :r~ow.but We!' illll' oolinitcly IIDt tn • mffi». SlJIt\ilm Ye(, f'c.$rhril'ls for, by~nd~OOtlt lIS ~ "'-elf ~iWlpor1"'lllIt" And for 95 pmcnt of th~ Iilm5, Ileslivaiito i:I~ the rniil;y way 111ey\\!.m ~l a d~lri:cdl ~hm~ing."

Ei'omner tiles, "U~f!OW,~ "I KiJ!I!:d Mi}' Mother"antl"'The F'OIiIr.Faa.'d, .Lian" as 1Ill.J:ee of hils favo:gne f]lms bru I!hls's ~eslivall.

"1 ana. aillso happy lilal'W@' am aM~ 00 iha.w 'two '()I.hw Ill'll! films, 'Howl' and 'M~~!IJl lilUl' ~,'ber(tl'e Iilwk e"Xpec~ec!lI 1h~IJ;ki'lJ lde1!Sr es," ~ ad~. "l am aloo, ecsmc _t Om on F'rlim agrK'd m program 'lidood-Olr ·JIl<lJilj]ji~ wilL" KJIUVil5,' ~~tch, f'Of aIll illS WIllOOV·~'$y, is a film It~t we lind pliPQ\~rirng, ilnd Olnllil~ II lot offulli.:sfu_I.:e_'"

till'!I~ ;lre eur cap:sule revi~ of lim r~..m· ",ai's ~llii:rnn:5" diu..>d! ",,",vw,lnnonl1:ilm,wg [lOr

other dllt'lil$m(], lfi.ckel ~:nro, ~

(Afl.revi(;'wS(1l1il' ~"S~eve W(J~ looless 0'.1». ~"kfise .r~OfedJ

F:r~day~. OCt. '1:

'YOIliI SHOUI~D 1M EET MliI' SOHI (LMlC, l:!{lIP,.lm)

A temlii~ seoood kin I'W.WJns thiil lii~h~llf in thls OOIllOOy about !ill :r&Irurnlgh.arnW'idow (JoAnne McGee) woo [lies ID filDdaJ hlWe fm" llll'r 00]'1 I(St~i,j'\~n Gmiro) umil :;he Ilntls mit lli;o!s E4'IY. 'CiIIliI she ild~pt 'her mau;hn~ilkin.s. ~frouts I)x~!i!in be chll~' OCI pll~S~ hr? ~ answer'S Willtfih'.Eliti.llg b, Wrifer~roctcw" Kei~.ii

tlm"lllI'G'n, a (~mer Atr~mt(ln, wm a~~lJd, .Pre,~ 1)y lilt! ~~ "Theil Suppor1i" hy Erik GerMffi ~ .. ~~. 1el,~ Me l'Q&l':re Gny" l'J' A~:l;'itiil':lll'owI9.

Saltlroa'l. Oct. 2:


Le:;hian (Jjireal:oa; IPaige WiUii<lms Ii'elOO15, Ilu,lime m Mis."ii&..~pp:~ l1!!.~ilt'~ her ~~III~ron ~1lI ,~(l!ive cx·~y ll'lillis~.IIl:lI!l\i'iew.s ",lal

her ru()lh~ <'!mi~ fad , :wIif·prodainWld

,ex~.gays 1Ii3ln~lind tilde'

.re;olV,E! s' :sexl!lality and 1"1e£

pan'!ll~' f":i'lih~b.1900(]ppMiIiOln\OO( • docu.mmtaljl' dlrliw~ ,011 j~ ~XI~r!dtiOI! of Ike process <!IlrllJlersm ch,ill;ell-lWS 00hl00. I:!!ec.oo:lling, ,ex~.Si'ly. - Bo Shell

BAI8.VJIIANIE? (LMAC; 1:2:115 IP'.m.)

RoIJcJi1l: Ab;lll!icli!'s ~~mpfus~""lNhitr ~ver HapP'Illloo to Baby JIJiJ)~?" g~1S cvell cOlJl!lpier

wllilill1l~ in dr,ag lnthe Leailililg in .a sa~ Illiric:al liliWlIal. rL~lllab. MaJ~IIlIte"1 Marilffi pbys wh~~ .~lllilO1iUilts !to ill1 ~mili~W!!l1fI of B~ttc D.lvis and her Ch~~·ijCiteT. B~by J~TIl? willh J" O1Jrn- 1<11'1 Ftnnk I!!S Jo.1D 'Cri!iWfaro~l!L(] Jane'S s:..iM~ Blandiu~. W.llll."u ;lncl dirocmd by ~my CHf~ "]~.~by Jane?" ~lootl:y soars Wheilllrn:lher Ox 1)(},1ilil sl3rS .a:re onsereen. No self.~cting fan of camp .drarg C~J] go to I~heir gfaN'>e' wililrnl!U helJrblg~~~"dnlJ ~:I'C,;he!" ~~en by .~ m.m in a lfi:ess.

THE lFr'O'UR~F:ACEDI UAR {IIJIAtj, 3:301 p,m;~

The iI1l1lidity ,oiEIP.lll<I]eiSl'xuiliry l''lllbies a Wing~JlIDlIlg kill .m mlla~ in. tltIis dtamedy aoom N{'~i;' York ruleUllysOl!IlmhiIlg5 tmt'soc.oelil oo~p(. «11 from herplijJy I;Iy Milld:~ .. r~WLs lil:YijIl. She pliUYS &[i;d$t, illcsbjolllI~ilh 0'1 snOlig.lhitm1ilkl' !iOOIIilllIlW, Trip (TOOt:! [\;u1:mlli). '[lieY oom~!ld

IQulon nlm {JtLI-i' OU~iOOfl[mkfQ


'. Landmllll'~ 1M tdWWl'l, MtCil:illmf.l 93l NIIl!~fiOe Drh!e

J!iM~ ~iI!.300ma

.' An~Il!V P!l11i: fI1t~TfiqlUs!! 15,015 Pea~l1tiree st. lit~~ i3J1i. Jootl'

S~KIaI @~MU ..

• Get. 1: ~ H~hl fil~11r.

9;30 Jl,1i1'1" P\lIIOOI\iIr AI~

.' Oct. i!; Itsj~~B l.I!flm~~I1:L ~tar ,of ~~eo ne!\l Logm fNliIV sefie~ "[he Ii List Ne,'I'l' bit' ~~rs al 5 11m. il~d 3:~ ~.m, iI~ l~lIIlmalit; l~illw1l'1I krt Cihem~

• ®~t. i!:; l~dflliiJ L~dies' Alblr p~rtv. (tJO 11lll'l. Be-lIlSSlma

.' Oet. 3: TI1I~ lI~ooIs faclIif' Ariff Parlr. 6 'Dim. Unlla!B BodW fitness

.'Oct. 4; 1:~ !1CI«l8 of GlIcIr allil 'FGbl ,,~; Aili!lt' Pa[". ~:lQ ()s(;~r'S

• O~L $; 1H(lL~r alilll'PI~IlIB' lifter PQri/t. 1€t:31) ~_m~ Mw:

.' ®~t. 6: 'mnrDit'{ l!1bff parl!j', ~(l p;m~ Atla~la ~~re-

'., Oct. 7: (to'>lrIg P~rtv, mill am, AmI!ile~m

rnew:b1es GI?g (UMiel Carlise) amid Molly (EDlI~ iID}ll~kll OOt n[jdg~ amI. Molly ge[ roo firl:ellldly Md M~~J' 11<1S to gHJ~ up hQr mind, netl~liJ~g iUld djroctlQIiI i)l~ ~ood ~It ~iIe writing somet'ifilllel\ !Il~de my ~ooth iwh. f':oIlowed ~ a Q&A W'~~h l~rii!l:11'!(fCt~ Maria-Lewis ~J!:

MEN'S SIilOR.fS, (~MIAC .• 5, p.m,) lIKADlN:G· LA~IES (UtlC. i&;~O IP,II'I!.;)

l1(il!I;' Old! Mti.'ml'S ~m!!b;illrooo:! daiocill& IIlOs( of it m~~. ","'el1 pllotog[~,hoo, 81nil a lesiltlian~ love srory, \N1i~n Ths1 (SlnwulO!i1JLe\3J :Smj~h) g& IPJ~gn"m:, 11@r SiSl~ Tooi ( Viill) l{l];:es h~'ii1a~il1 il wmptWliOJ~bll!t i.ns" OOJ d!.aocimtll wiithlm oowglltf~'iend, MODal (Ni~ role [)i.onne). iuls.tea.ol oE'.I:as:l'S WIY pru:1n'If'.r, CedJic (BeI,ju :Sdl\!.l:imm~·), A,:I~tlc;rl OOliLfrolll.iJ. liQnis tb.li1Y .... i~ [jiB iiJ,ut ~!ilt unll."SQlvcd,

October I, zOia ME


FlILM,! OOllitlmloo .ffrom p,~ ,25

VU) U1I' liEN DE!HCIIES (LMA(;, ,6:~iS p,m;),

Mindy CollllJ ""'[h;~ F,lC~ of [ ·fc'1'~Jla1s ~ (IItet,.IN~o;r YOliil:s ''oldesllWw-,g ~llg I~~," 'WmIll J~~ I\llCiler oompl.ell1'!; ,t!J Iflll~ (wiith ~Sluuy Slilmm~r" and "AI Four l.e~er VI\'OI'tI~]1 as i~lilny Luke" O]iie or\l1li!'1)~'f;; man,y gay (TiI~II111$" (AmJl she wf]lujcrs w!ly she C{!1~'l fi.1ld ~ .ill!I~nd~!)

T1C~ED..ofF TRAHliliES Wfil'liIl K!HIVlES '~IUMAit~:[)il1:0 IP'.ITJi.)

You. can. get away .1!II1!IJfdi.'f by Spoofiil;tg bild ill~ij!,liC'S, (l$~fill]I~n1n~ kinld, mad\? fQr(hive'ins Llilthe! '70s, as·",,"li~l'"dhll'Cwr--WitGr brnel does tn ws "De.llh. Woo"~iYpe v.igil.anl.~ lmi\e11l~ f<ilI~asy. n~ fL,,~hi!tUlfoos h'OIiI. iIlTh 01 dl'a.1!!l shOil\l.Bu'lJib1£s CH[J~j(n (,KrySlnl hoo~ed ll,P ~.~. \\liiOng 5~~&1Il.t &\1111', BOliJl'1i" ('Th00l35 .Zl?mllhmdJ, a il!dr!Qck lWIlw ~<~Il!C'd 'lvi'l.en he diooove-rod her ~ooi.taJi<l. Two of 11m giids ~.~ lilloo~l!lal~ (!i[)lefS g\t;lt e\i(.'j~ as Lwm tmiphasJ!MS IIrn!Lls flYer Jlilarn and le~ sevei<il, $rt':en~ rnm fa[ to!) Jprng,If Y(H1'U he Idrered Iby ,tlie UlaJlIlies oolll ,gi.vl:mig a:miIl.If.'CeiviJig ",ijol.elilce, this it:n'l (-or yQll!. Q&A WJd'1 A:s:siswJlrDirec,wr Lazy Ilnj~cllJ' .fonows.

SUlldlay. Oct.:!,:

liS 111' JUiST ME? '~I~M~c.,~12:~,5 P!IiII,~

HeJJ'e~ oil re:p~t oi' die ''mi~~jl!m i~juity causOOilhyfO)~ Qlilllincproile pi.onwif'plo:t ]'ron] ] ast yoe.1ir's "EoJilllg Out: A.IiI ¥bu Can [Eat." nus orte 'liIllll !l good ~IlIP and lW!il' appea]inglead$ (Nj,dli)~lISDm.oI'I15. ~lIiId D..wil;l I..QI1Im,). ~U~ ~l ~ tl.t ahsurd l.englhs 1(1 ~E.'p tbem apan jlfn.·f es~bILo;.hhli,g litem as SQ1;~.m!J:~. lllccomic com, ~iC:aliO!lS, thai, corn;e l'letweel~ Ihem aro"'E:f~~my and. me' B~g .Li~ d~m rnlil:;es sm::h, d'dllil.a over <Ii bread] of trust is 110 big deal.,.sI1fI, it's a 1)!)1fI1Ittially 'wo.lroclf!rfl!.i~ :@,ay ,dale' .movie"

OY VEY~ MY 5'1lN ~S GA'Y! (IIJMAC, Z;,tO IPI!'l1\.)

"fmL.e Tille s:uiJkll d fOOl ~ythirng YO'Ill TO ~~ a'bom i:l1f5 old. schoo1J OOOlOOy, ,Uitcliml .. uHlg "'h~~: )'Qu'll ~il«: it 01' !11m. lolintil' K~z:.oill~ OVCI'I/~'i)rkslilll'r ](~'wis."'" modWfr~lild::. S'Illi)lh~ .. ing §oon Uo;Y<l YOOllg, (!lJ TOIiI)! wirnl('l!" ~(W "J(il,," ooy ~. W\oo's'Puisrngl~ib'hmd aI'I ~), t,.fttiS p.~ \Yi,tIl Jai .R.odnsu~ A 1m of I!~e sam.€'Iihil1.e"~iaI was (n,,'emilslliin~!rui.y in "Nor·, man, ~s ~l You?" ilil 19,m (~) and 1976 (scIml}.Fo1lwed W <]&:11 wifl~ diwcl.Ol'E\yeI!1 AJ11WliS":v.

nilE: AJOO'HIS IFAC~OR' ~UtAC., " ""fiJ'

Fol~m~li]1J,g hn~ ~Ia§l d'oCUlll~'1~"lI1, ~'f1!i!

Butch fa'Cto,i," dit«w,iCI1_1'is· ]-[i'l~6 ~xplol;'l'S ~ay wale body imag.e. 1~011.rnred :tly Q&A willi dJrecwr OmsUIrlE'S,

~~®if~CIi'S, f1aullliJTn~1 !Glmder I)e~lanoe ~n Mu~Tt PPrrtimnanoe ~LMlA.c, S;'4'51~,II1,)

'l'hllikS l!J1J.!S:kiO'!I!S dlscuss inspirnooo ill'!iI

gemJerh.l~n.di~; While "RuOl ACI$" ~tLffiE.'\l$· (nUy GliplOf't'S I!IrlooIM;i~E.'f1l'(] We\lof,iiIOilllS al n.h.e iOlll\!'S~iou o:f g~J~: c:.,,:~Qn .Inc! !lH!S'iCal pmoum~, ~le OOOOl!J:C1l]laiy is det[;l1ta11~1 ligln OIm aCl!1Ial pe.rfo.rm<Lll£!eo. - Bo Shell

UNDERT'l}W I con~O~R!lIEHiI"E (LHAt, 'lI' p,m.)

"B[II!)~eba,k MOlJ.n;U!M' Ill~ ''ChJJSl'' m ·~UOO('f(O:1l~.~' ill fO!Ii!![IliIl!i:cfllrml.S~ fJ!1(fiID I\lll1Jl Ibm'S an acrornpldshoo fust fe<lrure ~or wri~r-~l'(!(j f<ut"fl~ledin. 'filL" nl<it;ho il~tcrmCiil of il poor. vill1l.FJ~ dJis,~ uke v!Suring ill1_i6l S31l~i~ (M!ln~n 'Uln:l!l.Qlla), e:.mept rOIl Miguel (Crisllian M~K;~n), ",'Jm loves S~m~i3gO ~ is !ll~!rlC'{110 Ma_u:i~a (Tmi<ll!bll ASb~lg.o)lw:bm is ~bo, gj.w bilfh ro d~.~iF imn. Alit1.lgedy o11l1Ui:1,g¢s liilings fOF 'tlJlebeMer. lror ,a, lilll:e,1l1l, FI!iJ1'.mes.Leim mru~es a di.Hiru.t. b<iJ,andnga.m. b)l Mking piJLfl1!li<ll sill'- 0001 waw.l'ial sevJmsl)i' il~.oiI malistic se~liJlg;"

S1IiUflPn, '~~MAC, ~'IPll'Iill.)

.!1eI1Botleillfarn st3J]l; as a. Im.sl1er w.il1), 00 ;I\1Im~mruy []@IIIl~ ~~ho :sp([tlds a '~r'k urld Sl;ollilJIY ~i(g1Itin ;1IiI a,[j)1Irtnl,l:'IIt build'im.g. "12' can't fu~ n ~,~;zy am but h~fi_nds Olile trick ;:I~.m- ill)~ GLJHlr and ~~ ro 1m vt'I'SIllfuiliry. onliy ~eliti:ng [j~Im~ 1ID1'!:iliIY whetl! Oli diel~t wolJiltS Ito kiss him, He'ri~ <&Olindlm(R inan h~ ~.gairned for hefi;JiTe '!he night k~ OYer. Wtniim~Jl and dilif)Ct~dl lJ,y kl.scjlh GI'abam, "Sl,ira~" soollds llb <I sie~f~t ootil,'s li'NllIy '!!la!1 rtIrm, .andan:fiL1l~y marl~.

Mo,n,d'ay, Oc:t. 4:

IMAIIJNGI THE loon !~UIlAc', 'SilO p,mJ'

]IJJ[I surp.risimg 11lliI1AS~--gee, CI<I.JI.OOJ Ro'be.~':s "M'akil,s ~. :BoYs" ll:'OCes d~hllilmy ,of Mat'!:

Cn;n1lI1Y's, ~tll(1:UIillIl1' 5ignnlic!lm ShlgJ? pl~)1 mld &I.i1IJ~il~~,U~1lI Iilnill '&ysun t~, &100" flliU1il~ inoepOOJil to ]~g..'I;cy.

Ev'e.ll ilLldi~iI!reO ~nlfam;ilii'Lr w.hlii (rm.rl.zy's slffi)! (I.i ,e~H gay (riea:KIs at a bWlllda)1 pany gol)f..'I!i~1 am' ~J) (~r <II ItreS!. as d~ d(lCUII~.~miil)' I!ffW'll1~ w(\,a"I.~~s ClrDwhzy'saUD()biogr.I!Plti~ c~J [l)iJJTd.tiWMID die· pl<1Y~' deve10pllIleDl and [be 'efl.ff~ oj pl.le-SI.OO.elY'all N'e'L\I'l\ork.

lli1~ play's mn from mla'lIl. eJ\.'P'flmneili~al. lhc~t{lr (0 ~re~B"",,1d\~lIY li:;I fnlim is P'fl\rfucliliy jlfLlil!::tapesed wilh dilc- blmmlil of the Wyrigh!SIrnIOlo'~ !J!](?rLt, as its roo~oo~ was IDlrintiC ID too f1NOI:~n]oll, lil'l!oll.B~)]md from h.

.1\lrIi-ut.~ willi romm~iJtruy fn:m 11100)' of !he sIocl\101's key player.;; as liii!eIl. as Thny KIl.'>i1iUB. Lany Iml!DeI; ~inthael MluisI~l aniI,~furme:r New York nlayDf Ed 1<00'1, hM$dllg lh(l B0ys" gives ~Il~t 1O.aJ COm.!lO'l~!sii!!l3_OO 'tOOJ.,plJ'C'aled ~m mat p<l\iedllhe way ~Gl" gay t1li!rnffi ]0 today'S nheaiell, re~~'litstoJland.lll1l. - .80 .Siie'll

IEUJrtl!, I!j,ND{lN E~UtAC, '1 p,lim)

INiooJe COlliIl ~wjtsme dJas:;lcles!bia:llpJot ("1Jese1il ]' "Ui'lIJlna;' ·'I"ersoIil1ll. Besl" !lnd ,Conn's '00\'0'11 ''Q]~ oflh('!' Moo:ri') aOOut i11:lc~rort' slm'i£ifu \\'(IIiIl'ijli di500''''~lfIg lifer WIilIiII\1f .~~illi~J1\!oi'~I1I, she r~lh in love 'Wiii!ilil i1d~ ~rOCWble dylre. EI(IDJ (Niet.a.r ZOOeg;l1]) is m.,II"-

cied. 1[0 tl'ti2' ~r ,[Gilly ~~} (if <I ("j}]iISeI:\'If.!. 'thie cOIlgreg<l11ion. :PeyOlrll l(Tram Dillwiddie) ~-"I!iJliri!S M'\lIf~hmlp books Ilut can'l hclp ~,~!f. TII~ .me~t!lm;lI ~C1if!)l~tl'l'l.! !IJillillllU.e ~. ocm~OOdon, .. but ,COOJi[ Iffiv__ro:l~rs, <II] GILIilJUilel: of obstades 111. 'ililek path, ~E jl\OII wrun 10 see' ['Ii~'O hm wamen ge~ mgilllnw' in bea!llliJhlI!y plnomgu:a:p.1Jed. sur· :1,wll,<liin~ ~Ilid sh~'I~ ''tlilil' wodd's Ibll\~t mo~~1l' T,:11ls5. " h~'s ~(I1.1T oll![lllC.C-.

GlUEIrm H (!lI~P; FUi~l EiHOO:IU (APR 7:1~ p..m.)'

AlIanlOiifl!lmmaker.> Dia..iUI ,C< and C]w,r. )11W!tiliI500lI1e il1ltel'!i,j~OO-yea:r .. nldJ Qn"ellliJ:ll Oi'~p" nh~ ql!lirky aut'hnrllf "The N",kedl Ci\lil Sl.'lVant," 'O!!(;' of t~ a!;llitest ~!&!I!ldl (!ctQ'I;mt!; oJ opel] .WlY I~oo. l1Jtougb li_ m~re Ibillil il re-mrded OOffil\e.r,sa!iflll,. C~~'s SIIilIili.ed lmm.or:~ hOtilil W.Uli)1 ar~ iL'tspi:raniOlrl<ll- .80 stJfil

,milil HE'll" (APPjofl:30 p,m.)

This MOlY of leslillHlil low.l'S (R~bek<rl:l KocbtmaJItCil. lillian E.itislOJl)1 agairull: me IltO "Botllle, "b:m MI bad. I1~ii('r roilldn'l mfllld up ~11Q(~ ~Xrt;J;.15 to I;!!;!plllilt~ il s!O'i\'night at <I

w\'ffi'.t heGAVolce,com


I my name is

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October I, zOia ME




OII('T' '1!5 21010




Sex, Ilove and poetry at LGBT film fest

biu;, II;'~ ,)~ooc ,) 'j;I~~,kcd hml!'5c" 1i!r.qt1il ,) CITO\lllid of ~stom oo_lSiile.YNrQl'<llo1i~'~budgm quickie ~~'s 11m: nJG" ocling, goo;1, p;lloll!Jg~phYiIItd S~ e~aI~~joyible iIliillocennmbi-J.'S.. \VOrI(I pI'lNIIieil;e, ,O&'A w,!!il DiJ'Elrla- ,Br,lc:IIl Flto'lkli.etand uttar Mey McLeod' (Jft~l' ,dle ~ing_


Aga,y ,couple ffiIl~e5, logellll!1[ anm, all osten, ~IMy !>'Imig)n onup]e ap;3Jl in ruJ~ Bahamas, wlIIiI!~ p~~~~ ;;In(! piJli!idM$ ~It <tllJj,.g.l}' mewric tll!illlm!1po11~ffi I;w;oo~, W:lilHlf,IfOdl!Cel.~ director K<I.ITeeUI J. MGI1im('.I" em; 011 '!be side ,cn[ MeifuLi'1e-ss where 'sex 11;, OO1IILelined Inrn: ewe ir.:ftH:rul ROIIlOO (8,1ttJIilfll ~, \MlIiilfilS) ruMi, .iloru1Y Qoillmy rcrm) filH illll~ 1111d ~1 (M~rct L~.Di~1 };;m;lpJ' ~ ~liIjlW, fimIl h(!f DL Imin· i.:ster Imslxmd (Mark R Fotrl). It S1roJIl,g ~Vl a_llIil gt:!!Ud l.leffoolt.l!lCl!S 11i!Ip us' a\~r 1I1e' l:'OOglh !if'!OIl". in M()~r!$. ~IiGlil, ,Ieai\i'mg "Children afGD(J" I.,.nt 0JiI1Il~ 5ide (IF IIlIe atlgd$. p~ Trn'lille W!JIis l"m dIlRnr} .d~~roeIMg,

GA VO:ICIE 1i11:GHm ·1iLII.esdal'~ IOd~ 5:

SEX INIAH IE~IDE!MIC (LMAt. :~3{) [p.m'.)

1'his IXH1~ df.lCn!liellitaty Uowsb wcropalli!lii;caj imp;)ct of l:IIWAlI[)S hom i~ Guibw in mt': ,~y 00s ro 0IJ1'OO1l11 ~nlian ~tt'gif'$ and ,a.crhlillln, 11Kl. :fih'lll's imO'£~ illtt¢f·' esrilig lDl®lllCOlS foHuw Ne>\f "ili:uk'~ eilrlie5! ])I~~eI~ti(m 'r;'iIIl]lpaigl}_~, 1i!r.1~kh in:tclud~ [lli\rIrogL<lplilic coolk bCJoks~11d l.lOI1l.lii~ illSlrUouona! ylm .. ;ti,rnoo lit I;wmitizin_g sex if! ,~ream.!l! !lim!:,. PllttedtJ by !iim1 :sbotiI. film ~ :rdl," diJft.'mru 0/ Dm'.idf)!lm~; - Eo SJdt


Nomatdll for "Sejvin~ ill Sifull!~.e: De Ma~ garelll'le Cammermeyer Sm:ryJ~ this LifetiimeStyttl ru .. ma bm. Oll ~ :1>tmies SPj~ .i.selJ toOl i1nnal\ bllt ~l gOO!iJ, ~rf.iOOJllil,l'J;)~h;(m, <lQI ~If' ,];l!t'Ji,dilil8lC;ld CJJ'li~ it (liNiN .lIO~'Oiff b~IIIlIP5" Ah:x~ muim E'flml~ (DnWIJI W~l'), idisch~mOO ~ml thlt': MMln~ unclN"Don'll Ask, W)oo"t Th1I" ii:wfl, though sire's m<l.l:lfioo to a mM, ml.tL!11S to lu h.QlilelOli'O'n. wns up 5(lOl.€'lilJ.Ih. takes 001 a 1I1<elllru!ab or two ,'Iud IlIruen!tO:l'l} a !!rOU.b1JBd ymmg WOJIl~l~ ~rnl~ actress. ril~~is 'ic~an:J).\I\lriw-,M·d~· reclm NedF_.\o\~berthu£b<!_I!CiI, oilsoCilit'CCled ]ler In '''The G)rOma£i.~ f'otlO'Wt'J' ~ pa.n~ dis. ~iW,i OJ:! "Drul ~ Ask [:Im!~: Teil .' "

n.mHIT <l)f "Ii'HIE ICAIIiJDINIAL (APP~.l~~O piOl.)

Uliliiillme :ilCripl goes off • rails ~iIT dJte end, Robert Casron's lInmJ:er ba.sal(l( go.i:rl,gfOli .~I~ The aatil'l.gilll.t1 dllit--ocIiOlil .r!ll!? 11.ooiI eoough m l:I1i1J1l:e iDllmI;~f~~[Iiji\O"S fQrgijiVilblc,~wid,j[ • Bon~r pjAl,YS du;: CQIlII'iiVUIiI.g S~fl~ ln the Edbl·]il:c NonhC~IDlimilodge roBlb'y :Ross I~h]er.

Once the illflJ)ll;enl\l'iOtiIlll SIil[l$lii~ting h.1dl:: thing~ ge~ .in~~ting.Tln~ ~~m:lili1ailcr 1l9d ~iis I!ead:s. im:ll1rl:i.:I'I,gClai~ Bowerman, shooJtlhil,yt! el,leUI better m.ov,t!15 ahead oJ ~m.

~OW,l (~IMAle..e'55 pJm.)

From Os.c.:!r winne1'S Ro'b E:pslcin .am] ,lief.. f~'eY f:l'ioom<ID, tlmiJlirsl na:l1.'3uvelilrn is an Hpetmenta] 4xu.mrmn1lJaOOtilsar j)0eI: MM Cir.slle,ng ami thi!' o'b:!;ce;ilI.i~ mila) sparked by ~s 195'5 pooID~]-[Q\\i'I," [f you dOJl't ~I!~iocim~ dl~ ~ jfQU\i!oi\ii)IiI', ;u~jj)leCil)~ 'lh~ movie, dC\ipiW ~ sw.l1i!l' CiJi!!t. !'\s GirnjOO'll. J.a_mes fJrJ1!OO !liumtcs and reciles but doesn'[ g~ te OOMle a dliu:ac. ~r, 'COUImX!ln scene-s f~~DiW.!d Sttmhai'll\ Joo, Hamm, Bo"B.1I~,ban. ,Maif·:Lauise Parl..11f. Jeff D~Inlds, "J1M~ WIIHam5 ,and A~.eillil!lxllr(l NiVO:~~. n~ 're d11 g'Ooo" b1;tt if yo.'!.lI don't like GinsbelJt's ~lWj' "Howl," COl.!h:bl'tbe wrse.

IPUdN B (~'PIP. 8.~SS'IP.m,)

.1 ham to S!po]~ !hi! wom. Illl'ly? -WOJl'l~. Ith~y'?

SllSpe!1~ in luili A!Fi~li!tlrll!5.1.m tlb()IJJt ~ straight m.~l11 fa1il[ng in lO'!'e w]tb eadh otbel;.oot il" l:l!Iey ~ffin'( it ~'liI! be 11 featuJle'-leJl,glh Lease ~i"eo til!l! i-\lIlll'riC.m'·UWlIlpdi.'lIY." Wltidll II dldill't ~QII'IIIIU,'I,:d, And I 'mt;Qall'IiIl~1ild "P'~ij1l.B." 'e'!Il~n tlilougJil il~s ,P<lcOOm~ s~O\'!olI:i' dl@1II r Colli lIS~'" tilly lDief<lJ.ll ffiJd (!m .~Iot doeslr'[ lL'

~. Ulln:l1latel~1 il,[hJe5n'~ rna~tl,.'f\!oflily Ilru:m.o (M!I!I~tel Vlg!l~uJ and fo1lblQ {Lucas F'cn.'o1lJl!)ll~ com!! rtimld:;" <l!OO Mlmsl~ng thi.~.g'S m~k~ Ihe ~ulu.tio.n of _irielfll!iionsnip beI,i~'bl.e. pm,~. by "a"i.aI'SAnye/s, I,"

'Wednesd1i1JY~· Od~ 6:

OVER i1iHIUnlOH (UrtA1:. 4:15I11-!'I1\)

Le5htm '~KID.g;O'13:i1ro h'lmIetJilS l'lel! (llooiillio!!t5jotlr'lOOy ro p.ll.ood\OiiXl. fmoori. dOOaf soo!dl todelivm)'~nd .l'>\'l:I ~'S ~ood. "OW,I' the Mboo'" ~5'OIiI (JIIa'hand 'q\'litc Si'lill;JJ1C., wt (1IiI ~e OO1(lf,.,~d_lC doopl_y JiliJIIS~Lkli ollI!.rls.oru,l'lilitl~ p.1ilnfl~1 p:'!lh kllOOoJm~ 1Il00K1'5. - no Shell

MlliXE!1lI SIilOR.fS, !~IWMIAC .• !SilO pJI1I.l'

IJ:[ARCITV (IUM'!c~. 't;!O PI~:)

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m GA Voice \ October 1, 2010 \ A&E




Atlanta Pride celebrates 40 years of struggle, triumph

Ely Lauro Douglas-Brown lbrown@thegavoice.c-om

On a hot summer night some 41 years ago, a ragtag group of gay street youth, drag queens, dykes and transgenderpeople fought back against a police raid at New York City's Stonewall Inn,

The June 1969 uprising is widely viewed as launching the modem gay rights movement, igniting a more radical approach than the fledgling "homophile" movement that was already quietly underway.

