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The Economist

20 years of UK Food
The most significant factors which Secretary of State for Health, Stephen
have influenced change in the UK Dorrell said that:"The most likely
Food Chain in the past 20 years explanation is that these cases [of
CJD] are linked to exposure to BSE
In the last 20 years many
before the offal ban in 1989" that the
controversies have plagued the food
catastrophe began.
market in the UK. First there was the
Those damning words sparked
BSE crisis in the late 1990s, then foot
a total export ban on British Beef, and
and mouth in the early 2000's. On a
cost the industry almost £3.5bn. As the
more positive note though there has
industry lost public confidence it near
been the rise in demand of Organic
collapsed and has only really
recovered in the last 5 years.

As I was growing up I
remember not being able to eat beef
with my family. On a Sunday we would
have chicken, pork, lamb, even the
odd venison, but never beef. When I
enquired why, my father would always
say it was not worth the risk. Bovine
Spongiform Encephalopath, commonly
known as Mad Cow Disease had been
prevalent in UK cattle since the middle
So why was BSE, a disease
that affected cattle, such a big deal? It
is believed that BSE originally came Infected cows probably did not look like this
from Scrapie as disease which had
occurred in sheep for centuries. It was More bad luck for livestock
similar to CJD (Creutzfeldt-Jakob Once this ordeal was over it
Disease), a fatal neurodegenerative was thought that finally cattle and
disorder which occurred in humans livestock farmers were in the clear,
though there had been no proof of a until rather suspicious import of
link between the two, and the Argentinean beef in 2001 caused a
government supported a position of no new uproar.
connection. The foot and mouth outbreak
However it was not until had a huge influence on the UK food
Wednesday 20th of March 1996 that chain when it erupted at the turn of the
the virtual collapse of the British cattle century. Starting in Essex early 2001 it
market began. It was when the then quickly spread throughout the country.
Within two days the EU had imposed a
worldwide ban on exports of British With the demand for organic
livestock, meat and animal products. produce having risen so considerably it
At the time I lived on a farm with a half has had a significant influence on the
mile drive. Due to Foot and mouth we UK food chain. Although it has high
had to park the car at the end of the production costs and takes up
drive, walk through straw soaked with considerably more land, the demand is
disinfectant then walk the remaining such that farmers can afford to put
half a mile up the drive. high premiums on it and still make a
The government handling of the healthy profit.
crises came under close scrutiny as
stories abounded of the army shooting Although there has been a
livestock from helicopters in the name dramatic fall in demand since the
of "containment" and government economic downturn, organic farming is
workers skewering prize bulls on fork providing the UK food market with a
lift trucks. One of the most tragic things more suitable form of production.
about the disaster was that about 80% Organic food is beneficial to the
of the livestock culled were not environment, supports local
infected. ecosystems and is arguably healthier
than the conventional alternatives.
The whole affair cost the UK
farming industry £2.4bn and 10 million Organic food farming
sheep and cattle. The catastrophe cost encourages responsible farming
thousands of farmers their livelihoods practices and care of the environment.
and many were driven to suicide. It also provides an alternative
Surely this had one of the most assurance system to the much
significant effects on British Farming despised British Farming Standard
since the BSE Crisis, or even before. (BFS). As the soil association has its
own regulations, auditing and
A more positive story certification, Organic farming has
much to offer.
Not everything has been such a
disaster for the UK food chain Although it is heavily regulated,
however. One of the fastest growing less efficient than regular methods and
markets in the world is that of Organic has a conversion rate of three years, it
Food, and currently 5% of the UKs could strongly benefit the UK food
total agricultural area (excluding chain. As British agriculture is already
common grazing). In fact organic food heavily subsidised and the majority of
has been around in the UK since the food is imported, perhaps the
early 1930’s, however it wasn’t until premiums provided by the organic food
the late 1940’s with the establishment market could help boost the countries
of the Soil Association and publishing declining industry.
of Lady Balfours “The Living Soil” that
it gained any coherence.

Aidan Gill

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