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0 6 394. OFF THE 395. 396. 397. 398. 273 132. Q. On average. A. Anywhere from maybe 40 to a minute. 110, 15, 20. MR. DANSON: Right. A. sometimes Depends what’s going on. Even longer MR. DANSON: Right. RECORD (TAPE CHANGED) : MR. DANSON: Q. All right, well maybe 1/11 do it this way. When did you decide that you were going to assault Steve Moore? A. T!ll give you exactly what I remember, — okay, and I'll give it to you. what I remember is coming in at him with another player on our team, on the far side of the boards, bumping into him. I remember skating with him all the way up the ice asking him to fight. I asked him four, five, six, seven times to fight. Went all the way... Q. What are you actually saying? Is that all you're saying? Let’s fight. I’m saying let's fight. Let's fight. AL Let’s go. 1 don’t want to say what exactly I say because there's two women in here, unless you want me to say it. Q. No, no no, don’t worry about the two women. A. You want me to say it? Absolutely. AL I called him a fucking pussy. I said, te 0 6 25 399. 400. 401. 274 133. “Let’s go.” MR. DANSON: Right. A. I said, “You want to fight, I said, “Come on.” let's go.” I just kept on trying to engage him in a fight. MR. DANSON: Right. A. 1 was using.words like that and 1 apologize. MR. DANSON: It’s okay. A, I was using stuff like that. MR. DANSON: They've heard worse. A. Well. : : MR. ADAIR: ‘They know, they know you're under oath, Mr. Bertuzzi. AL So that's what was said. MR. DANSON: Q. All right, and were you getting angrier and angrier when he was declining you? A. I just wanted to fight. Q. Right, and why did you want to fight? A. I just, I think I just felt like fighting. Q. All right, what did Steve Moore do to you? A. It was a situation where we were just skating up. I asked him to go, asked him to fight, asked him to fight and he didn’t want to fight Thete’s tons of times where I’ve gone or skated 6 25 30 275 134. around the ice where people have come up to me and said “Let's fight.” What have I done? So it’s not about that. 402. Q. All right, so it’s, say anything to you. A 403. Q. Steve Moore didn’t I don’t recall him chirping back. No, okay. So but at any time during any of your, the games between Colorado and vancouver Steve Moore did nothing to offend you personally, did he? A. I don’t, Q. I don’t recall. 404. Never did anything untoward in terms of checking you in an unfair way or an unreasonable way, if at all? A. I don't, a. I don’t recall. All right, so, okay, so. MR. ADATR: 405. I don't think there's any suggestion on our part that Mr. Moore did anything to, of that kind towards Mr. Bertuzzi. We don’t know of anything that he did. 406. MR. DANSON: Q. All right,.is there any relationship between what Mr. Crawford said in the change room between the second and third period and your decision to fight Steve Moore? MR. ADAIR: Don't answer that question. We've been through this repeatedly 407. MR. DANSON: Q. All right. Is it not a fact

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