By the next year, cities began hosting rallies and celebrations to mark the anniversary of Stonewall, creating the Gay Pride events that continue to this day.

Atlanta held its first Pride march in 1971, when about 100 brave souls marched down Peachtree Street, and celebrates its 40th anniversary in 2010.

And ever since those first Pride marches commemorated the Stonewall uprising, Pride celebrations have played an .important role in both shaping and reflecting LGBT history - providing, as Stonewall historian David Carter describes it, a crucial. "common narrative" to shape our identity as an LGBT people and culture.

"If we do not know our history, how can we ask others to take our history, and therefore us as a community, seriously?" Carter asked in a recent interview marking Stonewall Week, a series ofactivities sponsored by the Atlanta Pride Committee and other organizations to mark the June anniversary since Atlanta's festival is now held in October.

As our community's largest annual gathering, the 40 years of Atlanta Pride also provide a time capsule of four decades of progress and struggle on our road to full equality.

1970s: Bl!lildinga movement

The years immediately following Stonewall were marked by a new sense of urgency and visibility for LGBT activism, reflecting the grassroots, counter-culture spirit of other protest movements like the fights for women's lib and against the Vietnam war.

In 1971, Democratic activist Bill Smith incorporated the Gay Liberation Front in Atlanta, following a trend of gay lib groups around the country, That same year, GLF hosted Atlanta's first Gay Liberation Day, a march that followed a route still familiar today: down Peachtree Street

to Piedmont Park. Organizers said 125 attended, although media put the number at 50.

The next year, Pride doubled to 250 people, drawing both television coverage and controversy that reflected the discomfort some older gay people felt with the new movement. Some gay bars even threw out activists passing out Pride fliers.

Pride continued to grow throughout the mid- 70s, with shifting leadership as GLF disbanded.

Maria Helena Dolan attended her first Atlanta Pride in 1976, and remembers those early marches as vel}' different from the mammoth parade that shuts down city streets today.

"In those days, we had 500 to 600 people," she said, "and you would still see some people with little masks or paper bags over their faces, and signs that said, 'I have to cover my face or I might

lose my job.'''

As a mark of the growing impact of the festival, in 1976 Pride won support from then-Atlanta Mayor Maynard Jackson, who issued a "Gay Pride Day" proclamation.

But the support also ignited one of the first major public controversies for Pride, when a group calling itself Citizens for a Decent Atlanta took out ads in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution to demand Jackson's resignation,

In 1977, Jackson backed down and just issued a "Hmnan Rights Week" prodamation, although the festival still drew 1,500 people and included demands for local and national gay rights laws.

That attention to national issues at Pride carried over into the final two Prides of the 19705. In 1978, orange juice queen Anita Bryant - who

had become an anti-gay crusader - came to town to address the Southern Baptist Convention.

Instead of a Pride rally, organizers held a massive demonstration outside of the convention.

"That we had 4,0CH) people when Pride had been drawing much less really speaks to .national issues having an impact on the local level," Dolan says.

In a further testament to that impact, in 1979, on the 10th. anniversary of the Stonewall rebellion, Pride was put on by activists organizing the local contingent in the first National March on Washington for Lesbian & Gay Rights.

The 1979 Pride march also reflected. one of the biggest gay-related news stories to date: the 1978 assassination of gay San Francisco City Supervisor Harvey Milk, and the fact that his killer, Dan White, was acquitted a year later of murder and

A&E / October 1, 2010 / GA Voice m

found guilty only of voluntary manslaughter.

"One of the chants that year was 'We want more than disco, remember San Francisco,' because Dan White basically got away with murder, and gay people rioted," Dolan said. "It was a way to honor that."

19805: And then came AlIOS

After building strength through the end of the 19705, Atlanta's gay tights movement appeared poised to continue that progress in the 19805.

Pride in 1980 was dubbed "Lesbian Gay Transperson Day," showing increasing diversity.

But the community would soon face a challenge that made the previous struggles pale in compartson. In 1981, the Georgia Department of Human Resources began tracking AIDS cases in the state, with three reported.

"At that time, what we had was a movement for queer liberation, and it was essentially derailed by AIDS," said Dolan, who began helping organize Pride in 1977 and would later be honored as a Pride grand marshal. "The focus had to shift because people were dying."

The numbers quickly grew, hitting Atlanta Pride along with the rest of the gay community.

"From 1981 to about 1984, 1 wentto 41 funerals, until 1 finally just stopped counting." Dolan said.

The first "Stop AIDS" banner appeared in the Pride parade in 1983, and the first Pride community memorial for those who had died of AIDS was held in 1984.

The festival itself struggled as the ranks of organizers were decimated by the disease, although HN also motivated others to get involved.

"No one cared that my husband was dying of AIDS and people needed to know that we are everywhere," said AI Pellenberg, who started volunteering in 1985 for that reason and is now marking 25 years of work with Atlanta Pride, currently as creative director. "From then on 1 worked with them to make Pride a more Significant event."

As the 1980s drew to a close, AIDS remained prominent. The 1988 festival theme was "A Celebration of Life" - a poignant when funerals were common and the time between diagnosis and death was often measured in months.

By the time the 1989 Pride festival marked the 20th anniversary of Stonewall with the theme "Stonewall: Reasons to Remember," Atlanta - like cities around the country - had lost hundreds of leaders and loved ones to the disease.

19905: Growth and Vi5ibillity

While IllY struck down many in the gay community, it also radicalized many more. People who had never considered themselves activists during the gay liberation movement of the 1970s found they had no choice but to fight back when their friends were literally dying around them, and that spirit soon energized other struggles.

Jeff Graham attended his first Atlanta Pride in 1990, and remembered the thrill of being part of "the beginning of a very exciting movement."

"I was a young street activist in the community, and Pride was really a central focus of the year back then for those of us on the frontlines of activism," said Graham, who was a member of

ACT UP, would later serve as executive director of AIDS Survival. Project, and is now executive director of Georgia Equality.

''You were making a political statement just by showing up, because so few people were willing to do that. When Pride hit 5,000 people, it seemed like the largest gathering you could imagine," he said

By the early 1990s, LGBT protests were common in Atlanta and around the country, as those who felt they had nothing left to lose spoke out with newfound energy.

"It's when the death rate of AIDS was really reaching its peak, and we were on the verge of scientific advances that astounded us when they happened," Graham recalled. 'That early research was starting to trickle in, and we could begin to see that if we put up strong political pressure, we could change ths course of the AIDS epidemic."

As the home of the federal Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta became ground zero for HN protests that drew attendance and headlines from around the nation.

Other gay news stories also put Atlanta on the map, and Pride's attendance grew exponentially in response.

The festival drew roughly 5,000 people in 1990, but the number leapt 30,000 in 1991, with Cheryl Summerville - who ignited a national boycott when she was fired from Cracker Barrel restaurants for being gay - as a grand marshal.

The Atlanta Pride Committee also officially incorporated as a non-profit in 1991,

adding stability to the festival. Attendance doubled to 60,000 in 1992, and then hit 100,000 in 1993.

TWo months later, in August 1993, the Cobb County Commission passed its now infamous resolution declaring homosexuality incompatible with community standards.

Protests over the Cobb resolution spread, as groups like the Cobb Citizens Coalition berated the commission and Olympics Out of Cobb sought to keep the county from benefitting as a venue for the 1996 Olympic Games.

Pride grew to three nights in 1994, on the 25th anniversary of Stonewall - and Olympic organizers, fearing protests would disrupt the games, announced in July 1994 that the volleyball competition would be pulled from Cobb County.

Pride hit a new attendance record in June 1996, when 300,000 turned out for the festival, which featured Indigo Girls as the headliner.

The festival theme that year was "People of the World: Listen, Think, Act," an obvious reference to the crowds coming to pack Atlanta for the Olympics in July.

"Over that five year period of time, [Pride's growth] was like a snowball rolling down a hill - it started slowly but it sped up," Graham said. "And what happened with Pride in my mind is the greatest snapshot and gauge of the growing strength of our community."

But the tragedy that marred the 1996 Olympics would soon put LGBT Atlanta in the spotlight

again, and serve Pride with another huge challenge to overcome.

After a bomb ripped through the Otherside Lounge, a lesbian and gay bar on Piedmont Avenue, investigators soon connected the attack to the bombing of the Atlanta Olympics and a Sandy Springs abortion clinic.

With an anti-gay bomber with a record of targeting large public gatherings on the loose, would anyone show up for Pride in 1997?

Security increased exponentially, but having faced down AIDS, gay Georgians weren't about to run scared: Some 300,000 packed Piedmont Park.

One of those 300,000 was J.P.. Sheffield, who attended his first Atlanta Pride that year as junior in high school.

"I had never seen that many queer people in one space up until that point," Sheffield said, explaining that until then he hadn't really understood the need for a Gay Pride celebration.

Sheffield recalled that he still had to hide his new rainbow gear from his father, but with the freedom of college, in 1999 he began volunteering for Pride.

"1 felt fortunate that 1 didn't have to live that way anymore, and it was important to me to go and help keep Pride available for people," said Sheffield, who is now executive director of the festival. "If they didn't get to be gay anywhere else, they would always have that space."

The last two Pride festivals of the 19905 saw attendance drop somewhat as a result

of extreme heat one year and a deluge of rain the next, but Pride ended the decade with attendance 40 times higher than when it began.

''Pride began to be that one place once a year where you could find others like ourselves who you always knew were there but could never find. It just got bigger and better every year," Pellenberg said "The community found a voice and a common thread."

20005: Milestones and m.arriage

Riding the wave of huge growth in the 19905, Pride celebrated in 2000 with its biggest entertainer yet - the 8-52s, who helped drive attendance to the highest in Pride's history, an estimated 400,000.

The parade set an attendance record in 2001. Major developments in the ongoing fight for LGBT equality were also reflected in the festival. In 2003, Atlanta Pride's theme of "Freedom to Be" gained new meaning just days before the festival, when the United States Supreme Court struck down sodomy laws in the case of Lawrence v. Texas.

"When that ruling came down, it was tight before the event happened and absolutely those types of things playa huge role in how people are feeling and what drives them to come out and be visible," Sheffield said. 'That was a huge year. The park just kept filling up."

Pride in 2004 also reflected major national fights for gay tights, although not as positive. With

anti-gay marriage amendments on the ballot in many states, including Georgia, marriage became much more visible at Pride.from wedding themes in the parade to heightened media attention directed to Pride's annual Commitment Ceremony.

The stunning defeat on the marriage amendment, which was approved by 76 percent of Georgia voters in November 2004, gave credence to the argument that LGBT groups must do a better job of partnering with other social justice movements.

Pride organizers took up that call, debuting a Human Rights Exhibit in 2007 that is now an inspiration for Pride organizers in many other cities, and also working more closely to co-sponsor events with other community organizations.

"It's so important that Pride has its own vision in terms of asserting LGBT liberation, as not just a celebration but as a serious human rights action," said Craig Washington, a longtime Atlanta LGBT and HN activist who has attended Pride since 1993, and served as a Pride speaker several times.

"There needs to be these rituals that really insure that people feel like, 'Yes, 1 do feel queer community here,' and Pride helps sustain that," added Washington, who is a spokesperson for this year's AIDS Walk Atlanta.

"At the same time, because our human rights are not guaranteed and there are certain rights that we still are fighting for, Pride - given its influence and its size - has to acknowledge that."

Current events also had a major impact on the last Pride festivals of the 2000s, this time in the form of the massive drought.

After being celebrated the last weekend in June in. Piedmont Park for most of its history, Pride was forced to move in. 200B when city officials booted large festivals from the parched park.

Held over July Fourth weekend at the Civic Center, Pride attendance and finances suffered. The festival moved back to Piedmont Park for 2009, bur over Halloween, to get around city policies that limited festivals in. the summer season,

This year, Pride caps four decades of growth and change by settling into its new date - the second weekend in October, to coindde with National Coming Out Day - at its old horne of Piedmont Park, LGBT Atlanta's unofficial backyard.

But while the festival has faced changes through the years, one thing remains constant: the desire to inspire LGBT people and our allies to continue the fight for full equality.

"In many ways Pride gave our community a place to meet, to show each other our different sides, our common interests, and our unique capabilities," Pellenberg said.

"It has the power to gather and galvanize us, and that leads to greater diversity and choices for each of us,'

Editors note: A version of this article appears in Atlanta Pride magazine.


Atlanta Pride Oct.'HO Piedmont Park

See schedule pages 44-45

• G'" Voke \ OctobeJ 1.2010 \ ME

IMit1 a by N icho I as Rob ~n 50n

Kimberley Locke loves the bo,s

Atlla nta Prlde h,ead ~i ner gushes on her glay 'fans

Irs (IW~Um Se,J:lt~]I~r d~y fl:om co.~ ~C1 OOOJ'itbllt singe§ Kimbmey lock~ is Jeefulg a hit IDlder ~e We[UilmT. SlIicben '"tinh, a oough, Lode Is fEebgi3J b!J: (-r:aWOOaJilm di$[l"~. ~[e ~n,eurn:mdiIiQn, sl~ pQI~tcl~ ami wannlliy enB~&cs lin WlirilC~lli(lJli,. C('i{lrtrj,'Qlil6l~l rn~ik in,g S!IiI:aU Will to get (hings goillg,

8m Ibt's pmt ,of d~ Olppe<ll ,of 1Illi;· H1~Jtivi1le, lllrul.,rn1li"'~. S.l!~s a1wllfS ~ 'o"~ to [ltiI1 t'titrough. ~1 d:m:iJlgl:Ol~~h ijDU~. as ev:lt!enll1uml llEli"days (II1t1iJeseonml ~~I o:rlhe rnalily-W slinging oompcti:Ufilil "ARlCl'ican htll, ,.

S1..!:!"'i~~jl!g w~k$ (If ~i!!!ls1!:!tdl~1'~h criHques from judg~ ~he< dae nOI.oriOllS Simon Cowell, andwo\!.l.inlg :fatiS across l.he nation, Lucke made, i~. aim Ihe\!o'dY 00 thefin.M. Ii'm!l'!'e bc~o~ ~ing ~~WJl '~ul !!Iy f,!ln~w 'i::OI'i~'!o!I"!.S C1~_,y J\ill.t'Jl ,and winru!t' Ru_bml SlJUddard.

"As fur as ] .~ 00l~ .1 was a 1;!,'irII:uler.

M.ihlrulg it to me eoo o\f 11~ s.bow,. th8I"!;t; aIllaz.. ing R~iI:i:I1~."U!!ck¢$<ly$, "fl\.rnd.~ d~,'Uhi[]k 1II1l1~ I ll,lvt: ilny less oJ iii ~11Il.'CI'kl:a~ rdidn't "'1 iii " ..

Tha~ 1:1I1ldof~~n.ldcwoo Pt2fliilvC!:aUl~t2h~~ LGc];c ro s.eru.t~[!J d(\'l1j wili~ Cuib oooo!lds OliflOOr t.h~ shffi'>' t~ wrnp~>d, roh~<!:fiiltg th~ illllbmn.!! ilid,udI~e ''Oll.!1 Lm~"in 2.004i3[i(], "m:!~ On ATnne S~ry" .in. 2007_ Afnmpru'itillgwilYS liII.~m11 Om;~ 1112009." t.QC~e ~,~~pid!cd ~o be dl'!!~1S!! a.rtisl to sign I.~ Randy J~cksoo 's1j)~I, Dl'tlam ~'hil.idl1ljtt 21, reJ:fra&rtlg jj:1e' s:ill,g]e "S~isJU" c~('k i.a~ Aptil.

.il§l'd5 mus:ic:,. Locke, a~oo WUI!UlOO iuro Iillli WQ:W of.!J!~~iang, ~p~.1iq~ 1:I1Fo.m~ such as LaJUl B:lyantiLlld :ievm7 Jea.:m ..

"\lllhen y,ou rome 01 (If "Americ<IIlIOOJ,' you h,we to Slay 0fMl!I!I ro ~'!:e pooslbil1tic;s. be(.(itl~~ o~t,q;jJlJili~ .~ cornirUl,S fmlil1 ~"ely dircro.on ~lldl som~timi.'S !Jh.ey'i,l;!' 'I;omirng fTOJlll {l'll'et:Df rn._~-tiO!! ~J:l(lJllfrom ~ m~!1;k ~roa. So youllavc to b(!~n tosay.iqf;l, ol! .. y.i:fm~.ill.l:l OOm!lS along, oofore sillging ~n. ['01 g:olJrog ro taJ.!e lln\3J~ ~au5~ .uBlL'1emli oFdiM1 d"'Jd~ ,a![ ulJlilm~~tdyreB!.llhe lJ~ (]£ ~~lna~ J'(lU 'W'3m ~[l do," s!h@ s,,"fry&

Th'i!1ng OJ! r.malWbl'll'a..k froM sL~!ling a..!ld moo· cliJrI& Locke made a Mum ILO real~ty TV bOCk .in 2007 on seasoJ.l live of "Ce1;etmlt}, F.i[ d.llb." a.5e8S!'l1II Ihat ~'a~ rift! winh dml!iu ma:lili:;s roM· low cast ma~ ])US[i1!1 ])i~lllOl!d, >i!ndi also d:\(J p]lace ",, sate IDfttlJiffi" bmer wyfrieoo,F[t Club paneliis[ aJ1tCil. lraiLner, ~ [[jj[\<ey Walrl~iII.1 v.

'''Celebrilli' .FIt Club' was fiJll ,of d,ama. BtU. [ look at. 'Cele1rriF)I fit Olll!lb' as aJlDllu~.r shm ... !ha1 Clllilngoo .. my .I~re. I never .really 'Ilioogln .!llqt ''IllY W~~~~ watt] .~ ffwr '1&1,' Oneil 19~ off ,of 'ldoll' ~!l?:l}1ibGdy w~~Jld!i)fl ~f! i~j'" s1~ says, ~S.o ,,!hen ] itut 1J.NI1UilCherli about tW slmv ~. wamoo II! ma'i:ie SlIl'e mal ir W;l5, SGm~ lhiiilg d~H was~~ly l~ do~al.dl nh~[ ~. \.\';'llS dfiing it for dill:' ~~i~rofjlOOIlS,"

From' 1 do~' to "ides

VV1li~~ ,~~~~~ of ~!1'J." '"!d~':' ~!d "Fil. 000" days ~ locl!e ~.~\EillI ~l 'eil,ga,sedb :she .i1islan~y ~ Il!Ip OJ1Ce !lie ffill\i'eI'SilItiOIl shiJirs rrr'!,\l[lllls one ,ofllelf Mmile I~; her gav [<t:JM;,

LQ(iI!.effiB!> biippi~ybQ~I'I oll dl.elJ«l a[ld~t1 ,ofhm' ga,y EillIS ever since she wall~ed aft tM "~\,mmG!J1iJ l~!." regu1.Ni'y .appearing festlvaJsClcrtlS5! tIil~ 'COlIDtLy.

~QiI!;e dil~ ~!1~'" h~ Q'Itt'll'; l11Iy ~15[ l\!;'t;) y~1i5 'O~WO:lrki~B l did C'o'"l'ny g1iJy PJ:iid~ ocmss lh.e OOI!IIl!i~, I w~ so llimdl. The g.:lfS ~~~ !!lL~ {lU!," she say.s,

"n was~t!(.! most .~1m ex~>fil?l~o:f ~.y i;!fl: !jl1ililg amES ~111 OOIIttiy .mdset'lng Ilha~~ .am,!, lholiJS;:lnd~ ofgll;Y men! ",tlQl~ me,.li~ MiS. amm!i8olnd l'UiI smill mhlg .Un,'· Loc~~g,usllf!S"

~].!ViJ.l!l ~p~n .~ mrlJd~ ltil!t~ showiJil!iil sup. port for her g<iIy ~aJ'I5. Locke was lllllDhl)l' rem!l.m:loo or ]uSI. hATh' m.uGh iter ,gaIl' fans <!fOOte .h~.· as welID ~hen ar !hills lfea['s 'Seawe Pride, Festlv~ II1w~ was ~ K~if1~oorley Lodl!..e dl;~g s])ow beld in OO'bono:r.

"'LJs(m rOO! Il!oow ¥-otaJ"w l!ll0J00 L~ whl'll SOOlelJ,ndy &:!es.a drag slww;mdi its.~J1 iloom you, h"'lOI$jll~~ ~ o.'f liI~mOO1~!li wiK'J], I w~, wow, die boys '!(Jlv"l' me ,and Illml!'~hc ~

.... Anylillill~ I need to herelllimJedi of ~\I'hl!' !o,vt,'$ m~, 19f) s~'iI!itl~t Ito diU! boys am.d liner d~!i· nihi~y ~i~t m.e If]) tl:K!y oon:>W1~y i\lnl~:Jd Ill!: ,t)f why] love doingWililar rn d(},~ il:lf 5IIy.;,

Locke .miIlly adIil.1lil5l1wll.lroUigIiI!J)Uit.IIl'.e}~ li@I"gii,Y n.llil1efansha~ ~!I m.IIMl ,iDr-e ,rnfhi:!f omd_~ as we]] i!:!l, illlilwm of her ~U'!,~}'s~.

"l]~ g<Iy' coo["lllillmityhas really diJfOC:lNi my ~:. "Ihe gay OOlIlillElIIl:1ilY ·has. mally e:il:lhmrnd I]l~ and dl~)' o!;JlIIStallllly reJl!iIifl.dl.mrm dliiU lhll'1"~-e SflIPIXl!WuS l!UIe and d1LeY'~1! I OYi:d , " 'ei!.p1il1ImLocike,"I,ove ~..Y ifiie,li1!h aJJ aCfO'.i;S tm coo_nUy .mi] eV(lfi OV~"5 ~ 'h,we gil}' fll'ioodS.~·

K}m~!j'q ,l.«J:ll says {!rtiII~IIiI9 up ltIrocw,r ~w her JMfgli'1liIW 'IIi'Simygk gay peop.~ op~ (aoo. ,'~ ~!ll:ia,r U ~ IJke ID ~ JudfJM, '~h2 ,SI:I~~ '.1 ~r!Ol" wl.r@~' j~'s mil' fryi~ (0 ~.rd_VOY!" ~di:'J'lU!lI' a,KI ~.~YOC! ffl in,' (P.[tblk-i~p~tOOo)

'I kmmw wlhat lt's like'

locke hit> aliso :shO~;ffl IlLer suppmt for Ilbe ,gay MI1I'IIl1I11l!1.Ul)f b<ylx-liwg an ,a.\liil-~mV'lAIDS :elIW~n5 .tl~~OO'WOJ1!jl\g wid! dM~i!i~ ,~nd OI.g<lIill~7~tUQJlS ~_ioh es Qnnp H!NIrda~. ~h~ [liStlblllfl G~\Jser P,lJdiaLric A rDS F01!!:rnd!a[jOl~, aJtd YmmlAIDS.

~\:;. l~lC' ~~,[Iins.lIl~ ~iQiil .fo:rr. b~ing b~'" gay ~<ute and. an ~nVlAIDS ilW,;m;:, lie» MvoQi!e 5'tlenru f.n;IIIil~ kr own chil~lnorn;J ",~gg!es wilh idcn~hy 1]00 stigma,

~Gru.w,il]!l, Il!pin i1l!Ll' S~!m, IUy IIlmtl~ ls wllile,my fanhe-li liS rDiarli,. :50 even m Ihe '005 RI.dai i.e,nslOi~ WIllI> SI:iiIJ ,al big IhiJag," .Locl.iJe ,ad. tn.ins. "1 knliiW' \!ol,llhill if'g mih m ]j,Q. rn'~!~ Imllnes. W knoW' whll!!. it's lileto be judgoo,. ] Irnow whit it's Lm~ OjIrung tooorl ~IOO1' [d'enlity and where roo lfi[ iI1il andtlna:[ is silmilar I~.o, !lite gay rommlLJ:lIi.ti~' e.>i:pmiE]'Ic!I't. "

\1Vi.ih sudi! tI S'l10:!1ig OOPQe(itiO!!l to h g~y ({IliIlm~mii:tyi~ oomes ~ mIO $urprig~ ~h~~ locl.'i~ will ~ allmaillim!lg penrl'llU!f m fioomom POI.rli

tIlIrn~rle~ l.oclU!

s.atLlf(l~l(.. OCL ." 8:1& p,m. Cllca-GOIa Stage. Pie~rrnB~t ~rk J!i~dilIiIta~kI~.r!lr~

dll:rl:rlg 18.1is rear's Al!ama .Prld'e Festival

"I thin];: m~ IiIWlloor ,OO~ h'ay Ih.u. I. call re~l1lm liJJ~ fiJivQJI' ro~ 5l1~tll ls Ito j.1L~ SOOW liP." Sil.¥S Locle.

No, g~' !ID lffiLe Sed S~llle"s cap.iffil, lock~ is ~clted ro be ~mming ~Oiil ciwma[ m.iiY 'Ii'~,J wclrn belll~hl;llTie. ome diy,.

"I !m.-c All;Llllll.l coubd (lC!tUJ]~Y see IiIli}'sdif lalOV'bnglID .AJt1lanlaJ amI ~ivmg dl= and ttiIDviJrug ~t: ~.I()II,l'e ab!)l.u Adj)]fl!l<l isai!!t o.\I~! lJt'Sim '~Llcaloo city. it's '~Ipror~w aIr, it'S a moo ci~, ,it'Sian ,oo.ec1i.c dty, .Iilk.~ ym1 see irall."

OIl!Le Ai!lam.a's Prid~ .Ft'5Iivilies are o\.l~r. \~ih'rL'5. ~1e."~ fot' Iiltlt! young s,h~fl Of oou~. lie:tumi_~g whet 1lOO1S, in 1ll/l!;Sii;: and Til.

'~'rue WOlrtili~S Oinl a neW' slltg)E'1~]t.IiJ1!I)l\~" she 5ilys. "I'm ai'S(! em a (]OUIIll:! of reie-vis.ian sli(lws right IiI.OW, So iIWDpoolJl11y l1lextyem' ]'lI'l:!e QJ! Ih~ TV so Fll!yS GII..P see me' ~'Y diliY;"

'ThLe ~y bqys will no doubt be listOOn_g ill'!:(1 \<;i~"tclllng.


IFesHv,al ShOWC61ses veteran mus ~(:ia ns ,211 rnd ri s~ fI g alrt~sts

Ami ilffiii'Iy of n.~' anldrenullMg lmrnsiciall$ wililm 1~J.i!e ,~o ~le" ~·Colo1~nllil Bud Hght sta[les in Ploomom p~tt CliV(1, .I"!id(: ~'o'~kt..'1~ to keep Prid~ rD!ill.Zl!'I8i W~ltb the .~.~' ofl~ m~!.c.

''Vile II])' to have an edeeuc milt so' Ufiill ihere is OOliflM.JiLe :for ~et)'Olif. ~ C6nl'eUi "::D,gan of Q&EEn~~ll.linnru~n~ ~d ·'W~ Il1so w>!!~nl .~~ ~ you m:ll~bt go 10 b~j,'IG!OO kl!d.OOlhe.u'~..IDL{ltlwr OJ!lIe·l:bat .)IIollllike a:tid sort of rum people< 01JI (0 arti51S~at way,,"

Li".~ Dillisic ~8jiils wililll Afiy~[lim ill IiIOQIfI Q:rI &J!\ln!li)' !~ndlill'iiShes ~~~I'h Alilrti~ooe n:i~tn,g OJ'! S!JInlWY OJ[l~J.lnOODl, oo(m~ Ilh~ Sluge is set ~(lf too grfulis ,of liiIC Stuii£ilh:t COJ:~t too close OO\ml slmtiJn,s iII~ 7p,m. Likcoi<lSl ymr, setti&lg the fe>tiWiJ, h~ fuJlnU;'M5, dl.e, mUllti: in ~ park wiill~ end earinellwit:h diU~ iICIL~ 'ni(;hirng k£oreU) p..I!Illi, M~h .nights.,

ALsoli'l!.e l~t ~w:', thlls year's !Il:!l!Siicallumd· liner ,isarll .' Amelk,ml.OO:I~' flll<l1ist.KlliJibet1ey UlCke slJtl!i:1S OOM~ IthE!' Coca.Co]a stage OIl SOli .• unday 1II:~gli[ I(see' .~m('dv.iew, Page :M), anti Iiln.e f~i,..alf~~1liIS olru,Uiill~ ~fr~J]Ji!ilj\lr ol~lil]j;e Josh Zocl.1etm!ilJl~'i'lm riayOOl Pddll:las.t yoox. p1ius anile-. acts ~"ho may ~ playing tOo dl2.i1i lqe>l(f~Nds.lto dillP"

till'IiIC ~ ~, Pliide peilJ(lllil1rl'l; ,,~tQ show the dh'1;'~ij' of ~hi£ YNr's nmstc~1 511lW.

n.1i! rock. moms

nle i!l,~·W(i!:I1IM /\'l1itigolll: R~~1li has sw· 'iiii\l\E1dlilJ [\umil!er[Jf.~i]1"1iIIYp clli3Jiiges,hllWlah!rm.g~ and O:I!IiteNlrama. associated lleing a. rotiIiriJrIg rockbandl arn:J is ~C!lFiurig il.iAAl n~w ~.iYI.rlruo.ry as roc:k :mou~ 01~ t:iw road.

Gl!it.uis~ I<Jist\,ll Uel.Wen.oo--.. woo was ~~ ranr alme ~e lime .as. Ilffr paller Sam alis, all!d IJieW ~~d :s1:n,gllf NinI Camlps oo[h have lihildl:\'ll1liJ!Wlllr tll~ «&C' Qf!iWQ,

"TlWQ GI[I~ of four"of Ilhelb.tlnd's l;m;:iIllb(i.'f5 hiw(l' b.lbt~ ~ow. Hend~f! S<1}'s". ''It'lfu usOO ro lJ!!. 01 lIve ~oceOO_fl1;] mid one of Om' members l~ffl tQl:i~~hHd~niQ shc'5, wiib us in $pin~/'

The bamiI's rnil.tIile i.$.s:~iifiii~i!Lll~ sh~ sa.Y$.

~l daink Anug,llneis rl'le fia:s! fem:llli~t,~) lhey say,'" HC!ld~ll ,~p'~~h~" "She\. lh~ Ii~ "r(lfuillIifl lft.>cmIed. ~tis~otytG staIKlIIP' £01'" wllfIl she ltiieJIiffi<'ffi iii~ and w,e malIy h'\attlOO tOo IlffiJlle liIile band .aFter a SIFO~'Ig W!IlifIflan,.,. Outbam:llm IJee.n iJIlIDlliglI <11 .. 101 ,~f dlilngffi aJiLdI \~!?'m' SIill ]~ and 'I.\~ ~illI sm'!,liviI!~j~t li_~eOUl" 11!i!illesa_ke."

This )lear maibf\:llIill,Ql!Ie Flli;ing's, SEl'!OO:nd <lppemnae OIl A.1ffi1Ull<l Pili:d~ af~er piaying dl!e f~,!.aI .i01 :roo'7 ,8f.ld .is atli~ of .iI h"rldlritLl. '0:[ aplJIIl\~I'rn1Ces fhi? fdJk ~ocJ:J~ i:I_~ llilii!kJng ~ Ii'her dc"'~op liI.b~leri;J~ ~{If' ~ IlCW ~1:~um.

