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1. Student information-name,ic no,dob,matric no,status,home add,tel no,email add.

2. Parents/guidance information-name,relationship,add,tel no.
3. Logo sekolah yg dipilih-add skolah,tel no,head master, senior assistant 1,2, of teachers kt
skolah tu,no of students.
4. Background of school
5. School’s vision
6. School’s mission
7. The partition of teacher for year 2010
8. Organization chart
9. Ikrar skolah
10. Lgu ngaraku n lgu ngeri
11. Map skolah gna google map
12. Plan skolah-cth:basement floor,etc..
13. School’s organization n management
14. Daily reflection
15. Photos-ambik byk gmbr:pntu msuk,morning assembly,kantin,dewan etc..ambik gmbr teacher
tgh ngajar,bdk tgh jwb soklan,ngn gmbr bdk tgh tny soklan kt ckgu individually.
16. Appendices-ambik smua paper yg b’kaitan ngn skolah tu.cth:aktiviti PIBG diorang,etc.yg plg
pnting,homework ngn soklan exam yg teacher bg..
*yg menebalkan folio tu,appendices dia.buh je smua info mcm rumah sukan,pusat

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