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here is how the EDDIE LONG case will unfold:

1. more and more evidence will be revealed.

2. eddie will pay the boys and their families off.
3. as a part of the payment agreement, they will not be allowed to discuss the case any
4. eddie will return to the church and say something very similar to this:

"congregation: i seen how this case was bringing down the walls of this holy temple, and
i didn't want to destroy all we had, so i did what i had to do to save the house of the lord.
i am not a perfect man, and the lord knows. but i fought. the church and the house of
the lord is the winner here and I am the sacrificial lamb."

and those poor, mostly-black, hypnotized christians will shout and holler and jump for
joy hanging on to every word because they're too ignorant to see the truth. but he will
never deny doing it.


here's how i would have done it.

1. his balls would be floating in the bottom of the ocean next to everyone who stands
behind him.
2. the end.


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