• ~ 3_U\'! ~ocusing, GlI! ]OC@!'di11g dWIl'@<lCD.

RlI' ,~plM!l' ~e4ill!! 00 P,m~' Iper~m5. ~le:ise _ OOf ,ta'leOl'lar on Pi!giS 4+4.5

00 ~'fe'~not 00i lQID" rigJi!t now., .. IF,orme mOO! pm Wi1' are cloil'l£ sIlm .. s inl Iilll1' are.] and, It'Min,g n~ SQIIl~ .. H'~*UWIiII Sij)"!.i.

Wlm, ("...tmps rnking over ~m vocals., H~n· d~n ~1I!ttl fans can e'i!~t to 'III~ !\lId1f1'~-en! stilLl!Iild Ilh<!!~ tl~ir ~jOtlS albums and last ap. peruanoeat AlliliU1'I1 P~. A.h>om~ Sii'J}j.ea 0:1" SOIifle of 1Il11e songs tlilve shilFi.M, albeit SIJlMy.

.~ d~:fi.llilel:ywu:!i~~ $O.LtgSaoom Ilibies m:l\\~, but W\1l !!l'OO~ I~~' IiIlJ~l!ll' i~ ~," I:I~I' d~n says, "ill. smIlld~ li~e a llYve sollg !rut we we'I1eWTiling aOOlaiilne M&:'

Ba nd ontbe verQe

Miter just ~ ~~, y~rs l1:l&c:tlir~r Admfilto. ... ~ Cilfuz.eul kOIlL ls 5~kiml,guut· its~ro]W~&'i< a ~mJ, on ~h~ cir~, of b:L'C!lki~:tg llItG .t'hr: m@in~~,

L~I guitilns~ SeaJ!I .Lily sa~is tllt~ yOOf' sime nh!l band's appt'ilr<lnee at Pride ~:tal> "1OOei] lliU.oo wUh [piI:Iytug gigs fl10m Sa'il'anuah II) 1e>:as, .~al]{jillga. oorigon .. an X·BlJ,~ G1l.ll1~ aooprrmpar. mg for a n~~,llli'gC';l' ~Iil!:

'''U:te band had! ImaU,y oom,e~.ogOOler un, real]Y .l. si'lOlt period of aluJi .tIl(' bmid hils Ile',illy .aOOJliDpl1S1i~oo ill .10'[ wh~lJ }fQIl oomimf [b~[ we h~\le;n'l ~n t(lg~rd1J~t I,QUlg." Ullf s..1Cf~

Foondloo in 2007,.Citmm lOO!Il istly~ to lind its way to too top ll! iI VCIY i(Jiffm'Crrrtagc [OlI'the m~k indliSitLy. l115teGI..t1i of hopulg tobes~lWIby .~big ~~] 'liIf' P ~~,~~ ~d d~il' ,~.w,11.

"'IliICS!? days lhe I[ig ~ '~(iIlilP.l111CS .~~ ~I· arnl);;,t 1:1I1,'o)lrnlung~lile:>diSlfll~t ~d you $Pali{l[ bitIild it (J~ j!\~tI: 'GW!ll!,. and iJtl.!,l'OL:Ildoo mlIllO!" kl ~e wh.lll you built am;i,join II kJ OOmll(J!lfl ,~oo,"l..<liy :~

ne aJlml,Uiw :rock balm owlllsa iillITerem SOl!i1ild .n ~he music :~ayeil in mO& dubs, and ig o~ of 'lI~ ~~!/ <1Im; at Amlama ~ ·w.inh, ()~n all;!! gay ruernbel'S .

.. ~ W fmmd tlil1!.t Prid('1 - not 'only, yes., ](s, pJti(lJe. - om [~"s .mper eclecilc, \I\'e've had 50' DlaJIIY ~qlIe ,mlilt~ OO( ami S<1I~. ~y .Iow mns .i'lJild~lzy dl:)lJ. 'ljus~: Wimt ~O,~.I nhec~L!b bNlS.'" Lays..lyS, '1t'~ Mrldof UiJlrnliliY, wc"m12 dll Slmi~bl guys mK!\lro'!ie :piajl'mg Priil',e", I'mmam.oo,

bUI we have 00 mm,t)l friCl' '!tiIf!gay .anillcsbiain oolJlwWliIy."

111eirPrioe oot ""m. dlcludea mIDloo, o:r OOL'IgS from (he,it CLimerll. a1hlllMl. "Look AI 11le F'is'til;' nnli'i!OOI\\r.~~h. SQIIU~ popMJar SCH1Igs fmom I~ .)'lNIr's pct'flJl'Rl);Jl!ce ~nd ~\!o! Wlngs..

~Wehave WJ]I;('1 new m~le;l'ial. n's, de[lIIiwJy gmWII. ~~.'s net as L1m'd rod.;:, oorne of Ihe oo:mp~OIli5 WJ!"ve h&mlaoolluthil' rt~W SlUff( is Chilli QlJIilCJll, ~<Ldl[Qh"'ilrl\" Lijlf ~ ''lIVe alWJl)1S ]likc- to (Iilluw run 9JIIle ,cool O~I'S~OOI, .• _ '\i!Ic' me! " M".JVin Gay 9Jl1g lil:il~ lUmOOi omit ~. .a11:y coOl :;:0' Ilhat Olli!! might gel: plO'l)'l!'d[oo. ",

from ,t he crowd to the stage

last yeai' Ne:srllll AsH ~!airm-LOed ball&.!' Citul¥,n .100111 .fIDll~ 1~I~graMinPiOOm01u .[i:ar-k, butlhis YGl!r~h(l will ~1iI[:I tl"lil!' BI_Jc:I Light stage illI Stmday alitJef line pal'ade.

~] wa5aI At!ilanta Pllide ]as[ j!le-ar, but ~ cfuin't

pelfilm~ A'Slii says, .

A p.Jrt.;rim~ ~n_~r~m 'CoilumOOs, As~i is ,chooililg her liIulS1I;;~l d~"C~Rls ~lfiter~ooing her job 1,1St ye~.r .

"iFo:r dIfe ~j)(agesr IiUl@l wOiatl@J1!!i1Ii:FrnshoUldoo I!~ or 1101, SCl'.~ ·Wlmt to schc!D:J.~d G1Jl !lIY ~ anlil. ~ <I, ~1~11. :for,a, while<,M she says, ··.m1n 1get Laid off and ~ was VelY lnappy about I.hatWa~1MIru UlBmII got:IDdomll5ic.~

She- I't.'!!Illwd bl::r work ~CI;Jd !);I ~ fl!W 1i!'i8liI~ ~oodirng in Columbus, so she eoold focus on OO!,. mm,tc .~m Cl"C-.JtL1lig lroJj~t IlJ(IOO,I!Jl'I,

~'11ruls CD .hamt't ~n been rel~. ~t i!IiIrl I'm aI~~ jhilli~dlilEl Qfjhl;!' ii1~1 ~.:~ A5Ii ~1y~.

11le (ulqprivc d'~u.gbWrof an,G)Irn sevkemlilln !!Irndla. Turkish m.r, A!>1Ii. spm her fomltllivc Y~iWS b!f;I,!,!~eI~ A:merlc.lJ~lit!I '[u~~ 0Y1.d ~nomls .~n kl~h~a!lg,tr.ll~~.

ShenilDile\; he. m~ rotIJ:id as. "a .~ilde NeoSnlul aOO R&8" Mid ''3 ~.L[J]E!' Uke !!riea :Badu."

Sp!!ndill1g till'll'! hl ixldll ('ull.uat!S .~CIi!S: giVi!!'1 ~l(yl' oil llnjqt~ ~w 00 hOli"'~l~ ",rorld v;iew:s, h.e;r~ atiJty> loot ·:;.lie Il'ies ~fl' lI'I1Ii1&e lIef SOtl.8S In£iJi!t'Oive<.

".1 usually dOO.1~J~e m,.la1M, m~r bill m 'OOcs OOICi.(!lY }'(li!.l kind. of IlIaiVt? m. lhe lindl of Inll&ic: llliml" [wri'oo is not Pl~; ~ftij~ oo~ J did '!hilt 01] pwpose00 \'!,'ben yoot Jislien to ~ OOJ!~ ~'- 1JOO.y GUt fOOl MJ;;U dooy ~ooI.," Aslli So'L~S,

"~ know· . ~ was put on this earth to he a chirciR~ad:or' and ~Ile:t as man'y live;; as p~~5Ihle through f~e 'Power of love an.d touch .:

Dr. ,DanidlllC .Drnbbwn

~!a:!32-PABTA & 11"'11,:2; 2: A

Wlg'r 'OCl~ 115 Vi'rg inia H~g hl,and 832 N. 111 iglh ~an~ Ave. (404) a,~37~14W4

WED, 'Grant Park ~5'63 Memorialll Dr. (404) 688"\4200

• G'" \fake \ OctobeJ 1.2010 \ ME


Atlan'tal Prid!e' lnlames 120 ,granld Im,8,r'shlall!,s to mlar'k 40 Jlears,

[)oze'lrns of honorees show vast number of p1eop,lle' w,ork~ng for lGIBT ,equa I~ty

TIle Ai:laul.a [~de CmlMn[ Is fLU~fu13 a U1IaJd .inside a parade !if naming .I.:,m g.rru'ld ]:ulijn:StI~I$rQr !II]~ y¢~r'$ :Pride, hl~~ ,!)[r !IIn.e typic;)] .t'Ii!ro FI]3Jld maush_~ 1II~e;L,!! <lR ~Opeople named in each m 1!1:IJ:ee (·at.egoIWs -L~aU\lt', O)lIDIlIlIllIilll:ly Hllildl!-r.; moo1I fulocatlOUI •.

"l\.s, milCh itS illiis is Olilil G(JPOmuaily (Q iiIGnCl, sel!cCi!led ilildi;Vii'du~ls.ill~U1so jln (\~~Qn-wliil!y ~Q :[mWioo' QIJlf p..l~ ,~I visl!~1 ,of 00w '~~pali1l3i;ve mll·l!]awm~liIi. [Va.ll.y is, o:md ro S0(!~at weoo ow II \illSl: IU,!.mibc'f of ~1~ 1;'I'orkillg OOl tJ~~. \Jli. .. half," sahli JP Sl~ffit'.ld, A:IIOliilla Plride ~I.nilve direoor, .in a PrE$.') rel~:.

;'C:Qlllp~~ingalist ~f 12.0 gI1lrnd.fiIl~l1& ",.\~ 'llO sua@il ~k,b"n. ~ f~ lik~ ~lC peopb~ ~~~ are a ~~ OO~lMlfull of ffiIIf city and Slilm,"

;rom also, olarksllne first year liIi1!i1i~ S~]~ allies w.m cally iJlie' lulle "gr-aooiIDa~m." whldl l:\!Is ~djti!lirn~~y ,&~!l' l() mellli~ of d~~LG· !fit;! COOlliIItmity. S~ght were pJ.wi" rrooiy ''hGllOOrnlY m.mhal's."

~egi stative' 40

Albnlil Ci!;)! UJunOi;J11 memOOr' AI~~ Wijlnl" lirs~ {1m g.a,y Hnl1rn. em Adan!a OOIilllcil

Slate Rt':,p" Alima T.h.liI(m,i!l~ Margan lJoI'aville CilyC()jJ]JJ£!i ~memberBtmLrn RI~ES, rure's lfim'OI! aOPe100.Mofftda]

.Fon:u.erAlIarnl~al Ci[y ColllJl(il :Pre5idem. 'Ca~ly-y 'WooIDair-d, smtei's fims[ operny g<lY c]~~ Orn:{;i3~

Ed S1:aU~J' 8AY ,ri&l~mmVIsI wllll w'Oi'ke(! 'i'I.~lh l ... Tl~1;di L~I ~I ACLU

(iill R(lbilli~(I1, .. ~ f~ullider o:f ~~ of AlhmliJl'S :fil'S! ~ypol~~ic311 gnm~

JaJilti~Er.Sley, pifl'lSidmt or GOO1;gi<il L[Il1: CabiklR~ulilican$

Jamie- Ro'bem, puhlic dPr:ellciel: and [f;1faS

Jeff (lte,gh.O.l'd!, a~lOmey and aclfi.v.USi! fnnepea1. ofD;\.lYF

JeR)' Gonlllal.r.l!, eNroIti~!e dllm~ 0:£ G}\.LID

Fulto.n·Ii]~ Jo~n (;.!Irfi;~iI". lirsl 'OOl.~:.:lY· FuilOIl w!I!loowooev

JWlliilllJlilil m<lfl, ])erno(I'oIl:k: acmvi&

Slate bp. K_mrI..o1I Dmo!li(t;r:, fuM~Y Geo:l'gia M<![e l.egi£!aJIm'

Kamlilll!ilm 'WI()IIlI!iI~, .1iIIDllney .llld fQ:lm~:GiE dl1lir

Sit.nelle£). Katliliy~e Ke.nBriU:. ro.dlD of national.

I;~ IlC hoard. or d~rffrOt-s

I<y~ wm.!.ams, .aJlmo.mej'anrll

f'Qlm~'GE ~ll(lir .

:Li!lIo('Rh.odes,!l;liY Ea5:lPolm G~mdllm~~r

Lil"y ~Iill~lili! ~xooJ!jive' di~~(i!r of ~ Georgiai RIir.I1I Uman S1ill'iJmil

Lilwrill' DemolJ!ltit. ilIl:lnmey ami

on ifI11Ilii(lJit;ll ElR.e li!!lI<Iruuf di~tms


:Stale Rep. M~ Mioq:ant O~iI

St.a~ 1l~1ll. M~e .!I'itWbiS

MQ:l1li~ H~~~III1s., oo·;rQ1J)IiId~. of T:ril115!:l~rnd~ Amm;~c~n,V~tt'im1lS ASSQCi~IiOJil

SWIl:' :s~~, NI~[1 Q~

Stili.eo ,Rep. P~t '(jal'd~Il',r

StilI! Rep. POOm M:ati[l

Sl~!~~p. S[.mIO!u! &lID, ftirSil~~~ck

~e5bi<ll~ stlli~~ ][alOr ij~ IheU.S.


SW!R Sil'iITh, V~n.ol!nlFQli'il

:EIiz:a.'Hmth ,JI~~n§!lD[l

Barry ,K!J!OJll, diK-'COOU,

H RC R¢~igr\1n and faid'l h:l"g~~m

Judy Colbs, AIlli!tlOl P'fILAG ]!/t.1d~ Kildrulli th¥NnbriG<ll, !lM!'~ia'leL!!:kc city OOliUKil mOO1,ltiJcr

SlliIle R~p. 'lYool!i!'O!:"OOks

Midu~n'!l Bru~ ~onl~~" Rh.i~J~ dly c:oo_~ mernbe1i illldlfil'~~kool.!,1iU! ~.nsSJendBr er~iI!ed. m Gool}!.ia

Pill.!! H011l_fu:g,. G~r &. ~J11 VK~ Flrntd SMll:' Re,p. S~~I];Jrni~ &nfil;'~!d

S~5<'Ui S;JI.~jJ HilII1:ilulIIl. ~:gbby.i51

far CEo ami ~)nbi.'£ came;


Kay, .3iunm~ ;1IiltI ~olhbyi<;~

Community luilde r 40

&IU'IJ' If!gr-Ml.,MOO!l!alp~idl.1!lt of A:rIl(,~~ V'emtiltiS ~Dr Gqliiill,Rlghlll

J~l:l!rmh.alil1, ~mlli",~ ,dlHX;ror

'of Goo~ii1 Eq~l,)]jty

lilJd~ Ellis. e:J;j~t,tiv~ (lum:cIDl:

'of <H13fl~1 Lesbf.ll1 He~~lt1iIlni~iilltl\i~

'C:ctljg Wcll~'Ilillg!Jon; t\ 0) Alla_nli! L .... .IIr!:! DQul¥i!.9i:?iB'M!)oW!fl. edjJ(Qf 300 (o'.i"ooruiIl!';I' (If Ih~ G~l:a VokJil

.A1 :reDMbe., AtlanlilPride Coo:m~ill~ ruk~ 'CiD'l:', rmm'lk:r of ~lee<· fC!':'lt

R~lllbil Jo~U!CI IA~I' of Gurn~<lti()n Bet: Haverinn

Pil~Hl!ISlIDilil. ocli;y,i,sJ, 0Tl!lmtliif~ ~f Olympics O:ut (If Co1Jb

..rOIilI Woovcr. 3ttivifi~. (lngdrii~~ror OlyDlpIc<; ~l or Co1iIh

8u b!l!!i1. 0 .. L:ici'o:us; fQ:rnll~l j\lm~1e, NAMES ]1roll.ld, PALS

:UllIldiaJ B.ty3lliil. fOtLlltder or

CllaJ]§· Books & M~

Marry Ann. AdllliiliS:, :lAM.1 fOtiIlIde.Lf ~!ld '~QlnDllulllijty >l!wyist

r~lliD[m :B!n:deu. di:rec(Q:lf ~f lhe

Uoyd R~~elm FOlllild'.lItkm

n~~~ MID;uli1i~i! fQtllild~J" o:ff §~Il!:it;;lJlOSif:lcl C~lwr f'OrT~Il&f:OlTliomion,

Frodd[e S~es or nil JolI.y 12 :r-dtdP,lilte, IL'i:Joiool~h<e director of P~Ifii"e!

W!i1issaJ !Com.tlt', ]e-slJiall ~11GS'! of 'Q-1OO':sm:tE!' BM :':l1l!)w

,DariPne IliUJdsOIID,lhEef ha.l1ne Ufe. t\[Jam:tliL oorul!illlJ?mlbif:r and. organize,r of S~l.l! of 1).],(Ic111 GillY ll,[f:I~iCil

.Mitllk.~1 ~"'!l'.rof~ Eqn,"llity; ~ [!!l):IIoI;". ~rnd A,jli, B~ock rJGB'fCQ!lUoon

Pas1J(lr BICI.uiIJey 5 of

$1. Joi:Ili1,'s, L"LltDel13a:iJ'[

Kitlffi1yKeUf,. eJ;:oculi;ve direcrr()f of M.~GA. fanni'IJy Project

'1:1a;e .~ast BojJ:llt POSSlruI:illS CROCk ~~l'(J(!I;, Ches.!:ey 1.hlml!i.<lJi'l,. JOlIn J'eITIEY)

.A:ld!<lJ Refl~ affivisl and

willn. [;'mssl'OOS [lISniru~'

,Renee DuboiSe oJ Our H~ MGC. limstOOOiil.ty g,ay d.¢~ T{I Sl'Ji\i't' 00 bg.]lld 'ofcta!i!' l)JGA CilIiI]fI~15 Millilli6!lJ[)' Asood;ttkm

.ISOlilC K~a1y. AUjThSla '~~. ~. pre5.idoot IS.IJ.D!!g~8irad£owd of I.T1I..A. ill!d

:naliaiiW H~[ "lJo,iirnl

,1~Olid DII k~. e.>I~ll!iVe!

direCl!or of UtA

~~lY CQ!lJ~ri~lI".hOSi~atat!lllf¢l(hn:@r dl" Alt!M'mlivePers.pecIivt'S, Ol1!ll.GBT radio show 00 VVRFG

Dee;pali 'Go'.khod~. Qlimer ~i¥e ~ Ly.nmlCQijhro;n, OCliviilSt 3ntd s,~.:i~~SSiiSl:;:mllO Cor;cl1~ Scott Kung

P;liIiJli,~ R~)I]sh1;t,on, 'OIli'me"i!'Oir Ou~",TileBordLS'!Oue& cmf~muse

\~I!)' (:1mn8uLt,Adm~ l:Li$ Postlnrum'illIIs

Riulien Eouills, SOULlJfinru Co.ll'lfol1 ,'.e w'ho di~~r~~~in:g ~rused Ial~~1 U:\'aUU.enl, because lne! was, ~lSgoodei

Gi~gm.t"ln'e~t. Atbil1.~ PJide G~mmi~ BlUy JQn~, 19f&Adan~al d!'1!g !ilJlil.oonl Ch<l!rIieSt. JUIIlIl'. jotWo1li5~; ~lii2cll'i~ Prid~f\.llardl

UQydE.liu~U!. Ol.dh'i&t mKl

fimndl'l: oJ oomlmlffillly eudo ... mu~m

Th~mi:'l Na:I:([Jl~, 'ImloJ,

founder o:l' I.he·AlI1illI~llffi

M.ier1llaell Ha~W\jdli; of me

]b.",ei:S v; HarriUwkk case

Ed ucat~on 40

M111l"U1 'GQI]t7..J~'e:l! .. M-:.~d

A_II millese A. Smgh. !PhD) l-PC Mr • .!I,~ Mc."Nuil(jl'. M~Ed

Oil'. Cil[l~y W. J,l;ihnSOIl, .iliNmlJlie SHIteil' (Ms.. PI'JI

Dale MI!:l'ikIDl! (plrul!))

D~ ~h<!!!l!W~!! ..iI. Milfur jI[JJjiaJ:llForo

AusWi .LaIill(1f~weLCer In1il<!i Sti!U~ .r:lil.iIlI'

JOI~!:d~ lkrkowitz,Edl.S. LMoll1!Katz


EmliJy Gmy'bW, ElId!.:S, 1~~li~!)y :Stirn rUQIJJS .ID~ka "':Jelila" AIJlIen Susil[fjllBd:ithl So~o M"UL1olm~

AJ~O; .. fl[)m EmlilyN.~ D~;rliQl\!~f~rtilil

Billli~ P~J!Idll{1i!o[l·Pa:rk.c1" .m WOlldwaFdl

Mimil~ Bri,lI] uw

JloeJ K.alilliSh

iElltlB M1all'iJul~I,. M..Ed.j NE'C Tum De~~;b~ M.Edi

B:abs Ben lIaI:dusielWla.. :~d[. A:b'lilyDme "

KellJ J'al:ksollll fl~IIi,lI'i;d~ILil\<i;nlSl!lIl

Krista HiilbJiD,. M.E.d

Con MO[f'iiUOlS

1"ft~!!,~e' Mcfilimu I. M.A.. N.s.AlC. Sh~II~:RIii~~

Ca'lJl1i~~ Hil,Wilf JrI)',nl'lit~rMindl!

V.m~y GIlIIl'e,lt

The (·asf Decision You Make lor 'Yaul( Pet '5 Just aslmpor'tant as the first

.. S,.lm,e day.servilce. No waiting ...

Yo u ca n take you r per s ash es he me ton ight,

+) lndivi,dual erematlen guaranteed by our exd usive Pet]racker360'® system J whi ch ensu res that yOUi receive you r pet' s ashes , .

• :. S'tat1e - of- th,e-"A,rt fa.1c,il.1 i'ly where fa m [i ~:i es ca n p I an " grieve, and com, m em orate th e~ r pets.

~~'amily" OtuRecl & Op.r,ateclt

G'" Voke \ OctobeJ 1.2010 \ ME



Pride Eucharist welcomes aU

Im~egllit'll' Atlallta IlOSls its ,'I~t Pride' (I.!(h!!" rif>~ '~he niOh! oo~Q!"e Ulie resli~al woo:l!tnd be" giJils iii! earn~L

5tarillgl at. 7:3IlIIPJIl, 0tI'I Oct '7, All Saimlts will hOSI a ~rQditiOlIl~1 ~piM(lI,wali~1l ~l1Ii~e aimed at Prlle ~otrt B~ Garnerr i~ Q I'!i!emberr oflhe' interm!(llional ~ad'eirship board of l'he [pi$OOIil~1 Chmdii and is 00 $taU at, Jill Saints.

~lfIe Rille Eudl<'ftil; r~ o1liH~!u~1 QubQrnwlh of lh~ (!enoIDiliDiltion's li~dl!l$ille' Ib~lie~ Gamer 3oik~~

'11ilr2' rpi3ro,pa~ CiluF(1iI has a r,epu'tolltiao ol' lIleil'll1Jl ~ III all ild~~I!lua't _'" Some' QI the ~I~~ cliIliI~fw!s ,1iIa'l@otraW!ly sl'!lmecl the d!:!oni, imllim raoo of ILGBlIJoI:. ~ntllhe [~~I OhUl'(;h ras ilever>UlOi!l~ lIli'l't'· ~q~ ~

Opooly rj!1fY Rev_ ~~\;).rl: Thigpen o(J~ ~If:_ lJ~nI~;(I~s [~i1I!:Citlall Church Or! lalflSta H!xuiJ wi'li pMide fM'flhe ser~;ire. HIs~~~ ~l1!e' ~ite' atlJocts tfue~l'.'f!oo250 to -'lOCI wasl~ipers who are a fi'lD: orrflsl~Mts.and ~.o~risls. s~raight.aoo gay.

"Il pUlis in ~lelrQrm ~II O\!ef." 6g~ner SIIyS, ~IIli'QW]~ ~a,y Ule 1)[QI!lP i!l.IJIiQtl.iJbly abelll a ~hirr{il $~J:lIi'!lht iII1Idll.wQ thirds ~!W, ~idl is 0000 be~ause we ha~ oil ~ ~I straijI! allies i~i!Ilra~!a.

-llIs.a gOO1l gf'OO'p ,of poopre ~fl(1 usuamy they sin~ lowllUV 1~IiI~h III knoor;k nii~ roo:! oU the chmd;(" he '!j!iJfl!'S.

J!i1l!{(llilE'i wisl~imgl kI be ~gft of litIft 1I()1~nteer ~00ir shcu~dI b~ ,at tl~" ci1ur-ch by 6.15, IM!il.

-Matt Scharer www1heGAVoicle',com

l!I'Ili~I'I;y A'tlanta GilfllIP~~ Eudwri~t rnur!.(ld'~. C1d:. 1. 7:lQ PlIIl

All S~lntS" Etll9Cmwl Cn~r~ 6$41ft.~l\b~ $1~A~iamtU,l\ 30000 jl1te!Jil'lallil~'IIoD~~UJlS..CliIm ~11I1'MI~aillts.3IJaJ\~

The .PtlMe lL.ilf'.I<l.['Y ShOWGase~ak~3 IPll.~e f['(Im .~:]{I -3::ID p,'Lll'I. S,1J!ltl.'dIy ~[ !h~Pt~i· moot Park P,wilio!l (thlll B1.d Ught SIiIGe). Nowilll ~,~ !i,lilghdll ~IW, lh~ Jnnu.l1 I il\'~';:!il)' SilwwC<!se sp!JffighlS the wow..s ,of ]oc,aj Wil'imm .md. ~ts, who win also be Oi'!laiilO1bll~to 5iSlili book5 dlilrl~lhc '~·velill.

"Dlling lite Uter.u:y S:1lowc~ g1ives mlhfop-, ~l,.lIlj~y ro do wmdillling ,di{f~I!lt.nlQtj~ mu· sic," Si!}'1! lP ShefliL\Id" R'i~:!his ~'CU!ivildi_~tor.

Am.on,Q, l:heautholS presoeilt\\lill be Siailli champ auJilJ S[10l!BI~ word <frulist llu~11eSiI Dafvls. who :hall rep.~e.mNl Anlanlilat bmll the Jlava Mo.ll!k!zy' clIUt! All Amok S.l!)IH ~!lJ!]I~, I~r{~ml~ at ,to1l~es and,tum."et'Swes .jjIJ:omldtl1e WIl!!lU:11 and ap~'OO inw'The Va.gkl'a MoooLo.Ii'lDeS" W1im J81iIie' fOilli!l'a.

()~~f ~1l1icip~lIl1~ linQlud~ IFr:!IlIiIlk~iIflA~u,. ilulili!Q1I ohhe ~1JTy ooUecticrnlS "Mort'll tm'e" ,:md ''P\iililk .Zinlilias"; CillO 'Cl'l?OOh, editor of the anlIDLology ''OllIside lhe Gro~Zorre~~ o.:widF Milu:ll~v HLlm~" Wil~ yo,~ adll]r r~1 "Mt'-:;un.tlriJioo~ wm, ~, Out ill:l NQvem~r,iil:id 'I\~ILOSe <ll.hil.h mlNeI «Acddimts N ~r l:-I.aU¥n" win he o.u~ !!r1 2011; poet M~~l1.d!en}e Driskcll~

!}~e&pOOI Lts.a AUefldl:!r, ;:mlhJli of me upcom irng ~uy (jQIID~criOTl "W'Omls forom \lVoi,... wr", illild"Gilil ~.1iI Nlled of ~ Toumi'~I~t" 1II1!uho:r Lisa JQ.'k..-,o:I!l"

Pride LitKdIl' Show-en>e 5.1!twdall, Dc L 9'. UO-3:Jro lIJlll.

&Ie LiQhl 'St.'! llil!d'm~m~ Pilrk P~,~illioo

The ~ernnlil annnal [' 'ifFilns M.udru *I}S oU' thrQughPiedirllout Polrl ,Oil Sa!iUnkl.~> Oct 9, p:!vsenled "~(h Sl.llPIl'Ort ~y 1'ri!!~QLtee;l" Natio:n. 11he ,@.oai its to proruot~ Ui3jMiS~ndew v.isibilliry, anJl1i .a. ~~~ mareh IrOt 1li1~E!' 1lJ:a1.'IS com i!I'lmlll)' is .im.,PJruJjn!,~ys JP Sh~ffu!!dl. ,~ .• emtiw ditll'!l:oorof AI!I!i!1];~1 Pr'id~

''T1iLere <lire Mil SClIIle mi:;(oo.cep:tiolils out 'thBl'e .. bOO!! the< .D;1I:1!l6 ,mmmUlIlity aruJi Wh~l .it's '[0< .imp!D!.itafil[ I~IJ i[ldl1t1[! wiJU'Iil1lJ ttilt? ~ ... hdl:~ rem~:Illilni:~." S:h~~!i~l~d 5~,)'~,

AOt;:Ol:dling ID Sheffi~ld. tb~ 2009 C\ii;'rlllil~!iI l'Olmldy SO pol'!Opi~ ;:lIui' mote are ,expoctoo lhil>

;<ea1i'_ 1iro'!II\l.aJjl~es .;3[E lllekmnea'i ~~re.n,

&liJJi~I' t:his summer, i"!.~iI.~1I:JJ~~ide and 1'Ii<!mQm:~r Nati:olll )u!'lcl. all. ~BSOli}' OOnlJl!:st "}i~]!etill all}! tl:irnsg~ml~r (rr ~~~Ciler quoor ~UI m adclress~he' liI:tellLle "Be Vi5ible." Thl!' OOIlWsl drew j~t§;~. Ul!tdi!~ UJO INritraru:s,.

,Pidd1ffi-i i! Milne< was not ~¥, so1ys,11r1f>!!'!!!~ Skye' (If Nau.01iI. the WllmTIrlltl, essay ~\1ill ~ m::oolJ'by Us auillO:I'; SabrilJJ'a random, boefOO!lIne ,al'!l(I~ Slarm, sa~ls, Skye.

'fhlswilll be 'ThllllSQUeoer N aliot~'s Jirsl1flilRt" ooilPlg~1iI1 offidJI p;.ut of Atill~ll:tli' Ptride. l'h~ O~ ga.nm1tioo 1OO.g,ltJil m 200'f.

