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Justin Timberlake Talks Sean Parker

Justin Timberlake Talks Sean Parker – Today, we’ll see if Justin Timberlake really has what it takes
as an actor. The former boy bander and Grammy award winner has spent the last few years honing his
acting craft. With David Fincher’s The Social Network  he gets a prime opportunity to show us what
he’s got. In the film he plays Sean Parker, the founder of the controversial music site Napster and
future president of Facebook. Even though Parker is alive and well, Timberlake never had a real
conversation with the man, so how did it pull off his picture perfect portrayal?

When asked about his preparation for the part, Timberlake admitted that he met Parker briefly before
he was even in talks for the role.

Justin Timberlake: I briefly bumped into him in New York one time, but we spoke for probably all of
two minutes. And, ironically, I met him before I was cast in the role. There was about a 3 week period
where I was going through an audition process that it had been announced that I was going to play the
role. We met briefly. He seemed to be very nice, but we didn’t really talk about much. He just
mentioned that he had read the script and he thought that I was going to be playing the part. I think that
when I read the first two scenes, I thought, ‘How can you not love this guy?’ His brashness, his sort of
cynical wit, his brilliance just popped off the page.

We’re not sure how in depth Timberlake’s research was but he managed to pull off a cool and
confident performance that exudes the bravado that Parker is known for.

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