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Understanding cloning

Ever wondered the existence of identical twins? How come they exactly

look alike? Cloning is the creation of another living organism that has the exact

qualities that the original has.

Cloning is mainly developed to prevent the extinction of certain plant or

animal that is about to be extinct. Dolly is the name of the sheep that was first to

be successfully cloned in a lab. It is done by making an exact genetic copy(DNA)

of that organism. However, it is different from cloning a gene for it is processed

by isolating an exact copy of a single gene from the entire genome of the

organism. There are different types of cloning; Recombinant DNA is the typical

gene cloning; Reproductive cloning is the same way that was used to Dolly;

lastly, Therapeutic cloning uses human embryos for research.

In every choice there are risks, cloning is not an exception for according to

scientists, 90% of cloning attempts fail and may lead to infection, tumor growths,

and other disorders. It is true that our technology today takes a rapid leap in

development, and parallel with it is a more expensive finished product. Large

amount of money is to be used in order to try just one attempt in cloning, and as

earlier said, its chance of success is very doubtable. Better think not once, not

twice but a hundred times before entering the world of clones.

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