'TiI'ans M@II~h ~a~lWday:. (!let 9

I p,11I" ~I!iI¥: l~O S~l!P {)rI

IIolealkm fMli'~oot near CMrle1; Il!llIln Gate Presented with TJansDLleer liItiOil wW'IIl_Mlili'I't.'l ~r~!OOJ

Assambl)!beg~]s !!it 1 p.m ,.a:m;d ~he !I1aK~] ticks OI.IT at ] :301 p.rn ,1M the M.e<lCilow Ove;r· look (C~l'a[~es Alioen Gate). I:mmedii<rteliy (0.1- ~o,w~.fi8 [h~ Il]:aoch. ~\,.nn be a TraJ'isQIU~mt N'a,. ti!1§1 !liI!~~ iUld ~~~ miJ,."er iU Iitl;~ Bud Light'JilJ~ iln Pil~d'mont PJrli:,

- }i!llFormer

Com mitment Ceremony celebrstes partners

.N:rl~ ,offers, ilne cmllC!e ~or ~oopl~ ]0' 'take th~~r i~lillionship OOiil d~r~~1 byho:;tililg i_munlern~ii~h COflnlil1~mnl~~.t ce~ml;iny (1111 $iUturd~~ ~(NIiing.

Rabbi Jio:5bu~_ Lesse:r of Coogrog;:lIian Bc~ lia'li'Mm a~d1lb::v. Josh NoMi~t of :it MillrlCS Ur.itt.-.dM.fltlJOOisl ilJureh wi~~ 1eat1, INs ~'t11lJ'5 $4_'roire i:llllih.e PierlillQllt Park. Pav.ilhm"

In h~s dIl~ ~!eilr of !le\lding 'C:Ol~lnlilmeJru~ c~II~.Q~y. .~s~~r 11~ fiI~l'rigd mG~ jX\Op!e dmn 'he wiill'Cl'Wr ~\QWas, 100 cuuples tua;vOO ~ol.d\\let weatlliLcef last year and e¥elllllote participa~ro !he yei!ltr '!le{rOte.

"] Inhiitilk dmilll18 P~TrJl2'if~ ~~Illiy ;mpoLFI'LlIiI~ tell bt: ahle 00 atJfitm people's oomminoelll in a fillwri ihillkling, positive way, '10 'be able to do, 50 nn a \;;\i3JY wllffi-e o.'lihel.' peop1!e are a:J'O'illid :is very illillpQffi1nl~ ~ti:.1Uy fur ~pj¢ Woo ]jive~lher ouU)id~' of AliIl~ITt;l1 whe~ ~hey m;zy !lot h~w: ~OtCS,S to ,al~ th~ n.>S'OlIlU'!Stth'l!~: ~'eJ:lijoy he~," L~r~ys.

TIle format 1s Oll!tlltxlJl.U'e 'Ol~ IJI<ldiiliOl1;i)] 1!!1Id OUI:it>fmpor<il[)' ~'.ices CfNl.I1 Sjll.'dfic.aIIDy [(if the ()r:m!l]lnfubliL~IM i;erenlon}t

"[ Uiliu,1i; .: \!,~ (dI!I!le up w.uLl~ a wI)' lill1eanirl,gfrul ~~m~ny' .in 1.iI~~ lime frmlJe d!la~ W~ ~.~~ givrng <rod Irs going W 00 VerySilllila-. lol,m year," Les.seir'says.

11!le\l'e' .is a ~is[fa:niO:1TI. rne-e fm lIie ceremony, but ~~(I dl~oodil1, Th~ w~ lTtgi~tI!'): i~, tidV<Llloe also gei. a ooJlil'icale w]lh_ ~eilI" 1!N!IJli!;es.

"Irsgrear I'm" poopie'ID bifulS lIiogs or som~iliing 00 eX~~Jng_e. bll1: 'Olherwisli it'S 6,00. SQIliI1I::p¢'Qp.l~ ~~.~1'IIIy d~d ~tiIt~f ,I])~opj)i;!' h!(lvC btre;liIh~Tli&ilil& oul i n !ih~' p.lIuk ,~!II d~!li' aoo Ilhey corne at; ilh(?jl' illt'aTIidtlmt~s, ()kay. too," lesser SOIys.. ;'A~d U J 'W<,!S lIDt~m [ brillg OJ CilfiU.'F.!, amI. <l Eticm,d It(l' tilk!!lli~tuR!S,"

- Mall Sr:lwf~

I~ UJ;j j Mil if..

'('(III1I!Iltill1t!nt ~~JII(l.1IM' $!itlmlav. Oct. 9. g:J(l 11.rn, Pie~lOOllt fan\: P·~J,!jIf:,",n 325 in wan~: m O~Sllt Wl/Il'I.iltl~~tipride.orQ



hOH1C & design

Fu'rniture + /nt;enQ'I" DesigN 4- Accessories ~. Gifts:

Visit our rile-west location iin I nmalln Park

2415 N .. Higrnll!and Avernue NIE Suit@ 11.20

Atlanta. GA 3030:7

G'" Voke \ OctobeJ 1.2010 \ ME



WO!Ir'k '(liutwi'[ h¥olUl'tlh Pri d e

ro~ Ihe semood slra igh! year, ¥oothPrlde ",111 offer an ~th'letic b~ea~ :Pride \I,'Hllem!lll,

[Ie(:ai5, '!'IWlHilm beiJ~ detlNlililillll by GeOOJi~ Voice's press Dm~ bui lilJulhMi!Ie ~uiilre GiJe;j;tor Terflll:ll f.U:Ph.lu1 ~ !here wo~~1 00 i1llilOlfln· ing ~od al\mJOO"lI ~n(lO Sa~I!!f'dall, Od, 9,

Vhe organ~atrij)f'I is collaboral'li1q wilil~ ~a i· ~er Pem!anenl.e mli1l~e Al:looli1llt~Qiiltioo or Mu~ 1m AIDS care to olltl;r ~oollihV pr~r;}m· ming to its '(OOrlilJ pOO:Ille ill~ten~ingl p[iIJe,

-Itls for our mel'!1lWfS er all!JoOne linlhe 1J to 24 a,qe raA~e lha.t \!Ie serve, for tlJo.$e ~h~Nne bringing ttteir' par'OO!ls with ~M!'I1l,the- ~reflts ~ rn ~ek:Orfleas ~II.~ MCilhauJ says;.

A~irl!lJ tQ~lile AtII~mta fir'ide website. the .ild~itie-s wiill [n~ll!Jiille "'yog13,slep· aerOfuics.. arn!l tai chi d~rJ!DStr-atly,:m~ OW KaISllflpr()re$Sl.Qn<lls.~

-PI~s. doo't miss Owl heamw 000~imJ oom· on!!ilrati(lf~ rum ni gmt fuodilJl ~6ep vml grnlil.f;l. Polfllicip.amts are in\flilll~ to wear UJeir ta¥Ol'ite garden party ~hl!S.~ ~M weooif~~.

Or_ell ~ kI bnl~ alfalrtJ:!ll ~ th~ rre~· (Inc\lOOthPlitJe\1lar11OO th~ SW!IIlli.'f.

'"OWf rnllffiD@fSlkmow,lkIt it ~~ or ~ople: lmllt we st!<rWl [fOOt bww 1~llal"Woe oller a CCfflP~~lelv 'free m~ic~1 Qlirlic th~ O'~f,er~ ~llloo {Iof diifleren't semre~S:' t.IIdPh~wl sayS.,

Stafted bV ~u1~nreer mecrlcalllW.lreS!lIOOllI~ th~ clil'l!' ·e~aoos tijomthe~ree HiIV l~I'il'lg ha~ (J~~e~ed foo vear~,

1'I'JiJElrn lJ~oot OIgiInil.ltiOllli Iii1M'! oolm Ii}" cUSfd j!!l'lt (10 HI\!. \\'~'Ire 'fo!;I!m!IIOO the overall ~ffitil iiil ~ral., .' ~ 1lIlOre- jtI\l'Sbl~ m.~lthy you a!T~ the- ImOO! ~iOOi)IIV healhV 'lI!IiJj art." ~ItPriau1·says.

-Matt Scharer www1heGAVoicle',com

~tbPJltle llRe:Jj.!~ti!!n;. ~ In 1he I~r_' Si3tulll'ay. (ld:. 9

!,4 pJlI. ~11~n~ ~~ (l'I~r ~:lllill Sb"~t ~~!a 1It<l11~ t"~ts iii partnersmipl'lith tlaisr!'

Perlmnellte .


Annual Dyke March puts women first

:lu~ :mnual Dr~e Miltlcll Eetl.m1S (0 • Plli](!l~ ~gawll n1us y~r> gn'i'ln1i8: \\1Ofi'li!1il of an. smp.i!S .al chance to stand up ~ml D(? COlI!Jl~ed.

f~r 11I1.0IiC irnf(ltUlll'l~1 d'l[llll S~Ll"dlY'S p.~~ :rn~J1iIl.,.1Ili!lg for dc'lC [J¥~ M<!l'd~ Slilli!.S a[ 5::30 p.,ltnI, 00 Smtln:!.ly. Od.9,a( r.ledmoo~ :Park'S Ol"lI,h.'~A~~\;:1II Gol~e 11IC<1T Gr'!ldy H V,glil S~1hIiJd.1'iI"C [(IUle IlIiLeIll gDI$·west (m hOth, $'I:JieeIIJj) Peadllree S!l~ lbefinuenu:ntng QJ[to l%h S~~ ant!l ~., h'l_g bid to~h~~!\',

".Anyoln!! WhO~i"'i3IliCS tu' ma-rch, .all·lh~y ~\i'11 till do is show up, There .15 no formal ~.aceillent ararrylllln,g ~.ike l.haL H.'s iJn{ofU:l!al a:rrtd II1ial's the s<,!m~ 'w~y for !.he ~II& .1!Il~.!'Ch\,"Prid~ E;.:·, ew:tive IlireQtor IF; Sheffield SiI)!S. '1t's d",li.~ I.lllPJy mo:!\'!' ~;l"asSl'OOts ~aJiI th~ piffi!;d~ lbec(l_1JSe [he<lde has .Do.ns md .a11Iil:tOSenh'iu18s.~

()~n.1jz."'s ~t Iltl""~n UIO 00 15(hllOO:1~ to m~Jil:h mild s.JI¥ iJilCIiIl1llclJ ls ~1iI @;I ,;illl \'O\OOllIeII, nOlju51 ilho.w ·liImo claim too tide of "dyIole.'"

!'1t's c,illoo 11m dyl;(l' m~_rcl! but its dcfiDj[@ly QJ-:-J«;J l{:j a[lWOTIm'!i ,of aU lJ,;)[iIl:goolliililli.all WlffilGlil Will) ioonlify .iI1 ill'Iftlli:i!i!ls o.fways iiidudrng 'U"iIIlli l\'l)D!Jen." SheliclJ say$. '"'\I'l,'e've "finiIBi.!t, h~ QUf fenlD1JC" lIIi.'OIl!elll wall wi~h ~.iIllIl1'1A! pa.<;I."

AO:'JJUOOG[jj), Pilide's,~ItE. hi ~k._e Mo'llTl;h '-f is (_~_tc.Jwd OCI ~'OOjJpowermc-mt or ~~ W0!lli"J! ill Ad.OlJiIl:<l ~ ooyood. ~. ~ke Mrndl,\ wl.Iil'l il5 :[OO.lSOO ~!i'OO]ell,c~llllitffi 1.0 create un iltfim;~pll(.'Q!' ~urlClu~oall.~l1Icl oolillll;nIlility""

Dyt;~ Mllh!h Satullla~. Ocl9

Si~O p_rri. as~ blr. fi p.m_ S'lili!l off CMall"leoS )\I!in ~te ill Piedmont F'

Drag queens, kings shine in Starlight Cabaret

Thtl Slibr~ig;bl~ Cabaillt h~s ~ong been ,~ $~.' PIe of A!limtillm<.1e and Ihl! perlie:c~, send an to an eve.m-fuUlecl. weellend. TillS .is Ilhe ]Sl.h <lnnivers3il)' of I!Ltoe' ca'bare~, so O'.rg.anizei'S <life maiking ~.~.I~XtJ;-aJ SJ_let!lal.

Not oUily is it !l!lwtl)!'s 'IZI!W!tljlllll!,g,bl!!.t W~~S~I way to sho~' Sl!~ fOI';md .LtcknowlNge tine drag OOlliIDlJJlIM~, says .IP She-$:ffi:ekl, ~.ecUl:ive di_oo:u

"Tille dm,e: -t:;QDilmUllity w.~ so ~lIIs~nnull~n'1iid during St'Qlle'Wiln," S~,)I'S Sheffielld.

Over Ibe dK1 ctlbll.Ji\1t has mou!ph~

from ~I handful of [)i!rformtm> on Sli"l~~ IU ll1I;);lty, smn!!limes ~r[o;t'miltg tOWl'thw. Th~ li'erur;'s Wa:simll1.Ol ,ooJ~ ~nditde'.\i, :a:Ja~e ~f dta:g qU~.fIS ItImdlra,g kiil:tgS <LS\"relt!l Irl!l Sh~JI~~d, ~h~!'Nl!luha~ l'.l'Q~n ~,v~r d~1! j'\~t!l'8 Ito, becOl"J:]e an(? or Itl!~ Itrj~t sll(1h~rn.lS in me SOl!lhe<!.st, :~sfiibly me mnnny. Amq[he 20 acts IiIilis ~ar are d'1~ A~.iITh~oJ.~~re!i> Gi,gi MOII~. M.iroh~P'a!~El~ BNfIlks :i!_ndlh.~ j\d~~ns BO)1S CI[Wr.

AIl.o:Ih~' of the 2010 ~rfU1iil1ll."frS, winblil (IL1OOr limrh.·s.qu~ 1~ltJj'(lJf!I]~r VO)f;lLIID .l1'ern.WliJ.s,

W t'lW. th eGAVo~ce.c.o m

'StamH\'hi Caba~t $uMa'l'.likt. 10

7 J)JJ!l, al Coc~<OI;! ~Mqe

This is the fusllirru~ iii b:L1II'lesQ~ act ~])[I_S 00Em part oJ [he ca1!lare~.

'TI~ S:~a:r!li~n Cah.UiH is sall~dJL!l!~ ('Of 7 lfeldill. Sl!!1!.d!i!,y nishl ill thl:l 'C~·CO]i!I S~ae.

- }i!llFormer


mly name liS



Ihsre's always [] reason to icin.


atlanta exeeuUve, network oofltad_ rom IIllU n!(iDt~_ mllobOiote


• G'" Voke \ Ocl:oboer L 2010 \ A& E


Note<: fi'i~ gi'e $U~t I~ (I'lanQC an~ ~~ tiille. far cmts J~I d~mer!lmirs. ViSil 'reI1ue ~i'llbsile.s, Of ~~t wMlI''lO!gal«ltt~m aM (Ii(~ "rr.a IHll1I~r_~

IlI'IllQtllI¥ ~t!ml.:a G\!,~ Pride Elu:har~$t 7";3l!I pm, aUIl S;aint~' fpiooopall C.~IMCWl 6l~ 1'1. flladlitree SUtllallta, IG4 lilO8 iiil~rit'!lalil~t~(;'j'~liioogr'owps..wm

OUit 0fI fUmr.'1iI\i~ l~lJlit[(5 00 t~n1!11Jl~ 6:30 p.m, al w.1 idtol'm. AI t O~ma

9:.n MOilrQ~ [lri~,~. A~IIai1t~ Gil 3WOa. I!IW!'!'Anwfomlilm!lfl)

~rlde 'Cele:brity' Patll' ~rt1h D'J J'aiI! !iI~twKke!l s::l[l. 'u p.m.. at 1M High Mu~m

1200 P>eiIcliilooe SL A1.ti~ta. GAlOJ!lJ!I www.~iI!l)rJ_Qfq

"StJo.w ~ Te~I" 1iI\i~ Nwsr.:al wi~fiIlni'@[J(lb~ lDil,~i5 ~ ~J1l. ~r.d 11:15 UI. ~t Mt~1 S4.rE!~t Pl~~OlM 17J.I~m SL GA,30Jl)9 wI\1\'l'J'llhstplaV~o~se,l}fg

11I!Iu~~ tPriile ~~~hi tP.a!itv

Wlth D'JS L\'i'lIIliI PI~rml" JellliieY J\a!;o:1i5. ~ar' wes boV Fte!Kht:e Da~1l5 ~!!d S'I:elrI!!l D~I~~

9' IIJ11 al tM'IN tMiJilt'ltrfn

lS8I"'~h Street., ~tlanh!\ GA. 3~11 M\I1Il'lmm/2a'11W4n


10 Wm. ~t tlil! E~I'e

3mt1, Pmm 00 l.emm )\V~. AllllntiJ. GJ!I. jJD300 WW\'f,i!~!anlae~Ie:.l:om

.u~~~ !liM DIJ IWUM

1() PJlTl, ~l the Heretk

2ll16!l CMS~i'e Bl'il!lq~ ~dl Atlamt3. 6A JDjI1'!l \I,'ww,~l1t'elllcatra~ti<COO'I

~plb$i1ie 1iI1ursday.s

rll!S t;)e-l"lJr~ n pm. lit "'Iv f>list~rtS' RIJ!!Hi1l 121'1 GlrowMIWe. ~1a1lta.GI!.JOJI6 wWl'f,~~~mMlill

P,f~,~§ C!rJarl~~,' ~~~kliflISit~~

1130 pm, at m Ilftbilfl"S Pidb

1492 ~ledlllOOt A'iil. tlt ,Mlam~a. GA lllJMDg 'l!!ww,bu~~hi~ltslc~m

f'rid,ay. Oct 8

-- -- - --

A.ual'l~ j)ri~! ¥~.~ ilall'h

6 • 8 pJ!'I, al the meOfQla iIl.IjlJ 21i1lJroJ ((ke~lIS· 8;;111r~om emlra~Ji

225 Sa\'!t St M It MI~nta.1iJ!. 300,13 "",ww,aUanIC!~rIGe.of\il

Offi¢t:!Ill,!m!t!I t~i:Ie ,1Ut;~ Nl'tr'lIIIHfi tD~ M!lnliill:':fif 6:3(HIJIl IM'L <ll: Uie Geunj.a ~m ~lOOln Hitroore) 22!J.!1.~ St N LY. ILtlilRta, fiJi. 300,13 wWilf,a!!ilnla~rlde.o~

'~ntltl~1 AtliJnU ~rld'e I<!r¢I!i~~! !II~!rpaf'l;¥ 8!est ortM! '!!las \fJth DJI Edl tBalley

'n p.m. 'to 3 am at Jumglflo

2'115 Faulliioor RIl. .tI.~i!antil.. GA :rom, www,junQlelIlub;llt~~la,OOIT1

uShQIH' Ii Tellr' h lIilJiskalllll'lth Fnnchr.@ Da~is 9:30 ~JIlJU~ ~,Ili], iB~ 7 P.m. a~ !-<Itn Sli~\'lt PPilVhlouse R3 i~I~~L MI~tU1l. ~(}9 wm'I-J4tll£lpiaylloow.omg

Foorlh Tt!esd~ happw hour

,f! - a. p.m. ~l Be1~Si1ma

'sw,e MlSl~r(!liillllNl!~ AlWlt@, GA :rolW wwr!JI)~i'IIlI:\lI~r.lJl'q

,PIlJII!e Kil:k&1f ~[IEiU5t Ior ,J~fIIiS~l~m Hws.e' IPf(!s~nted tb~ '1Ih~ SQutlliem 8e~rs

MO I~.m. iI'I U . .oo.s., Camlinil

'001 M~roe Dnllte. ,Il,tl',:m~a, GA l!03U8 mm,iMusaterrillOu>

,AHanl:a S'tl'flp~ Or~fues1JIia "Wr.di.ed Diltas'" 'wlthi!\ml:<l Ga,ylJll~~r$ COO:IIU~

te ~,!"I'iI. at AtranM SflllP~oo.W fi811

WwmU l!.mts Cilni:el"

000 ham1:ree St., JiIIa1lt1\ G.~ 30300 '_I'!J~I~~mvmwnCHI\l',OI1

'1~~1:'I\B" ~ftT 'III:tIIDJ Ii!~K~ CID] 8. FJiloo~r, D.a\ii~ 9 ~,rn. at Reiqn UiQln!~IUb

KIl21 Pea~"e~ 1Iil" l\~I:anlil\ Gi\ 30300 IIUp:lmn~I.cM'IIZ.a2~~~


'10 p.,nt at ~ IW[~tiL;

.2II!iW ~Ire 8rid~e ROIDII ,~ll<Il'It1I. G! :l{i:l:!4 ~r~l«Ilil~ntumm

"nFll' ~ndll~~" wl~rnl1if:Je'li\J!eiltGrml~ m IlJll. at My ~ter1 Room

12'11 GI~rr~1lI1I Ava..AU~ti!.. 'GIl 30016 m'jili.mysist~rSl""oDm..OO[!l

··Hea;{-.e-,~" p,an~ 'with I[lJs O~~k,

mm,~~ ,~nd Vi~1Ii1 Powelll

9lDlm •• J ~iJl1ll, ~t PollIk T:iwern

~[I!I] IIJUlst, I'fil'an;~, G~ ~O~(l!iI m'JwJllVSf1ilce_(orm/illlrun~lesmla~~rl~lel~i ... eni.

D'J Da~ld 1iiJ1I1W

m jD.lfl. at 1M (aol'~'

306 f'oo(e de leco AyeJil~allta. G,:i, :MlI3&8 M'lIit.oltl'Q~~e~lel~{Jm

1M III~I!;~ II>O~I!'

1[1 p.m. at ~m5Ierdi!rn

~W"i\ Aifi$Wdam~. I!tl~nla, G!!! a00iD6 www~mSlllt'~amaUantuem

fUeFl)~ t~fldar illil~ml t~sllt:l'r tBroo.'Ml!i II p.m. a~ I.eBuu

585 Frall.urn Rood,. IIIMietta,. ItJ1! 30061 WI\II!f:l~enewrebww:om

I(IU~' Utlaw~: ,M!~w ~]II:

II p.tfI. a~ 1I1~~~ 00 the F.aJ~

Z2'r ID~II $'I. AUilnlill GA 3{l.31)9' ~\I.l!llaIOOMfl'I:n~jD.ark.allMtiUom

NiaI'~ Edt1h ~~I~s .st!ow

1I;311 ~11lfj, at. 8'llfklilatl"S Pull 1~9Uie~moot 1i.'I'~. f.lE. ~itlanla, GJiJOOO9 mw\l'£iunkllanl~Eam

1:\~I~a¥ tH~M Lf!l@ llirli~ [raiOl &.lfi!l~ GilrU ltlantll Lit~

J&9,~ Cli;li;IIl~1It Rd~ Atlijrl~'. GA 3OJi9 ~"Wi~r~ ~Iuls.oom

Atl11ant:a Pri~d e

IP~ ed mont I'a rk www.arfla nta plr'ide.or'~1


f~st~¥i!1 rnij~e't (li1l1 tI1~ Pil r1ij

Hlimalllul~hts eil:h1blt bfidge)

tolnmllnlt'll' Ht>illI!h iE;I!~ • lO am, -1 pJTl,

IP'ride :Stagre s Co~"':~&~\1 SlilQe

2 ~.m_ smaral

l p.m, Gururl~

4 p,m. J«iIl Z~~m~n

5, p.m., Demizes

6:~~ run. N~ir~ St1~kO!Jr

1:10 IJ..m. MHI

~s pJi'I, ,Kilfltliefll!V n.otkf.

II~~I L!glill :SUi}!

IZ p,rn. .An~ E~~e

ii1':4'Q pm, Er'l'll 'N~s

I::JOo 11UJ'!, Libe<llllV t'lefll

3:~(I!Un, Han~~n Tn~s 4;]0 lUll (;i1!i~en kon 5:10 p.m. ilW Orkid$

M~e tKi~~alllWlii1ail'l'!1nt IO~ultl,.·2 D'.mL

Piiiil1lOOnt Pil~k 1~ln ffeli1$

!ll~t«Ilw 1ll1e FII~ilil~ SU\lilrlmer Si5iOOts!'s tam~\ral

10[30 am, - 12 (tnt

Pi.eolD!!nt ~rt PlaVClfWliI!I (ned w ~wlllo!lm)


i 1).I'IiI. gsaemt/lr. Ui)~tflI Off

IilIl,gOOM!' ~¥erlook near C1JI<i rill's MI~n Gale Pr~~ "I\IH~ ira~ueer Nation

1f,~!l~M'rl(le'ire~l~~.tkl;n;. fun rn ilfie; Gardel1' HM Itll ~'o\l!f1ts in partn~rnml~

Irl'it~ I'!a Iser P~m\3n2~!e

1··;:1 lilA al '~~e II\Mk (rIMt mn Sb\ret gate

fQ, M~til:m t~nld@ Yiit@ir

z::m p.m, I!a1I Lijf)t fleer GlMdm ~ Pieiimoot IPdlk


5;30 p1Il. ~~~Iv,; 6 p.m. $111!jl1 iQft C~arte5 Allin Gate ill Pfedi'lW.nt

Coll1!mltl'll~mt ~~r,emom~ 6.-3Opm Qt the ,!Iud light ~1i~~

UlM:d!E'J1 dl. 'the Ptedrooml. Park Pali'JtIOl1I) $,25, 1!I!l~ ooople fll.!;hJl~S certllDl:at~ ~',r~i~btati(wJ on~t~

-- ---_

Saturday~ Oct '9'

Ilti~[j;'ilrBi!e~ Prk!e lb~mameM:

Atlant~ tBUl;ks It~~by

1- J 11m, ai (1m ~hllrne S£holn1

15&'0 IHOS~~ L Uiams Wr .. 1I1t~nla, Gl3001l' wW\t~tlOnM~uc!kMUQtrv,OfQ

"Sl1~ ~ feW' 'Tille N~siGal wi~h I'!en(i~ie IDI!,~is 2_IlUJlJ, and 1 ~.nut l~m ~tn!~t p~alflW!I~ lUtillUI St" t!l.ttanl'!l. GA S00Q9 www.1\!1lhstpby~cws.e.Qrg,

''1ifl~1 RJm1jrn~r" pO:l\liI $Iar :!it!~1I!n llili~l~

4:3C • 6:30 p\Jll. ,iIt 8Mh~tfmke$ -

1510' F\i~m~nU~, Atlanta. (j~ ll~

www,bIlJlStlll6:esAls - - -

OI!!'I~tna!l 5i1'!lq~r~ A'u bllz I~th Azarrla1l Slilltflil',t)rth andt tl'rmn Lomigr 7 • 3:30 p.,111. at F~~st M(X>cl At13~~

13"l~ Tulli~ illJ HE. AII~~ ~A 3{(!Z9 www.rd~li\rerrorIlil1Idnl~,COOl

Atlaot~ SV,!I1ll"lI!l1n~ ,(krthe>.str-al"~~~~ I)J¥~" W.rth Atlaiilta Gay W~ItS, l~hOmus

S p.m. at ,r,1Ii1nta SljmphO~lI Ha~

'tlllOdrlll'ff Ivrls aMt~r

1200 ~e.!I~Mlflle ~SI:. ~'ttnt~ M lOlO9 wwvr,~~~nt~ffllllIfiCflfJi)i1~

OJII~~1'illtl'amt~ I¥r:d~ ffil;mW~, p~fltV ''1f,el'l~tlMeq;a1 [lilIloe Party"

wHh tDJcS Il1at IIat arn~1 tlJsa IPIl1i1film

9 p.m, • J ~.m.. ~I C!OO1.'I!f Silaqe {TI'!e Lalt 1:31-1 Wesl Pw~htree SI;. AILiI~t.adJA JOOOO' Cuflt-emaq..oorn, P<

"Flreai1lll~" wltlill Tlhe tFlie'llllltriis

10 pm iill ~ S~5!l'r1Im~om

1211 GI[!ffWM AWI'~ Mla1l'~ilGA J)OOqfj \IIL\IW,tnYSi:st~SI"1oom1mn

Dill ~o:m&SeWlli\s ~~ wa~~ Prilde p,ar~¥ Unlil3 a,m. at tM~rfi

1231 GIMl'liKlCI Af~~ A.11<iJ'l'la GA. lnJ'6 ""L'lW,lIRiIlfIISatIQ~!g,'~om

DI.I J'osh BlI!~

unlil3 a\i1t at ~i!:~ AlIllmta

1492 Pledmoot Rwd SUlt~-IB, A~~nt~ GA, 101U9 www.IiI.IiII~1hilltal!lm

DJ tEidl tB<iU~

10' JunQ~. 2QlS Filll!fi!~er M AlIa~~lOm

DJ lM)tke P'GtIe

B!n~l$ .JDi~tng .Hearts !t> p.m. at Iihe ftil~E'tllC

:1'(169' OIWhir~ tRmid~~ Rwd illI1iJltl, GA JO:m W!IH\I.I)2f,e\ll(atl~nta.c~m

DJI t~a~Soott

11> pm at ~ E~ Ie .:1& Ponce ~~ ~MllIi\Ire_ ~Ihlflla. GAltlJDa wm'llIual1it~Qle_C(ft'J

~11~b Qi Wtlt~, DJ tPa~1Q

It> ~'.m. - 8< ~lJll al ~tor II TtA~lJ'rn'\l 'St" Atramh!l GA 30. ~~~Wllin'fI!lI~Ilil~jtlp~\f1l

Sat~rd\ll,y H~liit Ire~'eo~ wilih Hleol,!!' P.lllg@ 8!rroo~

All ~ 1~lIt a! LeBl.l\!;z

~ Fif(lmlt!lin IR~ ~rielli, G~ J00li7 ~:I)2WI~llm,aJm

J'!!illooi5~'s tl11anTllg DIVas,

II p.m. ~t Blllk~~ on llie' P.!Ir1l:

W Hll~S:l. ilIIlilHt~ (iii, :mOO Wlj'Hi.lM'l'~esontl1eparka~nt3!t1m

Ih~v tEdnl'll PUb SiIIQw U:30lJJlut Bulillhart"s M

WI2 PiedMn~ Ave, m:, AliaoR~GA J.OOO'!I wm'IJlllrhham..oo1ll

SiJt~1i(ij1W Hrg:lut t~e P!lrty Tr~:t.~ tll.tlanM

12137 Clllum'bia Dr.

iJffallJl'. G:'L 3C1fDJ4 ~r~x~"'~n!~om

Tt:m Grns ~re,t: J!.'lfil.y:

E~rnu m Inh!mc,

393 ooa~ieitit &t.:ittlanta. Gil 30013 ~ra~xq r Is.c~m

Uv 5aturdMs IfIIIlJIlI tF~loIillMrn nlod@!iS ru-&.cllillead . . .

211(1 Peicb'trree Ralad, Atfanlii, G~ :lroD9 WW-WJlra~&i4Kla~t(QgI


SIU nday, OCt.. 10-

A'Ua Ita [Pride P iedmonlt Patrk

VII w w,at[~ijlHta pr~de',owg


IFe~LI\!:<'ll marUt. n~fOlilQhGill the paoo tm!~En I1T~IIfuS, ,~J!liillll1t {1fi'I~ ~jm~l i€OOlmi!~ty He;;tth E:;JO •. to am ·1 p,m.

