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eCPD: Sink or Swim?

Rachael Lowe, Webducate

Would you like to do your CPD for free and at a time that suits you?  Do you struggle to keep up with
new Web technologies?  Are you overwhelmed by all the information available? If the answer to any
of these questions is yes then you may find this presentation useful.

Recent developments in Web technology are presenting us with increasing opportunities to engage
in continuing professional development on-line (eCPD).  This can be a cost effective and time
efficient adjunct to traditional approaches to CPD.  The evolution of Web 2.0 technologies enables us
to engage and interact on-line in a multitude of ways.  Applications such as blogs, wikis and content
sharing sites allow us to become involved in content production, networking and collaboration.   Not
only does this allow us to learn directly from the experts but also to contribute ourselves to the
constantly expanding Web of information.   The problem then arises with the amount of information
that is available on the Web which can quickly become overwhelming.  Keeping our heads above
water at a time when information overload is an ever present threat requires physiotherapists to
develop key skills of aggregation, filtering and critical review of this plethora of information.  

This presentation will provide physiotherapists with ideas to engage in autonomous and
collaborative learning on-line for continuing professional development.   It will equip you with keys
skills and tools to aggregate and filter information that is pertinent to your work and provide you
with the ability to swim in the expanding oceans of on-line information.

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