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SGS Question (Visceral sensation)

1a) List the characteristics of slow and fast pain

Points to be discussed:

i) Type of stimulus

ii) Type of fibers, pathway involved

ii) Types of sensation

iv) Onset & duration

v) Localization

1b) Describe the mechanism of referred pain with example

Points to be discussed:

i) Definition of referred pain

ii) Mechanism

iii) Dermatomal rule

iv) Example

P/S: ni from dr nur aliza satar..dia yang suruh tlg forwardkan dkat korang via
fb :)

nanti add kwn2 korang yg lain ek

SGS Question Autonomic Nervous System 27/9/2010

Describe the preganglionic and postganglionic neurons in the autonomic


Explain what is meant by the mass activation of the sympathetic system

Explain with examples how the effects of the sympathetic and

parasympathetic systems can be antagonistic, cooperative, or

Nurul is a 1st year student in the Faculty of medicine, during anatomy lecture
,the lecturer decide to make sudden short quiz, Nurul start to sweating,
racing in her heart beat and become pallor, explain what is the physiological
mechanisms behind this signs and symptoms.

Which effects would destruction of the lumbar paravertebral ganglia by a

gunshot cause in the ipsilateral leg?

(A) It would be cold and clammy

(B) It would be weak

(C) There would be decreased sensation for painful stimuli

(D) It would be warm and dry

(E) There would be no detectable change

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