Pliiid e $,ta,l)!es,

!tK~~CG~ s.ta~e'

3 p.m- Mltil'll!l JDiiI~ &aM

4 pm. Eri.~a .farM

4A(I ~.rI1l. Hiki l;Ia~i5

Sr.AO ~,m, k1!ti~ooe Ri!ii!l!~

1 WIl, Slarli~llt C~'biile~

tBu:~ ~.~~ s.t<l~e

3, p..m. Nesri~ lisIii

:1:40 p,i'I'I, liOuth P1'i~~ ~n~rtall1ln~f'I1: block

Jitllal'lt-a h',r~ Par~1I'e

1.0 am, i.I~elll~l,y; ~ p.m. s~~~ on

CiviC C~nr~,r tll!lffiJA Station In Pi~l1\OOt 1i':i1I~

Omwri~n .tmu~1 S'lFee'l: Party

UI;10 i.J!T1. et (ll1Jh'irilll w;ook~mre ~ Coffi!IilOOSlil' g~1 tPlfdmmnt :M@., AH~llla, Gil 300M

HRt Atll.nt~ ~rlde tB!rtl!!lCih

Ii a.m. • ~ p.liiI. gt NiCkiell'l~W"$

~~O .PiedllJlilll't /We., J!!t~~, GA 3lJ309 aMal'itahr'[1Mi~

U!jl~ ~ LM! -l!Jt(nil'lth D'J' V1l;tl P>o""ll lMiiC ~M i)'aralfi ~t-tnifl~ - IN il'IJIl. at 1M Uv~tO!1

Ce$r'Qi~n r@rr'al;@ 'HfI~EI

659 Peac~lre.e- s, ,ltl~n!a, G~ 30000 II.tlgnIQPriid~l-OI&fu~ijiLwm

ushow tN re'll~ TI'I:e IMuslllaJ with lFi'erltnie tDaVi$ 2 p.J!l, ~~Mtn s!r~IIPI~~I!I~

Ila ~tIlr a, Atl<lm~~ GA. 30-3(119 tw"",,~tliisllJl1~~lilo~!or9

,~mr;II~1 A_tl~nta tPrldeCJloskl~ tPart~ rlll]mwrn~ St:anti~!1t t.aJl.aA'lt

W,lth D.!IllrAaM~ 1k1liml'! ami D\lI L~ls PmiZ O,Pefi:l tfHIht ClWb

III SO €~ li!oI~ M loott!" GA lOOM ww~hriS~dlem~~i1Iber~r~~

P'I1I~ O~i(]~1 P~fiI'II' iWir"ki~mh wi~MI DJ ~'artrn fill' 2:-'B.un. ill ~1llIi~~~ti) C!!noor

12m Spnllilg Slffirt~llatitil.'GJ! :Mmllfl l'jwL'ltil:hrasc~ernal"!!l<~berprias.coo!

'G~ 'Se:t;~S~n~~,yS ""ilh Fira.'!I~!n!!i!'! 711,ml - ~ am, al Dj!3~'S

495 Peaotlltree' St~ .MIMta, CiA 300®8 www:.w~~,p~~I,C~1fIll

1i<K;~1 Siag.e. OI1rr,riS rr~per" ~$i1n GillS«! 1:30 pm at E"Il\ilie\ .~HiI:

SbS NI Mdnorrough St, Di!catIM. GJ'I :10000 w\ll~(kfLl!!S~nl, .rom

hil~ O~I!'!~I P@NV

B JUit -Il aim, at Bllrlisslm<l

~f,CI Am$lfr~am ~~ :Ml.anta. Go1l .303116, rJ",'w.mV~~~~!~imaIJrllJnQ~


S p,m. "11l1~k1!'s 011 th~ P~rt mOOth St. ilI.l~l1Itll GJI :1lDJOOI wl'lw;bI~~esO~lllfNilI:~!I~I'l~@l,,,,m

$WRiiay Sp~~iI'aocu'~r

9:1D Porn. at. t[kJr~llafr£ Pub 1!4'~ pjiNlmol'll Aw.. HE

,A~ IMtl!.. 011 ~naCli wWQ1If~b~rl$,~~,

~J L~djil' tPriml

10 JUlI, ~I the ~r,eMc

2QG9 C~e<sniJ't 8riiGge Roa~ Ail1mta.'Gl'I.lD:l24 www.h~tica.ll\3n!.Hom

'Tru,e' ~~. fo,r Pride

Out glay Chr~stian mlus~c~ans bring [.OIur to Flirst MCC 'RIIDIE .2010 e

ClliIf.~'lian .mmi.daul Ray 80hz Ilru~ lii$ " 1'n;1~ IVlIiIr lo AU!!l'Im ~O!r Prid~ ,~tek· end,with an 'Oct a pe;.l'fi:ImmCJ: at First MCC Wfu~.f~ &ru~ alld tyu Loooter,

.13oIu. oold 4,51D11i11iooJJ ~~ a:OO WOO.l~';() ~ M~itiit ~1Jlioo .~ ilwm15 ~fM I:lxkingCtiIl,~n rrn~.c r~1lt> ~ oollling (Jut {15 gllY.$()I[I~~oulh ho.<ited "'l'ha :RC!1!]c.., " .. 'ChriStlo)1lI TV sI~ .r~ ocJmow'looginghc:: is goij', 100.

"SinO! bolh ~ists CMnI: oot wl~tii" mOil,fIls oJ (!II£! i3Ii.Qlh~r iII 200B t'I1E1)! deddlal tIt tab dK'.Uf MOl}' on rllu? nliitd oogetl'le<." lfin.e [NUl' C.'h:~>1IiIl"S on the 'wchsioo for ~I~i.r tour, 'W'\\1'\\I'.I!'~I~veriromlld;l!!~£Q:!.l!l.

llle'inlllinle ller[OIiIDllllce at :firsl MCC will. (eaJ.ii.'J.te hmIl'il SolIZ and Soon.h\\lOrnh shfiLlJlllln, j[}lln:l1~ys as OliuiSitlaliIs amt <is glay rnf.fI. '1~H1J!A~'iaJt:l ~,~btQ !'tis ~)'. ~id ~y sw.JeS his, Slilljl ~ 1M mll5k," th.(l}' ~~.

.[lQjJtl w"ill (1]00 perlOlm,~lnheo Oct liOPtMe Srnmay :;e:r'l1irea[ FilS'[ MOe, ~ihicl~ [OO.ace I:I(irly at 10 iM]JI. ~~, iiliH~w ml~1(r~L":S 00 .~Q ~ !J~:e 1!'<1r,j1!k tlnd feaams 11 milld)Q\\! b.1'1I00TI ~lbl5C"

~ GA Voice ~J! will! Boltz aoout ]0I1ili. oom~ oot,. 1l_f1i] hls J}1~1lS 00 help, IIgint re-ligioos ~mol~rnnc!!,

