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What do the ’71 Titans tell us about our world today?

The 1971 Titans show us that we are lucky we live in such a multi-cultural world today. We have
come a long way and hopefully can go even further in time to completely get rid of discrimination of
all types. Religion, gender, colour, political and other types of discrimination are becoming less and
less and as the world becomes more accepting and seeing past appearances. The world isn’t perfect,
but hopefully we can go closer to perfect as time moves on, because we are becoming more
accepting all the time.

Read the following Bible scriptures and rewrite them in your own words.

Matthew 5.43-48

What I interpret this passage of the Bible to mean is God treats everyone the same and to be part of
God’s family so should you. You should love everyone, even those who don’t love you and you
should pray for those who treat you badly.

Luke 10.25-37

I interpret this passage of the Bible to mean to go to Heaven you should love God with your heart,
soul, strength and mind and your neighbour. But your neighbour is not the person that lives next
door, but those who treat you kindly and you are kind to, which should be all living people. Like the
Samaritan who stopped to help the man that had been robbed and was lying half dead by the road.
He stopped to help and after taking care of the man’s wounds took him to an inn and paid the inn to
look after him.

Describe what aspects of the film are similar to these scriptures.

These scriptures are similar to the film because both the scriptures and the film convey that people
should be treated equally. It is also similar because we should all be neighbourly to each other, and
treat each other kindly and with respect. In Remember the Titans, those trying out for the team
attended the camp together, and as a result black and the white sides of the team mingled and had a
new respect for one another and wanted to be friends. This, however, proved to be a challenge
because when they got back home their friends and family, and basically the entire world didn’t
want them to be friends.

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