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Caring for People

with Dementia

The purpose of this study is to explore the principles discussed during the course “Care of
the Older Adult” and apply them in practice during the care of people with dementia in
Admission Ward; to give an overview regarding Alzheimer’s, dementia and person
centred care definitions. To improve the impact of care given by introducing new
assessment strategies specifically designed to assess people with dementia as part of a
true person centered approach to care; to adopt as a whole health care team holistic care
strategies that focus on a humanistic, non-pharmacological approach with a strong
emphasis on the psycho-social interventions.

Sometimes careers have false assumption about older people with dementia. They may
believe that older people are incompetent and treat them if they are incompetent. This
may be due that careers may be less willingly to engage in challenging conversations with
elderly people by asking them difficult question (Rodin and Langer 1980). Careers may
lack the basic knowledge and training about how to communicate and care effectively for
these residents. It is essential for everyone to understand that residents with dementia are
human beings, have their dignity and are worth treating. In common with all human
beings people with dementia, have core psychological needs; attachment, comfort,
identity, inclusion, and occupation culminating in the need for love (Kitwood, 1997).

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