(~A'VQ:h;~: Wlillinh~\~ yllnl ~~nllllp' 100?

~~~ I'vc l~ll Sl.~ping (la~iLiI\), I've OOeIl !Oll!ing an~ plilj'lng whk:h is s,oIJ];~ • .Ihin!l t1li1t [ lil:(l'Ifeet thooght W'd 00 again. when I came Ol!l~.l mlioogln i[\\lO'ul.d 10e Ihe elild ,of my caJfet'iIi; ~ow, ~ ~Iookood OW.r the JatS[ 18 filoouhs aOO I'velinishro tl t«om ~~lh~ ~akC'1l! inl~ .~!~, OWf too U oiled States.

i~:um"'le' bee<! '!lUll to Eal!lsfoll' ailol!ll 2 F,ilts nlilrw. How h!tlL~ it Ibi!~iilI f(l!J"y(i:iiJt' IlQythUlf fiJIli!li 81m sno~"'~Wl'tOiilU~pl;jrt )\OU?

Not ma_nl.f. Some WIlJID still OOfi'iU~. 'Ch_riMi:..1_1Il 'racliio Wl}l~i~tP'!~:y nly Sl!)1lg,~ ] I!ni!,'\~ dlat was, Wl"' .hI1g in hapr)f)lQ and .~ dGn't huld. th.n against d1lm'l. TIl.1fs jusi whm ~ helieve mey OO\re ro ,d!;1.

\\'Olill ~I~~~ ,,1lliI3~)I01!I w\~ir'll 3bou~t ~liI' ,iII~D ilf:JJdI lIo,.w i~ w~m~dI ;)ilect :yQ1i!r LiliL'. Was ~t 1l1mt you, j,lIlst llI;eooed. ~o be yOUII:S~ fiat.)lOti dOIi'i~t ,care an~Ofie wham wi!] ihappeliil?

l11a['s exiKdy rn~ttt! I'd 'C!lliIM.Qo 00 ntlil' ~,a(e whe~' r ~~\iI£all'Ql!~ OIi.n to !lJ.Y !.[!J[lib ~md 111~f had <I()~~]Jtoome, [just ~eh irtw,as .liglb:~~ moo.

Do YliIiIl! 1~l1Iw 0'1' ,dll!It'd!ho:m,erigi!u ROw?

.1 doo't.1'rl.pkk.oo iii dll1Jl'dlh.ome.l'm .n(li[ really sure I:'wroond (fli'te' 'libere [ [eeJlllke Ih<l.t'l; ~~h~m I'm SL~OO 00 be e\ll~ S~lIiId<iy"

When I rnlm ~ Q]I~ OlInd was llIu1~~~io1Jl" d1is-:!'lil· hn~'i!olhi[!lpcd fn;lllL'l my chlun:h:. I juS'! ~ilVCllil~t ·fe~~. plilntiQ,!:lm1y d~~WI!~U'il!'IiY 'mu~h!~!!ce th!1'n. liS mat.w,hefil1 )IlI1il alfie''?

Thl~~\i"~ ,WrewJ.3I~ .illl dIe ga~1 cQm.](illlWlily" .~ are·poopli1' who, lilolve 00eI~ hl!ll1l. by Icligillifl ll.mJ~i~ [I!OOp1(!il,\¥iIK'l'] ~IOO ~ ~klng abmn ClYlW~1ity. it d!oo.m't oong up a lot of . ~ ~~.iJ:tg;> ror peopTe .inllile g<l}'COOl.Ii1lIUiuly.

I !>'i.i1l.g a &Ill\8. calledl"l00 l\.hru::' wlilirn iI;. l'e'o ~n.I)! ~ W!I&l]uJ~ ~~\S ~~t O)IlIllnlll& ·tQd~ alUIr 1L00 ][!lPlg YQ'IJ!r~ OOim 1 caJ!'t SIDg .~ !li:IIIlie 'WOIlds dIlal] ~ 1[0 sing lOll becamse'wo;r ffi.IIlY peq~e ·Mlt'e rnre me ~ ... ho .\cItX'W [>0' ·~~·0111!!1.1 itllJld~ aC~[]l~ t'Q ~!.Iy tl'te ~~ ~ GfOO1li\g gJy w;id~. tII~ promi~ tllM in did tl1<l1 .. ] ""'m~d be ol UIlliW oro.l.tloo.1.II1ld u~dldInworl;:_l ca_n'~:gel tIP a!ild $lng, tillM!l ~ne lyrics l~liIt ~ ~ to. s~ng.

1,51rne a~a SQ'ip~lIm 1]1 Mli.rnihlihat iuS!: ba'iiQilly ~id thai ujl!ll!l:li!l!igil!lIIJllliI.fI.~ i~pllM$iu,g ~DGod, is III!I, '!l\isIDl w,idJfiws a.rudl ~npha.n!l, in (heir dJ!!!! ,of ·;)fflJm:o:n. U's r!l'S.~i!bQgt ~rp. n.ized ~igiOI1J arnll'llm,ot1e' <lbw~ juSil ShO'lli'i[l,g lo\lf' •. 1s mar liJfiW)101!I see· iii.?

I am Sill ~u[}.e:lfe wilhyoo! ~. wenl ro a hyper-£'1IiIh dh\lld!w:I~1'Jl :11i],SI:~ilIDl!' ~ CiI:u'isli'1lii\l 1beyIaJJl~~ yoJ:IlO'JiDvay diiilt God l;iIlQu]d Ii1w'I wbi:ne1,l\il!§ was \'!lron_g. ",,'ilh you by ~~.itlru. ]£'yoo had a Ilro~n <ii'm,yl):iJJ~l<Iyedror J~U:5[O' hea] }'Q~U; ilIill~ ~~d ~llIltQ ]i~ ~~~!JIrlit~In!~e }'QL11i" iJi111 WilS hl;\llJed_ YI;1I_I didn'~ go rto,~h~ doctoHJr Iii(lvcil ~LYi1U. ~ j!,l5~ 1[(1, beti'e\l\e" J'QlII'W\ere' ~heall.'d_

Vou~' ~ d1~ 1I1Il.'~!I}l.slad. ~n,}" of il: lJeo mg~:oken ,amJjt!:5l beIl!Nellml it is 00 lOl~g~bro~'tlIl, I ~!I' iI yoong diialii!etic~ID Ii~li' "wily Ills mswirl iIl:tdl slippoo uno il. dl.lMic coma. ]1un~, nIla! cC!!UId 00 !ro;l[ed lt~oormll~y I\!d III !hgir &-ail}!; bec.mse!l~ woo.Icbl't go~o d!~ dbcW,.

PffW1~ m to, Slalftd up 111 c!l11l'cll every S11J"lday <mCI :Sa}' w.liaJtmey were heaJM oi, HIm


Ray Jro1a s~oo l.~(i' Clu'istiafl 'lJus.rc i_m~ Ii~d 10M lilm!'offli:5Oli1lll'lO.' ,tans '~IfJ'l ,!r came out ~n 2{1()8, (Photo A!Y ito~ Zlm,.)

SO!:J!'U! .~roh1iem with l!lei!" ,~es or foom Coglalf" ['"e ,ofitfl toou,gl1t Ilha,t jif OOm,I.'One had! SIJ:ID:1], up .in. that rnl!lochservice and satid, "I. '1I<I}<em1 . illid ['Ilru s!!iJru ~ik" GM didf:l'l heal .me;." dl~ W'OU]d~""ebee._n ~U'!~ f.ool Ihe ~l1diug ,1!ld II W'Ould'v,eo IDa,de we~~ Illrlllk that lJ~ey jL1St ,rum'[ hOliYe any f<W.IDt..

I:fMllrlNlfllI05e ptOpI~wcmd''_'''e OOeftiJ~ m~ybe 'DdilJlN:S \\\iQuldn'( k1\\\~t11!Q'!i'i'n ~\~ dl~a' medicin~ OJ; ~idefedi tha~ it does.!itwod;lh~ W'{!l dllJ;l d~ffiill ~J! s.Jj' it <kxls. 'JIh,)t'S\li\ l liee4 ~1<J1. ~'w ~ by (lommg 00.(. I~ Sl!oocil up in ~lfPfito:f ihe ehUiC:h afl(! ~id, "I (~id ~~l1iling Y(IU ~ol:dlillle to ~" l iiJ"ilI)'OO. ~ ~ eVl'ryboGk.l wenlltQ Christian {jlflllllL'ding. rfastB!ill_"

Af~r )i'OO~ Gf~)l!'king Oil '~lling ~t, ] h[Ldi ro oomi~ Ih: mjlh:I'"~ ;!lay. 111~nfs nopJiL'" Illlrbding. n~'s nr~!l~ming <m)L'I00 i.t I Ulld I~he lIluJru alnil.i[ \ .... 31>. l:he same response' as il[ SOillietinehOi.dl ssood up. anti said. "l 'Ill "(It ltooled/' ~OOjlle ,1m! SQ !~illtkel] \\fh~! SIilmoo!!~ s~ jt doe:5Il'~ ""olt.

~1'a;~ J,"o1il'rn [lO~,~ Jnln,~ same I:h~ IfiIn'a~ yml'~nt'e ~.l'!ig 1I.\'h~1lI y(I1iJl 'Were ifni I!.h.e O'Irh;ti~.m 1iI~lu9cilld!1S1Wy. but ~.~ singllilgbulm ~ mo~ h.iO:m"S1ipJ~ ·a'bOUl ]I'OllI'r f"jtill!, I ~~hillthiq1.k that G:!d liM(lutdll!Pilll~bl: ~~g' llIolli!'SlY.

r (hUnk i,fs mQ~ ~pin't!1~1 nhm1,~l(Ilfi(liin.S .. 1 am dUIDiSmisslltl\\! wilh .Azari: •• h Spulh,~[jIr1th, illldlit's heen $[J~. [-:Ie wa~ 22 JURI ~~ Ihe 1Q[! ():~ his Ci!Jt'Cer "",lll1fI.llhing.~ \l,I\~ !!'~i~lodillgFo): h.i.u~.f']i! 1100 a T\i' sl'lu~'If ami !!Yffi'j!liIm,g ~~dS l~Y gol1l:gilli.l!ilZllng ~or him. He ~ a pedoct 'i.'xanrl~e ()Ir 'W~J:a;~. iT Iln.eans to pa!y ,(hep.nce ro

i~,V B:Q~ & ~fljl SOutmWQr~1I withl!;ym LQO$ie~

s:atlJfd~'l, Oct. '9. 7 pm,

W.rM MCCar A~lenM

1379 Yuille Road N~

flI~ililillt3. GJ!l.l41l9 W\'t'tV_lrOl1i1~lliil¥tWlrn

Slilnd tlpa:!m·lt!oe· w~w .yrru <1:00'.

we ,~ .iIIl .u:mg .Beach, '[a1li~. and ~we @iii a:JiI.imel"'lfaJ.nti. SE.'l'Vire IID"taulile (f.I1!!iIi)Plne1~.p5 (:ann:iilly ~~dI~'l! p1~ting (he g.1Iy$. AwdalnllOOli. OOImles of ~o;'a~ over to tlOOmillldilhey r;o,.'OOld.!il't m.'ink hisWi3.IPF.

~dlm fm1il:lm tli iI! ~(l!~;;t ~n A:tI(illilt.<l..wh<Lt'~l;Om~ ing U:P' h'r,)'l!l!]?

Ihis h .. sn'l ~en bl<cJ'l ~,C'tl&ld '[0 '(00 ~ so ~~otl'Rllh~:fusI ro find, oot.l·v~just si~M1 001 ro 00 I!~ SllOli~l for Soo1iroo:ll. n~'~ .~. glQiJii !ina! ~Jres bIllS loads or coIlegNgt"(]l Id&t!],nhll'!)e fwwittLema1isl am_~ I!llIi~irn:e;c They ~) l(I!:c&b J(lnes~ndBlt!;l.h.1m "mLIlI\g, The C'.OII~ !I!!!!S IdliJ~ say r~ a!!!>t be.jft SI~nt am, 00 g<I¥ or ~fool1 00 eli!1Je1ledL

"TIttey teD mh~· ~:hooAsnllaJt wheLherr nhey ~ ... i11 ackm:'wili1iUge' .un: ,01' no~ ~1II~y do ~~liIve' G,UU su.ndC'll~ :and! :shoold ~~d{lJ~ingd!~lr 1iI~, 'Why~re often me:t.",,!i~ Iht't'a~ 'o~ VitclENiLW OJ: bemg~~,

]~ID joilmg ~i.!Itl"ocre to l]~hllhis,~ligi01ili> iIil1!O~ffi'~. I'~~ k'~p~ntilitg .1lI1m1.d1dOJilig oornc Wllll;:~ for th~IIiI~Jld ~JIIiI re.l1ly 'e;.!cUlcd to 00' dolIng dii_ii&, I !lW{(r '~IJ'i1'C~ il_ny of lh~s to l~pl]!1!!!.W1a~ I Cl!lll~OUt. [ ~ht!f!IMhl ['d m(W:e ~~ ~o f'lofida anill be ill gl\'etef at \¥a1.Mm, Ruta. ... lollg as iiI'Ie doors, ~ [!pl'ITI!li1g ,ror mEl', ]·u leep wal~:ng thrQl)Igh~ell1"

w\'ffi'.t heGAVolce,com

mashed po~a!.Qe5- N e:!il door is budge~fl'iend", Iy j!~n's Dcli .m<l [ ~a]ty UI!,e the large Sill]· ~d rDar,U1!.1i:r eno.tlrnolllS Rutl'~tl. Or ~he ~igbll:! wi,ntl 'rui~~y. SproUlS and gtuacdOl.C!le' ena (lisp)' crolssant ..

I. Il)~.'£On~;]ly \~ln s~U ,}, n!t~~fl,lrllh~' lQ Joo's Ol~ JlIIt~lX'r Stre~ [or lhe b~t p.i!tio wh,f§e <lJI 'lfu:1, ~y locals w.ill be, less crowded rnig,h[ be lffiI:e hidden AID;flterdi3illll Ave-nue- Disc !!i]~~ oHMonRlIi, ~~arur'lng loG BT -f.r~~liidll)i bolrs and ~~~U1'aJ!lS Ilk.e Loci) b_ruI ftll' SIXlIll· ishl tapas, M(il.illild~r toPeIl~Ili~ Sheet to ~ll lih~ C!1O~'!;'ds omd visitlhe nice 'PIlUO a~ Thp, or im~ your ,O,tn-of-llIW:l1 fril:!'lltis, aild dlive' ~o tilteir sil)~er'~o1iU"lI1lt 1'\\010 Uriit.1UlJ Lk'b"

1:£ yrtm w,aJiI.l u.eaa:lby high~r end r~ nI11

Pr'ide on y,oulr plate

Ple,tnIty o,t o'pth:ms for dining near Pledmont P'fllrk

S~D"",liiilg fl'id~ (;!)In iif1JJkc j'lgUllllllJlS1.y. If y'tllI're [[{1m eut ef town, you 'U ~~. th~r'e <lJ.'ll: hU1l1dn2dl~ OF mlIal'leS W eat .iIl'lID~ AtlanM mll2{lfiC! area, As, 1lJ i\ ~.alillallll> her,~ .i3Ji'e some ~~QdrlilQ.i~es OIfQlUlid th~ [lmiph~11 of f~~ImOlilt P.~rk Food 5inOOsm;:ilylilm~grce.b~l,l ~f y'm~'rc ~]llllg'l" .~~. Prid~., HS~Wl ~o' 1l1C.

SmIl~ f~val ~ood (,ms .a;~ Pri~~ a!l! re.1lI:y d~~iciou~ ~ut 001: the h~~th~l!S~ .md prices ea!! l;~ hi~. My weakn~i~oom. dogs dlPlltld lIn jal~p~~ wmmeal baJ~te[ ilmd! friedl ~nffimnl (If Y(l!.1. 'VU:ll!l. Thsre aile ~l~o~hme fri~ !!hlLL~~UlliS ll!!d .:mionh~ms.

I boW' dregyrn qlll.eem are ga£pinsso llefl'effi,e miller ldeas, :f:o't ooL1lethiu;g dite<lp anil hea~.llIy, SiIJfOU eo ca:sl!la~ Wiliy 's rnl~ !Ihe Plurolil:O!l~ ,;Ul(l 1 Jth~id'~ of Piedm!ont P~~JL [ Fi~tIhe chlcke:n b'illTiw h'1tlh 1II0,ricv ,am:ladd S011If ("Fearn inside l11.e bllll1i(O plug elllH'il 'Clt]a:mn.'O. [heIDI I. go !1I1l1ffi on the ro:maliUo .g,t'eenl sal~ ~rn~r~hldlil~n,l~J gu~anu;J]~. FQwSl3 i~'~ il h~I\~J;!', che~:p. finil1gblllrn'i~o~l [liedlllo:n.l~liId you (;:II'! t<J'ke yom kl{~ or drol~lk frie!lill:; to S'O'~~' Un!'?ll], up,.

Fo, 1'1 dlv·~ OOS!:mlffint scl~OO!l wh~ th.e loeals go,. Mroj,l a. u}l!1!ple' of hlocks '01], me MiCmooeside of ~h.e 'p8ifl.! OI!mJ, croSs 1~1:te 5~l to tll~ Mi:dlnwn Pl'ft]m,~iIl!!d~ alld Lal!ldiolia'l'k lllJ:l~ul'r, whl!'~ lh~~'s .~ hllll~""ilri(!(y of af· ~on:l!aM~ p.]aces.

Am. Mcl]ow M~OOiiJJ I <11"'01)1$ g,el nilte pizza wimh sl.~r:EdI talMtballs >lnd, pesro, WillI iJ G~k s.!IltllW, "[1it{lir olvaoc~d~1 ,;Bile] ~~fu' sub is twrili£ [01: vep,eI>lJi8J'1lS. Th~re's MOO Ff!!OGS CmnI:rall for IlavmM .fe1: M!ex fareaJlid M.etrn'e Iioosl~ will h~,ve Ih~ilr' STellar Smul~}1' brunch with serateh IIII1i1dcheahilliy f~od.

Awu'~ n~~m (.(ifC' is j) Buro;P~ln ,Cillic eof- 100 and wi!J~ bar (e-attLrillil!l mVI!'Pltive s.l)];:I;ds. sandwiC:h~ lind t!lfW Hke ~he W<ll:llll, b1;~bb~f tomMo Silu~ w~lh h~tibetl, goOllit: cheest'i and! a

toasty -liJagueEte' • love, amyl kimuJ

(If ethuOOl.'fllriir::: l;iuil5Jllle SOllLtelh:ing d~f-

(~t!nl uy Vii""u~anlll~~ Nam" Royal, n:aj, and D~~ SpJice ~~.India:n oosm~,.

Rigln 110 1i'Ifl'x.I. to Blakes en HJtb S~eti$ GilbM.'s. W]~II Meditefil<lll.eall'l (;a:rre. m'mFond of ~ill~ilr FiYIO an~ OJ S:idi'! of s:moky~gp!.~j]I~ s:p~Jd, AuQSS the stwei: is ~~ fly illS, J3is(lIii~ for AlIla~a's s'Plellrnd, lilisutim ;md l:mmch or oom{ortin'uglJlJil'kl'f IDkalllJoa£ 'OlTIJ scralih

Nicliielll.OLO·s p<mAs.iaJI~ arrld ~hi across froOl IEHab's, One Mi!litQ'i\l11 KHCil¥.il. rrr ZocaIoro:r ~~I~' L~tin, but 00 wam~, dn~' ,~a{!i$ "' 00 \;Iej}! ClllW1doo. l!NIiilll~ w-ajti~E for a wb]e

WBT Store Outu'lite1 Book-

:S1.l:IJ:C &: !Se [W1(t to Bla_kJ!IS·.

fi(!o()gJI:l search ilI~ lin.!:! p:]a.(!(!'Slrn"'"tionoo p.lus tbl:'~)~\\lOfd5 n~SW!Jlro1ilil'l At~imw ~or hours, IiIllcnus and lecetlon. W"a,PPY Pnid~'l

~ltoj)mr~1I affeslili(J/ food? LocM},dlf1rl? am plDi(l' qf n'1S1t1!U'd.rl/:'! il1~~D.Iki~ {H~,finn p.rMRlOm Part ~I wJJJ ,also mG.1::e grem ~ if )WI Q~ {aokil~ {or m~ diOf!,iX¥JC(H'i~ dtrring dre Om (!t~ Fill" f\'es~fI11. (~ocJl:pI)1)llri)




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W\lIW.t heGllI'Ii'Qice,com

CmlllULll lby Rvan Lee

Prlida offalrs abundant, ~ and acl,actic" palrty ,options

IGa.Aquarium and a trip' to ~lHeave'lnl"amon,g the IIne!-up

lllefe'S :;ome!hilllg a'Ii!Qlli~ spinning ~ flJ{ ~~"U:KIs Of AlI;m~ Gi!o/ :Pridc !~Im ~a1oll1g w,ill~ a, (~W sharks. pe!lgrill~ and.IUI1i1ii]1iI :l'3YS-li1lIallfills OJ Malti!in Fry with gliddilless,

"liIl ge.r~, .1 ~eel.lrlle' a, kill, il~ a mndy !>t~ ~il!g !Jbi'e' 00 fl~)I !!h~ 1~'~J~" SilysF't1!, wl~ 1'l!\~1'!lS lo Ill!! GG!(Ii:gia A~Il\l_riUlll '01:1 Oct 8 for '!he AlianlBJ Pride

".I...a&year ar _'OYijillm11lll WOlIl,aJlil excellli~tn exP~CllQ~ fQf Im~," Fly s.:,ys o:f d~' ill~uguml Pill'ly ill orue of Adiln~"iI'5 ,wmmi!~ ij!1J;ilCt;OIilS<. 4 OO\let' 'm'ip;il'CtOO tOO' 11Jl~6Si\'lc lJJ,JI:rUlut lLb.1t we hold, ROJ' Ihe ptllsiliw fooling st'Crnoo III 00 n':5O:n.l[il~g ~lmlghont tll~ caIDlit! ...

The eady E!vlNiIlin.!l!le1 at iht: Gooi!ia. A(j,ll1I!r. ulmI,whkh run.~ffll)Ul 6:3r).lElO l)JiIl", i$ a. :UJ]Jt.q!lewo1lY !D~t ~Ie Pdde part-Y \\'r,'1'e~1;!I1d Sl!!!rn~d, ~. anl'J~ tau '!i'j~~(he! ~"'~tnn's exhibi,1S and enjOc), oocillails, wbile o.tIIrus Slh'ea~ ,~l Olll ,oo.lhe i\mum dffiloe floor.

"Ihe type oJ! 'nil go.iII1g [rOC at (hl; ~~r':S ~I'i[.~ ,;ill up-])i2'<l:t. hUI ,;Irnd (:l!tQl~it;; illilfJCld.~ fry s.:IJ's"u&i!IlHl a Ptide lkic:Ji"o:i f.3Jly, I ~'i'ant. ~G keep ir!' WigJn.l1W1y<m.dpElt.ertahning.,

"Fol' ooll]e line mus.ic. is jllSt Ilacl!gJIlllilld. ooisc'., [1;!f otllm:s. it~ 0It! IlIt~, rop!ilf lJiteil: li$l, ~ Fry Ildcls" "$[;1 rill)' &0011 Wii,II~ ~. to try <lImdlltJuild tl.oo .. ibl!;:t!) tllm pjght goes on, ilnd iii l"!!1l.~WC' Ill< [['i.'iIoh~h(1 crowd ,a:m.d !let (!V~Oll~ on fu(l! S<1rn(l' 1lil~.e, ~ bcli.ll\'i(! it wi]] b~ilI etijo:Y.flbl~ fiI:~gl!l."

·,Play,ing ,n llIuchaanl ~elllil:ed".-e:[\ll>e' ean be S(lDl~whal~, '~I!I& gay p!l~Qpl:e :lM~ing in dle'~'1!lje1in:'] ofAidanta Illli.Fry with [ll'lifu-.

"I fecl WI')' P1ivil~ and! e;!!cilit~ Ito 00 i1ible 'DO< DlIat.lln.e aqmnrun.agaill," h:!. !!aIYS. "It Is such an amaziugs:pi!Qe thal we' Ollie able m use, and! if any dl1' ,~Vl!! Hk~ !llis [for Pride], ut's Atlall~,"

':i:OOepw:riq r~vilies il,p(ly !ihifm imLI '6w GM@<! t\~U<lil'jJIlm to J~e iN lie ,o£ifid<Iia;f:~er~~y. "B~( ohh~ 00s,." l~ttefi(' .DJ M Bai1ey WiiU~~1iiIund the tyilliii!4lb~es.

TtlUlrsdav , Frid IV

W'!li!~ d!e .f.I~ I~h.'! [:Ial1}" ott ~li!! G~ AqlNliwu ma:rb Lh~ omci~ ~llill of Pride ~\wlend,.l1ie'ga}' andlEl'Sbian flrlidillng Slam 'Oil Od, '7 willI a uOilllerl~1 ~:IICn~' ,nBelilisSml<l .• and a ~'l)I ".;\nH~ri("ill,~ .ldoI." ,a]!lnru Ftl~jlldIOO!DalV\i~ ~llh~ Iindulge IJIillt)' !lilt Ih~ W tvlid!J;n·m.

"She~s ill] <li IDIMJicaJI ~t's ~'!llIIIIiering al ,~ i4~ SIme( flOlYOO1ase lih~( mgl:]~ and aImr l[})e rm'.mnem of 'Shm!o' ,S:! len, > !I~.i? £IWO !>~ am' "''ilil kimg m;ros:;. d~ s~er to jj~cW~Q ~jilS'~ 01;001- p1l1l': ,oti'thi2' wnJgs II~ve ,~l ]liIdulgc," SOlYS proiI1iGtCf 01001s Coi{J!ll3JJ!.

11u~ [ndlllge party aliso fel!ll1il!reS ~iUS by ])J LFdia l~ aJlIi:i' OJ' MfJ:leoY Jamb:i,OlIl wen a n~oo('-ilnd·~ wJ'lh tlu~ OOonlM~ gay COl.l.!lt>oy fl'QlDl "Big B~her 10." S~1iI1 D.~~~.e.

On f.ri1illJ' !light"Oole!Ji!~11i ,chrisl.ens~h~ 1MJl.l.!

C:1~lb Rei!l!l 001 Illh .~_I1.rl Petl.dho:oo sll'l1ll1lts ~..ttb ijid.m~·PilltY f~i'i9~ITiing DJ MiJl:.e 0;it'1Z of Ne"j Youk. i1.1im,g Wifh <l del(.c:~.e' ~md~rweail: f:ash· i.Ql~ ~~oo-w b-y ZdLISC Al~ mll~1l fur Ihe gary IlOY~ ()Iru!iri~ ,~re DJKlIl~:U~l)8 ~~nning !II~JUI!Ig~!:l, DJ Lyclill f.rifllat H~ic. and OOi!i>teroilS ,~jds lIt nei,sbb0rllood j;oJinr.s like9lake<'s". Bmhlm's, Mary 's alldll!h~ E~le.

"n:L;f!adies ~!iI\I',~ p!en~)I' (l(F pru.ll:y OpOtilSC!!Il Frid~1 .night, iudi!Wl1p-8 d'll! ~'Fw &: [te" ~ if~ M), S~~'S.· Room. 01 ~diliY .tllMair dIll' fearuws l1~voIu,llmous rock grr!U,p ·The .~1 Gillis, and pe;l'fmulJaIn.O?S by drng maVf!oTl GiG~ Monroe,

f'U.idillY is· ~l d~n~tt be "ih~t l!~ ~nl:!!' 0IiIC of the ~~:ldililg h;:sb~lli1 social C"'(II115 in Ad~IiI~. as th~ HetlVCl] Po1!lQr wkcs (IlIcCl'LIiIe [lilrk 'twcm.

!<It'tgoltlg to be 01 !lluJ]lie[c\l~. p.i!~1L}', with ol l1mi: St:l: up ot1tl\icl~ h'j,ilI<L1t .a,W'~!I~~view ,of ~li! AilaitUil :~il!}'lioo,,~S1lJ$ .Annal R~lIii3nli, O\\'ller oJ :Bellb'iQimoi .aru!I S,~.!R.E,\\(Rkh prQdu~e5 !!I~ Hcav~~ j)IIllity.

n1eHe,lVel'~ P'aI~ il.HI2I.J~plS 00 lif~. d!eQ'1i~· la!l.ol1S b ]~iffitl m:tal'lies il1l i'l.Jllimta, featm:~, every-lhing rrOluan am; maCkel, m g.D-,g.o darlC~ !!'.rS W\Ba!I'ing a"g~ WijllfliAA, lOoMI af11~.a'I Pf!2.'1'oo. mo1ln~, 'lQ I~_ ~~OO 001$ - DJ ])uc~~ Mi· illlli'sDJ Dimp]E!'SolJ!KIJ\I[ f~vmte DJ 'Vkl:Ji PC»lIetL 10, fioohei:' gl'latlenm mme wltlms.iem spiiriJ[, Inlie peIly aF:Jier:s perk'S suc.h, .as.IitO lUoe.; fQfW'{lllilleJil ~rilli,s. angel, wu~,

"'VI~ gCil .~ .. ~~. mill.:: of 'iiOOllit II IthouSJlild poop1c. mootJ:y v.~OID~,.buJ,gl!!Ys OlrcwdOOOlC-,," sa~s ROlgghiami, who be;tievl'S ~~'OOlen 1mVI.': m.oftlph~ll~iflll pilliIy OPiiOl~ b I?nde\l,!~keml IJhilln .in dteil'iiSE.~lJllflhe;meo ~ 'S~l Asi.d.e Y(jlllf $el!LSe5," ~md \~'~ ~y JI!I~ nied ·ll.~ f.:lTe<tte ;J rea]]y fun, \)i~llliny ~im:!iI!~~_illg .!l11l1t~~~."

Satu.rday& Su nday

Anolh.etr marquee 'ewifiI~ filii l!.i'(ill)e:JiI mJ:ies pjilC~ 0Ii'I SalllJld<ty a( ~ "P&''iCh M!tgol Druii~, p~' ;]j~ ~he Lorl {It Cl."lltcr S~g.~,hli.lSt~l~y ClIIl'V'C M~~7jne olnd f;,mlilOf(l Evl"llt:s., P,;JITl(j;o:m Iws~ MOW(I~n~<ldies' ~lf'IiC'Ss!il(;h~_s "I(;irI5 III

OJs ¥,j~1rljr!9'a.r .f:! ~mi'part~& lltC!~ 1'1w.tJ'J'.j kli!i!a!f mod 1).1 fil!Jt'K!, ~~ «hm .. (C~p~)

1&1"1)311\€G.AVoi·t~ .. com

~. deW[I~ on U~~1!' l~~nt~ .~~ tll!!l' P,rlrlk Clkina en P:aQeS 44!-45

\l'ffi.ooe~allill' dm:miLlJ1l Gay :IJarys at ni:,m~,i1tJld nr P.a[ PaI aITI~. OJ' lilXl f.luman. m amp up Adanl~.I~i,}I~~d:mj[1fiIg Pride,

"''IbJlU1 ~~'iIl bel'!~~o ~j vibes of m11lSiJ: 1lmoog ihe DJs,. <IS\\I\elI. 015 :s;ome go-,wn _girIDs, ill ooJldand ,[Illlght pdmmouWll'," SOliYS Yes.iJ O~w.m·L.eQn,(Q-0WiI1C[ of ]l:.m~~ E\Tltl1i. "A II'!!: Qr 1~II~t;jdIllJl1;cn~ n!} Wh,l~'li!>I~ brimg. andwe W,[iInt to p~ovidl! iii p,ny' fur ~ll ~,')Je'S oJll,'a!I!l~I- whim. L~.~cl!, Asi!l!l:l" }'\~Ig,. Q~dil!r,il d(l!!!Snlllll~Ul'l::'

Urn: Ihl 1!l!1<!.1,~ coo,wd on Sanmlay, Rorida:· based. OJ J~ Iluia ~rings ~ll.s beal!l!}r oiIud ~ 1n1'~.IiJ.L" A!l1I11!l;1, "",hlIJf' m It:dBai~ey~viIil5 a~ Ji:ml®1'Ii', and. [Ij Mifllli'l p~ \'!!O.!ls Ilh.e, .at Herelk for ,a;p;H1,y ~~elilw!g 111~ cb1Hily J'otnillS HOOli'tS.

AI lIiJe Allam.a. ~agle, OJ M\ooi.e ~u}S. OJ~ ·n~mday. .m ~I Knapp .mru~ ·nbe !ah~5 on ~ 'Sann~ijy night 1~;S ill ru Pm SOO(l.

COI00Jj!illJ brings h!is ~. ''QIub (1;" ~I:y TO' Sector 4,. ,[lj neW' WJiI1i]f!' 011 3rd and Sprin:g s.tmcts, ~~hB~ Dlli ~mIlo w:'1itI ~sp~ en Sat~ ufd~¥. "'Vith Set:;ll;IJ 4 ~n~1 ~ !In l[."\ieltt Sp.Ke inSlc.1d 'Of IIdu1il. d~ Club (j p;Jrty will Sl:mldll into {I ilim. Su,.W.

'''h's goill!l i~O' 00 really ~~II •. aMic," Colernun SOlyS •. "iI's been 00 long ~e we'Ve ~n~~J!' to p811)f IImil8 ,UHI. d:uru:t:g ~ride, IffiJ?OCiially ia'llhe hea:U1!. o:rl!lie dry .a8. ~~ LOa'rter.liLOtlIirpal1i:es tillnsidl10 lh~ city, sO ~. ~liulJl:. i['", w.I)' !!''I{(:illing_ .'

CoJj(ID]i!.ll clooe;s, Ihe ~yeel\:erd widl illl!Jlher mml1lOl1J party 01'1 Sunday ltigh.l,.w:lt'h aJ~Cilal1ce i'll: OIulb IOpera a1'6 p.,m" ~5!irnlIII:g DJ l.ills Pffm.. L<L1,l1'Ji Iililiat e~l\UJig, DJ' MilliIl'ly .Lmhnn.<TIlJ ~~lm rniJ.l1! ~r d.lI! rummbles in Opmtl .~~ .~ .t])e.,;IdIty ~g llILtil 3 a_.m.,~oIIm!jloo. by a.D afi:erl1J<l]'ty witlil DlI Morin nj'~t me S~g 4a. Ce]!t(lr.

ME I OdQber I, ~OIO I GA Voice m

wh,.,tn!ll!i" Yo", ,iiilIi!'!ji ~.,1.b~ati~ i!!J!'Q!\I!lI>, o;r, m,j!ii'Cihin'5! with ,j! llliI "51. 'liIfoYIP. w*,UI 'C~V~F y.:>Yif IP~ •••

N!O, Mlin! milA m~ NQ Ai'~W~r!!!: F,...S(, Unl'!m!tlHll ,CO!':H~ ,!!JJ'!.;t! 24 li!o!U r 'i!'!.!!!fnlii'i'gUn!l!~ 'whlilt II!'!Q~~ ,;:II::> )IOl,Iln~edl~


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ME Ot:tuller I, 2010

011n3- bV ~obin Kemp

'Que,er Litera1ry Fest wriiters think elobally, act locally

nh/e'rse slate of wr~ters.

he, dI to Atlalnta for

Oct.13-l7 fest,

Q;1iJ.~ 'W'l.idng ~1liI!I; C(l;Ia:ll~ 01 JOins "'iif !liftl~ lhedOl~tysecrets ,00' S!hl1_kes~.1'e'S oomlll:lS. Vlfm!h WbilmtID,'s Illllrerl bal!ll!!lll'S, and I~e scanda!Qii.II;bebaviorofOOd ~sMJke U.D.aud M1<I St. Vi~nt Mill ~)1.

Pllst-Stom;'·Ii~'i!lI]. 1OO5t-il.I IJS, 1rnd ,fIO~-!bii&.

WI{ IXlOikst:o!ll1s. Lh£ c1il1l1li1ging Iilnds.aipe of q~teer 111 ,off('fS ~mps th~ gooaleSt d~v~~l~ of wrtte!~ .1ladim<lrilS. a.nd VC!lJ,::1CS ever" n Is iIlihi5 oonrexrtdl~t 'this yeaL's .1\,Uama, Q~~ ,[.ill'.[.ny F~ $ll[j""'~ 5igrL~ of real gr>l1""'1II1i"

Lil..'(! New Orh.'al.lS' Saim!; ,& Sillne!S ~itf~[ hI M~, Altl!a!I!.l!'s AQI.F in Cktoberh:a.s o:[fu~ liiolh local and nalwn<lllqueer [i~1alY iIDdiEl'lnalS a SIrong (oruul in .. be SO:lI~heagr. - sOOlellI1iJl,g Ihil~. l\ad 1X"e1il1l1dcSSiJD.g Illlillliess 11m a decade ago,

"hts,~ Qrll fQ)!lh )'~r Mllil '~ ,!O~ ID.1! we \riIl ,UIIlIillllle to grow rn nmoo.s .<!:!l we !lave wkh oiJIch st!OC5ive yCt1]"," says Fr.:mkllin l"'~r. A:Q[.IF fCllliI1RL·, <II IOO~Ul fiLxDlw 100 Atli,Ulta's ~1Y ~lJ" ~liIe. illxlitoo! of me ~ular I:'nlnldin Aboou:& Fri~nd5 ~'iillg series ;rl ~~eB!j(~ksc

''Vi.fu 'havt.l SQmtl exor;iting .pill1,elisand! I.'e!ldings al t1wI:.'!'ecO];t!ilrLibr;wy em lJU!lGlh. \lIiI~ oIIilI alit~iiilgandl ~HOIiltl!Jat ~<mJing al\'Vortl1li1~Orre before ~tte big q;lileer' slalii1l a~_Java Mo:nimy" ~ ha...e' an @\oI~!:il]g Q(f ql!l~' J@wish wrhIDj at OUlwriW QrI llm!Sda,y Id~~ 141l, a!ld ffiIIl" 1l0000000liooall OJJ!l'.ffinG, at Cbaris 00i V!W~ e\leffiJrilg moe' 13m," .

Adlililmdl~!, H~eraJ'Y gatlleti~ Il'OO tiO maw flf;lW« ~~~tl1I~ndo ~~\l,di[]~, SQllli1£ of us ~1!m!llill~ E~glish d~!lS as ~n exerdse Wlil 1Jt_1I1 ung LOO wiqgs. ofl'o:fbuttOOlies.

·'M'an.~ of ~15 '~rn put ·off p:!iII'lIJI' ,as W~ WOJILt ()Ilr foonal, oo~tC1!tion,~i>~}'s ,.'\.1iI1WIiE~

Too olirern, Al~lGn ,poinl5 OULit,),oWIlg peo-ple iln1: imillducoo tIl, poe~ ,ali, ~filim~thing @ c;heck oU a m·cJo ~:~" tU' widmut all.fl~ulP O)i!; ro bow Jlhe- writing ~.'{Ofks. 11J~n d!e1'e'siilll IJI~~, (alse seJ\tJme.m I:Wrlro ~m .I[n pting-can::I \!'elSe:. al ,gta&alions, and 0." lclidays..

Ill!lm good IpMlry' isLfl1Of;t Iiltt.'ln.p~LY \~Ol:dS GlI" 5il~~ [~li!i!gsl:'rill!~ in lin~brw~,~~g it's, gQOd, he says, "rue IJ(I!el (lonnOCl'l> to his or her allldie"i1ire, and .he a:1dleID.Y of me wooi; of the (XlM101U{l tht" voice of the pt.')l"l Ii'!2nd~ Ihe Q.ndun~1Y e"tr.lord'ili1lilry. nte ~jrnl~~ :(in:" SJ)Qll:en JUS!! .JS.J sptL'l] is COliSt, "

LiI!e ;)II}' aJ1 bIDI" gOlXl piJ!l!lJy ~Cil1! ta'kc

yOIl ro ~" places illIdpe11lajpS cl'IiII'I@e- d:te, way y'[!!llnhink amrl,~ .Alidxllt sayn\.

Varied] 'IIoi£es

]Hs year, poo:I and la:mbdaLiter.ny AwMi poeii:)' IiI:i<i1liSI. AliI<II BoflJ.~iC (~SIat'S o:r tll~ Ni.ltln 'COOUl'llille") and! ,000te!r Cary AlaJi'Ii Jolin.~I'I (''GoTI)~ Way Yoor Bl:ooo ~~$: A~~ Au.Iholog),r of Lesbioilin & Gay FiWo!l by A,nicaA' AmE1J.iGlJ1 ~'iters~)' hl&l~ fool' days of queer li!er<n:ydaUngs.

A\';Iam.MIilfllfig ~, goty rigliivs <Klivi~I.~ml Un:iivciSity (If SI;J(I(liI G1'IilJIirr.l pt'Ulf~w lEd M~d· ,(iQn ("Sigrn;Jls1~.5 dlisy~lW<lS winneroflh~' b:ro._'d;ide ,oonlCSt jlWgoo by C. n1J() ¥oo,r".

Co~tlilnJtors to JoIl!!SOl~'s ali!tholog)!i"dud~ Toni. Mfinmln. ,GJkJiria NO'Iy!or,lliIIi' lare ilOllt Rt'{l.iIIIaM. Sllite.r~J.etIl, SappilIin; James m:la:J&~in. and Goo:~Will's o'W1l:iJAli.ce \!Va1!ke., <!iIllOllg olliierSc

As .~~~,!]' <1!PIl:!lOl_,tl~~.lleixl of lilt.! ]11wn,~· UOltali (fay & l~aJl HtlillilllRighlS Corn.mis~~.oo, 1011110011 is j lIJ5.~. bark rlmiJJ tlje. eartlliq;l!tali.e IlN'Overy ,e;Oio-rts sTilIlliOOel'Way .ij~ IJaili .. o'laly a. t~~~~ks, ol,g~ on JllIl.~1 19" dIe UJlii~ Nii!iQlI1iS' E~c &: SvciaJ Cmmcil V01ied to gil'JJ!l JGLOO_C ronsvlt<lliw s,'Iiltus ~ ef~~~,. rii,vin,g LGBTQ .~. wOfliTh'widc a ilJ.S,,-b.lSOO voire ~llti.e ifllBl1IiI<IriOO,l!] ~umililfl ri.§h~ tabh~,

Jdlnn6Qnr's ~~ell:O;:' "'hilI gnJIJp5Iiiikt:, Aimm~Wll1tema~rmill. UNHRC,Pia!IDed1 P~liIthood, aIIJld Africa~ is., .in i~f, ~~ en.oogh~G COOll.lll~'l!!" him s.i:lIGak SuI i:u!':5 ansa rmhliShoo many artides 00, ~Uffi o:r ge;li1rlerom.d ~llilIil)' in Afri£anl CiiJlIliLJte. iilJJd h'iswont willh H:[W AI.DS ilnd. ga.~1 riglllS Q~nizaniOiliStl~rollg]lOl!I!. Afm:Oi!! wake ~im an '~n!llI1llQL~Y Lm~m IDemoo. of,om: '(i;OOlli!illoojty.

.Bo!iteviC '~Eed iIDm. Z~ to Ne'!i~ York, wl:i.elie, a1_'Q:l'I;!!. 'l\~Ih. poo-t j\[[llY l\.ill'l,g, sh~' ,~IS * ~w a«1Iine jlXI1lli(1 CSQlllO (",,,,,"W,~ .q~ICIinag:,com,) iJlmd WilllSlml;.'S Serhi~1II and CfIJijI, ti.lJiIpt.1II.1lS'WIOk

At C1JNY's Ct'!!'i.It'ir ~CiIli ~iW! tilumaniti('S of llIu~ G;ti;ldlilibll U'iJter; sl~"s 1~1. immlmel~ra1 in t~nh~ CliiapOOlk :Feotl,\Ii3I. and Ll~l & FWOO; Th~' rj[J!~YPooic;; ~nlCllIt linli.tia:!ive_ Sl!e's i!L"'o iI loogtimc m.CI1'I'OOr ,of ti~ 'V!iUM~PO 0A'bm~!l l~)I~~ (usm.!JliLiF,eloo~~UI· poJ), ~te PlCllfLMJ,g Ol1rnle' ('(ffITIi1IUlIiIy of WOOIeil .~. (oll!1de{l ,iff. t.r07 by ,roM Anrt~riClll'l femii· nisl~sdiLolar Anlni~ Finch,--aoo<llfffMimlaJE!>. Iy 1.::_001i~1Il tomernbn:s .j!S. ~Ihe old! gids' ootwo!'k."

Ma~oo'sptOO1Illi, "Jlll:illi!1e," is a queer iJIi- 1Efrp1'l\U1.tioo or ·nh.~ f\il1!l.lOOS Chri5tDphet: SOlan: p!X'1lllJ "·§l.lbJil;'lt~A!l:no, ~

Yoong 'l;h~ Mij(jdl:n~5pot;'lin rOT ''1tlile' W;lY lhis :pwll ~nds, 001 iJs (j\!,ml ollil{~ colfII1i[llJly :nod!5, at ilS f~1]";~ 'CllIJJing it ''go.rgoo~ irllhe W;;IJ'

AM .~a.-wi't' m~ CtJzyAlfinJoo~,,1'I oc'Otli~mfhi~ year ~AdtjRld ~€rcny'llj, (pHO!lOCl!.Ji';U!'!;y}\QLF)

it i~ ·botllp]~.:..vlii;l1i ~nd iWifiwt. CQl1I'Iit' 1)Jld,l1I~lJ'(-' bmaking."

~Alild il! I~h(l 'eflLdi, it is, a rn~')physt'Ca11J'O'1Ni!l ID.'!i1 qll~tiOlll5 OOI"~PDOOS 'of what is riI.lht and ~.~l1~lt .~ "01," Y~In.s !iil}'s'

"It CliId~Mdll ~t5nmllling OOI!I.l'~mt: 'For WilI~l y,nu. d.owhen y'O!:U;lJJe f.Tj]J]:fuse~1 will. make .v~ ,O!mt!lilll,' !I ~!1U~ 'qu~r mf.'\tijlplilyskai Slllt~ m.efn i:f W ha\l'c e'llEr }leLm'I om:."

loca~ fa lent

Local: JaMIIri!5 m:.e CoUfun Kftlley" M:al!ldf]~E!

DMd. A]kt.!' TOO[m",Efiliou Md~.Lisa AI .. len.', l.mji'Om're,. Ml'g<I.D Volpe-It, and GA \"on's 0WIlI [)YaIla .lJ.ajby,. woojo'_ a pmre1i 00 !!fIlM jOUf:l:Wisrn. oW' among nh(!l!i~ I~lgand. ~l!naag prJ!'!: .in p.t1lil,t'"Ys clu~ dills rC'ar~ f~¥aJ,

:ror Ithelirsl: ~rrnc. m,[llll,Y ohhis yl;.'olIr'S C'V111l~ will ~ (_locull!le!!1:00 by ~. a.ndi vidoogrilpoor ,Cloo Creoobal1ltl p!:!SIll(l onlme viOl /\.Ql,F's \ij\L~ire lind Fii~1l; p.ii,g~,

AQLF al~ llilas sliIfmgftned, :ill) Des wilh, !he DIi.'.G1!I1lr Book fffiU\I·ai. and iits 11ffe1lll "] See Slral;ght. ~Ic~ rc-ading sefie$ b~wiks tkt'I.'J.'lru I!h~ noc_iQ.lIIlll.n ''gay ]JOt!1lj'" is j~~t ~Clf ~ peoJ~.

As al!ways, re.a:din@$ aJIId wmbbops are fme aJro open to I~"~ p:uibl.l'c. !For more on lhis year's fi!'!Suva] .p.i!l1idpallffi ilnd updateSlon. ,p.'ll.tkipams and Vll'1.1L1eS. Vjsi~ adQ,l.Jk,Cr~itf~~~lo~~~~o!I!l1

.Rob.l.n Remp, omhOf' of "I'his PtWWl NM'V,et!, '. looclMs ~nd'-Jlg mid i~ (1 doctoml amrJi= dnlc in pi;la'lIIy. or ~m Sbme I')frinr~r:~ Hl)'r disp:m:he5 trom this Y'e(Ir's S(lilJlS &: Simlers fest at {(]I1~Walitem.ry.:()J!i'.

Ke'l'flaill' MdrEiS5, 7:3.0 ~wm. AulKll1m A'!I~n~e' 1A:(!'5e~r~ro Ubri!!'V'

~eaturing Ama EO~D!;elli( and C-1Ify "Iail Jilillnsmil\ ~~ws ~in.;,J/pf~tiitOlto l'of 1m; 8~i~e ~OOle%tnlinner, ru M1dl1!n_

Satu~daYr Olet '16

De'~tIir Ltllrary ~~adll'lq~. ~'D .aUiTli. ~ s p,m. Dentur UbV'ar~ lI!i!I~NIl!m .and 1~l!'!etlmQIIRll'!1m

lMe!etilllQ l~oomIScliiedull!e

Bl1I!nth,IO - ~1~1m,

J.mornaJISm IF,i'lD@L, ~II ,a.m ... N(f(ifI

Dvana Bi!Qblt 8Jucl;! TII~~II ~1lilI ~ ik:e f'lemln~

Li~fll~rJ,w,~I;~~~ P~m~l, ~:2 - 1 p.,m.

~lnal UIl!!~IlIM

So.c~~ll!t~~ia Polfill'l\1 ~ :2 I~'.m,

~a(i!rm tVl!!1l~r~, Olea CN!eCII, J~ BIoo!:~er, Mwrnt~omllrv Ma~tQn

Aifrk:a!l.~Mrrtn!l Lillefa~lI~. :Z'3 P"In. Final LlooujH8A

hehv ~a~rn;, 3 - ,4 ~,m. ~JI'f,jj·Matthew IS~rme~ liIlJ'!!CQI~, Pat wells an!ll ~~ Ba~

ND.n~nc~iloo lklunll,tll)I@' • 111·" !i p.m, Lindt! NiBlThlIl), fiMlliineup T'B~

Aud fIl!Ori~mSche;J:lIl~e

Fildioml iRelil(I~9J n a.m. ~ '12 p.m. i:lll'I'fl!i F\r,~tt ifjld l!Iell Htlr"l'j'

PGetu'!':, I', . 'I p.m.

tH11~ KirJg& AlIa ~JWIolii::

MlJi~dIIGen~\ 11 ~ 2 ~.m.

E'I1 ~d!k!m ~ll~ JiI~~~ tAaWi'l

PeeU'!':, :2;- 3 p.m.

s!~~n ~ IgilS and! Mon!gQGmlr~! M~!I:!om

