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CESAR: I’m fine, thanks and you?

: Very well, thanks you

Excuse me. I’m Julio. I’m your new classmate

CRISTIAN: How are you?

JULIO: Not very well

CRISTIAN: Why say that?

JULIO: Because, I’m not here

CESAR: Where are you from?

JULIO: I’m from Trujillo

CESAR: What is your new address?

JULIO: Casuarinas ….. Excuse me.

I’m going to the bathroom

CRISTIAN: What does he do?

CESAR: He is a taxi driver.

CRISTIAN: And you …… What do you usually do in your free time?

CESAR: I usually spend time with my friends

CRISTIAN: Do you like going to the theatre?

CESAR: No, not really, but I enjoy going to the cinema.

JULIO: Whose mobile phone is this? Is it Cesar’s?

CRISTIAN: No, It isn’t. It’s mine.

JULIO: What does the miss look?

CESAR: She is short and slim.

She has short duck hair.

: What does your family three?

: My father is
My mother is
My brother is

What is he doing?

He is fixing at the table.

Where’s the toilet.

: Go past the two classroom,

Turn right at the office, the
Toilet is next to the bathroom of women

I have buy a Soda.

Arréglalo y pásamelo de nuevo para

imprimirlo pz

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