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Connections between texts open up new meanings of texts. What is your view?

P&P – Gender roles: 30% women actually married (fathers indifferent to their families).
- Both parties experience the resistance to writing, Austen was not expected to write as a
woman, Alice was not expected to write before/during her studies.

LTA - Giving an appraisal of Austen’s context and works. Letters glimpse Austen’s biographical
Gender roles: Feminist family, Germaine Greer reference

Connections – Notations on writing circumstances with neice as an analogy creates excellent

conection to audience, to portray difficulty of writing environment for Austen.
progression of the character alice mirrors the progression of the audiences understanding and
appreciation of P&P

Gender roles: 30% of women actually married, fathers indifferent to their families, feminist
Resistance to writing: Father; “cancelled tea at Covent Garden.” Social/context, writing/reading
popular novels almost seen as sin for a woman of gentry, mirrored in Alice’s experience of resistance
to writing while studying Eng. Lit. (analyse and synthesize = bad)
Appraisal of Austen’s contextual works:
Progression of Alice mirrors audience’s understanding

The duet opens countless options to vast concepts, new meanings and perceptions; more so when
one is written to complement the other. While two texts build a collective, intuitive approach to a
concept and while separately they may almost stand to the sum of their parts; when one is directly
focused on unpacking the other text, it loses all ability to perform as a soloist.

Duet is good when complementary. While the duet is great, and may almost equal the sum of its
parts; if one is focused on understanding the other, it loses all soloilility.

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