PD Pll~nshlil!lJ !toon!tlali&!i'. 3"4 p.m. l~ril Ziennk$ Lroo K~i'w and Sar~ ~II

Fildloiill 4"5 IP'.I:1l.

[h~JlleoI ['(fit allll ElllOU ~1'a,kli1!

~lam$me\W:aoo,.71).if1l' Javal YQf1t;j~ ,c~!re~ H~l!lse

if·a IBunoi InosO. BIa1t;JT EllilkiCI!. J~llna IfJ:Iffman, Ib:1mOf!~ ~bb

An~~ IPal'l~; n p,llI. "2 a,ln.. C~cla~e IBar

Sl!Im!ll!ay, ICld.,. n

Filffit EiI!r~~e"u:mu, ~I ~.1fI11 SunciarSef~iCe:>. re8M~ 11M

P erhaps no better dme or pb.ce ehan Deeemher 31'cl £01' US to grace ourselves and. our ,c~ommll;ulity ·'\!!Ii:t.h ~ove~ p'~~ftde '& un.ity! So get ready for .spal,He,s, and an that shines. Get ready to come an dressed to the nines! Corne join us at The At~anta. Ho.liid~y Ban! Come on, met" s p,arty~ one and. aU!

1st Annu,a~ Atla.nta.Ho.l:ilda.y Ball :8 :p.ln. ~tn 12 a.m,

Dl"'lIlid HDls Country Club

740 enltonRd." Atlan,ta, GA 303'07

Bel'lefi. tdng Circle of Sistees ~nd Lh,e AdaJ::I.~a l.esbian. Healthblitiiative

A Go·ad F [".~,eDds. :for Goo d Caoses event hosted by t]l.e Atlant~ ''''omen.' ~ Busine:ss< N etwotk.

Ool,d Spon~or $'2: ,000

(6 reserved seM ~ ~Ck.elS .• \1 P lo,u[lg'e • .& name on .....ebs·ite)

SilVer s.~on!llo:!" $1.,0.000

(41'ei!:el"l'~d ~~~! l~,cll:el~. VI P ~!;!'~I1i8e. &. n~fl1o: Q n w~b~,ice)


IPr,e, .. planln~nlg l~ellp5, UIS make be'lier ,ch:oic,e.s.

P'llan In Ii ngl fur you r IPet; iis no- dilelf,snt. -

'770, .. 4:57 ",76,59


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fljllllllB ls 60- aIld 5tibJK'l to I!JJm~, tnll(lI,:mg MIl ~ ~ DIMIQ' EIMU~ IJIDjI.~.1DiIr an ai;[i.;i!11L PJtIlnt Do!I1d~ AIYlItI!. flnt.lilll' (:iiWJlIl'~' ~~ N(ltIl'ittI\lDl;,I!- o~~, h!~~~ C(I'n~HI

w\'ffi'.t heGAVolce,com

I~ rn@1. bV Lam a Do uqlla s~B ro wn

'Be where you ,can make change'

I nd iig 0 'Gillil~sl Amy Rayon ne·w Ipn)jleds~ t he duo's s uccess and why she staysirn Ga.,

A.llJiY Ray has bOOIfI speakins ~ltll, for social jUSltice aslm'13 as sihe' has.lwn ill IfilllSidall. BIl1Jt. the ~,5I!lian fon:: ooeJr, CIne llalF or nine iJilovOO d~tQ ["d~gQ G]rls,wl.!~~tiIW bt~gh~ up, 5hortby !! recem news repmt

On Sept. :;n, !he U.S. SBIlale'votoo a~amt rno<vUlHg ~orulam. ()]I a m~ to ~. Ihe rni~ ilLll:j! 's ~l>!:llil 'I f-\;Sk,,~1iI 'r Te:lr' ban en g<'lIY s.cliVi~l:' m~R1k~.

'-'I ;]111 ~1'I1~!l'_..oo 1iJiI.l~ we ara so ram~~'rutl aOOUl oo:rn~ng I!h~l is ,aJ~wdy as rumple); as W!l!r and miliblij' ~'I!Ii~." s.'l}'S Ray," ilil iJil!!. lervi.!l'W iJi!l n~d8.y fm®lhE1t NOJ,lffi1 Goorgiill llQlIUU\ ili1.l~!lva:lfl.ce of 1rndjgo Gid~' ()m" IS $llClw ,1IlhcBi,II;;kh~ ~@.~.

'1"he lil~e .~ !!1!a_l 1I!.'l! .are lighdn_g to bt:iJ!~ oom.ocracy ro 'tbe<poopie [~f ,AJgllanisl<m and 1[[dQL and, yel "Ie can.'~. ,Iilb ~~. oorsel",ffi,," she sa"s. "It .~ lIlilil~ e.~E!\IiLt~mal)' ami! I!1l1:a~. SlI!i,!lld 00 ]lrI~. rn cmn m.c~i~ pwpl~' .~n'.n't nn;Q~'b~v~ th;g_n '!hat, Iha~. they wQn't SlaJlJi up foJ:' :00JiD~ t:hingd:ia:i seems 00 o'lllvioos,"

.Pm: Ray, ~;jlho ~ ~ asking;md te:IliIilg rm [jjJ!Dre ~h~r120 y~l~ in WlildigQ IGirlls, ~~'i,.lQlr w~ il ~jrk fCIIiIund~ ofho;w m~l.olil worrk n-nlill ~ to oodoo(?

"111 was 000 ·of tlilOOe mmlu~n~ where W was like, 'vm~~';I'm g;1Y, and ~l(l}l <In: druI1l,~oome;. thing w.i}' disrnmirnato:l:f about flay ~p~~~ '" Ray 5<ilYs_ "h W\a5;3. veIl' ek'iIllentil1l 1rn(l:1iUIen.t, I~use YOUgt!l numlb~o !it. ¥ouge~ 00 used 00 fi~tlin!J lhat ootlll!."

':iJOl1 ranaioo :@I'll tired Qf fiI1~u.ll,g.11fI die wake of lite [)ADTlileoore, ill s~aHl::',r for Se\r.'I. Sa'i:~ CJniolm!il:liss, (R.C"h) ie£lfl di:1;lt1'1 '! ol8(IJillSt g3ys Qn~, liiJiI!li:Qn~ g~I!fb,~og,

The adm:ission S.IlliIJ:ked .Lt nuny off enllne (!ommenUi, fi'(ffi) LGBT Gt'oJ~i1ll'l5 wb WOi1l'd~red wheit1,er i[ lsn't Ium,i!' Kisim~y !IIu'Vi!' IIp onQurs~I~.

Thou.giJ shcundcl'S~ __ ffi1I5trolti.Q:IiI, BOllY

s.ilI}'S Ic~wi_flg G~a rOO"!JilOfie tGBT"rnmdly rmf 1iif1't O!iIru mruoo ~O:I" lr!'r.

<'r'rn futm:h g~neraiion GOOr,giOl Ol~ .my mom's $ide., 1'h.!lI1 is w,lila.t ~.eep$ me :I'l.:ere - $eo :mi!lUS famin:y :hi~tmy_ An (If my f:amily Hn.e,it's all :SQ'l!~h!'rn. ;m.dl d"~ <Ire ~;ll '~hill'l!gs I:IbrnM lhm a;m;dbad Ilhinl!l~,b:u:t W ffi]l lo.-yill to it. ['rn loy<lilw lJei!l:liI! bf1l:'e .am:] ~\lO"rkil1g .rordl~e,

"[~ everyone .Ieaves, we are go.iulll 00 lla\l\e !I ~iIJi!n1 liUl~b~~OIu~~ ~~lig[o .ha!p~n~ o;[) 01 ~ty ~~Hii1\ii_dmJiI W~N~. ali die \"tlY down to rOlland YD11IfMighool·," s.hfl says. ~¥Oll ]tI~D tn nnde:rstand anill dffil.ogu:e\"1l'HlrI ea{h oilief';"

lli!d~ (;{'6 fOOlrl]' ~AtlbJ'lI\);! Qtri Ou, lSi for!1 ~. ot8!d~ arb i_ly MiQ.;'d!ooa B.m~ 11Irutm, (pho!:Q by Lpl'1l CoIdsrnWl;)

S harling the· JBriUi ant Dream'

Ray dlrenid:es ilLlal di.1il:og.ue w.iLhher h~· ta!¥!' i!ru ~Il'[a] of iml' oongsFM I.mlig.o G,url!s. lnd~illg "Sifliilmc on Y~," iI Ul!l~lh~~ tliJe;ylJl!ll'dormoo atlUl~Jlt.1 W996 aOO 11,lr pears oodn.e duo's 1997 aiM. "Shamins oJ'me SlIlili," h Is Olillso i'och.u:loo onllmgo G'illls' moem !.Ilbum of ~liv~ IN!!Jrdin!!~. "8nanl~g Down ~h~ Bu:llbn~ n~ijllin""ITCIC!ISed in l!iililC'_

"fI:llllivc .~lbill1~"s dtlJe QO!'!l(lS from a S01I!g 'Iij.' Sal~'S, '~~ (If O!ill' liv~" but [tly says i~is a]!oo. om a.[ll!I d~pOOl~ ror IImi!" C.i!JiL'C1' q~. ~ ["'<l'~:1 perfIlmlililg~H as $tiro. srudeL115 .iltl Decanrur, Ga., Lllell .t'ewliliJed 'i~ilen ~'ey boIh.liT;iiJlsfelltrl tnAllamats Enmty [l'ni'vetsilty"

SOIJie 25 Y!lID'S. 16 fll'!I:.'Q~ OOU!lI!lCOSS tuncens and ]egJrrns ~noVal [aIlS later, d~ doo has saaek a. bakmce b~.Il 1he'JJ[" indi.vidcua] illi.tere~~ and! ilIii!' .magic IilleY (roa~ oo~;

"~ltillily dhin'it ~ '~ril!g 00w!~ Ihebri~~,i!!IQ~ ~'m ~felmoow ·our C-illlU,. btrut J lib it J.[] ~' to\!oib<!t \~e do," Ril)' s.o:rys,"l'or 'mc, il.'s kind of dill wa~l we look ;]II ()!lIr~iVl'S, whkh i$kirndl oflil!eil dreru;l'l Qhhin~ w~tea1my didn'~ tbink""re' wr{ll!I]d gilt."

For Ray, the ~uzy i1~ 1;elllleJlLlllelliHIg her :roo~ and '~t d~~ her ll:!lniUSik t.o b~1!I wi~h.

''11~ .00'l mmn~l!::!, wh~~ your eg:o Si!!:S in tH~,;mtl you get 1!TI~ei!l1 frum YOL!lfoornll1lu" m~)! O'r yOI!ll" faolily o.r )'0Lllf Ol.l.fJIII reason. For d\). ing it- .llh~I.,:k nhfil i~ liill ,tt!mlngel' for U]:f!'," sh!!' ooolinues., "]t ~ like, ~y .iIfl!' lool:inltl at oomeuling so 100iIiam am.rl illlli'l'ling and ]~d1', ffi1llill roo ba\l\e< 10 be GIIle'M lID'! [>0 let it gel )IOU."

Solo p:rojiOOrs gti\1ii' d'iii' duo ~.tiOlll 10 ~"l inJde~ld~mly:. [~il,), IliIS ptnt o~.u: s:ll\let'alI ro1;~, al~ burns,aud SattelS is, WOI'kiiog 00 a !.oog-iJiWolOOO mdlvidlu_a1 [project.

11!d1~!:I Garl~

Fri!:1av, ~t, ~~ 8 1iJ,J1l. 8u(/llhead f~l!IiItrle

3110 RllsYJell R1lI~~, ,Mlilnta. G~ 3IlI30G \wffi,ind~ilils,ClHm

'HQ'lI\!' H\1p,py Da,s'

Release ~ate: Oct Il

A.nd afilef' IRill\l i1ll1Jl rl,!,\'O' docades of song'malting, ~d1gQ Gm.~ aJi'!N'iJOO.expiOllng n.e-w 1Il1llsic-ali lelilriitOl1'1 rogetilfi Illite IDD.'s .r.1S'[ twIi~ al~ k~nl> "lr611~1 UJ,I',~ Dii~J'" ·,om~ oo~ 0«. 12.

U~ album includes 12lfficb, mcb,LilinB: ill HilHl~i~k .. dlOO_IiI..g. (~ITOO origtUlils, and in!~@mlllr tlOOS af d~.$1c; li.1;)!i ~~ H.oly Night;' "t'1I ee liQ:rnl:E!' rot Chn$lmlt5.," ·iIfid "AIi~$ \'I,i'c ~ii,lVe Hem! fm 1::I~gh.~ Loi~cl~IJI' Girls failS lIiI'iilllIiL90 b~ duilled 1:0 ~1IolVe ilie dJUJ)\ l'CnidiIiQ]] of "II!I dilC 1l1E!\l'll: Mid",~nwr>" whi.olil tllcY!l!lVe !1)e1f~L1;'uu.'(] on conce!itS lilMilr Ih~ ht!l illayS.

TIl00i aptlrotl{:h to classic ru.nes ls m koop i.t uaditlOUlal,. ~a}l sa.)!&.

''\.o,{e mi!tll 10 00 '~]all~r W\~ ooui~d. 10 SU\l~lg~,h~lh~ SQ11gs., .mdOOI, dbotr.!ct from tbem," (lay says. ~It's vel)' ~y, Vel)' lUI<ll and slmple SOOlil.dlir1.G:,"

1]1ile OCJ[~ 15 IliockUl~'liI n~nre ((rnl~i[ "~in ~, i[J;IQ ~{!dy in • ~ lQ poiMfQJl!!l '~i! 1~~lid\[ly 1I1Il.:ts.k, lmt Rays wys fjlfl5 CiilI~, expK.t lhJ2 lW'itlrnlh~nd Cmi!ti\l'~IY Ilnlll .1IJw,~¥s oo.mcs ~orilih ail I aillgo· Gids show here ill AI[];m.ta.

''\*'~ll QlQ sgll1le ~q.!jIC'iSt5, WHJ1~ 011d f3\,o;ri~.s" Mime, JI~'~ SNuff,. ,alild, Iq? 10 m:iIx :~~IiI.P .loohai\i'e i'I g(I(Id time;" Ray ~HQ!JLletOV.:'lru shows are I:I!Wi.!illS 1.l,~iW!.lln{)~ Sfi!O:TiI~I~us.."

Andl1m how Ih~ ~ili()aI Ii~ ~1ml..

Atlanta ~ ... m a!.1W3,liSOO ~l:OIJll~.

''11n.ere .iMe a b ol.~ people here, and ia ~ th~lllirlhp!il;E~ofllln@ (jvnl rigliI!!Smowrn!!'.n~I fecllib (hat isa ~~fit!1!hi_ng," Ray S<1'fS. '<'{ou ll!aw (0 00 wfw,re )100 GUI lIlliake change,'"

Ucen.e~ed. & NalIDr1laUy Cer1ifiei:l SLnre ~om

J.A.MES1'HOM.ASO,N .eOM :Ii'I)OIM.1.4 ~EiB I

At'l!a,ntal ,...

S~mphOny. . .'-_7 Orchestra

li!to(Derl: S~l!Io, Music lilirec:l()f

IOQRilI'd Rl.!n!1!iC~es. PriOCiplll G,uest COrll!:!!uiCt:or IMichael KI<!ije:wsiki. PriilCip.<!1 ~ps Co:ndU!l:WF

Fn/SlIl: 8pm SU,per1POPS!

Wiickedl D'ivas

Mlchaell Krajewski, c(lrrdocmr JermiJer L,au ra Thomp~O<i'l,

JilIlla Myrn~y" YQcalilsU,

A;U![!nl~ G~ Meril"'s Clton.!s,

le.l(1'i ng BI'O.ldwlI)l' "'CX:ll]i~t-s up'

i ntn the diva. \~'irh,in alild sin!lY(}UI f3lo'Qrit~s ht) m the record-breeki ng Wi"Ckedi. Heer "'Dd;yingG['~;~~t.~>~

~ WI~~[ I~ Th is ~~di ng?, ~ "F;o,r Good. "m.nd mere !IS \'I'!Clm as h i~~ fmlll ,ot her con~en'llpor.l r)" mu,s'ic:l~ 5<.

,cain 011 go. oiD~'ine'



p,r'esented by: ,Ail' E [IL T,",


Fn: 8pm

Idhll!a U.en2iei~ witih UII~ AU~In!a, S,ytmplilolilill!' O,roli'lI'lsl!ra 1"00:)" A~anl·wimili!lg; voca,l ~Sl ]dina M~ n2l~[l {R,CI.M, \Wdt.eJ; is nowin

t be enst of TV 's l1.i~ ,show G [lie.

! NOile mber 20-

------ -- -------

Silt: 8Dm ASC Pre!Se!~ts

Ca Iliad ialn leno:rs

"h~i mn.g ~~ucl it1fil:i,;eSr¥fJ.11 ;1!~f'S. the "iIIl.CilTed~He. powedlllil VQLces~' (NY Dad'.!' News) ohh~ Cllnadiillrl Ten(Irs ~Ili¥e pooch.u:ed duC'e :pllltiu u m$C~ h:'r$. On ~y Ada nt:'l ,~pp~" rnii'lcd

Give ,ou r 11oiw,ed ,0 Miles t'~,e, c:ar,e' tbey d,esle'FY',e •.. iii[FI the, cio'mrfolrl: ,o~ t:hleiir ,ow[n ho!m,@.

fimm olJldamilyto yalJl~ Whemer it's gr,oomfng, ~IfICat.()ri1 ni1ar\1lgeFlill!,nt ua~~iCJ(l or l'I~d dlJljes,.tihe ASCM, famit,.. of medical proil'fesWn:ills is ~ne!l! when you neecl tJem.

.A!b~'1I!\e alil:dl bey-olilid!. Our OOlHique S'ervi(e} give yool the- best care ,optijon$ a,\l'ai'lable: from ~n-h()f1'Ie dental aFld pooia~ry ~ms to 110 me $!l(l!lil¥ arid pet care.

Supefior Chl)ioo Mledi:c;iI'~ Staffilng: ¥IHIW fi~t ch@,ioo ~'(I~ ql!l!all i~~a,r~,

Fr I: 8pm ASO Pire:';lE!<I!It.s

Joan IRi¥el's

~Can W~ [idk.!'~ [)on,'( dilJ re m iss [Il~ icon Ie Jo~1'I Rivcrs (s;rar of Irh~ d.oc~n~el~n),I~}I. ~A P~ec~ !If Wad: ~)if! :In .:lL!dkld(lm, (l'n~"'~Vot;!Ji'!'!i"!~ show.

WIITi'.t heGAVoJce.ccun



Fn/SaL 8pm SupelrPOPS~

Paltt:i LJIlI Pon:e

A Rl';lJ._io:r {l!:H!lp! A :ml'e Adllm~ dste b~~LlpefS![ar Patri Lu.~n,e (Gypsy. Sw.etiilcy Thdd, E\liml, hi! i~,etil M ~l'! mll~i,!'!i, "" L!~~ IlPddc$s~ fB~'UI Bmm· h:y, NY l1mcs~. TI1-c: Gmmm)'j

Em my and Tony tlIward-\l'hme.l~ \10' ill p~r(>(Irrn neu ,slmw-:swppang ,reVIil~, Co~~ldll> WOtlldlm,. 5i'lOl~lda..

Let UlS, shop for the BEST horne ,an d auto Irate s. '.

Bobne":Whitstiioe Lunnmce1\gency [OC.

Judy Iloihme

44, o S., PeaJ( htree St. Norcross. GA 30071 7'70·5 S,·EH30 50 jllLldyIBohlne{~bw~i tils,,(om liirf;e~ H'o'IiII'e,. Ca I.

w\'ffi'.t heGAVolce,com

It [SOIl bV Jiim Farmer

True Colors ,expl1ores life of blsexuel b~~es Ilege~d

llK1lh~ of 'tMI music le~n&: COllIe' to At" lanta snages dlis \\leBIi .in lWU-~ ptJOOudiatls, o.l~~' illirecred bJ' a gay ImaIl andl dl~ oiller slMJlJiug ,} gil.y~.c~(lr.

'Ibeli!,?a.I1,~ ,~_nd all 1m s.twy of bl~ smg.!l'.l" .~e Smith is ~liIri m '_ro~ Color's ~'iOlki p:l'I[l!l1Ji:eJ'fe pll()(hICllto:n of'IGm B'"!ilctt'l Bllles. ~

Smlidn w,~ ~d ,<15. me mO:;l :famolls femil11~ b1u~ S-lnl,ger of lhl;!' 'lOs 1Ulld .~, but ber life WitS ~In!.'i'~]ililg ~~Il SilmjghrtfOl"Wilnl1. 'J1IC rnusicffi [s djll.'101i~ Iw fO!'l1l]cr A~a_nloo [l~vi(J H.I3clI, ~~11O seJ:vcd ,as, the associat!! ,~c ilti~ :rocOOX 1iI]~· ~e.ilUi¥ Leo:n rO:i: ,11 ruml.~r of ¥&lIS at dte AJ.]iatJOe lln.e..ft" . < .

'TIle' ~nl!l' gay Btll ~s. ~ite IhiIS .100ig ~~ II ~ru~ (If !Ii(\! sil'lgCr, 1l'!J~ ]!~ ~rd1 tll'!VC Ilim a :De1i .~ation. He bad bel'J'l wtl'tltm,g a Bessle SIJl~ilhsllm\1 ~or a wh]];e wt!eu, Lool1l calied l:rum aoolilr (olJ.ah~- ru-KIliill' me&lYlIt«amru~ a 1~lity, B~] ~,(lft th~ Aml(U1~e ro!'l1F.My aroLIDd ·tbelim~ leolil tid. fie two had f'OlIDOO II g~t J!hJ!1IiIc!iship mid ,~Jll<!:'IJ)IS ~'lld te wark together ~

11~ m~~c(ll i~ wldl m n~sh~k$,'!!lh~ Bess,1CIS ~m~hi;.'f iSW';litin_g fi(lr nt;lrbody llJ return. (Sm!u~h dn~ ln <I,na.$1\Y .1IlllOiJl(JI)i1C' ;lOci:~nt)'. Bc'I!1 s~ys fl0ral~ ~I~ hrm'.!IId0' sh~ brmlgh~ to< lNr~_gs" ~h~~i,v.:.(Il1,1l\d ami ~~~

"She dittl rot "L1M wlilitt fOOpI~ ~t of

her," says Be:I]. ~Sh'le lI!i'aS an s •• ~(

gen~too h!ltI. l!ie~S antd was,· alldlalous.

LiikeLli!dSay L~:Jol!n. she MIS famous ~~OfOO'JiI:Ji& llO~OriOU5."

('em B11Icket Ba'!1les" does IJO( skimp em

SDlitM;. bisex-llaliIy, .

''Iler blM.\.'1fiNl1icy is an iil!llJ!illt'll~t [,IolJr!: of du~ show,'" ik'il ~ "k Willi part of her l.ifll'. She did aJW_ mt f~'l &100<1.'"

~nlemlildshl!p Smi~~ had wilh Mallaln!!f is oI~ ~ic«ld.

Bflil reels Ihlis mll$, win. have 'mtOmlDlilI$ appe.l!1l rw gay jI!IIilieJl~.

·'Ilf.lSStc ""'!:lS 11WiI,"'he ~S-. "She was 11 dhfiJI iCllIl Ifot: h,er .ab'.!lily lO Siilllg and he, ,Ilb~ il}! IKiit to< orpdlO@ize. She mid, people whatls1le-li'eAlIIy f1i!)l!Iglu:. s:r.e l'.adl the c-fJlUl'age to Hw 1,!,i.iLl:irut <lp!Jlogy - sh~ .!~i!r apolog:t~. for MiIt~g oounlIy, ~bise:)o!!!iill or ~lId-y Q!" ~tl1tl~ "

Sa mmy':; S,O ng S

Thli;,"!Wl;tcmr i!mc JlOI'tll"illiYOiiJI1gi'lloo otX"~ ilil~ilelJne-m1ill ~lII;I\'\i' ''&IIJJ1n1.lI' and! M~'ot ~e AIIJ., ] i;1f\CC. lit's, tI mu.siClt~botill s"JmnnrD.1vis §r. the !J!i!~o." ~jJl(gGf ~iho .perI'ommd for ~00s,

"Gm B.lX'k8I.B~'eMlml)fe& iRe ll{e.u[r1~pa~ fJ€l1c@rty llJu!!'S !cOlI .~.fe smWIil.

(P1Kim by CWIJ; .Bar1t!'!Js.t:l)

"Gilt B~Cilt<B:t IBliI~s" lit!~,~Ult.1 ~I~~r '1he~~rre

8Il. LW.e St... ,il,Vli!inta,l'lA 30319 '!'A\Iw,tlV~oo~sU1~al~.ofQ

'Samm~ ami ~'e' 1ifu~Ud.2~

Amlctn~~ 1~~tl'E! KNI2 SMige

1200 fl:e2(:nI~ a, AI!!ania. GA 30m WI\I'N,a~iam~eth~~r~jiII)J


Od.l~ "11'

roo; VIli~I~~

Mil P,oo~htlie SI:. , Mlanl~ G~ 103M '!'A\Iw.r.o~!JJm!:r~1lI'g

¥otmg, lllQqtim~ 1!J.a~1is fmSla11lOO ~drm.g "Si!m1l!liY end Me" slli .ye~JS ago aJMil is t'x-

cited 'vo, be< abie to &.'I:!le iJt H. .

111l'!' sino,\!,:' f('mitre;; many oj J!]l3Jvi-s.'s signatl!U(!' S(I;iI~ -lSilil oln - ~\~ ~ {_Jl,;int;:~ numbes, TIle gOO~. of ooursc. i.s to wl-ii~ !h~s too!hcTr' cidt'S and lIDeR bopcfilTIy Bro~dwil:Y~

.IDWIlS, ,[!Jib:nlll! of al(~ l:t,l[ Pad!, evootu· all)1 cl:~ oti 1I1Mlt. COl.lialr il~ 1.9911. Wh~t Ymil'ig tllink$ iiI~lili~rnte$ will. lake fiIQ:rnnlite is Da· v.i~· :~l<1uvidlial:i~y,

"nus show is ~aI~y a!_lQIlt dH! oholces we mac'll..!! lfl our life, 'Ihe dlWoes l!Iit<!l <!fI!! ,(mIS/he says. "Sanmny didn't care Wllal olllei[5, ImOU811l,~ be diM '( Calle m~e Iii [ iir.. W:e was llimse'lf aoo he ~~\Qrf!!IlL r-!I~ n~de hiS,C!iWH 1!lI~I~~"

fil!1!lliy. ~, c.!'O\!'d';,];)l~l:Sei!' "D!Will!llailis" kicks o.i Ithe< j\daJil/Hl. B:roadway SIDes,' 2(110- 2011 ~as.on. L~.~ based on [)OOla Ross aJ1d tl1(? Sill]ii:'emt'S, IUlii; new vm.ioo of "D.llNliU· gilills" inW~IijI~l'.'S th~ pO!iml~tr st;l!ng"l.istt:;'lil" Iirom~ ~be' A.c~d'clill~f"A:W~lIrd ~<rirlTIlilng lIDIovie ilnlO it5 sooooo a~t.

ME Ot:tuller I. 2010

What YifJtlllwiUI,!Xp1ui:ence It f1rst IMletl'iopo'l na n Com Imnl~ty Ch Ilrl~h is::

L'IYli'liillil11fw,c~hip that ~,~ a eel eb ralti®1l featuring tMay 's c(J[I~e mpofalry music

• TeachIng tiha1t le;mpOWfIl'S, Ig,DlIl, nat 'prea[hes.a~ you

• A, di¥ersl! ImlJllt1~~nllwRl m:r-t~regat;tonlihal welcomes Y:lluand eve,rY0rJe else

• Opj:lonLinities tol make a dii~ihnren,~ ]1'11 th ~ world,

• A great pll'a_ce' tOI maJie~m:end_5,a~l!In~ community

,~ .... ,

. / ... I •..•

I •. , ~ .....•.. '

• •


lxp1erilen:r:e' this, aid 1I11~e~- Sunclllsl:1 AM

B791u11ie Ro~d N E, Allanliil. GA 3032 9 U!J5<t oft ~B 5 at. HDrth D n.rtd Hil~ Rwd) P,hon~; 4(14 _ 3 2S -4l4] I Rev .. P'dul Gr.aet!~ Se,nior Pastor I m'I'W .fil'Stim(lLr:mrn

O!:!ClUg!!:!!.d lid, ,I D~l,'ViJ:itl blR:Qill:d "~c:diQ, :Sii't:~9


:kpl,dtDCild. wi/to :Eld.crl, GDd. 1!!'!!14ic,dlp' ffU,ih pltI


:B_41. &I; IU~ld

nt:mlRtl o:f P'a Sltierl' Aaacia;t'hl'!, D.C'

amJII·l)). ... : ... _ '~'r~' ,~A.~,ftm' I~~~ ''":5~~51!J ~~~~It

U(n~ '1'Fv-I'~ ml.A\"~C&. eJ~,VJi ~"i'~~ ~ ¥!:i~~¥!5!Jg

A stOIilIE!~5 t~row~r,om .. na:lilt,a, ID\eca~uli ils, l~nolRllJ1jfo:r

~~s res.t.a:Ulra:rrt&r slholl!lPI[lgl' InlgMlflfe and pa:~~lIdslalte Q~ wai!oDIIil]ng] ,oommuIllTt:y 'l!Vl!lllrts,. Hllg'hliights Iin:~mu.oil! ('Oncert:s on~h;e Square mn IMay {lllild1 Sl!pte:r1llbein", '~he Decatur ,~rts ~stmva!l. !Craft Bee[jFls~illa~~ Beacl'l Pa n'v andililo~lid1ay BOl1imre& tI!!a!rs~ liIlan!ow IRoii)\t.

_ . vVhy shop al Melrose on Ponce? ( )


'.' fahuhJ!lJiO" i!'lifKi'I.bbl~ cm~ Ii' 1ilfililll'7..~m"~~~g nil ~;I.!I-' '.' U"ffit' <.\: . ,-~~~'I ~~1t ,I' St.\,Ji;;h '\~:riilCS '.'~·nJil:·I~in,!:

'.' ~ h~!l"¥")llhdrrul p!1'~l1JImd

S~orp .Lilli .aa .d hd gijl!t Wi!." YOijl~e.Lf:

YOl!ill,~.Wl be rglad Y@1!ii did!'

¥ou!'re invi~ed to our F,AU, 'OPENING O!c:t 30, ~Il a,.m., ~ .4 p.m,.

Live l\i\usic+ free'Snm,ptes 'rriclcs and Treols

MENTION GA. VOICE fOR $1 NEXT VISR' l4(l, W. F'onoe De~OOI1 Ave" I).ecoh.J~ GA 3()CI:3O p~ 4Q4..6'~7-0044 • ne~~!UimotxilllCme~com


Il~O I~omlill~ne IDI~Il~ Decartww, IG:!\ 30 030' <'IO~- j.73-umO

40~- 37.3: falx


E~riIlls aI'mB¢lh!r "mW,~,C!i!lftrl~~

404~377 ~39G7


w\'ffi'.t heGAVolce,com

Com mlllnn¥ I Odo~-er 1.2010 I GA 'Joke!' A


CtJebraItlng a 'MILESTON E? snarl! ~unnQ~I)!I" m~'!; 'LfeiI~inq;!. t*tM" o!d~pliMS. 2ililil'flt~iIJ,I~S. ~irlttda~ all(! Qlh~r e'ttlII~ ,l!l1I>!1!liltf!1'ffit5 aoli!" IJlI ~~.1)I)O ~~r\t, aM C<1n indvifoe i mDill E1!lail ~gNi lin.Qll~m,can "I~ Valli' 11!~I~fHl' ~:nd ~ofil,m 101'0 Ill! ~ I'IIUF nsme ill I"l'inl!

A face of HIV

Craiig WaShington be~~eves he's on a ~sac..r,edl" journey

to educate' and save liiv,es

j3yl'lymJaB~ ~y@l~!i(ivoiN.CQ.!ii

OI;IJg Woollffigt0J1, ~. s._'l'JsOOlng OJ! [;[00 of the 20th arnmill AlDS\VaIk AlIMm is "pootic."

·'ldiil1J.i, _re'l), S!)melhii~g very p(jeri( "". there'~a.~ aoc of W

fJroillJ 25 yea~ ago ~JI !Ii beiill;tg

t~~fl~ ~ld !ll!)m~wl~l ~hmn~d, .. he S1lJJ's"

"Pl[!ldjus~, ,opcf,rotiuS Olru faith rut. no~ a ]0( of e\lirneJ:lcoe <IiI:'Id ,001. wamilllg (M willilll\iJll t'eD' ba\/e any,ooe- liIlOOtV' ni!la( ~. was posi.tiw. m le11d.lilIi;g tilly n~m~~ndl my hlll~&C' ~ Q,~"I.y I·UV ~ti\i\~,"he .1I_dlil5·. '1~ speaks ~ 10( o:I"bow:. mol so .lW1m mw mOCllJ I've grown or chmgOO, 00.( also ~ow ~ oocil'ty I'm III p,ilI1I of :~s ch~.llge(t ••• 1'h<it lo ~, '(t'mtail~ '~!wflthl'llS m~d~' i,'OOII~ rOt Illle" to 00 !fu.n/"'

WashirngOCl:Ul, ill! 'Ope!iljy I?"'f moln!~R~ long'" dml!! 1l(:1i.v~ l5 Ql'lC offlvc "fa'O~" of !his YC!il~5 2mb annual ",'!IIDS lNi1l1 k Atlm!t<!. wlilicb SlqlS

oU Ck:t.. Ii from Pi.edrnout Parl-!;, .

'~:illlru.PJumi<;; joililed Iby 1l!!1'1C1i FiIO~ oJ !he AJ [liS V!JaJ!k: MMty Mil~he.llj lillf' liirDnI~.r of B~lt LYkins. ~~ho ]0SiI ~m banle willh AW[)S, m 2007; .DerultOO SI.IDlEl'S, wliiO servOO OJl rresidE!l~t OliJuOJru's!-inV A!d1IiioolJ' Panel, i6 anaitvocate fOIl emprnli'!NfuJlg and (ffiiillg fn:l' W(KIl1Ji!fI), ilItd 1m ~. UI V Ill~ti\l~ fillr 28 ~I~~j. ~I_OO Robby Asuwe. whQ has ·00m my ~(? sill.ce be was 16, .iID.d his willie,. DdilllIietle, A,rellmo. ~1Q n>,malns HW 1OO.!l!WCi.

\'If(lljhiliigAQ:1fI S<i¥S he Ji:1Ii\e'W' he ~~ FIIV~:ti\lc iii! l00s""l\Ii)enh(l' kg~liI, 5h@w.i~!l S}'liUlpWl~lSj'

AIDS 'Willk Atlanta :& 51'1 rim Gel 11. PiMmorl'! ~art:

Cl!ecbn t!egins at 00CIf1 ~K OO\jns all:4'-!I p.m, 'Mllk" 1!Ii;~lms m. 40H.:1ll,WA nw,aiclsl'r<Il}:a:tlanta£(!fI]

BemeftcliU!e<s,~ ,MW ~Ilallt~ 1I.~mGwllll~U:

,IlJlm~ ~mlamce IQf rarth S lle~llh 1I.~lUiSil'I!~i[h a;m~tilium of ilUlal1i~il lIIIi~

1iI\ilIfI~ llut lmt illDli@ JlL'lOO3~,m House,

l!Ji:Yin~~fIl o.pen HaCld ~itil'e 1rT:J.w'd

sud! as $lden ~fnnph gAand3, bTI~. was [00, afraidl ro :Set ~" Uc wm~~ ~hnQ~ ~iJ.< ~t~ 00 h,l\f~his W(lJ;St f.c~I.T~Q:rurrilmcd 3~ ;'iIpublk IiJ.eiJIIh dink. Spc.lkiqg eut~bout HW 300 ~inJl 00 OJil!,'II1!.OO'llt living will~ Ill'!!' diooase is .~.ll oj 01 s!ign;illrijfU jQIiIID~Y ~ ls Q.1il, il.;:o ~y$.

"B)! Il1m lime I :started hrolmii~g wt~ulii~i( ,lioc:un .il [ 11o'Kl $I.1nle ~re[li.d\iUmil, ~I!I~ l~n't ter'lilkd.1 nliilnlk i~ would 'h~vc been allll~'t 'OT 001;11'" iI~~ In '85, 00c.a~ whr.:-'l~ .~ lihiiuk of oou~ag!!1 t1link ,o~ doing, in the faGe o:ff abj:oct fear," ~'ie says,

Em °by IILl.e early 1~ \\\'h.l!ll :Iif' 11l~~ to AIIi!a.l!.lil wil!l~ lds [Mrlner ai, a.e tim:e, wh!;lnhe OO,gru'l,doiIng UlWl\]OO WOJ:k.arnl~i!_'IlliIg 0.1[( abOut be'm,g mv positiv>e-,.be ~ l-.ewa:>mal

Si3lri!!spa~e: .

'Th!'e ~'£lJ~ i;;1N~in OO~I~ tll~l.~ n~:iJffiiLlll~ by tlilc I~imc I 51 .. llppcd ool ~ still camoo a o~!rt;;dlrl


tha5e'~ndl ~nll!' llindeir[l~ ~~ Mh Siei~rrn· beir liS W ilW!Jr first thllil.Zola, Mf.llt~11 at Pie!!l~ m!llllt ~QSpit.;ll, Gil. ~i~ PubliSh~r (1.-~5· Cam" OO~ 01 ft.t~ ql<fl~1l:5 tG ZOI1l. CI\3~S 1M eNid l5 'I~e !nOs! beauMul ~II~ i~~~Ih1Jenl c~ ild to e'!oIer ,tE bam. periro!L" ~\~,mool d~tellM ~rubliSmm ~rd .j!:r[Jun~ tterfo SO V~ e~B ~jiI!!(lInctMlb~ In~f19S lrom JiJIa ~. van~flE'Is,_ g~ ~ljlrl ~s ~ realm hQW to IJilJM her hlNId IJjJ allli !eed her&!tf.

Le{l,: CrmoH,m:ld/WlOll' is a f(ire fw dus}'tllilJ" ~A1DS h~IJI! Adtlliifa'" Ab.!J~; nHll!~~S a.~ ~ted !\!) N"tlM .in ,!iJ~ .2mJI 00lrJlW,~ ND.S ~1Il1}J.:!!j~. Ofgi:jr!~'IS hOiN W rG.i5e $SOO,~ {or St."1l'1l'rol AIDS :IlI.wlre W~i7ioilfU.iQJl15. ,(l.1fu!ihir!!ltr.:m P{i(lfQ V.i(li"ficd.lool:r. AJDS\~IQ'k phv(Q '(l~.rre,w Pmj&O!QA~&mw,oom)'

level of SligOla - woold people- jllS[ deft~ me ~ ~d~?"' ht ~y$,

"l didJit k..n.ow mud! about wlJIl<l.m:.e. 'The- fear oJ aet Irni:oMJng 00w ]ifE1' WOl!l1d. be oml$l<k>: my ({OOOOiil. "-:0:00" [hOld a .pioTI1Illil{\raTld r~,en~. ~\1lId I dI~iilII:~ QIii 1!1~-!I! 5Oc;i.a~ 1lICL1.'I'vr];:, to oo~lt~Ir,~duffiy. ~tl~j/'

Part of all~neqe'

\WashillgOO)l says heh~ 'u:sed his smlus to waolil (1.:00 1I10~\t;!Itl~ ~ffi to slrive b .i~tke, Itlm !leIs also le.n'llell a g,t&1l .lINd r:rorn liviln,g M:[htll~~.

i'] c~vy ~~~nh 11il~ .~. spi_ri1S ofb~~lC.k gtlY ~~ ~h() me I1IQ ~'0I1~r I~. 1iIl<}nty mW\1iIorI~ di~1 of MOO. TIIIOSi!l' mll Ih~ C01.!I3.~lS 00("5," Iilc So:lYS .. .~ ~.~~. ant ~'Lkin,g pu.hlicly. dtI_ring to ad· ~ t~ isaLe- ll;!'L'II1Wek;~D!I~ audi.GI1~, wI~enl llfo3slil'f'fitere's.m OOK!r .. Btn it's olrnis;km" someIlniinilg sacred 1I1l111. 15, ~I QJ~ 'tf~ me," [he 53yS-

"Ilthink m '~n ~h.c~~s :1lI!lIt Oi~ a Uncmgc ., .. !Uid 1'11:1 hereto, 'etlS~ 111;(11 lIu"ir ~am.~"S [su{ih as Audre Lorde, :[ VOOods, P<l1. pamer]rnd ~!I'(r.rl aile .nlWll r~li!'En ltim allro 1Il1e d, 'nile)' srooodIltip for ddllJ"~. bn. 11" HlI!' \lIaystoo."

WashiIlgOOll is .I!! jl\ol!lIrful,heilllh,¥ ~"y.effi" old .l.lli!l.h2 m.~ he is forrunamf1l!ll<l~ !he ruerlitines, he takffi e~et:J day COliltlnue '[0 woik. U1es ilppqi!!l'aOC~ is, nm Olli! 0:[ a sick IrulaJl1!.

Ue 5<1Iysbe:ing U rv ptOO]live is.n't 5OfIl[Jiidiliili& tlll.Jt lypLt:~my c~Ui5esliIim~1r ow ~1IiIl{i~ ~lil.1~he Iilad \ih(ID llill b;t oontrnclet'llb~ vimI;!lS, ex.oept

wheiJI :ne.~ in [00 .~ 1il1e doeror (or ~,~ Chert I1JiIS. OIl 1Il~ day-s, WhfI'l Illite dOO.or ruetl!'fo.IeS 'the i'OOn~~ogo gt't Ih~ ~efil: ~!iI!l5.h~ ~yshe docs h~r\>-C tllou,p,liI~ Q.'I'nh~ d(ll;WTi '~Olilllililgb~d1 ~n silyil1g~liIe ~~ ~how liri;s !'"£ ;:IJ'~ no lron1lefW'Orkin.!l.

".O\1td IlirI'I,' Ih~ Cffittd cll~lg,!:."he !>ilY.s" HI1 ]l-J1j!r'i!o'S~lliil hi.~ '1P.P~.m(!~ (,lJ1 ~ deteivinJ,g 1:0 WlJ]~ reo.~~~ - fOc e:~aD!l;Pl~, )i'mmg poopi!l' ""'hocan look at .him. <lind [)!!)SSibly Ihh~1!:., well. Qai!!,'S,beefIHiW positiw 25~'S oodhe Loobfme i!illd lis doiIlSfine,

"I. was ~alking KIa. CoOll~ ab@mdtedilJeolJ. :ma. oJ~iI!' OOlilHlicr Of.IIlI{~iIlg," ~te says, "\!\lhar do}'\~ ~')!,h~w ~ YQli~ WIW~ 00 tbe QJ~ hl[loo tha~ 00n1t HJV Pf,IStrnre i!!\ I.lQ.t a dealh sentel'lnl. ]~'S nm Mimiinal <md ~Ol!lum liw a.loog, ha]!Dl!iY lif~" 11~em?:S pl:emy or ev.ide:~ lilil<1l sllIGWS I c.m be l'lo;'M' iIiiIO'¥'~, C"'~~iI~'~ '~lpill1.n~ - eN~ [ur tmwlilo !lvc lnSIiIil~1 tmllllS.,,"

HlIV ils!'lot Itt.l!l "big.b.:.d mOOS1l'!;" il 0000 Wo'IS,. 00' IlOOPl~ woo llilve the ~ a:l11"""iII!gIa~U: i!IlIat Ih!!:y<d!)'iiWi)i.~lOl\'~i!o,l~,;einsl:iame, he~,

"Buuh~u. you !ilk 00 II~~ who are rneg<rIIi.\1e ami ~ly, 'YOtlI!l.QJ~·t \~"'lIt l~hilj;._'Ir's I'IQUilk.e say~ng(i!lis is icc c~m ;'U!:I slilou~dl g~~S0mc" but :il!t:l!'e is, i:!! pm-ado."." be 1l0ieS..

WilsbiugtrrJ'l acikm:rniled,ges llli!' ~!{ishe-.1i he lI,~ru'( H~V po>it!i:ve aU. die IliIIlile.

"BiIU rn tj.oll'~: ,d;w~. 0111 U lleca'ilI;~ irr~$ filutile, IdO'!w'l jud~~f. ]f iID.ydi!!iuEl J d!l!ll];:"W~l woo1d ](00 lllie U]l DfN~' happeiIloo, row h hit ~LlS, ,our wmM." be sa.fcs,

D G'" Voke \ OdQboer 1. 2010 \ A& E

M ~iiJ1i oooo,ptiool ~te:s.SiIlf11!"~ c~ A lhe .uCwptts." Pride '~Ie:t l1iM it!y l\Ilaml:a~based ,1IIiI:irJ tlalm SllIIochw Shcm IlJ)S tm_ 00. JI 7 am 1,0 71lmllw! Ilf.lMIIg l1!a!P'tiJn is.fA ~i1tTOO~oo _1483 Edi)IlhllOOd Aw., JlIj~ta, G!l3IJ312, 1k.l~~lh;Il1I,l)OIll

My ~:mdlaIIPaJi'tv 4al 'Ci!u~, is ~IIGS~OO ,by Craig wasm,ingtcmallil ~~wres ID!J IRon IPiuUman aoo ooiilE!Ji!i Ams Walk A!llamtalO prn at ~iNx. M9.2 Pielillnoml A\JPL. AUamt.l. GA ~. VMlNmiocxatfant9!.OOTl

lIhe IltiamaJ L~s;ll~all flJeaUIb I'nitiali;ve~ 1,5'~halilm!lal'RIlII Gili"deinlParty Ieawres, socialiM!l,silent .auct~n ilDd mffle:. 4,8: ~"nn.;,ut IEimllteil's,1l)1Il Jllmiper SL A~'a nihl, 6A 30609, ~theh6il1lthin~iallill'

frlida·v~ IOd. 11

o~~ 00 Film. Atlanta's annv.a'i WB:T lilm rest. 0!lIOO'S might 1i'tilh "You Shw!ill Mel!l My Son" at Laoomm:. Mi'lo"" _liIrts [lilllellfla aM runs ~IMOJII1Jh (lid, 7. W,ilms at Laool1'll!lk r.itI!mJiIfI'.lIOO A~V M. PI3vIlDu~.1F1lf fum ~hed'ule, iill:r~iI'!gl d~ailsar too~llIrs ~nDg p;a;ty, we pa~ 25- Jll)amd lilisit m'I'lvwtllOfilliluJ;g

Lori Os~llJinmi ~eOO$ from her dmulliutim C®IINlioo "B!~!le;s$ o~' tli1~Wort~," 7:3ij CI~ni~ Bo~'& M()f'l), H69 ~dilil AIle. Atlanta. {tA 3Il3{I1. \II\I!IW,clll3uisblook~nd!lOOf'acorol

Thutlama (1i:a~le~ 01 Gut ;& 'E~Ua'l,1liIDfI!pla~ AdIi!'OO~~~~ '.Is Prt'P~ide IiIll'lw,orki:1i!I;l1 al. muel~ed S~ 5-7 j!l.fn.~OKl1!hi s, j!jllalllta, GIl 30009', w!M'uMf~aoo~ua~.fJf,gfalll:lnta

'iI'Ih~te:li IEmQrry JreiFrl)lfmS ~ 1FQf11 ~rJe· iJaw-r~~Lte musicall "Refit." 1-9:30 ~ Ell'IIiltiv Perfooming Arts Sludi:o,IB04 R Docatl!Jf 1M. AtLmta, GIl :wm. OOJrofrl:e~ed~

fUIK. is a o.mE!'liIigwt putlli: ad ,mlebtaiilm lIlIeffi~loo by Inu'x ~ed~ inihe s~reels ~Rtj etIIlJ~y SI\I;3~eS ~f !he casIJle~y IHil1 A:I~ [j(isbiiot Too e~@nt iIlCludiJ!s !angfaoo S'IIliII~I~ pr~!l:tions.lOOrfOfmalit(ie. dm.IOO!lic. [i~M imsitalltdiDfw. mm1llhmeo ia ~*cts. ami ~blic [1I~e[actiQru~B pm - .2 &m, (Ii Ca~lebenry tim Ms [J iw1ct, ~OO lffl;}ltt~r SL ,MliIl!a GA ])31.]. \!JiM'd~~IPm$cts:.Q(g

F~~dilV. aet.t- .51 nd!aYr Oct 3

SO:llgsill!<'iS Lim:IlV WftTU,ermolle perrQl'nii; Llb:Dv'$ S04ilgI~OOk, mtl~ ~Iill niQlilt lliIe aud~ ,~~ 'fo dh(l()5(!' w1ii~I5lile~ill ~iIii~.1:3(I ~IR e~bliIlIlightai 681 W. L!~~ie'tta, S~.~~iOO Jaol ~tI~nto, GIl, 3!B1ft wmJ.ach:n·~x~reSS!alm

"!:l'to S~ The' IMIU5t~a:l:' OOsecl on'!he Jan~ fooda/ Lil~ Ta1in]lDOII.V lI?an~oo ftiliml ilixMJlt seorftarie"> woo ru~Mle In ~Mlmap lI'ieir nasty l'ioOOS, realUli~ IllIf<liiM DeGi!~1110 and lUIS thro~gh 0(:13 a~.UIC f@,)! l'h~!re:. 650 PetIChh'ee St. A1tlmtil.. SA .3031)8\ w!M'

SalturdalVr Oct 2

MEGA Famil~ IP;qJed" hosls "tORT' Fammles R:o¢~," [ts iIfI~1Iol1 f.amil~ '[:omrerenoo, a Gav o~ disc~iofIs

ami WOf!t:~ ainMI -

~~~ LGBT f'ilmilie:'s.lII:Iulls 9 aJff!.lQ 5 jlI1I1. al't~ Unj!ari~!1 Universal ist fQ~g~~tion sl AUanL1l,19U Cijff v;n Irey \lI.ll'. A~~~til. (i,!f. 30329. ItJI'WwJl!~~lar1'li1Vpr'l)~cto['IJ

AmllS'temam liIa!ils a '3Ca1Mnger hlll~~(1 be~1illl!llIll' AUanta. where laams (If JOIiJJ pt~t :~~~ir~trategles artd ~l)ete. ~~:31) a,RI\ • r:w pJliL $~~~Iingal .. ~ftler· d'am 5Ol1l1i;m~l'll\ve. ME.l!;tliln~:a, GA Jil306, w'fm.ams:ten!lalil18llalll~a!EOOl


Vtulrll am lwowavs to add vo~r ewmts to {H~~ o!lline afi'd ~i!ll ra lefl(liI~s:. S\!illmil Y'0U[ irdo to www .. or e·lIl1Iil d~!ij i'l~ ~(,I ~d iitor@theG.wolQe.~om.

Mllildalr Ott 4-

me omV'S 'bi!~hle$~ Ciililllll t~ Ierne i~ b~Ok a~ Ih~ new'~'~ "Real H;oiilSewt .. as (If AtiJiant:a'" JjIi,elillj~.9 p,rn. on ~a:al{(lj ~liOl'll(cil1lliltn~,rtiI~hollitoewi'l'e:S'lJh1~loola

ILollldn~ for IIfIOIle I!\lient:s? lJir.lllJur 'i[~i~e tor oorr e:dl'l1l~ilj\e dililV r:.a!efll!lar, iocrmliliigllli~Mmi:! sdhe~ul~$ ~lIId C.QliIlrill wni~ org~ni~a.tion provided ~V Qwr PIr'(lJ~OAtl!lnta\.Coflil.

StJjJflOrters lfloot .~ oone.mror .Atla:mt~ PWlice< ,o.r·· I[lanii lee' IilaFfis, who se~ (IS tile A~[I's LGBT liBi5l1lO Uillill ti3~iII~1 mPdii::al [effi!e earUle'.r ~1iI i5lJN[ Harris. {ootendSsht can nCl\l!l relllr'~ 00' W(!f~ i!OO lis beiDIJ pl'ef,en.tOO by ~~<nl in mM81ialiiOO r(l( sp~inQl out ~OO« al.~ tiarossmef1Ll- 6 pm ijlt lme PilI'mr CeIil~N. 21i1t'4 ~!ilJs A'I\1l.. Sriile F. Jt.tlanlia, GI! JilJJfa, ~.b~~f(!fI!ii'ltioliiJDOOI

IRoIl Go'l'den's, 'iHo lE$Ii;iilJle~f,l'!OfI1IllQve" e-xhililit mtUJres IW!U IIHa~m fi~ratM! wort ~hat dea~ with isl;u~s~mro~mdinq racp, I~~lati:on. se:lllli!1 idfr,n" tlty .amill ~i,e:. Uifibit runs UII\'Iut;Jh OeUO; Op!!nng r;ec~tioo oomiqhl rJQIll6-10 jp.m. (!It AA'ioca Flirue: Art Gililierw. ~507 Ros1reIiISt.Ir,uE.I:M~ieUtil GA mo. w't.i'@\fistafiinFl\;

IDJ J~ Glmth~eiil~oc '!iJli~sat[1IIe liIerntl~. 'I'Iii~iII no, (~ before IlIi\JIn. 2(1.69 (ltiesllire Biiid'\le R'OIaI1I\ Atlanta, G/! 303241 l'l'II!IL'I,lher'e~li~lamtl!,C(lll1

:Sa~lu ~l!Ia,~ Oct .. 2 - 'Sundll'~. Oct. 3

IIItlaat81 ~dl~'i wal~. 1m' Bme13!st C::l'n~e:r ~ aim to 3!D·mile ~'(alkl£l ralSl!l' fillildsaliltil awaMes5 f0r Ibcal ALI~mta tr'eils! ~gncer crg~~UgUIooS. Pj;lntDl;i.D~nl'S

(1'10 ~I~_ eilhe:r OOIvi Sabmlav a!1!i1 SOOoov of SUfiKlily onll~. ~egis~raln(lO foc Ilool:hTm:lI}a~ aooSundil\l' 'llI31~.· ers is $1S0. Wlr.!lWldoy~!k,OOJ

'Sun(f,iJY~ Oct.S

[me IGet it OM cfl!le 'CU}SElI' lIMiooover rasli~n sJi1(;fN is h"too by ~1Js.s UniterJlS1ates 0010 Jeoo, 1l1~Q1J; atit~~~~re' ~d W ~te ~I S35 Moots ~ITt 03111 O~ ooe~etIltlv 'usOO ~~okssio'1al oom~ lj)'Q®~CI o,~ for ~s rll' \WIfDin and M1JtS.1I'leilir 111£.

for meml 61J!)"10' ji.l.m. at Biltrrn:lre Batll"OCfl!iS,B17~' ~ch'!~ee St Mlanll!\ GIl. €'mlll~S!fib~foollda't~1

liiIe f,ell1inilt Owtl~z IiOSt 81 Qweer Nide·l!l~ Pa~tv &. .Art S~ with Jil'KrOl'liI1a~~amd altw~ bv Hfd\'V ClfCk. ~1t44UIl, \I~aJlen~ils. Tearm flea~ Wa~, CtJntasl:ic ood r~iIIlJ'OOoo I!ncli «<)00. '7 pm • m am .~~ UV S~~ IRoom 1211 ~ Aw... ,AII!!ml~\ 6A JDII6. mli'!'~islerSlUOOlt(QJ1II

IMo:nday~ OCt.. 4,

M11!1J! ~ lOOO oolluts "The .A~li~ 1_1tI!!ril.!~' a ~~ .y ~i ~ hunrw gaj'm~~raml6ue prOO~om. of ''lilwll H~'eS of Idtlnlta:-ll) PJiIII. 00 lll){i(I

iUIsday. 'Oct 5,

f:IiIP{ ton'i~liIt~ epi~:~ m"G~ee" 0021 ~reent lhen. enj:Q1 Ulle bealsM OJ Sl~ vaughn .. 8, p.!I!l. at ,Il,mslerfllialil Atlil:n~ 502-11 ~PI'iSl"eillam Ave. ~ntil. GA. 3l:I306. ~wlI'J;amster~arillalianta,oornnl

Wed'liIesdary~ rOd. 6

Dille Out [or Pride will me IiOmfMJln'lI'liI Reslilul'iln~. chi!i!l!.Tbn'd'lt, ~,gl(lflim oI'~_~ moJl wm roo ~a~lli)] iWrfita Pnide iif ~ ~ta't OStGria' ~ ~ Ii Hit;jI1ii9nC! ~'!t., ~GAJOOO6, iffI'fJ~~

Tille l!li~i~ D¥!OOrm~ A~lam~,'s l:GBT rod dln1(bing orIDlJ, meets ali P,ril!. at Sit. Sumil Climbing & rilf!(j$S· ~~f!f. 31'01 FJesideMiaj Pil~k~, l\Uanl:a, GA 3034.0; \!I'fm\diliedimibetscm




Barb Rowl a ndl 0 f IKe n e r WUU,aJmls, Reallt.y MI'etro Atlanta welcomes

Jus'lliln~' JZI~',r Ziegller~ Il~~m~(!) to m h e Ke 11 e r Wimamsfa'li1i1i11~. www .. j.z5,e'lI1 sat~. (1011iJ111 ~lrI\U~~"79~11 i!"ils.-en5a1l1.~om

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~~VI'iI"1e~ I!H':Ii_I:rn ... N .. 3M1 ~lli.nARlS®i!OQ.~

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Th'lIImmlay~ [Icllber'1, 8:30~ll' 1 pl.'I1III.

lalma~d !'lis e:eleliini mends were! ,DIi!OOgeDI!IJS.IElliUreme:. Ifo1ll!1l011lIS,

Corne asY,@UF faVllIimite [cel~eb~ity (ar j ~st(!l,s YO!.!r5Jelf!) alml stan your lP1nllide liVieeikelld right.


"Dati; '"fb~ tate lW~tk' exh~bition ,. A I:el~eb~~ i[ook--aUke [I:Q~st .

IJ~y MCCifiltlkernl ., A slllma~ ph;Ol~[ bod:!

'" 101Jl~s alillil gi~lj\MWays: IffOOil Self} $15 Gel'lel[a~ P'lJbHc II'$IS Museu m Members 11ic'~J~t inc~udes orne f'r'OO drink. iI1CKnS~ HU1]HI.O:RG IDR~'133;~H~GH

Olut of [t:he Clloset

OuUiiUirng th[e[ fUlttrnre o,f !Pride

IMve ;1 ~~lffi~ fiilr 1~~nn'g\i\tt.'Y ~TI~n l:lT:QjClClS which ,roJ.J1d be ,completed ill ;;w mrn.tues, and ~'!loogll careili ev:alualioIl!, ~ a. ~~iliY (01' 1m em ro mTl5Il111e Ilhe OO~Iff pail ,of a w,ee:k My ~U"OO w(RnlJd MI yOU! I do lhils Jm~liilii.Q:lil· ~II~(. :unl ~ dcverpl~:n to f{lI'CC him~ounlo.xljhe dlt:s,ln'fitSh~him&c:lt beeeuse me doing it win s1D;Qhow 100m [otJm IlJtehen beuil.ii.l mpM..Il:tool•

I p!--ere, IlOthillk ,ofl!!!¥sCl'l.f O!S very tl'lorwgh.

I enjoy Ilw~~iS, In moch.lhfl S<Ili:l'U~ wayiliat ~Iple ~.~lh OCD eJl~~y ~nd,,\!'!as:hillg"

rn l'CCei~ ,'In email fl'Ql!lll a fl'ilend so1kitl. ~nJ:: dc~,[".ing dQl1:.!!!,!(Jfls, fOr d~ CHRIS ~t8ii.nbg1w H01l5e, and W openoo IUlf dose~ II~. "m 'U ~( r~e gOli!li coop]e of lllilogli,"

:silt klLm laref. ~VIN:N amcillf of dOnilillg i:J'1 [~h~ iss~C:ked~~d ~(l~n'lXifil~ .in pil~ lI,rlridJ only mil_~ ~. to me. I'm Lei!_ming so mum ahoulmyperoon.a! 'ta:§te, For examph,~, at som,e po~rn[ Slll]]J~tll!n.e wil.ha highly valllf'd oplJi'l~iII m~ ~1l~~'~ 00'1:(1 IT:H~. "M!~> }'Qul~ i~lny good inllhil1b!~ Ol'if:olid shnrt,"\I!lht{;h e"'iJl~ilils ~,ril¥ ] rm~'!i' [own Sewlil of fh(ffl1l,

"H~. All dOIl~," :say$ IIW hnsI:tmKI., presel~fing !IW ~ ... ilffil a sra,ck ,of Imwoo lOilL>;m5, My liusbalttl 011'1'1115, appro~m"lcly 00 :swea~r vesl:S, whioo .i5 (lne of Ih~' lWl()n;lBSt:!I15. I can Illi~m '·rretlPY ~~h~ ,otil~~· imrQ~\llii!s·lI. "5!I.!;\~ by lhe !leU" f:aI!~Y we l~!l'l addIm~ hew.) He can do OOUeJi: I tl!2U llim so,

".BJby~ 111'J.e[e'!i, cool!llid ro be i3J teenager W~.I.h a p! (lOr ool:Jl.figiam-di'icwllo~ .~~.". Iras1m.l [tel! only y'~J un s:omo:h .... \ndl!!)'topI!l1J!I~rnll\h;andl ~d. ThE!!ie .~~ .~-l' l\1i:dS. Labels IDalter;"

As our donOllftolllp.i1e ~m.~, I ]li~ 11. coo~ of mens around me. sa.mrl al!1le I was 'when I I:lIiI!;Iii,;~j (Q AllanlOll, "iflI1..ey·re~ldn~ p;lrk.\\fe~lIriltg ~~'lPcttcr p;lutsmnny fiomlC!1\i!oI~rdrobe. TI~e yQ1lJilig foll<s h,ld! dm comagil' to be ~!C ~o,t1l~msr.l~, qt ~~ ~upl*ln of IJIe!r r"mi]ies ~. ~ m· suIt ami :1l'I0~v I.Jt~y''!Ii!::' joIm,>C! our ()OOlll1JUIIi~yll

\lVb~1 fJltlI:iI came (rut, rne:y ~.ere in kinderg<ll'IIP. DArn iJ).,;illltWemOl"'e allitslnd in. !i1i1f.'Ir eyes 00c<!m.@ rn~l howl'! .OO~tllitll01!j' of what nIlil' policy W~ friot to 1!IIte' gm~, foilled oomllromLw.

:1 say I.his nClli-1.O rnal-e all¥on~ feel old (flllll.~ lIII'It3I nlie .inrt.>l:plicable (IO,pulJarity of .Iustm Bi.d\e.r ~ fm), oo[[OdaEilfy I[]~[ ,~IiLiI~.1I. ~O! of us weren['( [ookiLng,,~ n~w ~li)I!'lftItioo i11ri..oo. amlllll~\!i' hill ~ attemlmli: Pride (w the rn'Sltime t[ili;.}'l&I_f.

Orn-nm_qpes,of Prtrle,often:il!Jl!llid ItIke< peopJe


r:~ liIa,..,iOO is an I(~~ ~I~ig"'t ~ Ihe' aLilkir of ~ IIook"N~ lUMlliies: NQWs tJfl ol SmH;3Il1i!C([j~Llr'e.· riM ~Ut rooJfE>iIl_!ipa!jl1elWm

di:S~inng "~J!frDrdoiL~r N~ght U1oIW": E\I~m.ooy ob~'tW InsUnllio!l 1100 :i!Jlll\lt! of gt'Wlirless;]IG" bodY agroes 00 when Ikt was" hill \'!ie . .:ill roooJilI' [W[ ~i's !nO,W' signlfilam~ ~e1>S In lt Ol:la Wa5.

Miilybe il \fOlS ~r~ 'tm IiJm"e ro Oc!robm:, Dr ~ ywr k SUpl:t\liIiIe5- 5tn_lI;;k (lml(1JI;jgmy ~ .. ws" Mi~l bowl? bOOIiI i~h~ight of lh~ A ]DS di&i_s, when 01 C'OOIDUtnily under sleg~ j{ll_~ lQg~~he, ~ 00 m~fl!fC-'I!:c(_lei:i.tOO d1sfl!~)! of ~!:i1~aYil h rou&1 .1I<Ive lK-'!l'I1i 40 ylMl'SlIgo,wlr:[I metel:y ~ll!jW'ffig ~ forme p.u:<IJille W,!l; 01. buldaOt lIIi'IJidi oo~M get ynu.llredl, e'LI'i~ ,(~' !t1;!;iJ!;1.1~.

Ihll.~~ i! .~uspki1Jft ~'1li!~ 1~!l"S inili",idMoi!l ~tiOliI {ifID1~ w:lesl .• rnde Ever Is ~y IW(I '[0 whenaerlhey dedlaredl~he.irOM-~ idemily,

It \ InJe' LI~tPritll? lim; thaugedl Oc\O\E!f {!GI!Il" 00-.

Y1d~>~Ull1;J,vi!J'I'l m .~~ w~l? l1!f:l~P ilOOtl:l QlTh om' <!wmd~ is no ]Oll&~ vi!sibility. lbey fe us. \c'!\e'1le' ~~re,. Now ifs ill ~1irIformoTIliage equll.1lil}',atlopliOil. righf5, opelTh lIDJiIi~rn1l1 ~,!jCle. II. w~pr.s ~~hi(h""!'CnMl't ~'1 pm\ o:f die OOn\i\~s;:Ioonlwlilen I ~ul:'i:l.d:OO n'I}' :ml~~~lj)Ide.

PFeppy and 19pt !I1l_rriOOlIa5it yCJJ' in MIlSs.tdmSelil;. Our mi~_rriO!!t\e IJCl'lilS~ is 00.11' 'l,\1l!1Jld i1~ Wnaill st.:m!':ii, ~it ~ i!l'l 0JiIljj {!!tll of,!!ffecti''1.'' rlL"$ iI'e-pendiug 00 ~ooauit"jnl> ]i~f! !lad ('tilmulillr $!'.'\Wipe" 8un ~f~5igIiHiomI!lYI mort l1i!lrn tl~~ ~~r;llfull ',*,(~nll!.l 1I~d1 ~~'h~ d~cy ~\fe!'l! 30. mKi I ful"l!!ldlybei i~~ Id~ lIOUH;g qooers. ,I 'In ~i\liIlg ill:!!, dgt1'les to ~1{i[J L)a\IE;1 full equallli[y by [n1ie lWIe UJiey 'I'e my a,ge.pJ1OlI'j~erlI '~~re~BaCh InhCII~nru how KI.figln,

Pride .~ 1IIl~~iin just ~ ce'l~bllillioo ,}[I(J 11 maJloo to ]00:'!dI1i.I1II en ~1 swag. ~~.'s ,<Ii te,[lJll Il!l~ -a Ir<WJ:llily MmiOJll, ~J.Bre wewel){OOlEl' 'Llll!l n(."W'aJYi~1aI5 and plom tl'll>: !nex[ s.I:eps in Ihe j~[I,1~ey, Give 'el!l1.¥~lfjjIIiI~, }'QUIl5U,-~1, }"O!IIII: shir5, lD(]IiI1v~thililg you C;,llil furt1ilem to 0Ril' dlj' 11J}ooJ!, ''Prid~ is 11Olh_fug lil;)~ it was in 2OlO.~

1t's .~. !~I Q~'d~r, to 00 il!:t;ll@iu. BUl I. dQlove ahu,~~ PflOjOCI.

EditQJ"S nofe: ·~.DaJiI!1'5!Ii('a~ify' Di"-lW--lx'd" dj;o,~~~iis ,~,~ and W'.ii'i iWd' ~hiS8.!:!e au (! ~IO~ of li!1!1iOf tmd .re{1ec1ion, e:w1ori~~!he tri~ ,[HllpI.1Ji mid cl!t1~leirgesofw(Kh, (ri'elldshfp amj nwmed'ift?·

Solnt ,Mark


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